"What's the name of the mountain in front of you? Did the people below figure it out?"

Guan Xing looked at the hazy distant mountains in front of him, frowned, and asked a question.

I saw that the mountain was covered with a layer of light veil, and the shadows were indistinct, far and near in the misty clouds and smoke.

Standing here looks very beautiful, but Guan Xing knows that the mountains in Nanzhong should not be taken lightly.

Because the further south you go, the more likely there will be miasma and plague on the mountains you encounter.

From entering Yueyi County, the number of casualties in the army and the number of sick soldiers are almost the same, which shows the severity of the epidemic in Nanzhong.

So stop when you encounter a mountain, you need to ask the local natives first before you can go there.

"I've asked, the local people of that mountain call it Mantis Mountain. The reason is that there are so many insects and ants in the mountain, especially mantises, so it got this name. Later, after the extermination of Yelang in the former Han Dynasty, they set up a county here. If the two characters are indecent, remove the word worm and become Tang Lang."

Zhang Bao pointed to Tanglang Mountain, and continued, "After crossing this mountain, there is a county behind. It is named Tanglang County because it is next to this mountain. It is the place where Yongkai is based."

Guan Xing nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Then Meng Huo took over Yong Kai's troops and retreated all the way in a hurry. I'm afraid he didn't have time to subdue the army's morale. If people's hearts are not stable, they can't fight, so he didn't even think about turning back. Fight us."

"Since Tanglang County is where Yong Kai is based, when he arrives in Tanglang County, he must stay for a while to win people's hearts."

Hearing this, Zhang Bao scratched his head. He knew that this sworn brother was much more strategic than himself, so when encountering things on weekdays, he always relied on his opinion.

At this moment, he asked, "An Guo means that we will catch up with them in Tanglang County?"

"That depends on what Meng Huo means."

Guan Xing looked at the mountaintop shrouded in clouds and mist, "If I were Meng Huo, I would deceive others and come from a long way. I am not familiar with the terrain, so I must send my cronies to lead the headquarters to lie in ambush in this mountain. Two or three days."

"In this way, I will have more time to rectify the troops in Tanglang County. If I am lucky and successfully set up an ambush, it will also improve morale and damage the opponent's spirit."

Zhang Bao nodded, feeling that his words made sense, "Then what if they didn't set up an ambush in the mountains?"

"That's even simpler. It means that Meng Huo just wanted to take his troops back to Yizhou County as soon as possible, and he didn't intend to get entangled with us at all."

"Since that's the case, then we will follow the old rules. I will lead the team to explore the way, and you will sit in the rear. If there is really an ambush, you can respond back and forth."

"Okay, be careful."


After the division of labor between the two was completed, Zhang Bao led a group of troops and carefully began to enter the mountain to explore the road, while Guan Xing took the rest of the troops to set up camp to prevent changes, and at the same time, he was ready to respond at any time.

It wasn't until the last rays of the sun disappeared behind the mountain that Zhang Bao rushed back with his people, and found Guan Xing with a strange expression on his face, "There is no ambush. I scattered all the people into the mountain, but I didn't find anyone with an ambush." trace."

"I found a few woodcutters, and they all said that there was indeed a large group of people passing by here the day before yesterday, and they didn't stop at all."

Guan Xing nodded slightly unexpectedly, his expression became a little more relaxed, "It seems that Meng Huo is going back to Yizhou County in a hurry."

"It's a good thing that he has no intention of reorganizing the army. As long as we hold on tightly and find a way to hold them back. When the prime minister leads the troops to come from behind, I'll see where he can go."

Zhang Bao nodded, and suddenly smiled, "I think he must not be able to figure out why he is so familiar with the terrain, and most of the troops he leads are barbarians who run fast in the mountains and never stop. It will be caught up by us so easily."

Guan Xing smiled knowingly.

There is no other reason, just because each of their former soldiers has dry food on them.

Time is running out, they can eat dry food directly, time is not tight, they can bury the pot to cook.

On the contrary, Meng Huo, who was running ahead of them, was hung so far away that his morale had dropped a lot these days.

Speaking of dry food, Guan Xing thought of a certain guy again.

That guy is fine with everything, but he is very upset that he is coveting his sister.

If you put aside this point, that guy is indeed an extremely rare talent.

But it was because it was so rare that Guan Xing didn't want his sister to follow him.

This kind of man, few women in the world can control him.

Uncommon background, talent, and wealth.

Not to mention among his peers, even if he looked at all big men, there were not many people who could match that incomparable ingenuity.

As for his character... It can be said that he values ​​love and righteousness, or he can be said to be extremely vicious.

You just don't know which one is the real him.

Which brother would be at ease if a girl from another family had such a gentleman at the booth?

Just remembering that Sanniang had reached the point where he would not marry, Guan Xing felt depressed for a while.

It is said that elder brother is like father and elder brother is like father, but why didn't he feel it when it was his turn?

