"...I haven't been a big brother for many years, I just want to love you once..."

Feng Yong was lying on the rickety carriage, singing songs that no one could understand, ignoring the strange eyes cast by the crowd who didn't know the truth.

Along the way, everyone now knows that this is Feng Langjun's eccentric hobby, not because of hysteria caused by the vicious sun - as Feng Yong's fame grew, he once went crazy Things are also known to the world along with fame.

However, in the eyes of these members of the militia, as long as the other gentlemen in the group are still there, as long as the promise of 70 yuan per labor is still valid, it is considered that he is really crazy again, and they must find a way to escort him To Wei County.

Besides, there are people from the Dudu Mansion leading the army anyway.

As the nominal top leader of the team that went to Wei County this time, and he was suffering from hysteria, Feng Yong was able to enjoy some privileges. No one felt that there was anything wrong, but took it for granted.

Although the carriage was very simple, it didn't even have a carriage, only three baffles were added around it, and a canopy was built on it to keep out the sun.

The only extravagance is that a woolen cloth is hung on the side to block the sunlight that comes in obliquely.

In the past two years since he came to the Three Kingdoms, he ran from Jincheng to Hanzhong, Hanzhong back to Jincheng, and then from Jincheng to Nanzhong. When I went to Hanzhong once, I vomited in the dark.

He was even in the mood to sing "Big Brother" - traveling in ancient times was really boring.

I don’t have a mobile phone, an MP3 player, and I don’t even have a Walkman tape player. I’m still on the road in this stuffy and hot weather, and I just sing a few lines to entertain myself. Isn’t that okay?

But now Feng Tubie finds that he seems to have discovered an entertainment project, which is to train Laifu, the elegant dog who can sing along with poetry.

After singing a few lines, he picked up the dog-beating stick beside him and knocked on the car.

The black dog running with its tongue stretched out under the car heard the sound of knocking on the car, subconsciously pinched its tail, and quickly barked twice.

Feng Yong then sang again with satisfaction, "Don't make me miss you, don't make me cry..."

Then hit the car again.

"Wow woof..."

"Brother," Zhao Guang said, riding a pony from the front of the team, "it's already mid-heaven, and it's the time when the heat is at its peak. The front has stopped to rest, so let's stop too."

"Don't make me turn my face..."

"Wow woof..."

Feng Yong glanced at him, got up and called two people, pointed to the wine jars on the car, "Move them out of the car, be careful."

Zhao Guang said hastily, "Brother, just let me do this matter..."

"Go away! I won't let you touch it!"

Feng Yong hummed twice and sang again, "Don't make me turn my back..."

A few days ago, I found out that Feng Yong brought three altars of fine wine to Nanzhong, and also learned from Li Yi and others that this was the peerless fine wine brewed by his brother using the secret method of his master. Zhao Guang kept torturing Feng Yong to let him Drink a sip.

In the end, Feng Yong had no choice but to pour a little carefully and let him taste the taste.

Unexpectedly, after he drank, he stretched out his hand to snatch the wine jar.

Fortunately, Feng Yong had been training Laifu at that time, and the dog-beating stick never left him. Seeing him like this, he was whipped on the spot until his hands swelled up. Fortunately, the alcohol had a high alcohol content. There is no way to continue pouring it down.

Finally, after taking a big sip, he was forced to put down the wine jar.

From then on, Feng Yong resolutely kept him away from places where he could reach out and touch the wine jar.

Zhao Guang watched the three wine jars being moved under the shade of the tree, couldn't help but swallowed, and said with a smile in his eyes, "Why do you have to do this, elder brother won't let you drink, but younger brother won't let you drink."

Feng Yong squinted at him and smiled.

Walking under the shade of the tree, picked up the wine jar, unsealed it, handed it to him, and said, "Come, have a drink?"

Zhao Guang sniffled, smelling the smell of wine wafting out of the jar desperately, with a heartbroken look on his face, but he dared not take it.

If it was different from normal times, he would have to take another sip if he tried to be whipped again by his brother.

But these days, he saw his elder brother constantly picking wild flowers and weeds along the way, and then chopped them up and put them in the wine jar. How dare he touch this wine jar at this time?

Because the weeds his brother picked had an unpleasant smell, he suspected it was some kind of poisonous weed.

It is very likely that the elder brother is making poisoned wine.

It seems that it really makes sense for others to call my elder brother the little poisoner.

Seeing Feng Yong sitting under the shade of a tree with his eyes closed, Zhao Guang quietly moved over and asked softly, "Brother, what are you doing for this poison? Could it be that Nanzhong really has your enemy? Or is it a master?" enemy?"

When Feng Yong proposed the strategy of moving the people from South China to Hanzhong, Zhuge Liang also asked him if he had any enmity with the barbarians in the South, but he denied it at the time.

