Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 426 I'm Waiting For You Here

At the foot of a mountain not far from Wei County, there is a village hidden in the forest.

This village, like most villages in Nanzhong, is built on the hillside.

There is also a spring next to the village, which can provide water for hundreds of people a day.

Behind the village, there is a half-wild and half-artificial fruit forest. In summer and autumn, the fruits produced in the fruit forest can be used as rations for the village.

Even not far from the village, there is a slightly flat land with traces of cultivation.

It's just that the land is full of weeds now, and it seems that no one has taken care of it for a long time. The weeds are growing luxuriantly, and only one or two of the crops in the original field show up occasionally, telling the desolation of this village.

Since Li Hui regained Wei County, many barbarians were afraid of being liquidated, and even more afraid of being captured by the minions (military groups) of the legendary ghost king, so they moved out of their villages and went to hide in the mountains.

Only empty villages remained.

Two days ago, a team of barbarians came to this abandoned village and stayed here temporarily.

Eshun sat on a big rock at the gate of the village, carefully wiping his Fang Tianji.

Beside him, sat a Han Chinese man in his forties. Although his clothes were a little tattered and his face was a little haggard, he still had an aura of calmness while sitting there.

I saw him with his eyes closed, as if he didn't care about everything around him.

After wiping Fang Tianji, Eshun glanced at Lu Kai, "Lu Gongcao, today is already the second day, if there is no news from Guan Xing tomorrow, then don't blame me for being rude."

When Lu Kai heard this, he smiled lightly and dismissed it.

Eshun was bored, but he didn't worry about it.

Anyway, he and Lu Kai have the same thoughts, they both regard themselves as dead people, so what is there to care about each other?

Eshun put Fang Tianji by his side, imitating Lu Kai's appearance, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

He wasn't afraid that Lu Kai might have other thoughts, if he really found out something was wrong, he would just stab him with a halberd. He believed that Lu Kai had no way to escape.

It's just that although Eshun didn't speak, his thoughts were disturbing.

With Meng Huo retreating from the north, the Han army that followed along the way was led by Guan Xing.

When attacking Wei County, the Han army rushed into the city again.

So in Eshun's mind, Guan Xing is very likely to be in Wei County now.

A few days ago, he followed Meng Huo to attack Wei County, and he could guess how many people there were in the city.

In the past two days, he inquired about news from the Liao people around Wei County. Since Meng Huo withdrew, Wei County had not increased its troops.

On the contrary, a few days ago, a lot of people were sent to escort the food and grass. I think the most people in the city at this time are barely defending the city.

With these remnant soldiers, although he couldn't attack the city, the Han people in Wei County also had nothing to do with him.

However, Eshun only gave himself three days to prevent the Han army from encircling him from other places. After three days, he had to take people away.

It has been two days now, if Guan Xing doesn't show up after tomorrow, maybe he will kill Lu Kai, and then find another way to find out about Guan Xing's whereabouts.

Ever since Meng Huo was defeated by the Han army at Panjiang, Eshun had no hope for Meng Huo at all, and he wanted to use his own method to avenge King Gao.

Eshun has no relatives, and Gao Ding not only has great kindness to him, but also has always used him a lot, so in his opinion, Gao Ding is his only relative.

Now he feels that the only way to repay King Gao is to kill Guan Xing.

As for his own life and death, he no longer cared about it.

As long as he could kill Guan Xing and lose his life, it would be a profit.

At this time, I saw a figure running over from the other side of the valley, shouting from a distance, "King E, there is news, there is news!"

Eshun opened his eyes suddenly, suppressing the excitement in his heart, "Any news about Guan Xing?"

The person who came was a barbarian who was looking for news, and he nodded repeatedly, "In the past two days, news came out from the city that Guan Xing was in the city. And he also let people spread the word that he was waiting for E in Wei County. Your Majesty."

E Shun said in a deep voice, "Is the news reliable?"

"Reliable. I heard that Guan Xing was seen patrolling the city in the past two days."


Eshun stood up suddenly, "Notify the people in the village to eat and drink enough, and have a good rest tonight. Go to Wei County tomorrow!"


After the barbarians got the order, they ran towards the village again.

Liao people are straightforward, and they don't have so many flirts.

They restrain each other mainly by promises and ghosts.

Otherwise, Li Hui wouldn't have been fooled by Li Hui's few words for a while at the Dianchi City, and he would have believed Li Hui's statement, and then relaxed the siege, and finally Li Hui took advantage of a big loophole and beat them to death.

On weekdays, the barbarians are fond of fighting, advocating the warriors of the clan and the fair leaders.

It was Meng Huo's courage and fairness that convinced the barbarians in Yizhou County.

