Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 408 Thunder

At this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky behind Zhao Guang. Looking from the direction of the barbarians, he felt that this ghost general was really a ghost and a god descended into the world:

Dressed in dark clouds, summoning huge thunder and lightning, leading invulnerable ghost soldiers, mortals can't do anything to hurt them, wherever they go, blood sprays all over the sky...

"Ghost...the ghost king is coming..."

"The ghost king is coming!"

The barbarians couldn't help but fight back and forth, shouted involuntarily, then turned around and ran away, only hating their parents for losing two legs.


God seemed to be delighted to hear about such miracles, and thundered again.

When the barbarians heard this, they thought it was the ghost king who was coming behind him on the thunder and lightning, and immediately they swarmed back crying, crying for their father and mother, not even daring to turn their heads.

Meng Huo was stunned to watch from the high platform of the central tent. After a group of troops emerged, the periphery was immediately routed. Before he could react, the rout was about to spread to the core of the encirclement.

Did you see a ghost?

"Hurry up and find out what's going on?"

Meng Huo shouted sharply.

Without his orders, some cronies had already gone to investigate the situation, and after a while they came back with a pale face, "Go back to the king, it's the ghost king, the ghost king sent his ghost to come..."

"Damn you!"

Meng Huo kicked his cronies over, and cursed furiously, "If you dare to disturb the morale of the army, you will be beheaded...!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a "bang", and a huge lightning bolt directly hit the high flagpole on the high platform.

Meng Huo was almost deaf in both ears.

The hair, the fine hair all over the body, all stood up.

At the same time as his ears were buzzing, his legs softened, and he knelt down on the high platform with a "plop".

At that moment, his heart seemed to be tightly bound by something, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

The blood in the whole body was immediately frozen by coagulation.

He only felt that there was a huge god staring at him majestically from above, as long as he showed the slightest disrespect, he would be smashed to pieces on the spot.

Meng Huo subconsciously put his hands on his head and knelt on the ground, closing his eyes and not daring to raise his head.

After waiting for a long time, thunder sounded in the distance, but no lightning struck the high platform again.

Only then did Meng Huo try to take a look at the sky. The clouds were so dark that they seemed to be about to hang down to the ground.

He felt that his legs were not in control, and he almost fell when he tried to stand up.

"Retreat...retreat...quickly retreat!"

When Meng Huo regained his senses, his first reaction was to retreat.

Regardless of whether it was the thunder and lightning summoned by the ghost king or the anger of the gods, Meng Huo felt that he couldn't fight anymore. The lightning above his head just now was a warning to him.

Unexpectedly, the cronies beside him were still trembling at this moment lying there without daring to lift their heads, their mouths were catching each other's teeth, "Master Ghost King... Lord Ghost King...I don't dare anymore, I won't dare again..."

At this moment, his eyes and heart were full of that huge lightning bolt. He even felt his hair stood on end, and his soul was almost lifted into the air. How could he hear what Meng Huo was saying?

Meng Huo ignored him, and climbed down the high platform tremblingly.

After getting off the high platform, he couldn't see the sky, so he felt that he had escaped the gaze of the gods, and hurriedly shouted heart-piercingly, "Retreat, retreat!"

It's terrible, it's really terrible!

During Zhang Bao's fight with Eshun, Eshun preempted him because of his distraction. At the same time, he was hit by Fang Tianji in the chest and abdomen. The teeth are struggling to support.

At the same time, I sighed unwillingly in my heart, could it be that I, Zhang Bao, really wanted to die here?

Unexpectedly, a dull voice suddenly came out at this time, "Brother Zhang family, don't panic, wait for Guang to help you!"

A silver spear stabbed from the side, directly helping him to block Eshun's Fang Tianji, and then a saber flashed, it turned out that Wang Xun took advantage of the Fang Tianji in Eshun's hand being held up, and looked at a gap, feeling bored He slammed directly in the past with a sound.

Eshun retreated in a hurry, avoiding the fatal blow.

"Who are you?"

Seeing Zhao Guang's weird ghost mask, Eshun asked hesitantly.

"Under the ghost throne, the ghost general is also!"

Zhao Guang under the mask was originally laughing, but after being filtered by the mask, it turned into a strange laugh in Eshun's ears, which looked extremely sinister.

Eshun was furious when he heard this, "An dare to deceive me?!"

As he said that, he was about to come up with a halberd, preparing for a one-vs-three.

Just at this moment, a golden sound suddenly came from the commanding tent behind.

"Why would the king retreat at this time?"

Before Eshun could figure it out, he saw that the soldiers in front of him retreated like a tide as if they were being amnesty, and many of them even dropped their weapons in order to run faster.

The military order had to be obeyed, so Eshun could only watch the three people facing him vigilantly, while slowly backing away.

Zhao Guang didn't chase after him, he kept Feng Yong's words in mind, only saving people, not fighting.

So he and Wang Xun protected Zhang Bao, and at the same time retreated.