The biggest income of the Guan family is now in the hands of Sanniang, she snorted, she is more intimidating than herself, the head of the Guan family in name, that's it!

Thinking of Sanniang, Guan Xing remembered what she had said to him before leaving, so he couldn't help asking Zhang Bao, "Do those woodcutters have anything to say about this mountain? Is there something like miasma?"

"Not really." Zhang Bao shook his head, "I just said that there are a lot of poisonous insects on this mountain. In the past, people living near here were injured by poisonous insects and snakes a lot, and some even died because of it. So cross the mountain tomorrow. You just have to be a little more careful.”

Guan Xing nodded and said, "It's fine if there is no miasma and plague. Poisonous insects and snakes, as long as you are careful, you can always prevent them."

Zhang Bao said with a smile, "An Guo, I see that since you went south, you have often brought up this miasma. You are too cautious, aren't you?"

"It is said that the miasma in Nanzhong is severe, but since you and I entered Yuexi County with the prime minister, although the soldiers in the army have fallen ill due to the miasma, they have accidentally entered the place where the miasma is. Just be careful and walk around. Open the miasma, what's the matter?"

Guan Xing glanced at Zhang Bao, and said "tsk", "I also heard people say, remind me to be careful. It is said that Nanzhong is extremely hot and humid, so miasma is formed. And the most serious miasma in a year It's summer time."

"We didn't see it before, maybe it's because we haven't gone deep into the land of Nanzhong. And now it's starting to enter the hot summer, it's always right to be careful."

Guan Xing said, pointing to Tanglang Mountain, and said, "Look at that mountain. It's not too high during the day, but it's covered with clouds and mist. This should be the scene just after it rains on the mountain. , it is the time when the miasma is formed."

"What else?" Zhang Bao looked at Tanglang Mountain, but the sky had already begun to darken, and he could only vaguely see the black mountain top, lying there quietly like a beast, " But I don’t know who told An Guo to listen to it?”

Guan Xing said vaguely, "That's a kind person."

In fact, he was somewhat puzzled in his heart. How much of the words that the kid told Sanniang to tell him were true or false?

I have been in Nanzhong for so long, although I have seen miasma a few times, but I have not seen how severe it is. As long as you are careful, you can avoid it, so how can it harm people invisible?

But what I have to admit is that he does have real talents. Even the prime minister had to seriously consider his suggestions.

Since he talked about the miasma in Nanzhong in such a mysterious way, there should be some truth to it.

While the two were talking, the sky darkened.

In Nanzhong in summer, the mosquitoes are at their peak. People standing outside, even in the dark sky, can see clusters of mosquitoes hovering in the sky not far away.

The buzzing sound hit my ears directly, which really made people feel a little startled.

Guan Xing slapped himself a few times, and said, "This Tanglang Mountain really lives up to its name, and even the mosquitoes here are more powerful than other places."

During the day, Zhang Bao had to go into the mountains to explore the road, so he applied a lot of insect repellent plaster on his body, but there were not many mosquito bites.

"Let's go back to the tent first. Standing outside, it's annoying to hear this sound."

Nothing to say all night.

When they got up the next day, the whole army buried pots to make food, and then began to climb mountains.

The sun was getting up gradually. Normally, he must be sweating all over his body, but today, for some reason, Guan Xing always felt a little cold all over his body.

After a while, he felt a little dizzy again and felt very uncomfortable. He touched his forehead with his hand, but he couldn't feel anything.

Because the sun is so strong this day, I feel scorching hot everywhere I touch it.

The sun above his head became more and more intense, and large beads of sweat began to appear on Guan Xing's forehead. At the same time, he felt tightness in his chest and shortness of breath.

He finally felt that something was wrong with him, "Go...go ahead and call General Zhang over."

Guan Xingqiang held up his last strength, panted heavily, and gave an order.

"An Guo, what's the matter with you!"

Zhang Bao heard that the guard said that Guan Xing was not feeling well, and ran back quickly, only to see that Guan Xing had already sat down in the shadow of a rock under the service of the guard.

"Xingwu, I might have a miasma."

Guan Xing was dripping with sweat, seeing Zhang Bao coming, he quickly reached out to hold his hand, with a little panic on his face.

Guan Xing, who was not afraid of life and death in battle, actually felt a little scared at this moment.

Legend has it that this pestilence is a life-threatening ghost released from the underworld. It wanders in the world and takes people's lives all the time.

Anyone who is targeted by it is always doomed.

Guan Xing is not afraid of the coming of a clear sword and a clear gun, but this kind of invisible and intangible thing makes people feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts.

He only felt that something was wrapped around his body, sucking his soul, making him feel powerless.

Zhang Bao's face turned pale when he heard this, "An Guo, could it be that the weather is too hot and you have a fever?"


Guan Xing shook his head, his body trembling slightly, "I felt that something was wrong two days ago, I always felt a little weak, and even felt a little hard to lift a knife. At that time, I still felt that I was tired .”

