Picking up soap is a matter of seriousness and dishonesty.

Seriously, that is, like Feng Yong, without any superfluous thoughts, if you see the soap falling on the floor, just pick it up, it doesn't make any difference whether you bend over or not.

The unscrupulous ones, just like Li Hui, took advantage of Meng Huo's back door wide open and directly exploded his chrysanthemums.

And after popping the chrysanthemums, I still don't feel satisfied. I want to go deeper, and I feel comfortable when I go deep to the apex of people's hearts.

Dianchi Lake is Meng Huo's lair!

Isn't that the tip of Meng Huo's heart?

Winning Wei County was already a direct threat to Meng Huo's retreat. If he went to Dianchi Lake, no matter whether he could fight or not, even if he wandered around the city, Meng Huo might be scared and run back to watch his house.

"Is it too risky for Li Dudu to do this?"

Although he admired Li Hui's spirit of being reckless whenever he had the opportunity, Feng Yong still asked with some concern.

During the days when he stayed in Pingyi and waited for Li Hui's news, he didn't patronize such boring things as bathing the dog, making some soap for his brothers to pick up.

He has also used the sand table in the governor's mansion to deduce, and more than once, he concluded that if Li Huiruo broke through Wei County and defended it, it would be a great achievement.

Because at that time, Wei County is very likely to face counterattacks in two directions from the rebels who stayed behind in Dianchi Lake, and the army led by Meng Huo who rushed home.

As long as we stick to Wei County and wait for Zhuge Liang to lead his troops to chase after Meng Huo's ass, the overall situation will be settled.

Why do you say it's a stick?

Because the troops under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Mansion in Pingyi County are already at a disadvantage compared to the rebels in Yizhou County.

Now it is necessary to leave some people to defend Pingyi, and it is impossible for Li Hui to lead people to walk around the mountain road, and it is impossible to bring too many troops.

In addition, Weixian County was broken, and some people had to be left to guard the prisoners of war in Weixian County, so the troops he brought to Dianchi Lake were far from the rebels in Dianchi Lake.

I remember Li Yi said that in Yizhou County, there are many barbarians who obey the orders of the Meng family. As long as the Meng family is willing, they can also recruit the same number of manpower from those big and small barbarian kings and cave masters.

If it wasn't for Feng Yong's knowledge that someone in the upper echelons of the Meng family had secretly surrendered the big man, he would have suspected that Li Hui had sent the head off on purpose.

"My little brother actually thinks so too. It's just that my lord is the governor of the imperial court after all, so he probably has other ideas."

The joy on Li Yi's face was mixed with a little worry, "So my younger brother got the messenger sent by the adults back to Pingyi, so I hurried to find my brother."

"But Wenxuan, although I'm the best at discussing official positions in Pingyi County, don't forget, I don't have the right to dispatch troops. How could the governor call you here and let me send someone?"

Although Feng Yong has a good impression of Li Hui who has never met, at least during the time in Hanzhong, he helped a lot intentionally or unintentionally, and even mentioned Feng Yong through Li Yu during the period.

But the melodies of Feng Yong and his brothers, even counting the dogs, are less than two hundred, so what can they do?

"Brother, don't worry about this. The people left behind in the Dudu's mansion have already ordered troops. At that time, there will be people who will lead the troops. Brother can just lead people to the south. My lord said, this time I'm just borrowing my brother's reputation in Nanzhong .”

"Fame? This is the first time I have come to Nanzhong, where did I get such a reputation?"

Feng Yong asked suspiciously, "Since the people from the Governor's Mansion have already prepared, they will go directly to the south, why must they drag me?"

At the same time, I thought to myself, why does Li Hui do things like that Zhuge old demon, who likes to be mysterious and unpredictable?

Li Yi's eyes flickered a little, and he coughed, "My little brother is not very clear about this matter. That's what the letter sent by your lord said."

"It's just that if the elder brother is no longer in Pingyi, that's all. If he is still in Pingyi, as long as the elder brother is willing to use his name to lead troops to the south, the labor force in Nawei County, at least three thousand people, can be sold to the elder brother at a low price. "

"Affordable? How affordable?"

After hearing this, Feng Yong was already a little tempted.

These days, labor is precious!

And it's still a strong labor force, and the most expensive one.

"Fifty strings."

Li Yi stretched out a slap, "The price of this kind of labor on the market today has increased by 10 to 20 percent compared to last year..."

"Is there such a good thing?"

When Feng Tubie heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, "As long as I am willing to make a name and lead troops to Wei County, will you sell me three thousand labor at a discount?"

Do the math, do the math, how much discount is this?

It seems that there is at least 4.50% off, right?

"What discount?"

Li Yi didn't understand.

