I can't help being excited, I heard from Feng Langjun that this is a magic medicine that can cure sadism!

Although the treatment process was somewhat indecent, in the eyes of people like Fan Ah who have practiced medicine all their lives, it is perfectly normal to pour medicine from the valley road.

After all, there are already clear records in medical books.

"Okay, take it easy later. Don't be afraid, Zhang Junhou will always be watching by the side. Even if Guan Junhou suddenly wakes up, Zhang Junhou will stand in front."

With rough skin and thick flesh, he is a good candidate for the front row.

Besides, good friends, for a lifetime, isn't it a basic operation to face each other naked?

"The villain understands."

"Okay, let's go."

After receiving the order, several of Fan Ah's disciples began to file into the room that was used as a temporary operating room, holding wooden basins in their hands.

There is boiling water in the basin, and the bamboo tubes that have been boiled for several hours are soaked in the water.

Some basins were covered with white towels.

This is also boiled in boiling water for several hours, and then exposed to the sun.

At that time, Guan Xing saw so many white towels hanging in Feng Yong's yard, and he scorned Feng Yong severely, saying that he was simply extravagant.

It's just that Feng Tubie at that time smiled without saying a word, and at the same time said silently in his heart, brother-in-law, it was actually prepared for you.

Although Feng Yong had already explained to Guan Ji long ago, Fan Ah just gave Guan Xing a very ordinary treatment.

But Guan Ji watched the people who entered the room come out again, and after closing the door with her backhand, she stood guard at the door and waited for orders at any time, she was still a little nervous.

She pulled Feng Yong's sleeve and asked, "Feng Lang, second brother, is he okay?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Feng Yong patted her hand and comforted her.

Based on her trust in Feng Tubie, Guan Ji had no idea what Fan A, who was already in her sixties, was going to do to Guan Xing.

"Isn't there still Zhang Junhou in the room? He is watching, and nothing will happen."

In order to preserve privacy for Guan Xing, only Zhang Bao, Fan Ah, and his most proud disciple and grandson Fan Qi were left in the room.

Fan Qi is the most proud disciple who was recommended to Feng Yong by Fan A. Now he is the captain of Yizhou Diannong School, You Cao, and he can be regarded as Feng Yong's personal doctor.

Apart from the three inside the house, only Feng Yong and Amei outside the house knew what was going on.

In June of the third year of Jianxing, Li Hui, the governor of Nanzhong, defeated Dianchi Lake.

Then they smashed the many barbarians led by Meng Yan who besieged Dianchi Lake, and even the tiger of the Meng family could only be injured and escaped.

The earthquake in Yizhou County, coupled with Li Hui's prestige in Nanzhong, for a while, all the barbarian cave masters and commanders in Yizhou County were frightened by the prestige of the Han army, and they came to Dianchi Lake to express their submission.

Li Hui was all kind words to appease, and the barbarians of the cave masters shed tears and repented heartbrokenly. To show their repentance, they would like to send out all the barbarians in the village to follow the Han army to defeat Menghuo.

Li Hui was overjoyed, so he led the Han army and his servants to pursue Meng Huo's defeated army.

Meng Huo couldn't get rid of Li Hui, so he finally chose to fight Li Hui on the south bank of the Panjiang River.

"Nanzhong Yu surrendered to the governor, and I would like to ask King Meng to make a statement before the battle."

On the north bank of the Panjiang River, in front of the Han army, Li Hui, under the protection of several personal guards, planned to talk to Meng Huo in person across the Panjiang River.

After a while, the barbarians parted ways, and saw a man riding out of the formation on a horse, and shouted at Li Hui, "I don't know what advice Li Dudu has to offer?"

"That's a nice horse."

Zhao Guang in the formation looked at Meng Huo's mount with greedy eyes.

Looking from a distance, the horse was dark red from top to bottom, with thick joints. Although it was shorter than war horses in the north, it was considered an extremely rare horse in the south.

"Naturally, that horse is called the Curly-haired Chitu Horse, and it is an extremely rare BMW among Yunnan horses. The history of this horse is quite famous."

Li Yi next to him is a child of Nanzhong, and he is very familiar with the allusions of Nanzhong. Hearing what Zhao Guang said, he said.

"What hall of fame?"

Zhao Guang asked.

"There is a lake in Tanglang County called Ma Lake. A long time ago, someone accidentally tied a horse by the lake and spent the night. There was a dragon in the lake, and it came out of the lake at night to have sex with the horse. Afterwards, the horse gave birth. The dragon colt. Meng Huo's horse is the queen of the dragon colt."

"So powerful?"

Zhao Guang's eyes brightened, "Is there really a dragon in the lake?"

"Who knows? But Mahu is also called Longhu."

Li Yi smiled, "It's true that Tang Lang's horse lake is rich in good horses."

"It would be nice to take Menghuo's horse and go to Nanxiang as a stallion."

Zhao Guang murmured.

Li Yi: ...

The two murmured in the formation, only to see Li Hui in front spoke again:

"The reason why King Meng is the leader of all the tribes in Nanzhong is because he is brave and fair, so he can win people's hearts. I don't want to be bewitched by others before, so that this is the case."