The rebel army was only defeated on the periphery, and the central battalion was still there. Compared with the rebel army, his own number was still too small. It was beyond his expectations to be able to rescue Zhang Bao so easily.

This is to support my brother's reputation in Nanzhong...

But if you are too greedy, you will be in danger of being surrounded again.

Moreover, if the savage general on the other side can force Brother Zhang to become like this, his martial arts must be superior to his own. If he goes up by himself, I'm afraid he won't get any benefits.

My own martial arts are not comparable to that of Brother Zhang's.

But he didn't know that if he could figure out a way to bypass Eshun and head straight for the enemy's camp at this time, he might be able to scare Meng Huo into abandoning the camp and fleeing, thus smashing the enemy's camp and going south. The greatest contribution since the levy.

It's a pity that Meng Huo lost his courage when he was struck by the sky thunder. Now only Meng Huo himself and his cronies know about it, but others have no way of knowing.

After the two sides broke contact, they turned around and went back separately.

"Don't panic! Back away slowly!"

Seeing that the opponent did not take the opportunity to chase, Eshun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, shouted loudly, trying to rearrange the defeated soldiers.

It's just that the defeated soldiers were scared out of their wits by the rumors about their ghost king, and they all ran around like headless chickens, how could they listen to him?

At that moment, he was so angry that he killed several defeated soldiers who shouted the loudest, which made the chaotic defeated soldiers calm down a little.

Standing on the city wall, Wang Ping watched the barbarians below suddenly attack the city like crazy, and then retreat like crazy, and even gave up on the ladder, feeling a little dazed.

If he hadn't known that Meng Huo was now the last rebel army, maybe he would have thought that Meng Huo was one of his own - he had exposed the ambush on his own initiative, pushed out all the ladders and thrown them away, and there was a more obvious self than this person?

But no matter what, it is a good thing that the enemy has retreated.

Not only retreated, but Zhang Bao outside the city was also rescued.

He took a deep breath and shouted loudly, "The enemy is defeated!"

"The enemy is defeated!"

"The enemy is defeated!"

The city cheered.

Under the wall, Feng Yong happily greeted Zhao Guang and others who had returned from victory. Before he could approach and speak, a young man in the crowd opposite saw Feng Yong, and his expression changed.

He suddenly jumped out of the crowd, grabbed his arm, and asked hastily, "Why are you here?"

Feng Yong was stunned and hesitated, "You are... Zhang Junhou?"

Just now Zhao Guang and Wang Xun surrounded this person, apart from Zhang Bao, there should be no one else.

"Yes, I am Zhang Bao."

The young man nodded, with an anxious expression on his face, and asked repeatedly, "Why are you here? Aren't you in Jincheng?"

"No!" Feng Yong asked Zhang Bao inexplicably, "I went to Pingyi a long time ago, and now I come from Pingyi."

"You...why don't you stay in Jincheng?"

When Zhang Bao heard this, an angry look immediately appeared on his face, "If you run around like this, wouldn't An Guo go to Jincheng for nothing? It's a trivial matter to suffer too much. It's really going to be delayed, "

He even said "you" a few times, but couldn't continue.

Anguo was suffering from miasma, he didn't know about it yet, if you really want to talk about it, it's no wonder he wasn't waiting for others in Jincheng.

Hearing this, Feng Yong still thought, it's my business if I run away, even if you are little loli's brother, you can't control my legs, right?

Unexpectedly, when he heard the word Anguo, he thought about it for a while, and then remembered that it was Guan Xing's word, and immediately felt guilty.

"Brother-in-law...cough, Guan Junhou has something to do with Yong?"

"Yes, and it's a major event." The anxiety on Zhang Bao's face became more intense, and he let go of Feng Yong, turning around in a hurry.

"He got miasma a few days ago, and he told me before he returned that you might have a cure, so he wanted to go back to Jincheng to find you. Now you are here, and he can't find you when he goes back, so what's the matter?" good?"

Hearing this, Feng Yong's heart sank, and he asked with a fluke mentality, "What is the symptom of Guan Junhou's miasma?"

"First I was fatigued, then I had chills, then I had a persistent high fever, and after I was sweating profusely, I was no different from ordinary people."

"How often? Is it every day?"

After Feng Yong heard this, his heart sank even further, and he asked.

There are many kinds of miasma in Nanzhong, but falciparum malaria and day malaria are the most common.

Listening to Zhang Bao's description, it is unmistakable, it is obviously daytime malaria.

"You really know!"

Zhang Bao was overjoyed, "Do you have a cure?"

I have a fart cure!

Feng Yong's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

The joy of the barbarians' retreat disappeared in an instant.

For the treatment of malaria, artemisinin is the first choice, followed by cinchona cream.

Don’t even think about the latter, because that thing is native to South America, unless Feng Yong can really row a boat without oars, relying entirely on waves, directly across the Pacific Ocean...

As for the former, he is as deeply patriotic as Tung Tung — only the artemisinin content of Artemisia annua produced in southwest China has the value of extraction.

