Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 400 Done

Of course Feng Yong is not high-spirited, nor is he benevolent.

In fact, he also wanted to swallow the three thousand labors alone, but reason stopped his impulse.

The results of the sand table deduction in the Dudu Mansion these days told him that as long as Li Hui took Wei County and held it, that was the best balance of risk and benefit.

But Li Hui didn't do that, instead he played in a wave.

Yiboliu's style of play is very aggressive and fierce, but it is also extremely risky.

If it is accomplished, then it is success and fame.

If it loses, it will be wiped out.

If you leave aside the tactics that you don't know about, Feng Yong actually disapproves of Li Hui's style of play.

Although there is a high-level barbarian like Meng Yan as an internal response, the head of the Meng family in Yizhou County is Meng Huo, and those barbarians serve Meng Huo, not Meng Yan.

If Meng Yan really dared to say openly: Everyone betrayed Meng Huo and surrendered to the big man.

Except for Meng Yan's own confidants, maybe those handsome cave masters who stayed behind in Yizhou County would directly draw their swords and kill Meng Yan.

But the battlefield is the place where miracles are most likely to occur. From the history Feng Yong himself knows, the cases of winning more with less and winning by surprise should not be recorded too much in history books.

And although he has never met Li Hui face to face, he can vaguely guess some of Li Hui's behavioral style from the side during his interaction with Li Yi - bold, adventurous, and daring to bet.

When Liu Bei raised his troops in Jiamengguan, he judged that Liu Zhang would fail, so he ran to join Liu Bei.

Single-handedly, one person dared to persuade Ma Chao to surrender.

Later, he dared to recommend himself in front of Liu Bei, saying that he was qualified to be the governor of the Tuojiang, and asked Liu Bei to let him be the governor of the Tuojiang.

During the Nanzhong rebellion, most of the powerful families in Nanzhong were involved, but Li Hui, the patriarch of the Li family in Nanzhong, stood firmly on the court's side, expressing the Li family's position in Nanzhong.

History shows that Li Hui was right.

After the old demon Zhuge pacified Nanzhong, all the big clans in central Shu were disgusted by the old demon Zhuge.

As the chief culprit of the rebellion against Nanzhong, Feng Yong believed that the big clan of Nanzhong would only be the main disgusting target of Zhuge Old Demon.

Otherwise, when the Shu Han fell, the aristocratic families in the middle of Shu would still be the leading party.

And what about the Nanzhong clan?

Adou of Jincheng has surrendered, the big man is dead, Huo Yi is still guarding Nanzhong and not surrendering, and none of the Nanzhong clans dare to come out and dance.

This shows that the big Han's control over the Nanzhong clan was quite successful.

The decline of the Nanzhong clan naturally started from Zhuge Lao Yao's pacification of Nanzhong.

However, Li Hui, who was also from a large family in Nanzhong, was named Han Xingtinghou and General Anhan because of his contribution to pacifying Nanzhong.

So although Feng Yong believed that Li Hui should be prepared to bring such a small number of troops to Dianchi Lake, he also believed that this was another adventure for Li Hui.

Because if he succeeded, the reward would be too great, and it was worth the risk for him.

The Li family was originally the surname of Yizhou County, and Li Hui governed Nanzhong as the governor of the 庲野, and he was well-known in Nanzhong. In addition, he had Meng Yan as the internal support. Even if he didn't succeed in this trip, he probably wouldn't be able to do anything. thing.

The most, the most, is to be caught and swim around the street like Zhang Yi, the former prefect of Yizhou County.

Being born in a family is good, no matter the enemy or us, even if you lose the battle and get captured, you can still live in defeat because of your background and use the huge network of relationships.

Li Hui can take risks, but Feng Yong is a land turtle. Although Li Yi once said that he has some reputation in Nanzhong, but in Feng Yong's mind, it must not be a good reputation.

Now that Nanzhong has been tossed into a mess by the militia, it has nothing to do with Feng Tubie.

Compared with the big clans in central Shu, the big clan in Nanzhong may have a stronger desire to bury Feng Tubie alive.

So he didn't dare to take risks. Of course, he would bring as many people as possible to Wei County - it would make him feel safer.

Anyway, these people don't need to equip them with weapons.

If Feng Yong was a bit darker, it would make sense for them to find a way to solve their own food all the way south.

After all, they didn't understand the spirit. At least for now, they all felt that they went to Wei County to buy labor.

It's just that Feng Yong, as a gentleman with a conscience, naturally wouldn't do such a dark thing.

So he coughed, and then raised his third finger, "The third one, all the food along the way will be provided by the Dudu Mansion. County, everyone needs to help."

