Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 412 Drinking Medicine

The medicinal materials prepared earlier were put into the earthen jar, and then water was poured into it, and then the torment began.

Ah Mei lit the fire swiftly, and the tongue of fire happily licked the bottom of the pot.

It seems that this girl has really learned a lot from Fan Adang, and the technique of decocting medicine is quite good.

"Why are you here?"

Feng Yong asked.

"It was His Majesty's intention. One day, the palace sent someone to the village to upload the decree, saying that Master Fan and the servant girl should follow Lady Guan to Wei County."

Ah Mei's face was flushed, and her temples were already wet. Looking from Feng Yong's direction, she could see that the collar around her neck had stuck to her skin due to sweat.

It seems that this road is rushing over under the scorching sun.

"Where's Master Fan?"

I didn't see Fan Ah just now.

"Guan Niangzi hurried all the way, especially after Qiongdu picked up Guan Junhou, she never stopped along the way. Master Fan is getting old and can't keep up, so he stayed behind."

Amei raised her head and glanced at Feng Yong, only to see the lord looking at the medicine jar with a calm expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

"How is Mrs. Liu?"

Fan A and A Mei have been taking care of Zhang Xingcai's body. Generally speaking, it is best not to give up halfway.

Now that Zhang Xingcai has sent both of them here, his kindness is really admirable.

"A few days ago, another Master Li came to Zhuangzi. I heard that Master Fan said that he was his senior brother. He brought a lot of medicinal materials and dispensed them every day for Mrs. Liu to take care of her body."

Oh, Li Dangzhi finally arrived in Jincheng? I almost forgot about this one.

"That Master Li, stayed in Jincheng?"

Feng Yong asked.

Amei nodded, "Yes. Master Li is getting old, and he just rushed to Jincheng and needs to rest. After the rest is over, Mrs. Liu will send someone to escort him over."

Feng Yong was startled and asked, "How do you know these things?"

"It was Madam Liu who said it herself when the servant girl went to give Madam Liu acupuncture. She also said that if the lord has nothing to do with Guan Junhou's illness, remember to inform Jincheng early."

"At that time, she can also arrange it, so that Master Li will not miss it on the way."

Zhang Xingcai, as the empress of the Han Dynasty, why did she say these things to a maidservant?

Although he has only met Zhang Xingcai once, this does not prevent Feng Yong from knowing that Zhang Xingcai is not a simple woman.

So, these words are actually for yourself?

Feng Yong glanced at Amei again, and saw that she was looking at him with some confusion, and waved her hand to let her concentrate on decocting the medicine.

At this time, there was a sound at the door, Feng Yong looked back, and saw Guan Ji standing there in a state of distress, not as cold as before, but more helpless as a girl.

Seeing her like this, Feng Yong felt a little pity in his heart, walked over, held her hand, and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

According to the original historical trend, Guan Ji can be regarded as pitiful.

The adults and the eldest brother were killed together, and the second brother had just supported the Guan family when he died suddenly.

Then the Shu Han was destroyed, and the Guan family in the middle of Shu was finally wiped out.

The Guan family, who was obviously the most powerful man in the Han Dynasty, fell into an extremely miserable situation.

Guan Ji nodded, her eyes were full of gratitude, as if Feng Yong had become her last support, she said hoarsely, "Feng Lang, second brother..."

"Don't worry, with me here, I can't die."

At this time, it can only be a big package.

The most critical artemisinin is already in my hands, so I have confidence in my heart. As for the method of use, it is always figured out by people.

"When will Master Fan arrive?"

For medical matters, we still need to ask professionals. Regarding how to inject artemisinin into Guan Xing's body, Feng Yong wanted to discuss it with Fan A.

After all, Fan Ah is the expert in this area. Of course, it would be best if Li Dangzhi came, because Li Dangzhi is good at medicine.

"The concubine was in a hurry all the way. After picking up the second brother in Qiongdu, the elder brother of the Zhang family happened to be there too, so we sent the second brother here together. Master Fan couldn't keep up. According to the time, sir Said it will be six or seven days late."

Guan Ji spoke with some concern, and then glanced at Amei who was decocting the medicine, "Master Fan said that he has nothing to do with the second brother's illness. At most, he can use acupuncture to alleviate his condition."

"It's also fortunate that Amei followed. From Qiongdu to Weixian, she is the one who uses acupuncture, but the effect of acupuncture is getting weaker and weaker."

"Why don't you send someone over to tell me, let me go directly, so that Guan Junhou won't be so troubled."

Feng Yong asked.

Guan Ji shook her head and said, "Second brother is not willing. He said that elder brother rushed to Wei County before Nanzhong was pacified. It must be that the prime minister has placed great trust in Feng Lang. How can he abolish the government because of private matters?"

"Besides, the second brother's disease lasts for one day, and one day is normal. He said that it's okay to go on the road when it's normal, and ask someone to carry it when it happens, so he insisted on coming here by himself, saying it's okay."

