Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 437 Ancestral rules?

Revitalizing the Guan family is the biggest obsession in Guan Xing and Guan Ji's hearts.

Guan Xing had great hopes for this Southern Expedition, otherwise he wouldn't have volunteered to be the most dangerous but most capable first-time soldier.

It's a pity that he contracted malaria just after defeating Yuejun. If he hadn't killed Gao Ding in Qiongdu and made his first contribution, then this time he would have been so tragic that he didn't even get any credit for it. not on.

Feng Yong understands their brother and sister's obsession, and Guan Ji still has the status of Guan Suo, the third son of the Guan family, so this time he plans to let Guan Ji follow Zhao Guang, Li Yi and others to wipe out the barbarians, which can be regarded as continuing to let her stand for the Guan family. The meaning of some credit.

After all, the Guan family will be regarded as his in-laws in the future, so if they can help more, they will naturally help more.

The only rule Feng Yong set for her was that she was not allowed to fight in person unless it was absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, don't think about having the opportunity to lead the army again in the future.

When Guan Ji heard that her A-Lang was so understanding and caring for her and her second brother, she was so moved that she took the initiative to snuggle into the arms of a certain soil turtle.

As a result, Feng Tubie almost turned into a beast on the spot, so he had to feed her saliva several times.

As for Huang Ji, let alone, in order to be able to fight, she is even willing to be Guan Ji's mother-in-law, how could she let go of this rare opportunity?

So after a few days, Feng Yong traveled to Tanglang County, only Amei followed him.

However, Amei's original stockade was not far from Wuchi Road, so there was no danger, so there was no need to worry about accidents.

During the Nanzhong Rebellion, Wuchidao business travel was cut off, and Tanglang County was entrenched and ravaged by Yong Kai for several years. The people either fled, or went to the mountains to become wild people, or followed the rebels.

After Yong Kai's death, Meng Huo came again, followed by Guan Xing and Zhang Bao leading the army, tossing back and forth, which made the already dilapidated Tanglang County even more defeated.

Except for the place where the five-foot road passes, the basic order can be maintained, and the rest of the places are all in a state of no control.

Amei's people, as acquaintances who have learned farming from the Han people, are naturally close to the Han people.

According to Amei, the former village of the tribe is not far from Wuchi Road, which is about half a day's journey away.

Later, Feng Yong followed for a long time before he realized that the short half-day she said was calculated according to the footsteps of a barbarian who walked the mountain road without permission.

By the time Feng Yong led people to follow her to find the long-abandoned village, the sun was already in the west.

"Leave some people, tidy up, we will live here tonight."

The location of the village is good, it is close to mountains and rivers, because no one has lived in it for a long time, many houses originally built with bamboo have collapsed.

The rest didn't collapse, but it's probably not too safe either.

It is convenient to directly dismantle those bamboos and use them to rebuild a camp.

There are actually several adobe houses in the middle of the village.

Ah Mei led Feng Yong to the adobe house, and said shyly, "My lord, this is the former home of the maidservant."

Feng Yong looked around and imagined the original appearance of the village, and found that Amei's family was actually located in the middle of the village, and it was the only adobe house?

I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, as if this girl's family has a high status in this village?

So he pointed to the adobe house and asked, "Why does it look like your house is different from others?"

"Aunt is a well-known witch doctor in the clan. When people in the nearby villages get sick, they will come to see Aunt for treatment."

Amei said with a little pride on her face, "Later, after your lord came to the village, more people came to see you from other places. We all knew that your lord is not used to living in bamboo houses, so we built these houses together. Specially for adults.”

Well, that's right.

Feng Yong nodded, stepped forward and pushed open the door in the middle, and a lot of dust fell on the door frame.

"This is the hall. My lord used to see patients here before he was alive. My lord also said that sitting in the hall to see a doctor is a custom passed down from the ancestors."

Amei explained later.

"Sitting in the hall? Ancestral inheritance?"

Feng Yong was slightly taken aback, and looked at Amei.


Amei nodded.

Didn't it start with Zhang Zhongjing to sit in the hall to see a doctor?

Feng Yong looked at Amei and thought that this girl must be surnamed Zhang in all likelihood.

"Which room do you live in?"

Feng Yong asked.

Amei blushed slightly, and pushed one of them away, "My lord, this is the one."

Feng Yong poked his head in and took a look. The inside was very simple, with only a couch made of bamboo.

Looking at the house, although there are some cracks, it can barely live in.

"Okay, I'll stay here tonight."

The other rooms should belong to her parents. Out of politeness, Feng Yong didn't bother, so as not to cause this girl's sadness.

"Come and clean up, two people, I will live here tonight."

Feng Yong turned around and ordered.

When Amei heard this, her face turned even redder.

"The rest of you, follow me."

Feng Yong said to Amei again, "Go, go and see your lord and mother."

Amei said that her parents' graves are on the hill behind the village, very close, and they will be there in a while.

But when it was time to climb the mountain, Feng Yong knew, what a furball? This ghost mountain road is really too difficult to walk!

Looking at Amei who was leading the way, she saw that her footsteps were light, no different from walking on flat ground, and she was walking faster and faster, as if the mountain road did not cause her any trouble.

Several times, Feng Yong even saw her picking a few unknown wild fruits and putting them in her mouth from time to time. It could be seen that she was in a very happy mood.

She was so happy that she had forgotten that there was a soil turtle lord behind her, or she didn't notice that the soil turtle lord behind her was already out of breath and could hardly keep up with her pace.

Looking at the trilogy behind him again, although he was not wearing iron armor, he did not take off the leather armor along the way. Everyone still carried weapons, water, dry food and other things on their bodies, and looked relaxed.

Feng Yong rejected Buqu's kindness to help him.

They were all carrying things on their bodies, and it was too embarrassing for them to walk with empty hands.

"How far is it?"

Feng Tubie finally couldn't hold it anymore, put his hands on his knees and yelled.

Ah Mei finally came to her senses, turned her head and saw Feng Yong's half-dead appearance, turned around and ran back.

"Yes... I'm sorry, my lord, the servant girl didn't notice..."

Amei stammered, a little at a loss.

Feng Yong waved his hand and asked, "How far is it?"

Although it is a blessing to have a mountain road in this place, it is still too difficult for Feng Yong.

Starting from Wuchi Road early in the morning, he walked for a long time before arriving at the stockade at the foot of the mountain. Before he had a long rest, he came back to climb the mountain immediately. Feng Yong felt that he was about to become a dog.

Speaking of dogs, Laifu next to him was scurrying around cheerfully, and from time to time he drove a mountain rabbit out of the grass, which caused a slight commotion in Moqu, and shot directly with his bow.

Looks like I'm more tired than a dog...

I can no longer believe the words of this dead girl.

What is a half-day journey?

What is a place close to the mountain?

What nonsense!

"It's just ahead."

As Ah Mei said, she reached out to help Feng Yong.

"How far ahead?"

Feng Yong looked at Amei suspiciously.

"It will be here soon."

Ah Mei didn't dare to look into Feng Yong's eyes.

"I will trust you for the last time. If you don't, you will carry me on your back."

Feng Yong threatened viciously.


Amei replied in a low voice.

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