As soon as these words came out, the people below were all shocked.

At this time, they remembered that Yizhou County was still a place where the rebels were entrenched.

If there are barbarians or rebels coming, that is the most natural thing.

"Feng Langjun, if you want me to wait to help defend the city, shouldn't this labor be sold like this?"

There is no shortage of smart people in the world.

What's more, these stewards who lead people into the war-torn land?

No brains, how can I sit in this position?

Immediately, someone felt that they had figured out the joints, so they spoke up.

There was also a thoughtful look on everyone's face.

"Which family is this speaker from?"

Feng Yong didn't answer the man's words, but turned his head and asked Li Yi softly.

"The Liu family, the Marquis of Liu Du Township."

Li Yi also replied softly, and then, fearing that Feng Yong would not understand the situation, he added another sentence, "Liu Du Township is good at talking, and he likes to sing and listen to music on weekdays. His son Liu Liang will take care of it."

Feng Yong nodded, thinking that he couldn't be wrong.

Although he had only met Liu Liang a few times, because of Zhang Ji's incident, in the eyes of the other party, he might be regarded as a rival in love.

It's normal to dislike yourself.

"Yiwen, go, get that guy out."

Feng Yong raised his chin and gestured to the guy.


Zhao Guang responded, walked into the crowd, and immediately stretched out his hand, put it on the man's shoulder, and gave it a firm grip.

The man took a step back subconsciously, but he didn't dare to resist. He only felt that Zhao Guang's hand on his shoulder was about to crush his bones, so he couldn't help but groaned.

"Come out and say, don't hide in the crowd."

Zhao Guang grinned, and pulled him out halfway with his hands again.

"I'm a very reasonable person, and I think your statement is very reasonable. Tell me, according to your idea, what should be the price of labor?"

Feng Yong asked with a smile on his face.

The man had already retreated three points, but when he saw Feng Yong say this with a smile, and then thought that there were so many people watching around here, and that he was still a person from the Hou Mansion, even if it was Zhao Jia Erlang, you can't mess around, right?

Otherwise, wouldn't he offend Liu Junhou?

And if he admits to being cowardly, not only will he be laughed at by others, but he will also embarrass the Hou Mansion.

Thinking of this, he straightened his waist again, and said, "Feng Langjun, we people have risked such a cheap life to come to Nanzhong to find labor, isn't it just for one bite?"

"Going out in the past, although it was a desperate effort and there were casualties, as long as you caught labor, it was yours, and you don't need to spend extra money and food."

"But this time it's different. That barbarian came, and everyone tried their best, and they still have to pay for someone. It doesn't make sense."

He is very articulate and speaks clearly.

Feng Yong glanced at the crowd below, only to see a shaken look on someone's face.

He looked at the steward in front of him again, and asked softly, "Then what's your reasoning?"

"If you want me to help defend the city, that's easy. But Mr. Feng Lang must promise that after the defense of the city, he will distribute the labor to us according to the credit."

Seeing that Feng Yong didn't look angry at all, the man was overjoyed, and quickly expressed his plan.

At the same time, he thought in his heart, everyone said that Feng Langjun had a plan, and it seemed that it was nothing more than that. He wanted our help and wanted benefits, but he didn't expect to be seen through by me.

Feng Yong nodded and said, "What you said makes sense."

The man finally showed joy on his face.

Then I saw Feng Yong motioned to Zhao Guang, Zhao Guang understood, stretched out his hand suddenly, and caught him neatly from behind.

Feng Yong nodded in satisfaction, as expected of someone who has followed him for so long.

Before the other party could react, Feng Yong raised his foot and kicked him in the abdomen violently.

A sharp pain came from the stomach, and the steward couldn't help arching his body.

Feeling puzzled, Feng Yong kicked again. At the same time, he turned his face and cursed, "I gave you shame? Huh? Telling you this is to take advantage of you, don't you want it?"

"Do you feel happy only if Lao Tzu brings someone back from Wei County and delivers them to you?"

"If you don't want it, then get lost!"


How big is Nanzheng?

It is directly related to the tranquility of the big man's backyard.

Now Li Hui sent someone back, and specifically asked Li Yi to come to find Feng Yong and ask him to bring someone south to help.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Feng Yong is not a fool, so how could he not hear the meaning behind the words?

When the people from the Governor's Mansion led the troops to the south, they also specifically asked him to take people to take care of the prisoners of war. It is not clear that there is a shortage of manpower.

Of course, at the same time, it also meant to let Feng Yong take Li Yi to get some credit. After all, Li Yi is now Feng Yong's right Sima. As long as Feng Yong goes, Li Yi will naturally follow.

