In the early morning of the second day, Feng Yong was still sleeping in his room when he heard someone knocking on the door, and at the same time Zhao Guang's voice sounded outside the door.

"Brother, open the door! Something serious has happened!"

"No, get out!"

Feng Yong turned over and cursed.

Then came Li Yi's voice again, "Brother, something really happened."

"If you don't believe me, get out!"

Hehe, it was you two bastards who made me ashamed to see others, completely ashamed to see others.

Still trying to trick me into opening the door!

Lao Tzu has completely despaired of the so-called brotherhood.

After returning yesterday, Zeng asked me meanly, why they shouted the slogan "The ghost king is coming" when they charged, but everyone faltered and refused to say it.

In the end, it was Yang Wanwan who had been in the group for too short a time and was photographed by Mr. Feng's lustful power, so he revealed the truth.

What the hell, remembering how high he was, how excited, and how climaxed he was with the crowd shouting "The Ghost King is coming" yesterday, Feng Yong felt ashamed and furious.

Blame both of them! It's all their fault!

I will not go out even if I am killed today.

I lost all my face, how could I have the face to go out?

At the same time, Feng Yong was also regretting, why the hell did I have to talk so cheap?

How good would it be to keep me in the dark and not know anything?

"Brother, Meng Huo has retreated..."

"He retired yesterday."

Feng Yong replied angrily.

"No, all the troops have retreated, and now there is no one in the opposite camp."


When Feng Yong heard this, is it worth it?

He hurriedly got up, put on a piece of clothing casually, opened the door and asked, "Meng Huo led someone to evacuate?"


Zhao Guang looked happy, "Little brother got up early this morning to inspect the city, and found that something was wrong on the opposite side, not even a smoke rose, so I took people to investigate. I didn't expect to find that there was no one there. gone."

"Why did you leave suddenly?"

Feng Yong asked in disbelief, "Isn't it waiting for us to relax our vigilance and then come back?"

"It doesn't look like it," Zhao Guang shook his head and said, "The abandoned camp is in chaos. It looks like it was evacuated in a hurry last night. General Wang has sent people to chase down and investigate. Even if he comes back, he won't be able to take it." Cheap."

"It is indeed withdrawn, it should be scared away by Tianlei."

Several people were talking, only to hear a blunt Chinese suddenly interrupted.

Following the sound, he saw a tall general with sunken eyes walking towards him.

"General Huo Aji, what did you just say? What kind of thunder?"

Feng Yong hurriedly greeted him, and then asked.

This Yi general named Tuo Azhe, and Han named Huo Aji, is the head of the Yi tribe in Pingyi County. His tribe has been in contact with the Han people all the year round. Jincheng changed brocade cloth.

Huo Aji is in Pingyi County, just like Meng Huo is in Yizhou County.

This Nanzhong rebellion was due to his efforts to persuade the barbarians near Pingyi County not to participate, so Li Hui was able to defend Pingyi County so easily, shattering the hope of the rebels going north.

Later, when the prime minister of the Han Dynasty led the troops to the south, Huo Aji personally visited Zhuge Liang's camp and offered cattle, horses, gold and silver, etc. at the same time.

At the same time, he obeyed Zhuge Liang's dispatch and ordered the tribe to help transport food.

Ma Zhong was able to quickly pacify Zangke County because of the help of this man's tribe.

Now he personally led the warriors of his clan to follow Li Hui to the south, bravely took the lead along the way, and broke through dozens of barbarian mountain villages.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the sun and the moon can learn from him, and the heaven and earth can show his heart.

It can be regarded as an extremely rare loyal and brave man.

Feng Yong heard Wang Ping's introduction of this person's deeds yesterday, and he immediately respected him.

That is to say, Huo'aji's tribe is inferior to Menghuo, and its influence is only in Pingyi County. If his influence can be extended to a county, how can there be Meng Huo in the legends of later generations?

It's just that General Huo Aji, who was respected by Feng Yong, now has complicated eyes, and even looks at Feng Tubie with a little awe.

