Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 411: Big Appetite

Li Hui's eyes fell on Zhao Guang and Wang Xun again.

Among the two sons, one is the second son in the family, and the other is born after a barbarian. Now he is in the limelight in Jincheng. Among his peers, there are few eldest sons who can compare with him.

The earliest reason was that the two of them were the first to call Feng Langjun his elder brother.

Thinking this way, he looked at his son again.

After the Nanzhong rebellion, the prime minister was afraid that he would try his best to weaken the big family in Nanzhong, and it would be impossible for Nanzhong to have a big family like the Meng family who responded to everyone.

However, his prestige in Nanzhong at this time is only as high as that of Meng Huo...

As long as he is alive, the prime minister will not do anything to the Li family in Nanzhong for his own sake.

But if he is not here, who will know what will happen to the Li family and what will happen to Da Lang?

Let Da Lang follow that Feng Langjun, even if the Nanzhong Li family does not fall in the future, it will be a blessing if Da Lang can make his own world without relying on the Nanzhong Li family.

Thinking of this, Li Hui laughed, and asked Li Yi in a warm voice, "How many beans did Da Lang bring over this time? These days, many soldiers in the army did not fall under the sword of the rebels, but fell under the sword of the rebels." Under that scorching heat."

"It doesn't need that Lu bean to detoxify Nanzhong's poisonous gas, as long as it can detoxify this summer heat, it is considered a great achievement!"

Li Yi heard this, and coughed dryly, "My lord, this time my brother went south and left in a hurry, so I only entrusted the brothers from the Jincheng Xinghan Society to run this matter. When coming from Pingyi, Jincheng's side The first batch of Lu beans has just arrived."

"But don't worry, my lord. The brothers of Jincheng Xinghan Club have been worrying about this matter, and there will be a lot of Lu beans coming over later."

As he said that, Li Yi's eyes wandered, not daring to look at his lord, and he glanced at Zhao Guang again.

Of course Li Hui of Xinghanhui knew that before he left Pingyi with his troops, Li Yi who was far away in Jincheng had written him a letter about this matter.

It's just that in Li Hui's view, this is just a group of frustrated nobles who found ways for themselves afterward, but they didn't expect to be able to do such a beneficial thing for the country.

It's just that Da Lang's tone and appearance made Li Hui wonder, why does he feel something is wrong?

After thinking about it for a while, I was suddenly startled: You are... have something in your words?

At this time, Zhao Guang could only hear him saying, "That's right, Uncle, most people don't grow too many beans, so it takes a lot of effort to collect them, and they can only be harvested here and there."

"It's also thanks to the unity of the brothers of the Xinghan Society that we didn't delay the matter. Even the money for collecting Ludou is my own money in ordinary times!"

Li Hui finally understood this time, and squinted at Zhao Guang.

When Li Hui joined Liu Bei, he was recommended by Zhao Yun, so the Li family and the Zhao family in Nanzhong had a good relationship.

It was not wrong for Zhao Guang to call Li Hui uncle.

It's just that what Li Hui was thinking at this time was: just now you called me Li Dudu, and whenever you have something, you call me uncle?

You guys, what did you learn from Feng Mingwen?

Among other things, his own son is wise, but he used to think highly of himself, but he didn't quite get along with others.

How can it be like now, to join forces with others and forget about doing these tricky things, but openly engage in dirty money and power transactions with yourself?

This is... so comforting!

As long as he continues like this, after several years of experience, even if he dies, Li Yi will not suffer any big losses with this ability and shame.

I just wanted to add some credit to you guys, but I didn't expect that your appetite is much bigger than that of me, the governor. It's not worth the credit, but I have to recruit a group of people.

Li Hui was sighing.

"Counting the people in Jincheng, how many beans do you have?"

Li Hui asked.

"It's being collected..."

Zhao Guang wanted to be sloppy, but Li Yi coughed and interrupted Zhao Guang. He knew his lord better than others.

Since the adults asked this question, they are ready to deal with the matter, so naturally there is no need to cover it up, so as not to cause the adults' displeasure.

"Returning to my lord, the Lu beans that Jincheng can collect should be almost finished at this time. There has been a letter sent to Hanzhong. With the help of Mrs. Huang and Mr. Zhuge Lang, I think it is almost the same."

"Also, the lord of the Huang family in Nanxiang County, Mrs. Mu of the Li family, and the lord of the He family in Ju County, all elder brothers have written letters..."

Jincheng bought everything that could be bought on the market, and Hanzhong had the help of the prime minister's son, and even through the relationship of those aristocratic families, he was able to buy some of the beans from the rich families of Shu County.

This Xinghan Society... under the leadership of that Feng Mingwen, unexpectedly has such energy?

Li Hui's face twitched, so you can control most of the big man's Ludou?

"There are so many beans, why didn't you tell me earlier? The road in Nanzhong is rugged, and the time is short, how can they be transported to the south on time?"