"Sell it to me at a 45% discount?"


Li Yi nodded.

"I will not lead troops."

Feng Tubie still had self-knowledge, and emphasized it again.

"Brother, don't worry, there are others to lead the soldiers, as long as you borrow your brother's name."

Li Yi thought to himself, you don't know how to lead soldiers, but what about the trained soldiers?

And that military book, is it possible that what I read is a fake military book?

"make a deal!"

Feng Tubie slapped his thigh with a "slap", "It's done!"

After the Zhuge old demon finishes pacifying Nanzhong this year, most of the sources of this cheap labor that is completely controlled by him will definitely be cut off. At that time, the labor price will only rise, and it is impossible to fall.

If you don't make a good fortune at this time, don't you cry when you lack labor in the coming year?

As for whether Li Hui will design some trap for him to jump into - this is almost impossible.

After all, now that Li Yi and himself are bound together, if something happened to him, can Li Yi get it right?

"Great! Brother, when are we going to leave?"

Li Yi said excitedly.

"Not urgent."

Feng Yong looked at the brothers and was about to copy them, but he pondered for a moment and said, "Wenxuan, go and find me all the militia officers in the city can find."

Two or three months before the start of the Southern Expedition, the militia was already half unemployed.

Because all dry food must be given priority to the Southern Expedition Army.

It is not that there are people in the militia who try to make their own dry food in private, but the taste and calories are always inferior to the authentic products of the imperial court, and the weight to be carried will double.

Naturally not as convenient as before.

The most important thing is that the time is too tight and the output is terribly low. Even if labor can be found, there is not enough dry food supply to bring labor back to Pingping.

The reason why there are still many militia groups staying in Pingyi is that they are waiting to see if there is any chance to make a final profit.

Feng Yong decided to give them this chance!

Li Yi was stunned for a moment, continued to be overjoyed, and looked at Feng Yong with admiration, "Elder brother is thoughtful, but younger brother didn't expect this! Younger brother will go right away, and older brother will wait first."

As he spoke, he cupped his hands hastily, turned and left.

"Get ready," Feng Yong said to Zhao Guang and others who were eager to try, "we will go south together then."

Li Yi's work efficiency is quite high. In just half a day, he recruited all the militia managers that could be found in Pingyi County.

A group of people crowded in the yard noisily, each inquiring about each other's news.

Naturally, he would not be a fool if he could be sent by his lord to be in charge of the militia in Nanzhong.

The benefactors behind many of them are even more or less related to members of the Xinghan Society.

According to the news from Jincheng, many Erlangjun, Sanlangjun, Silangjun, etc., who can't inherit the title, are planning to follow Feng Langjun for some future family fortune.

This Feng Langjun is a well-known expert in distributing wealth. Which of the sons and lords who got in touch with him didn't suddenly become rich?

If Feng Langjun is willing to leak something out of his fingers, it is enough for people of their status to eat their fill.

As for their own relationship with Feng Langjun, that is something they dare not think about.

It doesn't matter, how could a person of Feng Langjun's status know his surname?

But they didn't expect that something they didn't dare to think about would happen suddenly.

All the militia managers in the city received news that Feng Langjun wanted them to talk about something.

So as long as they received the news, they rushed over, no matter what Feng Langjun wanted to talk about, as long as he was familiar with each other, there would be a reason to communicate in the future, right?

Just as they were guessing what Feng Langjun was going to tell them, they saw several Langjuns appearing at the gate of the yard.

The person walking in the front had a handsome face and a smile on his face. It seemed nothing unusual, but the man standing behind him was not an idler.

On the left is Mr. Erlang of the Zhao family, and on the right is the son of Li Dudu's family. The more knowledgeable ones recognized that one of them is Wang Xun, the son of Wang Ping, the general who is now surrendering to the Dudu's mansion.

So when they looked at the gentleman in the middle, many people had more curiosity in their eyes.

This gentleman who does not look outstanding, let alone the handsome Erlang of the Zhao family beside him, even the gentleman of the Li family is more elegant than him.

But he is undoubtedly the most eye-catching.

There are too many rumors about him in Dahan.

Among other things, even if he was able to come to Nanzhong to find a meal, he was indirectly blessed by his poisonous plan.

"Everyone is here?"

Feng Yong turned his head and asked.

Li Yi next to him replied, "Brother Hui, as long as they are in Pingyi City, we will find them all."

Feng Yong nodded. It seems that this semi-official, semi-civilian dynamic group should have some special contact channel with the Dudu Mansion.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet and listen to me."

When Feng Yong opened his mouth, everyone immediately shut their mouths, and all eyes fell on him.

