Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 395 Why Should I See Your Skill?

After arriving in Pingyi County, he hadn't had a good rest yet, and had to force himself to act in a play to help cover up the fact that Li Hui was not in Pingyi, which almost exhausted Feng Yong to death.

After resting for two days, I finally recovered.

After finally finding some free time, he went up the mountain to relax. Unexpectedly, Zhao Guang kept bombarding him in his ears, which made him very upset.

Except for Li Yi who wanted to stay in the Governor's Mansion to continue acting, Zhao Guang, Wang Xun and Yang Wanwan all followed.

The four of them stopped and walked, and the few steps that followed had already gone to the front to find something.

Most of the remaining parts enclose this small mountain at the bottom of the mountain.

Although there are currently no rebels in Pingyi County, who knows if a ranger will emerge from some corner?

At this moment, only rustling sounds could be heard from above, Feng Yong glared at Zhao Guang and said, "Shut up! Someone is coming."

"Feng Langjun, it's not far ahead. Lu Lao Liu said that there are a dozen or so poppy trees on this mountain, and there are two not far from it."

After a while, Feng Yong's trilogy leader, Lu Laozu appeared in front of several people and said to Feng Yong.

Feng Yong nodded and said, "Go, go up and have a look."

Several people climbed up for a while, and saw a place with relatively flat terrain, several parts were standing around, and an old man with shabby clothes and gray hair was standing in front of a small tree.

Seeing Feng Yong approaching, the old man hurriedly bowed and said, "Feng Langjun, do you think it is this tree?"

Feng Yong stepped forward and saw that the tree was only three or four meters high. The trunk was not big. The leaves were oval and pointed at the top. Many branches hung down less than one meter from the ground. of small cones.

The peel of the fruit is smooth, and there is a small spike underneath.

You can even occasionally see a white petal or two under the tree.

Seeing that Zhao Guang reached out to pick a fruit and was about to put it in his mouth to taste, Feng Yong quickly shouted: "That can't be eaten!"

"Can't eat it? What's your brother looking for it for?" Zhao Guang asked strangely, "I thought my brother was looking for some wild fruits from the mountains to try."

"Put it down first!" Feng Yong shouted, "This fruit is poisonous, you can eat it if you want to die!"

Yang Wanwan, who was at the side, quietly threw the fruit in his hand while no one was paying attention.

"Poisonous?" Zhao Guang was so frightened that he threw the fruit away, "Why do you want such poisonous fruit, brother?"

Feng Yong frightened Zhao Guang, and didn't answer his words, but turned around and looked at the tree carefully.

The appearance of this tree is still different from that of later generations.

Later generations of this kind of tree will grow taller and more luxuriant.

If it wasn't for seeing that its fruit was similar to that of later generations, Feng Yong wouldn't be sure that it was what he was looking for.

Picking off a fruit, he took out the dagger he carried with him, and carefully cut open the small fruit, only to find that there were only three immature seeds inside.

However, the appearance of the seeds is similar to that of later generations.

Only then did Feng Yong smile with satisfaction, "That's right, this is it."

In order for future generations to make this tree grow well and bear more fruit, it needs to be fertilized and weeded carefully.

The soil on this mountain is inherently barren, and compared to the trees specially planted in later generations, it is normal for it to be malnourished.

Of course, it is more likely that the varieties of later generations were improved and selected. This is the original variety, so it is smaller and the fruit bearing is sparse.

Glancing at the old man, Feng Yong asked, "Are there many trees like this on the flattened hills?"

The old man replied, "Back to Mr. Feng Lang, there are quite a few, almost every hilltop has several plants, and there are even more than ten plants."

Feng Yong smiled and said, "No wonder. It seems that your family's unique craft of making oil umbrellas is also thanks to these trees, right?"

Hearing this, the old man's expression changed drastically, he took two steps back guardedly, subconsciously made a defensive posture, and glanced at Lu Laozu at the same time.


Seeing that the old man's movements were wrong, Zhao Guang had already drawn out his sword, a cold light flashed, and without a word, he stepped forward with a sword!

Wang Xun reacted equally swiftly. He drew out his saber and covered himself in front of Feng Yong. At the same time, he joined forces with Zhao Guang. Then he pointed his long saber at Old Lu and shouted, "Don't move!"

Yang Wanwan immediately stood behind Feng Yong, looking around vigilantly to prevent anyone from rushing over from other places.

The trilogy reacted a step slower, but after Zhao Guang stabbed the sword, they had already drawn out their weapons and dispersed into a circle, protecting Feng Yong in the middle.

Old soldier Lu was the one who reacted the fastest in the trilogy, but he just took a step subconsciously, and saw Wang Xun pointing at himself, and then remembered something, couldn't help but let out a long sigh, put down the weapon in his hand, Withdrew from the guard circle.