"My lord, don't worry, my brother has already set up a Dongfeng Express, which is just for the purpose of logistics. You don't need the help of the court. As long as your lord speaks, the brothers of the Xinghan Society will work together to deliver the beans."

What is this nonsense?

Li Hui felt that he could not keep up with his son.

"What is Dongfeng Express? What is logistics?"

"The so-called logistics means the circulation and distribution of goods. The hall established by my brother is dedicated to this industry, and the name of the hall is Dongfeng Express."

When Li Hui heard this, his eyes went straight!

Listening to what you guys mean, it turns out that my old man was wrong just now. Your appetite is not only bigger than mine, but you want to swallow the sky!

Controlled most of the Lu beans in the whole Dahan, and can still send them to the place they want to send, what is it if it is not swallowing the sky?

One day, can the same method be used to control the food of the big man?

" are so bold! I wonder if this is a taboo thing?"

Li Hui looked at the three excited children in front of him with some trembling.

Yes, you are still children!

How dare you do such a shocking thing? How is this different from rebellion?

"My lord, don't panic, among them,"

Li Yi pointed to the sky, "There is 40% of the share."

Oh, that's fine.

Not right either!

Li Hui glanced at them, "Why is it only 40%? At least half of it?"

"The other 10% belonged to the prime minister's mansion. The prime minister was not at the mansion at the time, and Madam took it on her behalf..."

Li Yu shrank his neck, "The rest is divided among the many brothers of our Xinghan Club."

As soon as these words came out, Li Hui suddenly felt that he was wrong again, how could he be a child!

Impeccable, people can't fault it at all.

Even if the prime minister knew about it, he would just hold his nose and admit it.

Because now there is nothing bigger than the Southern Expedition.

Needless to say, Ludou can detoxify, as long as it can relieve summer heat, the prime minister will hate the more the better.

If you don't come to Nanzhong, the northerners don't know how hot the sun and heat are in Nanzhong.

"Nanzhou's water and soil are warm and hot, and there is miasma, and four out of ten people will die." This is recorded in history books, and it is not false.

That is to say, in the past when the great Han conquered Nanzhou, before they had time to fight, nearly half of the soldiers in the army had fallen because of the sweltering heat and miasma.

The young gentlemen after Xungui did not hesitate to pay out of their own pockets, thinking of ways to buy Ludou beans that can relieve the summer heat in the South, and even thinking of ways to send them to the Southern Expedition Army. Is this not a matter of loyalty to the state?

Share your worries for Your Majesty...


It doesn't matter what you say anyway.

Who dares to say that it is not?

What's more, Lu beans can also be used as half of the food.

How could the prime minister be stingy with such a little credit for being able to relieve the suffering of the soldiers and calm down Nanzhong as soon as possible?

"There are quite a few people in the army who are suffering from Sha, you wait to make some Ludou soup, if it is really effective, then why not if I take care of it?"


The three of them looked at each other, and they all saw excitement in each other's eyes--this matter has already become more than half.

Lu beans can relieve hair sha, they have verified this matter long ago, so there is no need to doubt it.

"Wait a minute, Dalang."

Li Hui called to stop Li Yi who was about to go out.

"Is there anything else the adults want to tell the child?"

Li Hui stared straight at him, and asked, "You've put in so much effort, aren't you afraid that something might happen?"

What if the prime minister does not agree to this matter?

Li Yi grinned, "Don't worry, my lord, there is nothing wrong with it. Pingyi has been storing the beans from Jincheng all the time. Even if the prime minister refuses to agree to this matter, that's okay, anyway, the plantation is still needed."

Labor is also very valuable these days.

If drinking Lu bean soup can relieve the heat, it's better than going to a medical worker to treat the disease or directly making people sick and dead, isn't it?

Li Hui took a deep look at Li Yi, nodded and said, "I know! You go."

Feng Yong, who was far away in Weixian County, soon received Li Yi's letter, and after reading it, his mouth curled into a smile.

"Wei Ran, take a look."

Feng Yong handed the letter to Yang Wanwan.

Yang Wanwan speaks Chinese fluently and can understand common Chinese characters.

After reading it, he was beaming with joy, "Brother, Governor Li has promised us."

"Of course I will agree. It is beneficial to others and self, and it is also beneficial to the Southern Expedition. How could you not agree?"

The road in Nanzhong is rugged and the land is not three miles flat. It is not an easy task to transport grain.

Otherwise, Zhuge Old Demon wouldn't have asked Huo Aji's tribe to help transport food.

Lu beans can not only relieve heat, but also help detoxification to a certain extent, and can also be eaten as food, a fool would not agree.

The smile on Feng Yong's face became stronger and stronger, "Go and inform the people in Jincheng immediately, and tell them not to worry about it anymore. Also, tell them that Dongfeng Express lacks guards, let them find a way Some people come in."

This year is not peaceful, and there must be security when transporting goods on the road.

