Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 421 I just want to beat this kid to death


The handsome men gritted their teeth, they knew that they could no longer think about retaining their strength.

In fact, they can no longer keep it.

The fighting ahead became more and more fierce. Even if he wanted to retreat at this time, he would definitely be chased by Meng Huo and killed him. By then, even the Panjiang River would be filled with corpses.

Moreover, there are Han troops in the rear, even if they can retreat in the end, they will be slaughtered by the Han troops.

Zhao Guang looked at Nan'an, who was already in a mess, with cold eyes.

Now they have begun to consume each other, but this kind of consumption will definitely be a bad battle in the end.

At that time, there will be you in me, and me in you, it just depends on who can survive to the end.

However, the south bank is now full of barbarians, killing each other like wild beasts of the same kind.

On the north bank, there is the Han army watching the battle indifferently, and there is a Pan River between the two.

Even if the barbarians rushing past were defeated, with the buffer of the Panjiang River, the north bank would not be affected too much.

The scorching sun was in the sky, but Zhao Guang felt chills in his body: no matter what, those people are now his comrades! They are fighting for the big man!

Inexplicably, his elder brother's face seemed to flash before his eyes.

It turns out that those who achieve great things have to be so hard-hearted?

In a forest behind Meng Huo's army, an army was quietly waiting for news from the front.

"Prime Minister, should you drink some water?"

Yang Yi held the bowl and said to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang took it over and asked, "Have all the soldiers below eaten?"

Yang Yi nodded, "Prime Minister, don't worry, everyone has a piece of dry food, and they have eaten it all."

"That's good."

Zhuge nodded, "Tell the soldiers to take a good rest after eating, and then don't fall behind."


Half an hour later, I saw three strands of black smoke rising in front of me.

Yang Yi lifted her spirits, "Prime Minister, Li Dudu has lit a beacon!"

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly and nodded, "Pass the order, the whole army advances!"


In July of the third year of Jianxing of the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, after quelling the rebellion in Gaoding in Yueyi, led his army across Lushui, passed through the barren land where Diqiang lived, and went around to the back of Menghuo. Attack Meng Huo.

Meng Huo's army was defeated and fled in all directions.

Meng Huo wanted to lead his personal guards downstream to break out of the encirclement but failed, so he was captured by mistake.

The front part of Eshun took the opportunity to break out of the remnants to the upper reaches of the Panjiang River, but they were nowhere to be found.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty personally said to surrender Meng Huo, but Meng Huo refused.

In order to subdue the barbarians, Zhuge Liang made an agreement with Meng Huo to let him go back and fight again with the whole army. If he was defeated again, he would have to lead his people to surrender.

Meng Huo was secretly delighted: at Ye Yushui, you can still gather a lot of soldiers and horses if you just wait for yourself to go there. At that time, you only need to rely on its danger to resist the Han army, and why are you afraid of Kong Ming?

So he led the released Meng family cronies and went straight to Ye Yushui.

This is a catch and a move.

So far, most of Nanzhong has been settled, and Yongchang, who has been isolated from outside the region, has finally been contacted.

At that time, Lu Kai, the meritorious Cao of Yongchang County, went to the army in person and presented the "Ping Man Zhi Zhang Tu".

The places where Nanzhong Li stationed troops and fought are all marked on this map.

Zhuge Liang was overjoyed, and made people compare this picture with the sand table one by one. The situation of the enemy and us is really clear.

"Brother, brother! Great joy!"

Yang Wanwan excitedly ran into Feng Yong's courtyard and shouted loudly.

"What happy event?"

Feng Yong was lying under the shade of a tree in the yard to enjoy the cool, when he heard Yang Wanwan's words, he replied feebly.

Now he has to be careful when going out of the yard, for fear of running into Guan Xing accidentally.

I heard that Guan Xing is very manic now, and has the tendency to transform into a berserker.

Feng Yong is probably Guan Xing's berserk potion now. For his own safety, he had to stay in his small yard as much as possible.

And in this kind of weather, there is nothing to go out.

It's just that besides the fact that he got him drunk the first time, and he didn't do it himself the next few times, how could he blame himself for everything?

This is simply avenging personal revenge!

For example, Zhang Bao took Mafeisan and told Guan Xing that it was a medicinal soup for treating malaria. Does it have anything to do with him to trick him into drinking it?

For example, if Guan Ji directly knocked Guan Xing unconscious so that Fan Ah could receive follow-up treatment, does it have anything to do with her?

Why did he just keep saying that he couldn't forgive himself?

Fortunately, Guan Ji is a good girl. Although she didn't know what method Feng Lang used to treat her second brother to make him so manic, she knew the severity.

Malaria is an incurable disease, at least before Feng Lang took action, it was an incurable disease.

It is definitely not that easy to treat this type of terminal illness, and it must use some kind of master's secret method, so she stepped forward at the most critical moment and prevented Guan Xing from rushing into her small courtyard to chop herself into eighteen pieces .

Fortunately, the bamboo in Nanzhong is good, and the mats made of bamboo are also good, lying on it can barely survive the extremely hot weather.

"Meng Huo is defeated!"

Yang Wanwan thought that Feng Yong would jump up happily, but he just let out a lazy "Oh", "Where is Meng Huo? Have you caught him?"

"Caught it."

"Have you let it go?"

"Let go."

When Yang Wanwan said this, his eyes widened suddenly, "Brother, how did you know that Meng Huo was released again?"

"Of course I know."

Seven captures and seven attacks, damn it is difficult for the barbarians this time!