"I found this on the commander's platform in Menghuo's camp."

As he spoke, he handed over a piece of something.

"What is this? Bamboo?"

Feng Yong took it and looked at it carefully.

I saw that this piece of bamboo was quite thick, at least as thick as an arm.

There are scorched marks on one end, while the other end is green and green. It is obvious that it was just cut off and burned as firewood. I don't know who would do such a mindless thing.

"I found this from the high platform in Meng Huo's camp. There were many bamboo poles erected on it. This is the one that was struck by Lei Peng."

Huo Aji said in a low tone, "Yesterday when I was standing on the city wall, I saw a thunderbolt hit the commander-in-chief flag on the high platform of Meng Huo's camp. You can take the opportunity to kill it."

"Damn it! With such a life, why didn't he get shot to death?"

Feng Yong blurted out and asked.

This is so pleasing to hear.

You can't stand under a tree when it thunders. Premier Zhou told me when I was a child.

This is not bragging.

In the first grade of elementary school, he memorized a text called "Giving a Raincoat".

There is a sentence in it that he has memorized by heart: The Prime Minister asked me to tell you, when there is thunder and rain, don't stand under the tree.

As for why the memorization is familiar, the reason is also very simple. When I was a child, there were two people in the village who stood under a tree to hide from the rain when it was thundering and raining. Then a thunder struck directly, one died and the other became a vegetable.

There is a cow next to it, which is fine...

That matter has been a hot topic in the village for several years.

At that time, everyone in the village was enthusiastic. Afterwards, every household in the village, those who had money contributed money, and those who had no money would bring a bacon note to the door to comfort them, just to make their family survive.

When people meet on the road, what they ask is "Have you eaten?"

But in those few years, when the villagers went out and met that family, they would say hello like this: "Has XXX woke up?"

Greetings are different from others.

As for the one who was killed by Lei Pi, Feng Yong didn't have much impression.

Since that incident, people in the village have to run to the house as soon as they see dark clouds, and no one dares to hide from the rain outside.

What's more, Meng Huo was still standing on the high platform, holding the freshly cut bamboo as a lightning rod...

If you stick a tall bamboo as a lightning rod, if you don’t strike, who will you strike?

Not being killed by Lei Pei is considered a great fate.

"Yeah, it's a little crooked."

Anyway, Huo Aji didn't know what kind of mood he was speaking with at this time, it was a very complicated one.

"Feng Langjun, do you know what's going on?"

Yesterday he saw very clearly that the enemy on the opposite side was scared away by the ghost king.

When Feng Yong asked Zhao Guang to lead his troops to attack, and everyone was shouting for the king of ghosts, Meng Huo was suddenly struck by thunder, and then the opposite side called Jin to withdraw the troops for no reason.

As the leader of the tribe, Huo Aji would not believe in the legend of the ghost king so easily.

Even if everyone talks about money, and three people become tigers, then at most he will respect Feng Yonglai at a distance.

But seeing is believing!

This made Huo Aji murmur in his heart, could it be possible that this Feng Langjun is really blessed by ghosts and gods?

More importantly, from his tone of voice yesterday, it seemed that he could even subdue the life-threatening ghosts that ravaged Nanzhong?

Life-seeking ghosts have always been the most terrifying existence in Nanzhong. Even the most powerful witch doctor in Nanzhong can't do anything about them.

If this young young gentleman in front of him really has any ideas, then he is probably the reincarnation of the ghost king.

Because only the ghost king can subdue this life-threatening ghost.

The theory of ghosts and gods was prevalent in the Han Dynasty, and such a coincidence happened, which added a layer of mystery to this legend.

At least in Huo Aji's eyes, Feng Yong already has an extra layer of mystery.

Huo Aji secretly remembered this matter in his heart at the same time, thinking that he must inquire carefully in the future. If this Feng Langjun can really subdue the life-threatening ghost on Guan Junhou, then even if he is not the ghost king, he is probably not far behind.

