Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 410: Lu Bean

The price of food in Jincheng in the third year of Dahan Jianxing made people feel a little weird.

It had only been three months since the prime minister led the army southward, and the news of the pacification of Zangke County and Yuexi County came one after another. As a result, the price of Jincheng's grain, which had just collected the summer grain, was one baht lower than last year.

After all, last year in Hanzhong there was a man named Epilepsy Feng who was desperately harvesting grain, which at least kept the price of grain from falling.

This year is different. After nearly two years of cultivation, grain production has started in Hanzhong.

I heard that Madman Feng asked the Prime Minister again to ask Chenggu County to supply grain to Nanxiang County. This year's grain collection in Nanxiang County is much smaller than last year.

Last year, Hanzhong raised the price to collect grain, but this year it collected according to the market price.

Love to sell or not!

This made many wealthy families in Shu County rejoice in their hearts: Damn, I finally saw it once, and this time I was not tricked into bleeding by that villager Zhuge and Epilepsy Feng again.

In the past two years, I was tricked three or four times in a row, not to mention bleeding profusely, some people almost had their livers exploded.

This year, we don't say anything about food prices, so we can do what we like.

The reason why the price of food is weird is because for some reason, neither rice nor wheat can rise, but the price of Lu beans is one day, which is much higher than in previous years.

In Dongshi, Jincheng, there is a very special noodle shop. The sign on the door says "ticket number", which is specially for those who come with woolen tickets to exchange for woolen cloth.

Later, as wool paper tickets became more and more popular in Jincheng, they gradually became the most popular circulation tickets in Dongshi.

So more and more people came in and out of this ticket number.

The ones with the lowest status are at least the managers and shopkeepers of various noodle shops in Dongshi City.

So someone saw the popularity of this ticket number, and then bought a noodle shop next to the ticket number, and opened a new grain store.

The price of Lu beans was raised by this newly opened grain store.

This grain store not only bought all the Lu beans from the same store in Jincheng, but also issued a notice saying that no matter how many Lu beans came, they would accept as much as they came—even a small bag.

At noon that day, an old farmer timidly walked to the door of the grain store, peeked inside, and hesitated whether to go in.

"Old brother, do you want to buy grain or sell grain?"

The sharp-eyed shopkeeper inside saw that the old farmer seemed to have something to do, so he hurried out and greeted him enthusiastically. There was no sign that the shopkeepers in other grain stores would ignore him when they saw him dressed like this.

The old farmer was barefoot, and although he was wearing sackcloth and a bamboo hat on his back, he could tell he had come from the countryside to the city.

"If you don't buy food, you don't buy food."

The old farmer waved his hand quickly.

"The old brother is selling food?"

The shopkeeper asked with a smile.

"Sell...won't sell...just see..."

The old farmer was a little hesitant, his eyes dodged, and he couldn't speak clearly.

The shopkeeper was not angry when he heard this, and turned his head and shouted, "San'er, pour a bowl of water, remember to dry it."

The guy inside heard this, responded, and quickly poured a bowl of boiled water out the door.

"Old brother, it's a hot day, drink some water first."

"thanks, thanks."

The old farmer took it and drank it all in one gulp, almost choking, as if being urged.

After drinking, I finally calmed down a little, and then I dared to point to the big notice at the door, and asked, "Dare to ask the shopkeeper, do you accept Lu beans here?"

"Take it, brother, do you have a lotus bean in your hand?"

The shopkeeper took the bowl and asked a question.

"Only two stones, okay?"

The old farmer's face was a little hot, and he didn't dare to look at the shopkeeper. He probably felt that it was a bit embarrassing to say this in front of such a big grain store.

"Successful! Why not?"

The shopkeeper smiled heartily, "You can charge as much as you want, and the price is the same."

"Is this true?"

The old farmer asked in disbelief.

"It's clearly written on it, how can it be true?"

"Okay! Shopkeeper wait a moment, I'll get it right away!"

