This time, Ah Mui did not lie. After walking a short distance, turning to the left of the mountain road, she soon saw two small mounds side by side.

There is no tombstone, only two half-foot-high stones standing in front of the grave, with no words on them, and the weeds on the grave are already three feet high.

If they didn't know this place in advance, few people would have noticed that these two small soil bags are two graves.

"Clean up the area."

Feng Yong ordered.

A few steps promised and started to clean up the weeds around.

The rest began to set up vigilance around.

Amei glanced at Feng Yong gratefully, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, my lord."

Feng Yong waved his hand to signal her not to be so polite.

She is now Feng Yong's concubine in name, and she is considered to be a member of the Feng family.

Now that so many people have been brought out, it would be unreasonable if she had to do it herself.

The trilogy was cleaned up quickly, and Ah Mei stepped forward to light the incense, and the green smoke curled up.

Then he placed the pig's head himself - this pig's head was found by Feng Yong from Zhang Biao, and it was already considered a very valuable sacrifice.

The three animals are too prison, that is, cattle, sheep, and pigs.

At the earliest time, it was something that only the emperor and nobles could use when offering sacrifices.

Chicken and fish were placed next to the pig's head.

Although there were no big three animals, Feng Yong still gave the small three animals according to the rules of later generations-the sum of pigs, chickens and fish is considered a small three animals.

The most important reason why he insisted on coming to pay respects to Amei was that the unnamed couple who had been buried in the ground in front of him had preserved two most precious medical books in the world.

The merit is immeasurable, the merit is immeasurable.

Feng Yong came here to pay respects, which can be regarded as an expression of his respect.

After Amei placed the sacrifices, she said a little awkwardly, "My lord, please invite me first."

Feng Yong is not too polite, after all he is Ah Mei's husband-in-law now, he wrapped his right hand around his left hand, bowed three times and bowed.

This is different from normal saluting.

Men usually salute with their left hand outside and their right hand inside. This is Jibai.

When encountering mourning and other things, you need to pray fiercely, and you must use the opposite gesture to Jibai.

Looking back at Amei, she saw joy and sadness on her face.

Feng Yong sighed lightly, and when he turned to walk away, he said, "Talk to your lord and mother."

With a wave of his hand, the steps are scattered further.

Feng Yong himself sat down on a rock in the distance, watching the girl kneeling there crying and laughing, muttering something.

After a long time, she bent down to kowtow again, and it seemed that she had finally finished speaking.

Then he got up and walked towards Feng Yong, "My lord, thank you, my lord."

Amei's eyes were red, but her face was full of gratitude.

"Oh, are you done?"

Feng Yong patted his buttocks and got up, "It's not easy to come back this time, think about it, is there anything else to say?"

Amei shook her head, "I have said everything that needs to be said. The servant girl told the lord and mother that she is doing well now. The master... the master is also very good."

After speaking, the voice lowered.

"Okay, let's go then."

Look at the sun, it is about to set, and we have to go back to the village before dark.

"Don't pack things up, just bury them here."

Feng Yong saw that Amei was about to pack up the offerings, and said, "I haven't come here for several years, let them eat more."

After thinking about it, I always felt that something was missing, "Where is the paper money I asked you to cut two days ago? Didn't I ask you to bring it before I came out?"

"Here it is."

Amei handed over a package in a daze.

"Why don't you burn paper money?"


Amei was even more at a loss.

"Burn them, burn them, and then you can send the money down below for your adults and grandma."

Feng Yong opened the package, grabbed a handful of paper money cut into five baht coins, and sprinkled it into the air.

Then handed the package to Amei, "The rest are burned."

Seeing the piles of paper money falling down, Amei showed a distressed expression, and then she understood what happened.

It turns out that the master asked her to cut the paper into this shape for this time?

Lighting incense and burning paper will produce green smoke.

The ancients believed that green smoke was a medium to communicate Yin and Yang.

So when Ah Mei heard that Feng Yong asked her to burn the paper money, she quickly understood what it meant.

Looking at Feng Yongshi again, his eyes were full of water waves, but he didn't dare to reach out to catch it, na na said, "My's too precious..."

"What is valuable? What is this piece of paper? Go ahead and burn it!"

Feng Yong couldn't bear to see her blunt appearance, so he directly stuffed the package into her arms.

These days, there should be no habit of throwing paper money and burning paper money. Even if there is, it is estimated that only a very few people can use it.

Things like paper are not something that ordinary people can use.

So Amei said that paper money is too expensive, which is a big truth.

But for Feng Tubie, if you don’t burn paper money when going to the grave, is that still called going to the grave?

It's a pity that there was too little paper, and only a little paper money was cut out, but it was enough to make Amei feel hot.


Amei didn't dare not answer, so she had to answer in a low voice.

When we returned to the stockade, it was already dark.

Ah Mei's house was smoked inside and out, and there was a mat on the couch—this time, as planned, she would sleep outside for several days, so of course she had to be prepared.

Before going to bed at night, Ah Mei was afraid that Feng Yong would not get used to sleeping, so she smoked the room again with incense.

"Don't worry about it at night, just sleep here."

Feng Yong saw that Amei was done with work and was about to go out to find a place to sleep, so he said.

Before going up the mountain, he only ordered Buqu to clean up one house. Out of respect for Amei's parents, Feng Yong didn't ask anyone to move other houses.

It would be a bit too much to drive Amei out and let her sleep outside like those soldiers, after all, this is her house.

And for the past two years, she has been taking care of herself. Apart from not having the same bed, there are not so many taboos between the two of them.

Besides, she is also his concubine now, and in the eyes of others, it is normal for them to sleep in the same room.

"Make another floor here."

Feng Yong pointed to an open space in the house.

Amei's face turned red all of a sudden, she secretly glanced at the lord, only to see that the lord stopped caring about her after he finished speaking, and went directly to sleep on the bed.

She quickly spread the floor on the open space, thought for a while, and then took out a piece of incense and lit it.

Before Feng Yong fell asleep, he smelled a fragrance through his nose. He felt that the smell seemed a little familiar, but he didn't care, thinking it was the kind of incense that he smelled on the mountain today.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I fell asleep, I began to have erotic dreams.

In the dream, there were countless women moaning softly, which aroused him so much that he wanted to yell: "Come here, all of them, I will give you the helical things passed down from your ancestors..."

Then in a daze, I only heard a woman's voice say something in my ear, and Feng Yong stretched out his hand and dragged her to the couch...

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