If you can help, gain credit, and gain benefits, why not do it?

Not only do you have to do it, but you have to find a way to do it properly.

It was a matter of state affairs, and it was also about the credit and benefits of his brothers, so it was no big deal to give up some benefits.

But I didn't expect that some people felt that they didn't take advantage of it enough, and they still wanted to find trouble at this critical moment. How could it not make Feng Yong very angry?

The more Feng Yongyue said, the angrier he got, he kicked him as soon as he said a word, and after six or seven kicks, the man curled up on the ground like a boiled shrimp.

Only then did Feng Yong look at him coldly, "Go back and tell Liu Liang that after Lao Tzu starts up the business in Nanzhong, I hope he won't regret letting you work in Nanzhong. At that time, the Liu family won't A tiny share."

"If he doesn't believe it, if he dares to stick out a finger, I'll chop off the whole hand. If he dares to stick out a toe, I'll chop off the whole leg! Get lost!"

After hearing this, Zhao Guang dragged the man up and threw him outside the door.

When all the stewards saw it, they were all stunned in their hearts. This Erlang of the Zhao family, after all, is the son of General Zhao, why did he listen to Feng Langjun like this? Do what you call it, are you Feng Langjun's dog?

At the same time, I felt as if I had heard some great news.

This Feng Langjun, does he really want to do business in Nanzhong?

Thinking of this, everyone's thoughts can't help but start to come alive.

If someone else said this, it would be a joke—what kind of industry can a barren land have?

But Feng Langjun is different!

He is a golden brand that cannot be harder.

Take a look at Hanzhong, isn't it still a desolate place two years ago?

What about now?

As for the pastures and workshops, how many people are counting on them to eat now?

Just transporting grain to sell in Nanxiang can make a lot of money!

Not to mention those who followed Feng Langjun to Hanzhong the first time.

Aren't there just a few standing in front of you?

Hearing that the Huang family and the Li family also had a relationship with Feng Langjun, they turned around.

Everyone suddenly felt that the Zhao family's Erlang should listen to Feng Langjun's words like this. If you can, put them on and they'll have more fun licking.

"Gudong", someone couldn't help swallowing—Nanzhong is in chaos, Feng Langjun needs a lot of people to start a new business here, right?

I don't expect to get much benefit, I just say that like those old soldiers who went to Hanzhong, they have no worries about food and clothing, have a literate girl to warm their couch, and have two or three children, this life is worth it.

"Who else?"

Feng Yong brushed the hem of his clothes, as if it was covered with dust, and asked with a flat face, "Anyone else has any questions, you can ask them directly, let's talk together."

No one said anything.

At the same time, I said silently in my heart, what are you talking about?

However, they also knew that going to Wei County would definitely be dangerous, but the benefits were even greater.

Isn't it dangerous to go south to grab labor in the past? And you have to bring your own dry food - the price of dry food is very expensive.

The most important thing is that if there is no barbarian attack within a month, then you have done nothing, and if you change hands, you can earn fifty cents for nothing for one labor.

Where can such a good thing be found?

And now Wei County has been recovered, and there are still soldiers from the Dudu Mansion in front of it. It is not too likely that it will be their turn to defend the city.

Most of the stewards came from the rich and powerful mansions in Jincheng, which one has never been on the battlefield? Everyone knows the rules of guarding the city.

Unless the soldiers guarding the city are really not enough, otherwise people in the city will not be randomly drawn to the city wall.

Even if the members of the militia came from the army, they would be prone to troubles due to insufficient cooperation.

The biggest possibility is to let them help maintain the rules in the city.

As for the destruction of the city... Damn, can you still be afraid of death after eating this food?

After doing this line of work, you still expect to be able to retreat unscathed?

The whole world has this kind of virtue, where can we retreat?

After some calculations, everyone felt that seventy yuan for a strong laborer was indeed a very reasonable price.

"I don't force everyone, as long as you are willing to go, bring people to the gate of Nancheng tomorrow at Maoshi, and I will wait there. I will not wait when it is too late."

Feng Yong wouldn't push people too much, "You don't need to bring anything else, but you must bring the guy who eats. Do you know what the guy who eats means?"

"The weapons you have on hand are your eaters, and the governor's mansion does not issue weapons."

There was a chuckle from below, and the atmosphere became a little more relaxed.

However, they finally let go of their last worries. Seeing this, Feng Langjun also wants to follow?

Feng Langjun has gone, so how could these sons and gentlemen not go?

That's afraid of an egg!

Could it be that my humble life is more valuable than these sons and gentlemen?

Those who don't do it are fools!

Well, there's a fool right outside the door.

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