Feng Yong was very happy to see everyone showing face so much, and continued, "Dudu Li recovered Wei County in Yizhou County. Everyone must know about it. But there is a piece of news that you may not know, that is, there is a group of laborers in Wei County. Getting ready to find another home."

"Two thousand!" Feng Yong raised two fingers, "A total of two thousand people."

With a "coax", the people below immediately exploded.

Why did they come to Nanzhong?

Isn't it just to find labor?

But in the past few months, they have stopped their business for a long time.

If there is no business, where will the income come from?

At the very beginning, it was quite normal for a medium-sized militia group to go to the south and spend three months round trip to capture one or two hundred laborers.

Then gradually, it took three to four months, as long as you can catch a hundred or so, it is considered luck.

After all, barbarians have been caught a lot, and they will hide and fight in groups.

And no matter what industry, there will be no less competitive pressure.

In the deep mountains and old forests of Nanzhong, it is not uncommon for two militiamen to meet each other with swords drawn.

And now, not to mention industry competition, the business of the entire industry is almost gone!

Who is not in a hurry to change?

Now when I hear Feng Langjun say that there are 2,000 laborers in Wei County, how can I not be excited?

Two thousand workers, according to the current market, is worth half a year's shipments of all the people present.

"Feng Langjun, what is the price for a labor force?"

Someone yelled loudly.

"Seventy coins," Feng Yong smiled slightly, "One labor sells for seventy coins."

With a "wow", the crowd who had just been quiet for two breaths was even louder than before.


Zhao Guang shouted, "Listen to my brother!"

Everyone immediately fell silent again.

Some of them had darker thoughts, so they couldn't help but come up with an idea, if Mr. Zhao Jia Dalang was here, how would he feel when he heard him yelling this?

"Besides, all the laborers in Weixian County are strong and strong. Everyone knows the price of this kind of labor. It costs 120 yuan to say the least, so I can guarantee that there is no such low price as mine in this world."

Feng Yong activated the "smart talk" skill, and bewitched, "Moreover, there will be no more in the future. Think about it, Zangke County has been flattened by General Ma. Now General Li has gone south to flatten Wei County and Yizhou County." It probably won't last long."

"As for Yueyi County, the prime minister leads the army himself, so how can the rebels survive? So when the time comes, it will be so easy to find labor? This is the last chance."

"Not to mention, even in the past, I'm afraid everyone didn't find so much labor so easily, right? So I just want to ask, is anyone willing to buy it?"

Who doesn't want to buy it?

As soon as Feng Yong's words fell, someone shouted immediately, "Feng Langjun, the villain will order five hundred first!"

"Fuck your mother! Just five hundred of them won't kill you! Do you have so much money?"

"It's none of your business? Even if I don't have it, someone will help me out. You bite me?"

"Feng Langjun, my family's Sanlang joined the Xinghan Association. The villain dare not show any face to Feng Langjun. I just hope that for my family's Sanlang-jun's sake, I can give the villain two hundred people."

"Feng Langjun, the villain has been scolded by Jincheng several times in the past few months, saying that if he doesn't try to find some labor, he is afraid that he will suffer when he returns. I only hope that Feng Langjun will take pity on the poor villain... ..."


The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is for profit.

The ancients were sincere and did not deceive me!

Feng Yong stood there sighing with emotion, but did not speak.

The people below shouted for a while, and then gradually quieted down when they saw Feng Yong didn't respond.

"If you want to buy this labor, there are conditions."

Only then did Feng Yong raise a finger, and continued, "First, Lao Li is in Wei County, and you need to bring it back by yourself."

Everyone laughed when they heard this, "Feng Langjun, of course. Then I went to the south not once or twice, but this time it is farther away, so what's the problem?"

"Okay, the second thing is to arrive in Wei County, and you will stay there for a month."

"Feng Langjun, why is this?"

"Why? Of course it gives you time to raise money and food!"

Feng Yong looked at the questioner strangely, "Don't tell me you have so much money and food on your body now? Besides, when you go there, you have to sit down and discuss slowly, how should you divide it?"

Sending letters from Pingyi to Jincheng, and then transporting money and food from Jincheng to Pingyi, one month is probably enough.

But Feng Yong's purpose is naturally not this.

His purpose is to let these energetic groups with killing experience help guard Wei County. Even if it is not good enough, at least they should be very experienced in guarding prisoners of war.

Of course, you don’t need to say it directly, just understand the spirit.

How much they can understand is up to them.

Therefore, the eyes of Zhao Guang and others were full of admiration—they sold an extra 20 min for every 50 min, and they were also grateful to Dade while helping out.

Who has this kind of shameless spirit?

"Feng Langjun is benevolent!"

But it is obvious that many people's thinking has not yet reached such a high level, and they are all praising a certain soil turtle for its high morals.

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