"Now that the heavenly soldiers of the Han Dynasty have arrived, Zhu Bao and Gao Ding have all been put to death. The king led his men and horses, panicking all the way, why bother to come? If you don't go astray and find your way back, you can fight back early to save the lives of the children of Nanzhong, so as to ensure the safety of both sides. Of the policy?"

Meng Huo laughed, holding a whip in his hand, and said to Li Hui, "Dudu Li, I respect you as a well-respected person in Nanzhong. I didn't expect to say such shallow words."

"These days, I don't look back, not because I'm afraid of you, but because I don't want the children of Nanzhong to meet each other. I didn't expect you to push me so hard, so no wonder I'm being rude."

Li Hui sighed, and cupped his hands, "Since King Meng has made up his mind, then Hui will not say much. When the knife and ax come to him, King Meng should not regret it too late."

"This is exactly what I want to say to Governor Li."

Li Hui turned back to the formation, glanced at the handsome cave masters over there, and said softly to Zhao Guang and the others, "Let those brutal soldiers press up first."

Then he turned around and summoned the handsome Cave Master to come over, and said, "You have also seen that it wasn't me who wanted to add weapons, but that Meng Huo, who didn't know what Tianwei was like at all."

"If you want to be the loyal ministers of the Great Han Emperor, you don't just talk about it, but you have to show your real skills. When the horn is sounded, you and your people will rush directly across the Panjiang River and enter the enemy's formation."

"I have ordered a team to sneak across the Panjiang River. As long as you attract Meng Huo's attention, I will send that team out from the side, and Meng Huo will definitely be defeated."

"After Meng Huo is pacified, can the Emperor of Han forget your contributions? Among other things, cloth and food will be rewarded, and your tribe will never be starved and frozen."

All the barbarian handsome cave masters were full of flattery, "Thank you Dudu Li, we will definitely fight hard to kill the enemy, in order to repay the emperor!"

After getting the account, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Everyone thought in their hearts that this time there was really no way out.

After Li Hui defeated the barbarians in Dianchi Lake, the barbarians' villages and caves were in panic.

Later, there was news that Meng Huo led his troops to flee around Dianchi Lake. They all turned against the water at the first time, and the tribes who stayed in Dianchi Lake to support Menghuo, or those tribes who did not react, were brutally cleaned.

Those barbarian men and bureaucrats who survived were tied up in strings and taken to Dudu Li to exchange for food and cloth.

Now if they don't assist the Han people to kill Meng Huo, and when Meng Huo has a chance to bring troops back, it will be their own tribe that will be miserable.

Men were to be burned alive, and women to be reduced to slavery.

Sooner or later, miasma pervades the surface of the Panjiang River, and the miasma will dissipate only when the sun rises.

Li Hui ordered, "Ask the gang leader to distribute the bean soup to everyone."

"Yes, Governor."

After a while, Li Yi came up again, and said in a low voice, "Captain, there are not many beans here."

Li Hui was startled, and asked, "How much more?"

Ludou was a good thing, and it was a credit to being able to catch up with Meng Huo all the way.

Many people in the army would rather skip meals than drink a bowl of Ludou bean soup in this sweltering heat—even if there is only a bite of Ludou bean in it, the soup should be thicker.

After drinking it, I feel much refreshed, even on the way.

Therefore, a bowl of Ludou soup a day is essential. If the supply of Ludou beans is cut off, it may affect morale.

"If it is only for the Han army, it can last for a few meals. If it is for the whole army, it can only last for one meal."

"We can't just give it to the Han army, but also let those barbarians go to the front and fight desperately later."

Li Hui shook his head, "Cook it all. We don't need to win this time, but at least we can't lose. It's enough to delay. The next one will be handled by the prime minister."

Suddenly, Li Yi nodded and went to make arrangements.

There are many militia groups from Wei County in the gang leader army.

At that time, the members of the militia shouted a few words "the ghost king is here" at the foot of Weixian County, and they made a big deal.

Unexpectedly, just after the deal was completed, Feng Langjun ran over to them and asked them if he would like to do a bigger deal?

After eating a mouth full of oil, the militia heard that there is such a good thing in the trough, and quickly said hello, hello.

So Feng Langjun said, Dudu Li is short of manpower, do you dare to go? If you go, the tickets will be greatly reduced!

In view of Feng Langjun's gold-lettered signboard, most of the desperadoes from the militia immediately responded.

Later, as expected, he did what Feng Langjun said. Standing on the top of the Dianchi Lake, looking at the strings of laborers below, the members of the militia danced with joy and almost fell off the top of the wall.

Because Dudu Li told them that the price is still 70 yuan a piece-as long as they can help the soldiers of the Dudu Mansion to keep the barbarians from rebelling.

No way, Li Hui still has too few people.

Being able to stabilize the area between Wei County and Dianchi Lake has already relied on his reputation in Nanzhong for many years.

People from the militia can't go into battle, but it's still possible to take a weapon to deter the Liao people at the top of the city.

Later, when Dudu Li was going to chase Meng Huo, someone even begged for Li Yi's connection with a shy face, asking him to help and ask Li Hui if he could join the army.

Although it's not enough to fight in battle, it's still good enough to carry food and cook for the army.

Even Li Hui, who was the governor of Nanzhong, was shocked—how could a man be so desperate for money?


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