However, among the various versions of the great Han prime minister who asked Feng Langjun about his strategy circulated in Jincheng last year, many of them said that Feng Langjun had an enmity with that barbarian, so he made such a poisonous plan against the prime minister.

Zhao Guang didn't believe those rumors at first, but now he saw that his brother made three jars of poisoned wine all the way, and he continued to filter out the dregs, and then added freshly chopped poisonous weeds, obviously to increase the toxicity.

Seeing that the mouth-watering wine gradually turned into emerald green venom, and the elder brother didn't intend to stop, Zhao Guang couldn't help but feel a little bit drummed in his heart. He didn't know how much his elder brother hated that enemy?

"I said I was making medicinal wine to save people, would you believe me?"

Feng Yong opened his eyes and asked.

Zhao Guang shook his head again and again, even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe it.

Feng Yong pouted, "If you don't believe me, what are you asking?"

After that, leave him alone.

People in the world only know that there are many miasmas in Nanzhong, but they don't know that there are many kinds of miasmas, such as hot miasma, cold miasma, dumb miasma and so on.

Even in the later generations with advanced Internet, before Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize for artemisinin, most people in China didn’t even know what malaria was like.

Because in Feng Yong's generation, malaria has almost disappeared in China.

So when many people watched "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", they saw Zhuge the old demon leading soldiers to Nanzhong and drank that dumb spring, thinking that it was made up.

Little do they know that Nanzhong is really dumb.

The reason why Tu Youyou is widely known to Chinese people is also because she won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, which made Chinese people feel proud, not because of how many people artemisinin has saved in China.

The ridiculous thing is that there are still a large group of bricks called beasts who jumped out anxiously, making irresponsible remarks, saying that this is Western medicine and has nothing to do with Chinese medicine-a famous academic fighter against counterfeiting danced the most.

At that time, a big controversy ignited on the Internet.

Feng Yong was young and passionate, so he also jumped into this big wave and had heated debates with others on the Internet.

Even for the sake of argument, I don’t know how many documents, even the industrial extraction process of artemisinin, I don’t know how many times.

Not to mention the pathogenic principle of malaria.

After a few years later, after experiencing many things, I finally realized—what’s the point of arguing?

Still the same sentence, Grand Druid Yuan made some people full!

What's more, that so-called anti-counterfeit fighter even questioned the character of Grand Druid Yuan...

This made Feng Yong extremely despised him as a human being.

Those so-called scholars, do they understand what is the ultimate goal of medicine?

Regardless of Chinese medicine or Western medicine, in the final analysis, it is used to save people.

It is not used to prove how advanced your master is, and to infer how ignorant the Chinese are.

As long as it can save people, what does it matter if you use Chinese medicine or Western medicine? Even the combination of Chinese and Western, what is the relationship between mutual promotion?

What's more, what is Chinese medicine? What is western medicine?

When Chinese medicine is saving people, Western medicine is still in the era of pain in the hands and feet!

Now that western medicine has been developed, Mu Yanggou has secretly changed the concept, comparing traditional Chinese medicine thousands of years ago with modern western medicine...

It is said that you cannot develop traditional Chinese medicine. Once you get involved with modern technology, it is because you are backward and ignorant, so you have to rely on modern science to survive.

What kind of god logic is this?

More importantly, the fundamental purpose of those Muyang dogs is not to argue about traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, but to attack China's rising national self-confidence, trying to make the generation who have not experienced fractures bend down again, just like those bricks back then. Home is called beast.

Feng Yong also inadvertently found a lot of information during that Internet controversy, and only then did he know how much effort New China has put in to eliminate malaria.

Because they did not live under the shadow of malaria, most people in later generations of China did not know how terrible malaria was.

That's why Feng Yong finally thinks that those who deliberately use artemisinin to provoke Chinese and Western medicine are scumbags!

It was at that time that he realized that the miasma in Lingnan could not be summed up by malaria alone.

Some miasmas are actually not too severe, as long as you drink a sip of wine in advance, they can be relieved.

So Zhao Guang snatched the wine and drank a big gulp, which was a heinous crime.

Maybe just such a sip of wine can save an extra life.

"Brother, I heard from the people in the militia that we will go two days further and we will arrive at Wei County."

Li Yi came over, sat next to Feng Yong, and said something.

His eyes were bloodshot, his voice was hoarse, his face was haggard, and his aristocratic demeanor was lost somewhere.

On the way south, they met a messenger from Weixian County to Pingyi asking for help. The news that Li Hui was besieged by Dianchi Lake was still blocked within the range of himself and the others.

Don't look at Feng Yong lying on the carriage and singing happily, in fact, it's all for others to see.

It's all about making the people around you believe that everything is under control.

Feng Yong turned his head to look at Zhao Guang and asked, "What do you think we should do now?"