"It's such a big sun today, just now I felt chills all over my body, then I suddenly had a fever, and now I'm sweating profusely, it's unmistakable, this is miasma..."

When Zhang Bao heard it, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and there was a bang, and he almost fainted.

"How is it possible? No, An Guo, how could you..."

Zhang Bao didn't believe it was true at all, and shook his head repeatedly.

Brother who was joking with him this morning, how long has it been since he suddenly got such a nasty disease? And is it an incurable disease?

He couldn't accept everything in front of him at all.

"Xingwu, don't do this."

Guan Xing gave a wry smile. He was sick and wanted to comfort Zhang Bao, "Now the entire front army is watching you. How can you lead the army forward with your appearance?"

After hearing this, Zhang Bao finally realized that he had become the only backbone of the former army. He immediately forcibly calmed down and asked, "What should we do?"

When the two of them encountered things, Guan Xing had always made up their minds. Now that Guan Xing had collapsed, Zhang Bao was impatient and flustered, and couldn't think of any good solution for a while.

"I can't."

Guan Xing shook his head, "I can't go any further. I can only go back to see the Prime Minister. You are leading the former army by yourself. Be careful."

When Zhang Bao heard this, Humu was about to shed tears, and choked up, "An Guo, why don't you do this? We said it when we became sworn brothers. We must work together to revive the Han Dynasty. It's only been a few years? How can you bear it?" Abandon me?"

As he said that, he cheered up and comforted Guan Xingdao, "The prime minister and his wife are both pedantic heavenly beings, and they will definitely find a way to save you. Take heart."

Seeing Zhang Bao's sudden expression of true feelings, Guan Xing felt sore in his heart and hot in his eyes, and at the same time he was a little bit dumbfounded, "Where are you going? I just said that if I go forward, I won't be able to make it, so I turned around and didn't say I would." die."

If you have miasma, how can you save it?

It's just a matter of dying sooner or later.

If you die early, it will be within the year, and if you die late, you will suffer an extra year or two, which is more painful than dying early.

Who doesn't know that Nanzhong is a land of plague? So before Zhang Bao went to Nanzhong, he had already inquired clearly about the miasma in Nanzhong.

But now he couldn't bear to say this.

"Unexpectedly, I was very careful along the way, and I still couldn't avoid this thing." Guan Xing sighed, "I thought that as long as I didn't touch the miasma, nothing would happen, but I didn't expect to be told by him. bingo."

Zhang Bao was only thinking about whether there was a way to keep Guan Xing alive, but when he heard that there was someone who could predict this, he quickly asked, "Who? Who said you would encounter such a thing?"

"It's not that I will encounter this, but he said that this plague is not only tangible, but also invisible. Especially the mosquitoes and water sources in Nanzhong also carry miasma."

"He asked me to go to Nanzhong, try not to be bitten by the mosquitoes, and drink boiled water on weekdays, otherwise I might be infected with miasma."

Up to now, Guan Xing has some regrets in his heart, "Drinking boiled water can reduce the incidence of disease, I believe this. After all, so many laborers have been captured from Nanzhong, as long as they drink boiled water, it is better." Get sick less."

"It's just that I feel that even being bitten by mosquitoes may be infected with miasma. How can I avoid mosquitoes?"

"So at first I was a little worried about the saying that mosquito bites caused miasma. After being bitten by mosquitoes in Nanzhong for a few months, I didn't find anything wrong, so I didn't take it seriously. Now that I think about it, this It is estimated that nine out of ten are also true."

"Who? Who said that to you?"

After Zhang Bao heard this, he asked again and again. He thought that since this person knew about such things, he might have a way to treat them.

Guan Xing looked complicated, glanced at Zhang Bao, and muttered, "It's that kid."

"Which kid... huh? That?!"

Just as Zhang Bao wanted to ask again, seeing Guan Xing's expression, he suddenly thought of someone.


Hearing Guan Xing admitted, Zhang Bao's expression was also very complicated.

A guy who snatched away all their girls at the same time... really haunts him!

Zhang Bao finally understood why Guan Xing didn't want to listen to those words. If it was him...he felt awkward too!

It's just that now, Zhang Bao still has to say something more: "An Guo, I didn't say it, since the matter has come to this point, I will send someone to find him and ask him if there is anything he can do."

Guan Xing closed his eyes, and then let out a long sigh, "Before I left, Sanniang told me that if I really contracted such a bad disease, I must inform her as soon as possible so that he can find a solution."

After the initial fear, Guan Xing was able to show some composure because of what his own San Niang once said to him.

Although he doesn't believe that he can come up with any solution to the plague that no one can cure since ancient times, but in the face of death, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, who wouldn't want to hold on to it?

Zhang Bao couldn't tell the difference between "she" and "he", but it didn't matter.

Because in the end it still falls on "him".

Being dominated by my sister is not enough, but now even I have to fall into the hands of a kid who covets my sister, this feeling is really uncomfortable...

Zhang Bao felt desolate, and looked at Guan Xing with some pity.

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