"Of course I know what's going on."

Feng Yong chuckled and said casually.

Who told you not to listen to Grandpa Zhou, you deserve to be thundered!

Unexpectedly, when Huo Aji heard this, he thought that Feng Tubie had admitted that the matter of Tianlei had something to do with him in a disguised form, his eyes couldn't help changing, and he felt a little afraid in his heart.

As for the reason why Meng Huo withdrew his troops overnight...

Only Meng Huo knew that it wasn't because of the legend of the ghost king, nor because he was struck by thunder—at least that wasn't the whole reason.

There is also a bigger reason because there is a message from the rear.

This news made him tremble even more than the thunderbolt that almost hit him yesterday: Meng Yan was defeated.

The tribes that besieged Dianchi Lake scattered and surrendered, and the grand occasion was no longer there.

On the contrary, Li Hui broke through the army besieging Dianchi Lake, and his momentum was greatly increased. All the counties in Yizhou County surrendered without a fight just by hearing his name.

Weixian couldn't attack in a hurry, and Li Hui, his own rear, had already gained momentum. In just one night, the offensive and defensive positions had changed, and he was already in a dangerous place where he might be attacked from both front and back.

If you don't try to get out of this predicament quickly, are you waiting to die between Weixian County and Dianchi Lake?

"Your Majesty, at the Dianchi Lake, the morale of Li Hui's army is very high. If the army is too hasty and the soldiers are tired, if they rush there, I'm afraid that Li Hui will take advantage of it."

The troops retreated nearly a hundred li in panic, sure that the Han army in Wei County could not catch up, Meng Huo ordered the army to stop and rest, and Eshun had the opportunity to persuade them at this time.

"We're not going back to Dianchi Lake, but to Yeyushui."

Meng Huo shook his head, with fear hidden in his eyes, but he concealed it well so that no one would notice.

"Why doesn't Your Majesty return to Dianchi Lake?"

Eshun was taken aback. After receiving the news from Dianchi Lake, the king ordered his troops to retreat to the south on the spot, and rushed all night. He thought he was going back to Dianchi Lake to take charge of the overall situation. Unexpectedly, the king didn't even think about going back to Dianchi Lake, but wanted to bypass Dianchi Lake. De-leaf elm water.

"Dianchi Lake is the city of the Han people, and Li Hui is a prominent family in Yizhou County. He ruled Nanzhong for a long time, and his reputation in Yizhou County is no less than mine."

"Now that he has won the Dianchi Lake, he has broken through all the tribes that besieged the Dianchi Lake, and his momentum has grown. Even if I lead the army back to the Dianchi Lake, I will not be able to compete with him."

"If we hold each other for a long time and Zhuge Liang follows us, I'm afraid we'll be fish caught in the net and have no place to run, so Dianchi Lake is impossible to go. There are few Han people in Yeyu River, and all the tribes in the forest obey orders. to me."

"When we go there, we can not only reorganize our troops, but also supply the army. In addition, the terrain is dangerous. The Panjiang River is full of miasma all the year round, and the Han army can't easily get through it. We can recuperate there and wait for the time."

Eshun is now the number one general under him, and he was the only one who was defeated in Pingyi city, so Meng Huo didn't hide too much from him.

There is another reason for not going to Dianchi Lake, Meng Huo did not dare to say it clearly, and that is the thunder yesterday, which has cast a shadow on his heart and made him suspicious: Is it really wrong for me to bring my people to fight against the Han? of?

It is agreed that everyone will fight against the Han with one heart, how about watching the changes in the world according to Nanzhong?

Since Zhuge Liang led his troops south, he either went north or ran south.

This group of people was walking on the road without doing anything, why suddenly, inexplicably, only his group was left in the fourth group of Nanzhong, and now they are still in danger.

This is so...

When Meng Huo thought about it at this moment, he was really unwilling, but he wanted to cry without tears, and he was so aggrieved that he died.