The old man over there only had a wooden stick leaning on the mountain in his hand. When he saw Zhao Guang's sword stabbing towards him, he didn't dare to block it, so he rolled over and avoided it.

He was about to run away, but Old Man Lu yelled, "Lao Liu, if you ignore your family and those old brothers, then run away!"

The old man's body suddenly stopped when he just got up, and then he stood still slumped.

Zhao Guang's sword tip barely reached his back, almost piercing his body.

But after all, he is a character who has escaped countless times from Zhao Yun's stick, and his uncle is Ma Chao.

The Ma family's swordsmanship "hands-on" is well-known.

Now this old woman dotes on him again, so he has gained a bit of authenticity anyway, seeing the old man standing still, he immediately slashed the sword in one direction and put it on the old man's neck.

The movements of these people are a long story, but between the ups and downs of the rabbit, it is only a matter of a few breaths.

On the contrary, Feng Tubie, who was the most core among the crowd, looked bewildered.

Because he hasn't realized what happened yet.

"Uncle, your surname is Lu anyway, so why did you bring someone here to steal my family's craftsmanship?"

The old man who was called Lu Laoliu ignored the Han Feng sword on his neck, turned around slowly, let the sword cut a hole, looked at Lu Laozu with eyes full of anger, and said through gritted teeth.

Lu Laozu looked at Feng Yong with a wry smile, and then at the old man, "This is a misunderstanding."

"What happened?"

Only at this time did Feng Yong recover from his bewildered state, and asked strangely, "Yiwen, is there something wrong with this old man?"

"Brother, just now, my younger brother saw that the old man's expression was wrong and his hands moved, so he preemptively struck."

Zhao Guang's sword did not leave Lu Laoliu's neck at all.

This Lu Lao Liu was introduced by Lu Laozu. I heard that the two are of the same clan, so Feng Yong looked at Lu Laozu with a questioning look, "Oh? Is there any misunderstanding?"

"The villain's nephew has never seen the world. He thought that the master wanted to steal his family's craftsmanship, so he thought of running away, but Zhao Langjun misunderstood him."

"Craft? What craft? The craft of making oil umbrellas?"

Feng Yong asked with some irony.

Lu Laozu nodded.

After getting the confirmation from Lu Laozu, Feng Yong looked at Lu Laoliu again, pointed to his nose, "So I'm interested in your skill?"

Lu Laoliu was silent.

"It's done, put the sword away."

Knowing that it was a misunderstanding, Feng Yong ordered.

Zhao Guang responded, took two steps back, and then retracted the sword, but his eyes were full of warning, signaling to Lu Laoliu not to move.

"Did the oil umbrella of your Lu family gather the fruit of the poppy tung tree in autumn, squeeze out the oil, and apply it on the umbrella?"

Seeing Lu Laoliu's resignation to life and death, Feng Yong smiled and said directly.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Laoliu's expression changed drastically, he looked at Feng Yong in disbelief, and then at Lu Laozu.

"What do you want me to do? I don't know how your family makes umbrellas!"

Old man Lu was troubled by this guy, and when he saw him looking over, he said something angrily.

But he was also muttering in his heart, looking at the situation, could it be that what Feng Langjun said was right?

"I heard that the carpentry work in your family is also good. I'm afraid it's because of this oil?"

Seeing this guy's expression, Feng Yong added another sentence.

Lu Laoliu's face suddenly turned ashen.

Although he didn't answer, Feng Yong knew that he was right.

Tung oil is an extremely important industrial raw material in later generations.

China is not only the origin of tung oil, but also the most important producer. Although the whole world has tried to introduce tung tree, it is a pity that this plant is quite patriotic - it only grows best in China, and the oil produced is also of the highest quality.

Therefore, in later generations, no country's tung oil can pose a threat to China.

Even during the Anti-Japanese War, China used tung oil to borrow money from Meirenxi.

In China, Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan are one of the most important tung oil producing areas.

Because it is the most suitable place for the growth of tung tree.

It is the scope of the big man's control today.

The effect of tung oil has been discovered at this time, but it should be limited to a small number of people. Just look at Lu Laoliu in front of you and you will understand.

He regards tung oil as his family's unique craft.

Seeing that he was still unwilling to speak, Feng Yong shook his head, and gave him the last blow, "I also know that the best oil is obtained by frying the fruit and then squeezing the oil."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Laoliu finally fell softly on the ground, raised his head, and begged, "I beg Feng Langjun to give me a way out. The villain relies on this skill for food. Without this skill, the whole family will starve to death." ..."

"Don't worry, I don't like your craftsmanship. My industry in Hanzhong, the output of one day can almost exchange for half of your life's food and clothing. It's not like you have to steal other people's handicrafts."

