Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 425: Bao Sanniang

Feng Tubie's strength is weak, while Huang Ji's strength is strong, Feng Tubie couldn't get rid of it, so he sighed, "Let go first, let's talk about things."

"It's not that I didn't say anything, it's just that Guan Jiashi..."

Huang Ji was about to say "Stone Girl" bluntly, but when she saw Feng Yong looking at her blankly, she changed her mind and said, "Okay, let me tell. Something happened in Ju County."

Ju County?

Isn't that the place where the big man collects wool?

Feng Yong immediately became concerned when he heard this.

"What happened?"

"What's the hurry, this concubine is almost dying of thirst, let me drink some water."

Upon hearing this, Feng Yong quickly took a clean bowl, poured her a bowl of water, and told her to sit down, "You drink first, and talk carefully after drinking."

After Huang Ji sat down, she finished her drink with a gulp, and then said, "Probably since May, there have been no Hu people from Ju County to send wool over."

"Later, someone from the Hu people quietly sent the news that it was Yinping Di Wang Qiangduan who was now notifying the major tribes in Yinping that the wool can only be sold to him in the future, and then he will sell it to Ju County."

"At the same time, he also set up gates at all the intersections leading to Ju County in Yinping. It seems that he wants to stop the Hu people who go to Ju County for business without permission."

"What happened in May, why did you not notify me now?"

Feng Yong frowned.

Feng Yong has been paying attention to the barbarians in the north and Liangzhou since he saw the bald head of the Xianbei tribe, so he asked He Wang to help him find out more about them.

With the rise of the wool trade, coupled with the various channels of the He family behind He Wang, more and more Hu people are willing to pass on news to Ju County.

"Now is not the time to cut wool. There are not too many barbarians who come to trade on weekdays. He Langjun also saw that no one came for two consecutive trading days, so he felt that something was abnormal. , it also takes time."

Huang Ji explained.

From her point of view, Ju County has already reacted very quickly.

Besides, the wool harvested in Ju County is not for his own wool workshop, so why worry so much?

Feng Yong nodded, thinking about the phone again.

Huang Ji looked outside to make sure there was no one there, and then whispered another thing, "Feng Langjun, someone from the north wants to see you."


Feng Yong was taken aback, "Which north? Jincheng?"

Huang Ji shook her head and glanced outside again.

Feng Yong suddenly thought of a possibility and glanced at Guan Ji.

Guan Ji understood, got up and walked to the door, then nodded to Feng Yong.

Only then did Huang Ji speak, "Northwest of Hanzhong."

Northwest of Hanzhong... Isn't that Liangzhou?

Feng Yongding shuddered, and asked in disbelief, "Hu man?"

Huang Ji shook her head.

Feng Yong's breathing became a little rough.

"who is it?"

"It is said that they are from the Liang family in Liangzhou, and asked He Langjun to pass on a message. According to He Langjun, they probably want to discuss the wool cloth with Feng Langjun."

Feng Yongyi raised his eyebrows, "The Liang family? They are so bold, how dare they declare themselves?"

"What's there?"

Huang Ji said nonchalantly, "I just bought some woolen cloth from Hanzhong. The Shu brocade of the big Han is a rare good among the Cao bandits. Even Cao Pi likes it. Where does Mr. Feng Lang think that Cao bandit's Shu brocade came from?" of?"

"Huang Niangzi means that this kind of thing is very common?"

Although he doesn't have too much hope for the integrity of the family, Feng Yong is still very surprised by this kind of behavior of smuggling from the enemy country openly.

"Money and silk are touching. As long as it's not food, weapons and horses, the Cao thief will turn a blind eye."

Huang Wudie poured himself another bowl of water and drank it gulp.

Judging by her tone, she seems to be very familiar with this kind of thing.

Remembering that she was the former richest man in Hanzhong, Feng Yong couldn't help asking, "You didn't do it before, did you?"

Huang Wudie glanced at Feng Yong, "Otherwise, Feng Langjun thinks how did Shu brocade get to the land of Cao thief?"

I rely on!

It turns out that what the old demon Zhuge said, "The only way to defeat the enemy is to rely on Jin Er", and you also participated in it?

Since you have done this kind of thing, then the experience must be rich?

"What does Huang Niangzi think about this matter?"

Since there are experienced people in front of me, it is natural to ask for opinions.