The old farmer didn't expect things to go so smoothly, he nodded repeatedly, turned around and ran away.

After a while, the old farmer came back, followed by three young men, each carrying two bags of things on a shoulder pole, which seemed to be Lu beans.

"San'er, pass the beans for a while, and then pour out a few bowls of water."

The shopkeeper saw it, and quickly shouted inside again.

"Old brother, do you have a lot of land at home? Why did you harvest so many beans?"

The shopkeeper led the old farmer into the store, and chatted with the old farmer while being praised.

"Not much, not much."

The old farmer sold the Ludou, with a smile on his face, "Didn't the government let us use the curved plow two years ago, it works well, the family has worked hard for two years, and opened some new fields."

"There is no need to pay for grain in the new land. Not to mention the poor growth of other grains, it may be a waste of grain. But Lu beans are different. When planted in the new land, it can also grow seeds, which can be regarded as a free harvest."

The old farmer said with joy on his face, "I thought that this locust bean could fill my stomach anyway, but I heard someone said a few days ago that the price of locust beans in this city is still high. So I came here I tried my luck and asked many grain stores before I found it."

"The price of Lu beans this year has doubled compared to previous years. Good luck, brother!" The shopkeeper raised his thumb, "He is a farmer."

When the old farmer heard it, his face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile, and he was humble, "It's just a blind plant, it just happened."

"Hehe, you don't need to be like this, old brother. I know a little bit about the way here." The shopkeeper lowered his voice and said, "It's much better to grow grains in this new land than to grow grains directly! Neither?"

The old farmer was startled, and looked around, only to see that the shop assistants were busy and didn't look at this side at all, so he glanced at the shopkeeper hesitantly, "The shopkeeper...was also a farmer before?"

This doorway was only discovered by him after many years of farming, and he never told others, that is, only his brothers in the same family knew this truth.

These Lu beans are not from my own family, but from the gathering of my brothers and sisters, there are so many of them.

The shopkeeper made a stroke, and pointed to the north, "I don't know, my brother. In Hanzhong in the north, someone taught this kind of planting two years ago."

"At the beginning, not many people believed it. Later, as long as those who planted Lu beans and then grew grain, the grain in the field last year was better than that of other parents. So this year in Hanzhong, as long as it is a newly opened land, it will be planted first. Lu beans, and then grow grain later.”

"Anyone who has been to Hanzhong knows this truth. That is, the one two years ago... Cough, few people who went to open up wasteland in the past two years believed this. Otherwise, the old brother's Lu beans would not be sold this year. At this price."

The shopkeeper explained to the old farmer.

After chatting with the shopkeeper for a few words, seeing that the other party was friendly, the old farmer also let go.

Hearing this, the old farmer was still a little skeptical, "The Hanzhong in the north is really like this? There are also many big families opening up wasteland here in Jincheng. Why haven't the government mentioned this?"

The shopkeeper chuckled, coughed again, and said vaguely, "Who knows?"

The Lu beans were weighed very quickly, and the total was three stones and six buckets. It seems that the old farmer just said it low.

"Old brother, do you want to exchange food or get money?"

asked the shopkeeper.

"I don't need any money. I'm digging food in the fields, so I don't need money." The old farmer waved his hand, "Just replace it with broomcorn millet. The boy in the family finally got his name. Collect some food and hurry up and marry that girl back."

The price of this lotus bean is much more expensive than millet now, so it can be exchanged for a lot more millet! As soon as you go in, you will have a lot more food at home, which is a good deal!


After the old farmer's family left with the millet, the shopkeeper immediately ordered the people under him to send the beans to the back yard.

There were a lot of Lu beans piled up in the yard, which were harvested these days. Many people were busy carrying the Lu beans out of the back door of the yard, where there were cars waiting.

As long as the load is enough, the coachman will yell and prepare to drive the car to send the beans to the warehouse outside the city.

There is also a door opened on the side of the yard, leading to the backyard of the ticket office. The manager of the ticket office hurried over, sat in the car, and said, "Let's go!"