Although this guy is unreliable in various ways on weekdays, he is quite reliable when it comes to marching and fighting.

I heard that when he followed Ma Zhongping in Zangke County, he was a pioneer and made great achievements.

Otherwise, Ma Zhong would not have sent him over to assist Li Hui.

Feng Yong cherishes his life very much, he will not joke about his life just to save face.

There's nothing shameful in asking for an insider's opinion.

As soon as the war was involved, Zhao Guang's face finally turned serious, and he asked Li Yi, "When was the last time you had contact with Wei County?"

"Yesterday evening, the news from over there said that everything is as usual. The only difference is that someone once saw a small group of barbarians outside the city. I don't know if they were scattered soldiers or rebels from Tanglang County in the north. Came here to find out the news."

This was Feng Yong's answer. He is the person with the highest official position in name. Although he doesn't know how to march and fight, he still needs to grasp the situation in time.

It is precisely because of the need to grasp the situation that he feels pain for the communication speed of this era.

One report per day is considered a very high frequency of communication.

Only when the situation is urgent, the front and the rear will report sooner or later.

If it weren't for the batch of Yunnan horses provided by Feng Yong, if you really had to rely on the 11th Road to report once a day under this weather condition, then you would be waiting to run to death.

"Small group of barbarians? Didn't you check it out?"

When Zhao Guang heard this, his expression became serious.

"No. I only saw it once. Later, General Wang sent someone out to investigate, but they never found it again."

Seeing Zhao Guang's expression, Feng Yong's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he was careless?

Zhao Wen and Wang Xun have experience in leading troops, so they have always led people to the front.

Li Yi is the son of the governor's mansion, and it is more convenient to deal with people from the militia, so he restrains the militia from behind.

Neither end is easy.

As for Feng Yong himself, he just sat in the middle of the town and acted as a mascot.

And there is another Yang Wanwan guarding him.

In addition, he has experience in big data analysis, so all the news is brought together to him for summary.

Between the team and Wei County, there are messengers reporting safety and exchanging news every day.

In Feng Yong's mind, Wei County is a land of Gangping, and it is normal for a small group of barbarians to appear, not to mention that Wang Ping sent people out of the city to investigate, and found nothing unusual.

But looking at Zhao Guang's expression, it was obvious that he didn't think so.

"There is no news of Li Dudu from the Dianchi Lake?"

Zhao Guang asked again.

"Captain Li is trapped in the city, so it is difficult to spread the news. If there is news, I will naturally tell you."

Feng Yong continued to shake his head.

"Brother, please show the map to my younger brother."

Feng Yong asked people to bring his package, took out the map from it, and spread it out.

Several people came together.

Zhao Guang tapped on it with his finger, and said, "This is Wei County, and the northwest is Tanglang County. Meng Huo and Yong Kai are also in that direction. Now we don't know what's going on in Yuexi. .”

"So we can only plan for the worst-case scenario. Suppose the prime minister is now in a stalemate with Gao Ding, and Meng Huo and Yong Kai immediately bring people back after learning that the way back has been cut off. The primary goal must be to regain Weiwei County .”

"Because of the loss of Wei County and Li Dudu being trapped in Dianchi Lake and unable to get out, this middle road can be said to have been wiped out."

When Li Yi heard this, his face turned pale immediately.

"What do you think is the possibility of Meng Huo leading the troops back?"

Feng Yong asked.

Zhao Guang measured it on the map with his hand, shook his head, and said, "I dare not say. If we count from the first day when Wei County was lost, the barbarians sent someone to deliver the letter, and then Meng Huo turned around, and it was five days ago. They should have already led the troops to Weixian County."

"But according to yesterday's reporter, General Wang sent people out of the city, but they couldn't even find the small group of barbarians we saw earlier, let alone a large army. This makes me very strange."

Zhao Guang said, frowning, "Where is this Meng Huo now?"

After Feng Yong heard this, he really missed the mobile phones of later generations.

At this time, if a phone call came and asked Zhuge what the old demon was doing there, why would he guess like this?

At least you can know whether Meng Huo has helped Gaoding or not.

No wonder the art of war is about knowing yourself and the enemy!

Damn, I don't even know what my own situation is now, let alone an enemy.

"In any case, we have to prepare for the worst."

Feng Yong said, "This small group of barbarians, we will treat them as if they came to inquire about news, and would rather believe that there is an army led by Meng Huo behind them."

Although Zhao Guang didn't say it clearly, it was obvious that he felt that the appearance of this small group of barbarians was very abnormal.

When you don't know your friendly forces, you have to treat the enemy as a god-like opponent.

Feng Yong only remembers one thing, that is, the Southern Expedition was victorious.

As long as you keep this in mind, there is no reason for the old demon Zhuge to be a pig teammate.

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