"Such a good thing, doesn't Feng Langjun want it?"

Huang Ji asked in surprise.

Such a direct and crude idea, I like it!

Feng Yongxi asked diligently, "Then what should we do?"

"Naturally, let's talk to the prime minister first to see how much the court wants, and then we will set a price, and it will be almost the same."

Huang Ji said it as a matter of course.

Feng Tubie's face froze.

Hearing this, is he going to be snatched away by the old monster Zhuge again?

It is good to rely on the imperial court, and you can grab money reasonably and legally.

"Is Miss Huang familiar with the Liang family in Liangzhou?"

Although he knew that the old demon Zhuge would definitely open his mouth, Feng Yong also knew that there was no way to do it.

Otherwise, what is the purpose of the customs in the future?

How many companies in later generations want to open up overseas markets, but now they take the initiative to come to the door and say: I have a big market here, come on!

Wouldn't it be mentally handicapped not to do such a good thing?

How can domestic prices be higher than exports?

What's more, the price for domestic sales is already high enough. If you switch to export, if you don't raise the price desperately, is it worthy of your hard work to shear the wool?

No matter how much the Zhuge old demon robbed, he would earn double the money from the Liang family.

When Huang Ji heard Feng Yong's words, she immediately beamed with joy and nodded repeatedly, "I'm familiar with it. Back then I sold Shu brocade to those Cao thieves, and I dealt with them a lot."

"The Liang family in Liangzhou is considered a big family in Liangzhou. There are quite a few people working in Liangzhou, otherwise how dare you buy things from a big man secretly?"

"Their ancestors are in Ji County, Tianshui, Liangzhou. I heard that Ji County's meritorious service and chief secretary are all from the Liang family. Feng Langjun, this concubine is very familiar with this business, so I will leave it to my concubine to handle it." ?”

Huang Ji came over and asked.

Feng Yong glanced at her sideways, but he didn't understand, this Huang Wudie is just a lonely woman, why is she earning so much money so desperately?

"I'm not busy with this matter. After the matter in front of me is over, Yiwen and the others will discuss it together after they come back."

"Oh, okay. Speaking of which, what about Erlang and the others? Aren't they always by Feng Langjun's side?"

Huang Wudie asked out the doubts in her heart.

"They followed the prime minister to put down the rebellion."

"Then what else is going on? Can a concubine help?"

Hearing Huang Ji's words, Feng Yong glanced at Guan Ji who was guarding the door, "tsk" and sighed, "I'm afraid you can't help much. Now there is a group of barbarians outside Wei County, and the leader is a A rare hero..."

At that moment, he briefly told Huang Ji about the matter.

At the same time, thinking of Guan Ji going to face that Eshun, he was really worried.

Unexpectedly, Huang Ji's eyes brightened when she heard this, and she blurted out, "My concubine can help with this matter! The Guan family %¥#@ can do it, and so can my concubine!"

She was really envious that Guan Ji was able to fight in person.

More importantly, wouldn't the stone girl of the Guan family want to overwhelm herself with this incident? That's not going to work!

Guan Ji listened at the side, and said with a sneer, "I'm Guan Suo, the Saburo of the Guan family. It's normal to fight for my brother. Where did you come from, a wild girl? What's your name?"

Huang Ji looked at Guan Ji, with a look of dilemma on her face, and finally gritted her teeth, as if she had made up her mind, "I'm Bao Sanniang! Hmph, I've given you an advantage!"


Feng Tubie took a sip of water, but it spewed out far away.

Huang Wudie didn't care about waiting for the local turtle's gaffe, "Feng Langjun, my concubine accompanied my Alang to Sichuan to find relatives. Seeing that Alang is in danger, shouldn't he go to battle and fight the enemy together?"

"No, you girls send your family members to join the army, and you can't even leave your house. How can you fight in person when you get here?"

Feng Tubie almost jumped up.

Were all women in the Han Dynasty so fierce?

"The reason why I don't leave the house to send off my family members is because I want to wait for my relatives to return at home. What does it have to do with being able to go to battle in person?"

Huang Wudie wondered, "Back then, the concubine led the army of adults. When did the saying that women can't fight?"

Sure enough, women from the Han Dynasty are the real women's rights, unlike the women's rights of later generations, it is simply hypocritical!

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