Then several cars creaked and rushed out of the city.

When I went, I packed Lu beans and other grains, but when I came back, I packed woolen cloth brought from Hanzhong, so it wasn’t an empty trip.

The warehouse is built on the edge of the river. Going south along the waterway, you can quickly reach Bodao.

The prime minister's southern expedition was on this waterway.

The manager of the ticket office followed the convoy to the warehouse outside the city, only to realize that there was something wrong with the gate of the warehouse today.

I saw a group of people standing there, and the chief manager of the warehouse was talking to the leader respectfully.

The manager of the ticket office was taken aback, thinking to himself, who has such a big face?

Whether it's the ticket number, the grain store, or the warehouse, the managers here, big and small, don't all know each other well, but the general background can still be guessed.

The chief steward of this warehouse, I heard that he has a background in the palace!

Even if his "employee" came, he still couldn't make the big steward look like this, right?

It's just that he still couldn't see what the leader looked like in the end, because several side doors were opened in the warehouse for the convenience of entering and exiting.

The convoy turned a corner and entered through another door.

"Guan Lang-jun, don't worry, the villain has picked out the best boatman in the warehouse, he is very familiar with this waterway, and he will be able to send Guan Lang-jun to Bo Dao quickly."

"how much longer?"

The leader was an extremely handsome young man, but his face was extremely cold, his eyes were indifferent, and his slightly frowned brows showed a trace of anxiety. Although he didn't mean to blame him, it made the warehouse manager feel a sense of pressure.

"It will be ready soon, why don't Mr. Guan drink his saliva first?"

"No, I'll just wait here, and we'll set sail right away."

Guan Langjun shook his head, and rejected the chief steward's kindness, "Go and have a look, remind me, and let me know immediately if it's all right."

"Okay, little man, go and have a look."

The warehouse manager nodded repeatedly, turned around and ran to the pier.

The extremely handsome Guan Langjun is naturally Guan Ji. In order to suppress the anxiety in her heart, she had to try to divert her attention.

His eyes fell on the big characters on both sides of the warehouse door, he frowned slightly, and said in his mouth, "Dongfeng Express, the mission must be fulfilled?"

At the same time, I was thinking in my heart, this is a place to ship and store goods, why write such incomprehensible words?

This kind of nonsensical thing must have been done by that unscrupulous guy.

Thinking like this, the face that always smiled at her seemed to appear in front of her eyes.

Even though she was extremely anxious in her heart, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, and then immediately frowned again, with a look of worry looming between her brows.

Feng Lang, Feng Lang, this time I put all my hopes on you, don't let me down!

She said silently in her heart.

Dianchi Lake.

"The last general (baby) has met the governor."

Zhao Guang, Wang Xun and Li Yi saluted Li Hui together.

"You don't have to be so polite."

With a smile on his face, Li Hui said happily, "I'm worried about manpower here, but I didn't expect the two little generals to come. It's really great."

Then he looked at Li Yi again, "My son is here too?"

"Yes. It's brother... Feng Xiaowei asked the boy to escort the food and grass over."

Li Yi replied.

"Where is Feng Langjun?"

Li Hui praised Feng Yong in his heart. Although he didn't express his intention clearly, it was obvious that the other party understood what he meant.

At this time, as long as someone is present, adding a name to the credit book is a simple matter.

It's just that he didn't see Feng Yong, which made Li Hui a little puzzled.

Although Meng Huo was repelled in the Wei County defense battle, it was already considered a big credit, but Wang Ping still had to count the big ones. If these people want to get more credit, they should naturally come to Dianchi Lake.

That's how he works, right?

"Go back to your lord, my brother said he still has something to do in Wei County, so he won't come here, let the boy greet you with his voice."

Li Yi explained.

Li Hui frowned, thinking that now that Meng Huo had bypassed Dianchi Lake and fled southwest, what else could happen in Wei County?