However, the God of Heaven issued a warning yesterday, and he felt a kind of confusion of "who am I and what am I doing?"

"What about the people on the Dianchi Lake?"

Eshun didn't know what Meng Huo was thinking, but after hearing Meng Huo's words, he also felt that there was some truth, but he was a little worried about the various tribes on the other side of Dianchi Lake.

You're so fucking hard to protect yourself, why do you still care about them?

Meng Huo cursed in his heart, but he said perfunctorily, "After we bypass Dianchi Lake, we will tell them to follow."

In the following days, Meng Huo led the army day and night, but he did not notify the barbarian tribe in Dianchi Lake to join him.

Because in his real plan, the tribes staying in Dianchi Lake are just to delay Li Hui's life, as long as they can. It is best that Zhuge Liang is also attracted to Dianchi Lake so that he can have more time Come and run.

And in his heart, he kept muttering: Where is the troops led by Zhuge Liang now?

"Brother, I'm here!"

"Brother, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Meng Huo didn't wait for Zhuge Liang, but on the way, he met someone he was very angry with.

Meng Yan took Meng's cronies with him, and when Meng Huo had just bypassed Dianchi County, he was directly waiting in front of Meng Huo's army.

He entered Meng Huo's camp alone, and when he saw Meng Huo, he immediately knelt down, hugged Meng Huo's thigh and shouted loudly.

I am waiting for your mother!

When Meng Huo saw Meng Yan, he really wanted to slash the human animal in front of him.

First lost Wei County, then Dianchi Lake, and finally almost all the tribes in Yizhou County who besieged Dianchi Lake were given to Li Hui, and the tiger of the Meng family?

Meng your mother!

It's just that now he is like a bereaved dog, and many of the army he leads are from Yong Kai's subordinates. It is the time when the help of the Meng family is urgently needed.

For the sake of bringing out all the cronies of the Meng family, Meng Huo still comforted him and said, "It's okay, get up quickly, and tell me in detail, this Li Hui is not trapped in Dianchi Lake Why? Why did he suddenly rush out?"

"Brother, that Han man is really treacherous!"

Meng Yan cried even more when he heard this, "We had surrounded the Han people well. We were about to run out of food and grass in the city, but Li Hui sent someone out of the city to say that he was going to surrender us and fight with us. Collaborate on great things."

"You believe it?"

Meng Huo gritted his teeth and asked.

Meng Yan flinched and did not dare to look at Meng Huo. He lowered his head and said in shame, "Then Li Hui also said that most of the soldiers he led were from Yizhou County. Yizhou County has been in chaos for so long. to come back, so..."

"So most of the soldiers don't want to go back to the north, they just want to stay in their hometown and never leave. My brother thinks what he said makes sense, and seeing that he has eaten up his food and grass, there must be no trouble. People are ready to surrender..."

"I don't know, I don't know that those people at the bottom have relaxed their defenses because of this. Li Hui took the opportunity to send people to rush out, and all the tribes lost their defenses, and there was chaos all at once."

"At first, I wanted to step forward to block it, but I didn't realize that the leading Han general, who claimed to be Liu Yin from Shu County, was extremely brave, and those tribes only cared about running for their lives, so I couldn't support it alone."

As Meng Yan spoke, he still stretched out his left arm, and saw that his head was wrapped in a white cloth, with faint blood oozing from it, "The general injured me. Look for you."

"Later, I heard that the person you sent asked me to bring someone to wait here, so I hurriedly brought someone here."

After hearing what Meng Yan said, Meng Huo opened his eyes angrily, wishing he could eat Li Hui alive, and said repeatedly, "Traitor! Really a traitor!"

"Then Li Hui...then Li Hui is considered a prominent family in Yizhou County, and what he said in public doesn't count! Han people are really treacherous!"

Seeing that Meng Yan was injured, Meng Huo only said that he did his best, but he also hated the loss of Dianchi Lake, so he could only talk about Li Hui's character.

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