"Although this way, you don't need to send people to run back and forth, and you can see Alang sooner, but, just along the way, the second brother has suffered a lot..."

As Guan Ji talked, she was about to shed tears again.

Feng Yong quickly coaxed, "It's okay, it's okay, when you get here, just leave it to me."

At the same time, I felt emotional, with Zhuge Liang's temperament of devoting himself to the great man, after the Guan family lost Jingzhou, he still valued Guan Xing so much, there was indeed a reason.

In addition to being talented, the values ​​​​must be consistent with the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

For example, I am often picked on by the old monster Zhuge...

"Thank you, Feng Lang..."

" Between you and me, do you still need to thank you?"

Feng Yong tightened Guan Ji's hand, "How long does Guan Junhou's fever usually last?"

When vivax malaria attacks, there will be chills first, then fever, and finally a profuse sweating. After sweating, the patient will feel very comfortable and then fall asleep peacefully.

When I wake up the next day, I feel no different from ordinary people again, without any discomfort.

But on the third day, I started to have chills, fever and sweating again.

This situation will continue in a continuous cycle until the human body is almost destroyed by the disease, and then it will die.

Every attack will be separated by almost a day, so it is called vivax malaria.

Before the founding of New China, and even some years after the founding, many people in rural areas suffered from malaria.

Throughout the year, he would either lie on the bed and wriggle, or rush to work in the fields on a normal day.

Due to the differences in the physique of each person, the duration of chills and fevers is different. Some last for six or seven hours, or even ten hours, and the short ones last only two or three hours.

"About two hours." Guan Ji replied, "When I first arrived in Wei County, I was still cold. When I entered the city, I started to have a high fever. According to the situation in the past, it will take at least two hours before it subsides. hot."

"Feng Lang, is there anything you can do to make the second brother feel better? Seeing the second brother suffer so much, I... I feel so bad too."

Guan Ji begged.

Feng Yong patted her hand, "Aren't I telling Ah Mei to decoct the medicine? Let him drink it when the decoction is done."

Guan Xing was lying on Feng Yong's bed, and Zhang Bao was running around in a hurry when he heard Guan Xing shouting with difficulty, "Water...water..."

He quickly poured a bowl of cold boiled water and brought it to Guan Xing's mouth.

Guan Xing didn't even open his eyes, he just opened his mouth and gulped it all down.

Maybe the cold boiled water played a role. After drinking the bowl of water, Guan Xing finally opened his eyes, saw Zhang Bao in front of him, opened his mouth with difficulty, and asked vaguely, "Where is San Niang?"

Although the high fever persisted, his mind was still very clear, so he clearly heard Sanniang once say "I'll go find Feng Lang".

Feng Lang?

When did Sanniang change her name to that kid "Feng Lang"?

When did they become like this?

How could Zhang Bao be in the mood to listen to the questions he asked, and when he saw that he could speak, he quickly asked, "How do you feel, An Guo?"

Over the past few days, he has also known about Guan Xing's situation. As long as his palms sweat profusely, the high fever is about to subside. After sweating profusely, he can sleep peacefully.

So Zhang Bao said, took Guan Xing's hand and looked at it, and found that there was nothing abnormal in the palm, and it seemed that the high fever was not ready to subside.

"Don't talk, gather some strength, you have to hold on for a while."

Zhang Bao comforted.

Guan Xing smiled wryly, and said with difficulty, "Xingwu, I want to see Sanniang, and that Feng Mingwen."

"Okay, just wait, I'll call someone right now."

Zhang Bao said quickly.

When Feng Yong and Guan Ji heard that Guan Xing had woken up, they hurried back to the house hand in hand.

"Second brother, how do you feel? Are you feeling better?"

As soon as Guan Ji entered the room, she hurriedly leaned over and asked with concern.

Guan Xing didn't answer, and looked straight behind her.

Feng Yong understood, stepped forward quickly, and said in a low voice, "Guan Junhou, do you have anything to say to me?"

Guan Xing stared at him fixedly, and after a while he opened his mouth and said, "Can my illness be cured?"

"It can be cured."

Feng Yong nodded quickly.

"Is it really curable?"

"Yes, it can be cured for sure."

Feng Yong nodded quickly. At this time, he must try his best to boost the patient's confidence and cooperate with the treatment.

Guan Xing let out a long sigh of relief, closed his eyes, and murmured, "As long as it can be cured, I was thinking, if you can't cure it, then entrust the two nephews in the house to Sanniang to take care of them. "

"Your Majesty is worrying too much, it won't get to that point."

Feng Yong quickly comforted him.

Guan Xing said quietly, "I didn't worry too much. Sanniang has a strong temperament and is always assertive. In order to take care of her two nephews who are not grown up in the family, she will definitely not want to marry at that time. It will delay her life. Big deal."

Feng Yong: ...

What do you mean?

Speak out if you have the guts!

Do you think I can't hear you by beating around the bush?