Along the way, Eshun always went forward in every battle, and he was the most valiant figure in the army. In addition, in the battle at Panjiang, he led his people to the front, and finally led them to escape from the siege of the Han people. come out.

Therefore, this group of remnant soldiers were extremely convinced by him, and they immediately changed their name to Eshun as the king.

When they heard that Eshun was going to Wei County, although they had doubts, they did not object.

Because Eshun once swore an oath with ghosts and gods that he would not attack the city this time, but just stood under the city and cursed people.

Moreover, there are not many Han soldiers in the city. If they dare to come out, then defeat them.

After this battle, they can return to Tanglang County.

During the Battle of Panjiang, most of the barbarians brought by Eshun were from Yongkai's former troops. Yongkai was entrenched in the Tanglang area, and most of the barbarians came from there.

Now that I hear that I can go home as long as I finish playing this time, how can there be no reason for it?

Hearing cheers from the village, Lu Kai finally opened his eyes, and looked at Eshun.

"Meng Huo's defeat was like a bereaved dog. Only the general led a remnant of soldiers. He fought for more than three hundred miles, but he was able to win the support of the soldiers and his morale did not drop. Such a great talent, but willing to be a robber, really Pity."

Eshun smiled lightly, "What? Want to persuade me? I thought you were not afraid of death."

Lu Kai shook his head, "Is there anyone who is not afraid of death? It's just that when death is inevitable, avoiding it is inevitable, so the only way to avoid losing face is to not be afraid of the road. It's just that I really feel sorry for people like you."

"What's the pity?"

Eshun looked at the mountains and forests in the distance, and said slowly, "I'm just a barbarian, I don't understand any major principles, and I don't have the complicated thoughts of your Han people. I will recognize whoever treats me well. King Gao is dead, and we To avenge him, it's as simple as that."

"On the battlefield, swords and guns have no eyes. If you show mercy, you will seek your own death." Lu Kai frowned, "After Gao Ding's first defeat, the prime minister has given him a chance to surrender. He would rather die than drop."

"When Qiong's capital is broken, Guan Junhou will be the first to ascend. If he doesn't kill Gao Ding, Gao Ding will definitely kill him. How can you blame Guan Junhou's merciless subordinates?"

E Shun's face was filled with sadness, "I understand the truth, but it is true that King Gao was killed by Guan Xing, so I have to avenge him. Guan Xing killed King Gao in the battle, so I will do the same." Kill him squarely in front of the two armies."

"As long as he doesn't engage in the conspiracy of your Han people in Wei County tomorrow, I will give him a fair chance to fight. If that is the case, I will die under his hands, and I have nothing to say."

"But if he has other thoughts," Eshun said with a sneer after looking at Lu Kai, "then you can ask for more blessings."

"Guan Laojunhou is famous all over China. He is the head of the five tiger generals of the Han Dynasty. Guan Junhou is the successor of Guan Laojunhou. How can he be such a miserable person?"

Lu Kai snorted coldly.

"I hope so."

Eshun didn't argue either.

Woke up early the next day, Eshun had someone make breakfast, and after he was full, he led the barbarians straight to the city of Wei County.

In the past few days, he has thoroughly checked around Wei County, and he is sure that there is no second Han army around Wei County.

As soon as this group of barbarians showed up, Wei County City had discovered it early on, and Wang Ping ordered people to close the city gates immediately and deploy defenses at the top of the city.

"This banner is quite effective, right?"

Feng Tubie followed the people and ran up to the top of the city, looked at the specially erected banners on the top of the city, and said triumphantly.

Guan Xing looked at his face, and was really conflicted in his heart: what did Sanniang like about this guy? This is simply a green-skinned character!

"Why are there so many big flags at the top of the city? Could it be that there is a large army in the city?"

E Shungang took people to the city, and saw several large flags erected on the top of the city, he was a little surprised.

On the other hand, Lu Kai who was beside him looked at the words on the big banner, and his expression was a little strange.

"It's just that this big flag is different from other handsome flags. What's written on it?"

After Eshun saw the appearance of the big flag, he felt that something was wrong. Generally, the handsome flag has only one word, indicating the identity of the coach.

But these big banners at the top of the city have many characters written on them.

"You want to know?"

Lu Kai's expression became more and more strange.


Lu Kai looked at the big banner on the top of the city again, and read out every single word, "Eshun, I'll wait for you here!"

When Eshun heard this, his eyes widened suddenly.

Although there is no signature, everyone knows that this is what Guan Xing said.

He remembered what the barbarian said to him yesterday, Guan Xing let out rumors that he was waiting for him here, so that's how he let out the rumors?

I wrote a chapter first, looked at the outline, and always felt that something was missing. I want to repair the outline again during this period, and the update may be slower.

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