Let the people from the Xinghan Association tell their family members that it shouldn't be a big problem to get those idle militiamen from Nanzhong to Dongfeng Express as security guards.

After all, quite a few people in the Xinghan Society are not valued by their families because the family's resources are not enough. If they can find resources by themselves, the family members have no reason to even refuse to help them.

For example, Zhao Guang, isn't there a series of Zhao Mansion's songs by his side?

"Little brother understands."

After Yang Wanwan agreed, he immediately went down to make arrangements.

There was a faint muffled thunder in the distance, and a cool breeze blew into the house.

Feng Yong walked to the door of the house and looked at the sky. At some point, the dark clouds in the sky began to gather again, and the wind blowing did not know when it became cool. It seemed that this was another heavy rain.

The sky is not sunny for three days, and the land is not flat for three miles.

It's Nanzhong.

Especially in summer, it rains almost every day, even if there is no heavy rain, there will be some showers.

The only thing that remains the same is that no matter whether it rains heavily or lightly, the sky will thunder.

Feng Yong watched the soybean-like raindrops fall, and frowned slightly. The joy he had just disappeared was gone, and at the same time, a wave of irritability surged in his heart. He didn't know where Guan Xing was now?

In order not to delay the matter, Zhang Bao sent someone back to Jincheng through the official route to inquire about the news.

On the one hand, he personally led people over Tanglang Mountain, and re-entered Yuexi County to Qiongdu to inquire about Guan Xing's whereabouts, because if Guan Xing wanted to return to Jincheng, he must return to Qiongdu first, and then set off from there.

As for Feng Yong's suggestion to ask Zhuge Liang, Zhang Bao rejected it impatiently: because now the prime minister has led his troops across Lushui and entered the barren land, how could the prime minister know where the Anguo people are now?

It's better to catch up quickly all the way, maybe you can catch up with people halfway.

For this situation where everyone wants to find each other, but no one knows where the other is, Feng Yong feels extremely irritated.

No phone, just a telegram!

In the end, he had no choice but to stay obediently in Wei County as agreed, passively waiting for Zhang Bao to send someone to deliver the news.

This wait was more than ten days.

Until one day, when Feng Yong was trying to filter the last thin layer of bottom liquid in the wine jar in the yard, he saw Zhang Bao rushing in with a gust of wind. Before he could stand still, he shouted, "Quick! Quick!"

"Zhang Junhou! How could you..."

Feng Yong hadn't finished speaking when suddenly he was shocked, subconsciously remembered something, looked behind him, and saw a group of people rushing in behind Zhang Bao.

The one in the lead was a handsome man, and when he saw Feng Yong, he cried out in distress, "Feng Lang, save my brother."

"Three Niangs!"

Only then did Feng Yong let out a cry of surprise, and then saw Guan Xing behind her being supported by two people, his eyes were closed tightly, and beads of sweat were streaming down his forehead.

"Has it happened?"

"That's right, I had an attack when I first arrived in Wei County." Zhang Bao said very quickly, "Don't you have a solution? Hurry up and help Anguo."

"Help him to the house and lie down first."

Feng Yong stayed in Wei County just for the arrival of Guan Xing. He had expected such a day for a long time. Seeing that everyone was flustered, he said calmly.

What Feng Yong didn't expect was that Guan Xing had already been tortured badly by malaria after being ill for a month or so.

In Huangzhuang in Jincheng, Guan Xing was still a radiant young man at that time, and he even had the energy to threaten himself severely with his eyes.

Now he has a sickly flush on his face, and his two cheekbones protrude there like two hills. The cheek twisted from time to time due to pain, as if every movement was a huge torture.

Obviously, this is entering a fever period.

During the febrile stage of malaria, the body temperature of the human body will soar to 40 degrees or above, accompanied by symptoms such as headache, body aches, and nausea.

Ordinary high fever will only make people dizzy, but with malarial fever, the patient is very clear-headed, so every bit of pain in the body can be clearly felt.

Some patients will feel the pain of tens of thousands of needles even if they move a little.

"Quickly, help An Guo in."

Hearing this, Zhang Bao hurriedly greeted her.

No, that's my house!

Feng Yong watched helplessly as everyone put Guan Xing on his bed.

"what's next?"

Zhang Bao turned around and asked eagerly.

With tears in her eyes, Guan Ji was looking at him nervously, afraid that Feng Yong might say something bad.

"Next..." Feng Yong looked around the crowd, pointed to Amei, and said, "Amei, come here and help me torment some medicine."

He still has a lot of questions to ask Ah Mui.

The waiting process is anxious, but as long as you see someone, it will be considered that the problem is imminent, and you just need to think of a way to solve it.

The concentration of artemisinin that has been soaked for so long must be sufficient. The only problem is how to inject artemisinin into Guan Xing's body.

Before solving this problem, Feng Yong still has a way to suppress Guan Xing's malaria for half a month.

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