Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 424 Where is Bao Sanniang?

For historians of later generations, Guan Suo is just a folklore, a fiction, and does not exist.

There is only one reason, that is, there has never been a record of this person in the history books.

But history is not just proved by history books.

For example, those legends about Guan Suo that have been circulated in Nanzhong, and those places that use the name of Guan Suo as a place name, and even operas about Guan Suo have always existed.

In order to write "Historical Records", didn't Sima Qian often search for those folk legends?

More importantly, later generations also discovered the tomb of Bao Sanniang, the legendary wife of Guoguansuo.

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the appearance of Guan Suo is endless. He suddenly appeared when Zhuge Laoyao was marching south, and then suddenly disappeared without a trace.

This is a headache.

Is there such a person in history?

Guan Ji gave Feng Tubie a very unexpected answer, no, it was simply a jaw-dropping answer.

I heard that Guan Suo is not as tall and powerful as his father. He is a handsome and beautiful young boy who is called "as beautiful as a peach blossom". The first-class fierce players are evenly matched.

He is a fierce second generation, official second generation, so he naturally attracted the attention of many beauties.

He has married several wives, all of whom are beautiful and good at fighting.

According to this description... the Guan Ji in front of me, if she deliberately concealed her feminine features, she would really fit her!

"Wait a minute! My head hurts, let me take it easy!"

Feng Tubie held his forehead with one hand, and waved at Guan Ji with the other.

Guan Ji was not in a hurry, she found a place to sit down by herself, and then asked, "Why is Feng Lang so frightened?"

How can I not be horrified?

You don't know how much trouble the name Guan Suo has caused to future generations!

Feng Yong glanced at Guan Xing and saw that his expression was blank, so he couldn't help asking, "Don't you want to say something?"

"What is there to say?"

Guan Xing was expressionless, "Sanniang is the daughter of a general, and she is not unfamiliar with leading soldiers in battle."

I wouldn't say that I can't beat Sanniang myself!

Taking a deep breath, Feng Yong asked again, "Marquis Guan is so powerful in China, everyone in the world knows that he has two sons and a daughter. Sanniang, you are like this, so you can make Marquis Guan have an extra son? How can this be compared with the world? explain?"

"Why explain?"

Seemingly prepared, Guan Ji opened her mouth and answered, "More than ten years ago, the Cao thief went south, Jingzhou was in chaos, and fathers, sons and brothers were separated. I only said that I was separated from the adults when I was young, so few people in the world know about it." My lord has a third son, isn't that all right?"


Feng Yong twitched the corners of his mouth and asked again, "And then?"

"It was hard to get to know each other later, but not long after, my lord was killed by a villain in Jingzhou, and I was also injured. I hid in the folks to recuperate. Only after I recovered from my injury did I find a way to return to the big man."

When Feng Tubie heard this, his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Do you know that you made up such a play, and how many years have it been misunderstood by later generations?

Sure enough, women are born liars!

"Where's San Niang?"

Feng Yong asked dumbly.

"Feng Lang is confused?"

Guan Ji asked inexplicably, "What nonsense are you talking about? This concubine is sitting here."

"What about Bao Sanniang?"

"What Bao Sanniang?"

"You are recuperating among the people, isn't it in a family surnamed Bao? The family surnamed Bao has a daughter who is the third child in the family. She has been clever since she was a child. One day a bandit named Lian Kang came to ask for it, but the Bao family refused. "

"So you fought the thief and broke him. Therefore, Bao Sanniang fell in love with you. The Bao family saw that you were a hero, so they betrothed her to you."

After hearing this, Guan Ji's eyes lit up, she clapped her hands, and said with a smile, "Feng Lang is still smart! In this way, the world will believe that Guan Suo is the third son of the adult!"

Feng Yong: ...

"Where's the person? Where's Bao Sanniang?"

Feng Tubie asked very persistently.

Guan Ji thought for a while, "Amei! Anyway, no one knows what Bao Sanniang looks like, so just let Amei pretend for a while."


Feng Yong strongly objected, "Is Bao Sanniang something that girl Ah Mei can impersonate?"

Guan Ji was very surprised by Feng Yong's strong reaction, "Didn't Feng Lang just say that? Then Bao Sanniang was smart since she was a child, isn't Amei just right?"

"Tsk!" Feng Tubie scratched his head, "But Amei doesn't have martial arts!"

How could Bao Sanniang not have martial arts? She must have high martial arts skills!

Guan Ji didn't understand why Feng Yong was obsessed with Bao Sanniang, she frowned and asked, "Why must Bao Sanniang have martial arts?"


Feng Tubie was dumbfounded and speechless.

"Okay, that's it."

Guan Xing directly made a decision at the side, "Now is the critical moment of the Southern Expedition, and Wei County is also the place to store grain. It would be inappropriate to let Na Eshun linger on the side. It would be best if this move can lure him out. but."

Feng Yong finally shut up.

At this moment, a soldier came to report that another batch of Lu beans had been transported from Jincheng, and the leader said that he wanted to see Feng Langjun for something.

"Let him in."

Feng Yong nodded.

Every time the Xinghan Club came to Yunludou, Feng Yong had to see the person in charge, but this was the first time he asked to see Feng Yong.

"Huh? Why are there so many people? Are they discussing something?"

As soon as the visitor entered the door, he said something carelessly, but he didn't have any rules.

"It's you! What are you doing here?"

When Guan Ji saw this person, her face turned cold immediately.

The visitor had a broad forehead, but a high nose bridge. Although she was wearing tight-fitting and narrow sleeves, and her hair was tied up like a man's, Feng Yong could tell at a glance that this was a woman, because she was Huang Wudie——she dressed up like a man. But it is more like Guan Ji.

After all, the temperament of a female man is there, and her face is also more resolute than Guan Ji.

Seeing Guan Ji, Huang Wudie snorted twice, "You are only allowed to come over, not me?"

Wang Ping coughed and said, "There are few people in the city, and we need to pay attention to inspections. I'll go to the top of the city to have a look first."

With that said, he left first.

"General Wang, wait, I'll go take a look too."

Guan Xing shouted hastily.

Between Guan Ji and Huang Ji, it was a quarrel between young girls. As the head of the Guan family, he is a little too sensitive in this matter, so it's best to avoid it.

In the end, Feng Tubie was left alone.

He covered his stomach and said, "You two talk first, let me change my clothes."

"Hey! Feng Langjun, this concubine is here to look for you, so don't leave!"

Huang Wudie saw that as soon as she came, everyone was going to run away, and she thought that would not work, Feng Langjun had already run away, who should I talk to? So he quickly grabbed Feng Yong.

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