Meng Huo, the God of Plague, is going to trap all his fellow villagers wherever he goes.

"Prime Minister, is there any military order coming?"

"Brother is really amazing, he can even guess this."

Yang Wanwan admired, "General Wang has a military order, so let the younger brother come over and ask the elder brother to discuss it."

"It's hard to guess. The prime minister is afraid that he will continue to march westward now, and he will return to the army after sweeping all the barbarians in the southwest of Dianchi Lake. Now most of the army rations transported from Jincheng are in the Wei County, probably let us transport grain there.”

"That would be great!"

Yang Wanwan said happily.

Knowing what he was thinking, Feng Yong said with a smile, "Don't worry, it was Wenxuan who went there last time, and this time I will let you do what I want, and let you Yunludou go there."

Yang Wanwan smiled embarrassedly.

Food and grass are food and grass, and Lu beans are Lu beans.

The food and grass belonged to the imperial court, and the beans belonged to the Xinghan Society itself. This must be clearly distinguished.

Although I believe in the justice of the old demon Zhuge, the form still needs to be done. Otherwise, how can I show the heart of serving the country of the many brothers of the Xinghan Society?

Therefore, when transporting the beans, let the people from the Xinghan Society follow, and no one can tell the fault.

"But when you get there, whether you can make merit or not depends on yourself. I can't help you with this."

"Little brother understands."

"Okay, let's go. Go and see what military order the prime minister has sent back."

After Feng Yong finished discussing the matter, he returned to the yard from Wang Ping's side, and when he saw the people sitting in the yard, he became agitated and subconsciously turned around and ran away.

"Alang don't run away, the second brother is here to ask for advice."

When Guan Ji saw that Feng Lang was like a frightened rabbit, she quickly explained behind her.


Feng Tubie was overjoyed when he heard this, so he dared to turn his head and look carefully at Guan Xing.

Guan Xing snorted coldly.

Feng Tubie's leg trembled.

"Second brother!"

Guan Ji said.

Guan Xing glanced at Guan Ji, and hummed reluctantly, "That's right, I'm here this time to ask you a question."

Feng Yong glanced at Guan Ji, and the two eyes met. Although they were silent, Feng Tubie gave Guan Ji a lot of saliva, and the two finally had a good understanding - he understood that Guan Xing had agreed to Guan Ji's request. some conditions.

With the guarantee of safety, Feng Tubie chuckled, straightened his waist, and straightened his clothes slowly, "I don't know what question the Lord wants to ask Yong?"

Seeing his confident appearance, Guan Xing was instantly furious. He stood up uncontrollably, took a step forward, and wanted to clench his fist and blow the boy's head off.

Although his illness has not completely recovered, and his body is much weaker than before, but it is still possible to beat this kid to death.

Feng Tubie, who had just straightened his back, immediately turned around again.

"Second brother!"

Guan Ji frowned and shouted again.

After hearing this, Guan Xing gritted his teeth bitterly, "I don't have the same knowledge as you. Sanniang said, you must know why the prime minister let Meng Huo go. I don't believe it, so I came here to ask. Do you know or not?"

Even though he said so, Guan Xing actually admitted in his heart that if there is anyone in the world who can understand the meaning of the prime minister's move, it is the kid in front of him.

After all, many things in Nanzhong were created by him.

Guan Xing has been familiar with the art of war since he was a child, and he is deeply respected by the prime minister. He thinks he understands strategy, but at this time he is at a loss about the prime minister's approach, and has no thoughts at all.

In order to ease the conflict between the second brother and A Lang, Guan Ji took the opportunity to suggest that he come and ask Feng Yong.

Guan Xing loves his sister very much, and he doesn't want her to be caught between the two of them. In addition, he also knows that Feng Yong used such means to treat his illness.

If it continues like this, it will seem that I am too ignorant, so I will take this opportunity to come here halfway.

It's just that for some reason, when I see this bastard, my heart will burst into flames.

Looking at his birdy appearance again, I wish I could punch him twice before talking.

"Of course I know."

Feng Yong saw Guan Ji looking over with pleading eyes again, so he curled his lips, "If Junhou wants to know, then come in and talk."

Guan Xing raised his eyebrows. Although he was mentally prepared, he was still a little surprised when he heard his words: Do you really know?

After several people entered the room, Feng Yong poured a bowl of water himself, "Drink your saliva, you should drink more water when you are sick."

When Guan Xing heard this, he couldn't help but clenched his hands under the table into fists again, and then looked at the bowl in front of him. For some reason, he felt a little uncomfortable.

All the bowls that this kid handed over always gave him a psychological shadow.

"I won't drink, so hurry up and talk."

"Okay, I say."

Feng Yong poured himself another bowl and drank it down, and then said, "The southern barbarians have rebelled for a long time because of the remote mountains and dangerous places. They are broken today and rebelled tomorrow. When the prime minister's army arrives there, they will surely be subdued; There must be speed."

"If you don't want to repeat it, you have to convince your heart. The way to use soldiers: attacking the heart is the top, attacking the city is the bottom; the heart is the top, and the military is the bottom. Therefore, the prime minister is just trying to convince the barbarians."

"Meng Huo is the head of the barbarian kings in Yizhou County, so as long as you subdue him, you will be able to convince the barbarians in Yizhou County." Guan Xing understood as soon as he heard it, but he frowned and asked again:

"Is it too risky for the prime minister to do this? How can you be sure that you can capture it again if you let the tiger go back to the mountains?"

Feng Yong shrugged, "Don't worry, the prime minister has his own arrangements, and it's not something you and I can worry about."

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