People like you must be a "medical trouble" patient in future generations!

Mom is so sick that she dares to threaten me...

"Second brother, what are you talking about!"

Guan Ji saw this kind of situation from the side, and the second brother still said such words, he was really angry and anxious, his eyes were red, but he couldn't say anything to Guan Xing.

Feng Yong nodded and took a deep breath, "Since Guan Junhou still has the strength to think about this, then when you take the medicine later, just remember to hold on. Oh, by the way, does Guan Junhou like to drink?"

As soon as Guan Xing heard the word wine, he opened his eyes again and asked, "Do you have wine?"

Feng Yong nodded, "Yes, and it is the best wine in the world."

"Feng Lang... Jun, the second brother is seriously ill, how can he drink?"

Guan Ji listened beside her, and quickly dissuaded her.

"It's okay, I need to drink this medicine with wine."

Feng Yong waved his hand.

"That's a good thing."

The corner of Guan Xing's mouth twitched to show a smile.

Feng Yong brought two and a half jars of high-quality wine from Jincheng, one and a half jars were used to soak artemisinin, and there was still one jar left.

After Ah Mei decocted the medicine, Feng Yong took out the preserved wine jar and slapped open the mud seal, only to see a strong smell of wine pervading the whole room immediately.


Following the prestige, Zhang Bao smiled awkwardly and turned away.

Carefully pouring out a bowl of wine, Feng Yongduan went over and said to Guan Xing, "Even Yiwen and others have never drank so many bowls of wine, Guan Junhou, you are the first one."

Guan Xing did not speak, but stretched his neck, staring straight at the bowl in Feng Yong's hand.

When Feng Yong brought it to his mouth, he couldn't wait to open his mouth and take a big gulp.

Then suddenly his mouth was closed tightly, his eyes were wide open, and his already flushed face became even more red, even spreading to his neck.

After a while, he opened his mouth to let out a breath of alcohol, and shouted: "There is such strong alcohol in the world!"

"Quick, drink the medicine!"

Seeing that he finally swallowed the wine, Feng Yong took advantage of his high spirits, quickly took the bowl containing the medicine, and brought it to his mouth.

Guan Xing also cooperated, and finished the drink in a few sips.

Unexpectedly, just after a while, his stomach turned upside down.

I saw him clutching his stomach and crawling to the edge of the couch, puffing out his mouth from time to time, looking extremely uncomfortable, gritted his teeth, "It hurts in my stomach! I really want to vomit!"

"This is how the same thing!"

Seeing Guan Xing's appearance like this, Zhang Bao's eyes were about to burst, and he hurriedly asked Feng Yong.

"What are you afraid of? This is normal."

Feng Yong had expected this moment a long time ago, but he didn't panic, and said to Amei, "Bring me the other bowl."

"You kid knew this would happen?"

Guan Xing, who had been clutching his stomach on the couch, heard Feng Yong's words, and forced himself to ask.

"Yes!" Feng Yong nodded calmly, "San Niang also knows, she was also present when the medicine was decocted, I told her."

"You are..."

Guan Xing just wanted to say that Feng Yong was taking revenge, but he didn't expect that before he finished speaking, the thing under his throat finally found an exit and rushed out.

Guan Xing let out a "wow", and spit out a big mouthful of filth, which still had a faint smell of alcohol, it was the wine and medicinal soup that he had just drank.

"Come on, there is still a bowl here, Junhou will drink it too."

Holding the bowl, Feng Yong gently persuaded.

When Guan Xing heard this, he looked up and saw a handsome man holding a bowl of medicinal soup, gently persuading him to drink the medicine, but at this moment he only felt that this man was really ferocious.

Did he do it on purpose?

It must be on purpose, right?

I just took advantage of my illness and secretly stabbed him a few words, but I didn't expect him to treat me like this.

He looked at the bowl in Feng Yong's hand with some horror, he had already vomited like this after drinking one bowl, and if he drank another bowl, what's the point?

Seeing that Guan Xing opened his mouth to drink the medicine without cooperating, Feng Yong immediately turned his head and complained, "Sanniang, look at Junhou who doesn't drink medicine, what should I do? I have to find a way to let Junhou drink this bowl. Just go down."

Guan Ji nodded, took the bowl from Feng Yong's hand, and said softly to Guan Xing, "Second brother, drink the medicine."

Guan Xing looked at Feng Yong and Guan Ji sadly, and felt that this girl was no longer the good sister she used to be.

He was about to open his mouth helplessly, but Guan Ji thought he was refusing, so she stretched out her hand suddenly, pinched Guan Xing's chin like lightning, and then directly poured the medicine into his mouth.

Then he patted a certain position on his body a few times, Guan Xing immediately opened his mouth wide and gulped down all the medicine.

Guan Xing is about to shed tears, are you two evil spirits?

Feng Tubie, who played the role of Ximen Qing, finally kindly handed over a bowl, "Do you want to drink?"


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