Feng Yong clicked his tongue, and couldn't see his petty appearance, "You can't trust me, can't you trust Lu Laozu?"

Lu Laoliu glanced at Lu Laozu again, his lips moved, but he didn't say anything, but his eyes were very clear: I don't believe him.

Old soldier Lu couldn't see what he meant, and the next step he took was a kick, and he yelled, "I'm still your uncle! As for being so vicious, will you drive your family to a dead end?"

"Don't worry, if you lose this skill because of me, I can support your whole family with my current monthly salary!"

Old soldier Lu cursed and cursed, and kicked over again.

Seeing that the two old guys in front of him were about the same age, but one was called uncle and the other was called nephew, Feng Yong wanted to laugh but was too embarrassed to laugh, so he had to stop him and said, "Okay, Uncle Lu. His family relies on this skill for sustenance. Well, look closely, that's human nature."

As he said that, he looked at Lu Laoliu again, "Since you know how to use this tung oil, you should have some oil at home, right?"

Lu Laoliu no longer had the confidence to remain silent this time, and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes."

Now he can only place his hopes on the nobleman in front of him, he really keeps his word, don't cut off his own way, how dare he have the slightest intention of not cooperating?

Feng Yong said to old soldier Lu, "Uncle Lu, follow him and bring back some oil."

Then he said to everyone, "Let's go, go back."

With that said, he took the lead and walked down the mountain.

Seeing Feng Yong and his party disappear into the forest, Lu Laoliu asked cautiously, "Old uncle, then Feng Langjun..."

"Shut up for me!"

Lu Laozu slapped him and yelled, "I kindly found a way for you. I didn't expect you to be so ignorant! I almost got involved with you. Get out, get out and get oil." !"

Lu Laoliu was slapped and dared not say a word.

He knew he was really wrong.

Old soldier Lu turned around and picked up the weapon he dropped at the beginning, threw it in front of Lu Laoliu, and said with a sneer, "You are also a person who came down from the battle. Look at this knife, how much is it worth?"

"Saber cutting knife?!"

As soon as Lu Laoliu picked it up, he exclaimed.

" it really a saber?"

Lu Laoliu looked up at his old uncle in disbelief, and asked tremblingly, "Old uncle... where did you kill the high official to get it?"

After hearing this, Lu Laozu let out a "bah", "You can get it if you kill a high official? Which general is so generous that he can reward you with the captured saber? Listen to me, you bastard, this is The master rewarded me! It belongs to me, did you hear that?"


Lu Laoliu raised his voice and shook his head repeatedly, "Impossible. Even the generals in the army, few people can use such a good knife. Uncle,"

He originally wanted to say that you were just a melodrama, but when he thought of the rumors in Hanzhong and what the old uncle had said to him when he came to see him, he became a little suspicious right now.

"Which one of the master's personal guards doesn't have a saber in hand?"

Old soldier Lu looked at his nephew with the eyes of a bumpkin, and said with a sneer, "Can the generals in our army be compared with the current Lao Tzu? If nothing else, let's just talk about this knife. If you have a connection, take it. In exchange for money and food, is it enough for your family to survive?"

"Don't change it! Take it as a family heirloom!"

Lu Laoliu shook his head again and again.

"You fucking return the knife to me! This is not your family heirloom!"

When Lu Laozu heard it, he was furious, "I'm still waiting to pass it on to my child!"

"Uncle! Uncle! I'll just watch it for a while, just for a while!"

Lu Laoliu, who was about the same age as Lu Laozu, called uncle, and begged with a salivating face, "I have never touched such a good thing in my life!"

"Look quickly!"

Lu Laozu said impatiently, "I have to go back to get the oil! Look at your talent! Feng Langjun will steal your craftsmanship? How dare you think! The money and food you earn from a lifetime of handicraft work is worth a day. I can earn it for you, don't you believe it!"

Hearing this, Lu Laoliu wanted to be suspicious, but what he held in his hand was a real saber, and when he thought about the weapons of those trilogy just now, it seemed... It was really what the clan uncle said, All are exactly the same as the knife in his hand.

As soon as I thought about it, I didn't dare to say anything I didn't believe.

Is this Feng Langjun really as rumored?

"Uncle, can I try this knife?"

Lu Laoliu said, regardless of whether Lu Laozu agreed or not, he immediately swung his knife and chopped off the tree next to him.

There was only a crash, and the tree as thick as the mouth of the bowl fell down.

The two were dumbfounded at the same time.

After a while.

I saw Lu Laoliu's eyes shining brightly, "Good knife!"

On the other hand, Lu Laozu yelled: "Good morning, mother! I'm in love with your mother!"

As he said that, he came up with another round of punches and kicks, "I beat you to death, you prodigal son!"

"Uncle, Uncle, what's the matter with me?"

Lu Laoliu held his head, not daring to resist.

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