Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 420 Fill it in for me

"Meng Yan, you lead all the crossbowmen, stand by the bank and listen to my orders. If Li Hui dares to cross the river, let him taste the power of our bamboo crossbow!"

Meng Huo returned to the formation and began to line up his troops.


"Eshun, you lead some troops to stand on both sides of Meng Yan's troops. When they finish shooting the crossbow arrows, lead people to block the shore. Don't let the Han army rush ashore."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Eshun nodded in response.

"At that time, I will personally lead the Chinese army and give you the rear."


After Eshun walked out of the handsome tent, he turned his head and took a deep look at the handsome tent, and then strode away.

If by this time, he still doesn't understand what Meng Huo is planning, then he is really a fool.

The so-called part of the troops that Meng Huo allocated to him were actually the original troops of the peripheral tribes and Yong Kai.

At first, the tribes who abandoned Dianchi Lake were asked to hold Li Hui back and buy time for themselves to bypass Dianchi Lake.

Then along the way, the original troops of the peripheral tribes and Yong Kai have been kept at the rear.

Now that the two armies are facing each other, they will be at the forefront again.

It is understandable to respect one's own family.

But at the same time, it is also delusional to expect such a person to avenge King Gao.

Eshun doesn't have such big ambitions, he doesn't understand what the world is like, he only knows that King Gao has kindness to him, and he must avenge King Gao.

It's just that the Han army is too powerful, and he doesn't expect to defeat the Han army and return to Yueyi.

Now he just wanted to go back to Wei County to see if Guan Xing was still there, and if he was still there, he would find a way to kill him.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

The army formation on the north bank was the first to move, and the servant army brought by Li Hui began to cross the river.

They held small wooden shields in one hand, or shields made of bamboo or rattan, and held weapons of different lengths in the other hand, some made of iron, wood, and bamboo.

The Pan River is not deep, but the river is wide enough.

As the number of people entering the water gradually increased, the river slapped against the south bank one after another.


Seeing that the other side had crossed halfway, Meng Yan let out a loud shout.


Numerous crossbow bolts made of bamboo flew out like rain, shooting at the people in the river.


Although he has a shield in his hand, it is obvious that it cannot protect his whole body.

The barbarians in the river lowered their heads and tried to shrink their bodies as much as possible, but many crossbow arrows still shot directly to the thighs and other places where the shields could not protect them.


There were screams and screams, and the flowing river was soon stained with blood red, and then slowly dispersed...

Someone couldn't stand up, fell directly into the river, and was stepped into the water by the people who followed behind.

The person who fell in the river stretched out an arm, trying to struggle, but soon, the person who followed stepped on it again.

Finally, there was a few gurgles and bubbles in the water, and then there was no sound.

Eshun, who was standing on the south bank, watched, clenched the Fang Tianji in his hand, his muscles tensed up, and at the same time, he was calculating how long it would take for the opposite side to rush over.

The range of crossbow arrows is not too far, but it is better than the convenience of obtaining materials.

There are bamboos all over Nanzhong, and crossbow arrows can be made anywhere.

And at such a short distance, the lethality is quite astonishing.

"Go! Go! Go!"

"You can't retreat, you can't retreat! If you retreat, you will be killed by the Han army!"


"The opposite side has been running away these days, they can't last long!"

"The first warrior to rush forward will be rewarded with a hundred pieces of cloth and ten slaves!"

The barbarian kings kept shouting, and their cronies kept driving the barbarians to rush over.

There was another more intense sound of "buzz" and "huh", and a large group of barbarians in the river fell down again, and they were almost approaching the south bank.

But with such a small distance within reach, at least five or six waves of people fell down.

The crossbow arrows are not endless, and finally someone rushed to the shore, his face showed ecstasy, shouted "kill" in barbaric language, and rushed directly to the crossbowman.

I saw the crossbowman on the opposite side retreating quickly.

Then there were shouts of killing from both ends, and Eshun led people to surround him from both sides. Several long bamboo poles pierced over, and directly pierced the barbarians who rushed ashore with several bloody holes.

With the first, soon there will be the second, the third...

People in the same clothes, and people with the same crude weapons, gasped heavily, their eyes were red, and they bumped into each other fiercely.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Zhao Guang clapped his hands excitedly, and approached Li Hui to ask for instructions, "Captain, let me take someone there."

Li Hui watched indifferently as the people on the other side began to fight each other. Hearing this, he shook his head lightly, "No rush."

"Why?" Zhao Guang was in a hurry. "We have few people on our side. If we run out of strength, we may not be able to gain a firm foothold on the other side. If we let the last general lead people to rush over, we will be able to defend the south bank."

Li Hui narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice, "Not enough people have died, and not enough barbarians have died. Let them fill in again. The Chinese army just needs to hold their ground."

It doesn't matter if you can hold your ground on the south bank, as long as the Chinese army can hold the north bank, Li Hui doesn't believe that Meng Huo dares to send people to rush to the north bank.

When Zhao Guang, Wang Xun and Li Yi heard this, they all gasped.

"The reason for this rebellion is that there are too many barbarians in Nanzhong. If you don't kill more people, how can you show loyalty? If you die more, Nanzhong will be easier to manage in the future."

At this time, Li Hui finally showed the ruthlessness that a governor should have.

Hearing these words, Zhao Guang and the others felt that something was violently impacting them. Make them almost breathless.

"Li Yi, take people to Manshuai, and ask them to send more people to cross the river faster."

Li Hui ordered.

Li Yi responded subconsciously, but he didn't react.

"Didn't you hear me! Hurry up!"

Li Hui shouted sharply.

"It's over..."

Some of the handsome men on the North Shore turned pale, "It's gone, the warriors in the clan will be gone."

"Do you want to tell the governor to withdraw?"

Someone suggested so.

"Withdraw? How? Withdraw, will Meng Huo let us go?"

Someone gritted their teeth and said, "Now we can only fight to the end!"

"No, no, I can't fight, there are too many people on the other side."

Someone shook his head again and again, then turned around and ran towards the commander-in-chief, "I'm going to ask the governor to retreat."


The man hadn't run far when a bloody arrow shot up, and I saw a Han army commander Qu standing there expressionlessly, the knife in his hand was dripping blood, and he said indifferently, "The governor has ordered you to continue crossing the river." ! Anyone who dares to disobey the military order, beheaded!"

Behind him, a group of Han troops armed with sharp spears and ring-headed knives were staring at them.

This is the superintendent's team sent by the governor's mansion.

Everyone shuddered.

Meng Huo would not let them go, so would Li Hui let them go so easily?

Wherever small tribes went, the same fate followed.

If you want to survive, it depends on which boss you rely on is stronger.

So this battle can only be won, not lost.

"Don't worry, even if all the warriors in your clan die in battle, you won't be treated badly."

Li Yi came over with his trilogy, and happened to see this scene, his eyes fell on those handsome kings, "After this battle, if you want, the governor can report to the emperor and ask you to take your wives and children Live over there in Jincheng."

Although his face was a little pale and he felt a little uncomfortable, he still had to act as if nothing had happened.

"And I will reward you with food that you can't eat in your lifetime, and cloth that you can't wear in your lifetime. If you don't want to live in Jincheng, the governor will reward you with enough cloth and food according to the casualties and merits of your clan. And salt."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"But if you run away, don't blame the governor for being ruthless."

Li Yi said, kicking the dead Man Shuai, "He is the best role model."

"Woo woo woo..."

The horn sounded again.

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