But thinking about Feng Yong's credit is already enough, even Nanzheng can be so relaxed, the strategy he proposed is not small, and he is favored by the prime minister, I want to give He may not take these credits seriously.

Since he said that there is still work in Wei County, there is no need to force it.

Thinking of this, Li Hui said with relief, "If that's the case, forget it."

Then he looked at Zhao Guang and Wang Xun and said, "Since Da Lang and you are brothers, then I won't be polite to you."

"Li Dudu, but please tell me."

"Okay." Li Hui nodded, "Let me first tell you about the military situation at this time."

"Although the Dianchi Lake has been pacified, but I have too few troops, so I can only rely on my reputation in Nanzhong to stabilize the counties in Yizhou County. If you want to continue to pursue Meng Huo, it will not be easy."

"And as far as I know, Meng Huo is about to return to Yeyushui, which is his foundation. More importantly, the terrain of Yeyushui is dangerous, with dense mountains and forests. Barbarians are good at hiding in the forest, and now Nanzhong is the most serious plague. when."

"The time and place are harmonious, and we don't occupy it. If he finishes resting there, I'm afraid it will take countless twists and turns to calm down. So now that he is in a state of panic all day long, it is the best time to pursue him."

Li Hui's eyes fell on Zhao Guang and Wang Xun, "The two of you happened to come here with your troops, maybe muster up your spare energy and continue to lead the troops forward?"

Zhao Guang clasped his fists excitedly and said, "Do you have the energy to kill the enemy? Don't dare to hide it from the governor. This time, when you come to Dianchi Lake, you will bring twenty dogs with you to hunt down the enemy in the forest. It is the right time for you. "


Li Hui was taken aback.

"That's right. These twenty dogs were specially brought here by my brother from Hanzhong. They have been carefully selected and trained to understand human language. They are good at leading the way when walking in the forest."

Zhao Guang explained.

"My lord, my elder brother also asked my son to bring Ludou beans. Boil them and let them dry to drink. They can not only relieve the heat, but also detoxify them. The soldiers of the Dudu Mansion drank the Ludou soup all the way from Pingyi, and they burst into flames." There are very few people with Sha."

"When you go to Yeyushui, you will bring these beans with you. The march will definitely be much easier, and there will be fewer soldiers in the army infected with miasma."

Li Yi also said beside him.

"Ludo bean has such effects?" Li Hui was pleasantly surprised, remembering what Li Yi said all the way from Pingyi, the soldiers seldom had a fever, thinking that this alone was enough to make people happy.

Nanzhong is hot and humid. Soldiers walked on the road under the scorching sun during the day, and many people fell down due to fever.

Not to mention detoxification.

"In this case, where are you afraid that Meng Huo will go?"

Li Yi smiled and said, "Brother said, there are many kinds of miasma in Nanzhong. As long as you drink this bean soup, some miasma can be avoided."

"Feng Langjun is really...really..."

Just as Li Hui said this, he suddenly remembered something.

During the reclamation in Hanzhong the year before last, Feng Langjun asked people to give advice to each family, saying that whether it was a new land or a reclaimed land, first plant the last season of beans and then plant grain, so that more grain can be harvested.

It was also proved later that the dry land where Lu beans were planted did indeed grow better.

At that time, the old man also lamented that this Feng Langjun has the world in his heart, and he does not hesitate to learn what he has learned!

It turned out that at that time he had already counted to today.

Thinking of this, Li Hui couldn't help being startled, this son's plan is really far-reaching.

The effect of Lu beans was verified last year, so this year, almost every household in Hanzhong has planted Lu beans.

Is there a big harvest of Lu beans in Hanzhong this year?

Li Hui looked at Li Yi again in surprise, and heard from Da Lang that he was going to build a plantation in Nanzhong...

If Lu beans really have such effects, wouldn't the Lu beans in Hanzhong come in handy when he opened a plantation?

After doing the calculations like this, wouldn't it be nice to have someone thank him for taking advantage?

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