When Feng Yong was arguing with others on the Internet, he did not know how much information he had read, and he knew nothing about artemisinin.

This thing is not soluble in water at all, and it will decompose when heated.

So if you want to soak the concoction in cold water, or want to use the traditional method to decoct the juice, don't even think about it.

To get it, you still have to use organic solvents.

Organic solvents are not a problem either. After all, ethanol is also an organic solvent, so before going south, Feng Yong specially made high-grade wine. After walking all the way, he soaked Artemisia annua all the way, and the concentration of artemisinin in it should be enough.

But this thing has to be physically extracted in the end!

If it is in later generations, even at home, as long as he is willing to spend time and money, he can make artemisinin crystals by himself.

But here is ancient times!

Well, in fact, if physical extraction really had to be done in ancient times, it could actually be done, and it would cost some manpower and material resources at most.

It doesn't matter if the purity is not enough, if the quality is not enough, you can use the quantity to make up, it's no big deal.

But the injections are the biggest problem!

Because if you directly drink the artemisinin soaked in wine like Feng Yong, the effect will be much weaker than direct injection, and the concentration in the human body may not be able to reach the standard for killing malaria parasites.

Oral artemisinin in later generations is actually a derivative of artemisinin extracted naturally.

So although Feng Yong made preparations early and used wine to produce artemisinin, it was just an experimental product!

After all, Nanzhong is too famous for malaria. To cultivate Nanzhong, it is necessary to deal with malaria, so he is going to take some prisoners of war for human experiments, but he never thought that he would use his uncle to practice his hands...

Because it's too much of a gamble on character.

And it's a bet on character that loses more and wins less.

Holding the wine brewed with artemisinin, there is some comfort in my heart, but if you really use it to bet on the erratic probability, Feng Yong is quite annoying.

Seeing Feng Yong's gloomy face that was about to drip water, Zhang Bao's excited mood was like pouring a basin of cold water on his head.

"You... can't you?"

Who the hell can't do it?

When your sister grows up, ask her to come and see the goldfish with me, to see if I can do it!

Feng Yong was extremely irritable, he let out a "tsk", and said in a bad mood, "Didn't I ask Sanniang to tell him how to prevent miasma before going south? How could he still contract such a nasty disease?"


Do you know who you're talking to, kid?

Dare to use such a tone?

Zhang Bao then said in a somewhat terrified tone, "Listen, I just accidentally got bitten more by that mosquito..."

It looks a bit like a child who has done something wrong.

"An Guo also regretted it later, saying that he should pay more attention."

Everyone quietly watched Feng Langjun teach Zhang Junhou...

Malaria is the death of ghosts, and ordinary people dare not even hear about such things.

Now when they heard Zhang Bao say that Feng Yong might have a cure, they all listened with bated breath, for fear that they would miss a word if they coughed.

Even after getting off the city wall, Wang Ping, who wanted to come over to meet Feng Yong and his party, quietly stood aside as a quiet bystander.

On the contrary, a tall barbarian behind him looked at everything in front of him with a horrified expression, wondering if it's possible... the ghost king's reincarnation is true?

Otherwise, how could he subdue that life-threatening ghost?

Feng Yong raised his head and let out a long sigh, the sky rumbled again, and the big raindrops finally fell with a crackling sound.

A few drops happened to fall into the mouth of Feng Tubie, who opened his mouth to the sky, and made him spit out the rainwater in his mouth twice, and then said quietly, "It's thundering and raining, let's go back first Get out of the rain."

Everyone was waiting for him to say whether he could be cured or not, but they didn't expect him to say such a sentence after posing for a long time, and almost everyone almost flinched at the moment.

Zhang Bao had been a grandson for a long time, and he got such a sentence, so he was not willing to give up easily, and immediately grabbed his hand anxiously and angrily, "You haven't said whether you can cure Anguo!"

Feng Yong let out another long sigh, "I can only say that I have tried my best for this kind of evil disease. As for whether it can be cured or not, it still depends on God's will."

At the same time, I finally understood in my heart, no wonder the history books said that Guan Xing died in the past two or three years. It turned out that he contracted malaria during the Southern Expedition.

Malaria can not only torture people to death, but it was also a terminal disease in ancient times.

Thinking of this, he remembered again, this bra... seems to have died in the past few years?

Thinking this way in his heart, he frowned again, and looked at Zhang Bao a few times with strange eyes.

"You...why are you looking at me like this?"

Thinking of the vicious and eloquent rumors about this guy in front of him, and seeing him looking at him with such eyes, Zhang Bao suddenly felt a little thumping in his heart.

I don't know if Zhang Fei and Xiahou used the wrong posture when making the child.

The Zhang family's daughters are both exquisite and caring.

Zhang Xingcai has a strategy.

Zhang Xingyi has black water in his belly.

But when it came to Zhang Bao, his talent in martial arts was a little bit full, and no one in his generation could compare with him, but he was a person who knew everything from one intestine to the next.

As for Zhang Shao, it was even more crooked, only studying and not practicing martial arts...

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