Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 439 Unexpected Success

When Amei called "Master" softly, Feng Yong had actually woken up.

The hand that was ripping off the clothes paused for a moment, but as soon as he stopped, the scent that seemed to be directly touching the heart was like a feather, gently brushing over the tip of his heart, Feng Yong couldn't hold it anymore.

Following Ah Mei's muffled snort, Feng Yong suddenly had a thought, this is his first time in two lifetimes, right?

Then the raging desires overwhelmed reason.

After walking for a day and climbing a lot of mountain roads, Feng Yong felt tired at first, but after doing this again in the middle of the night, he felt extremely sleepy and soon fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up again, it was already broad daylight.

When turning over, I accidentally bumped into the person next to me, and then I remembered what happened last night.

It may be that the body has returned to its peak state after a sound sleep, or it may be that the daughter is more energetic. Anyway, Feng Yong feels refreshed and brisk like never before.

Sitting up half lying down, subconsciously reached out to touch...

Well, no bedside tables.

There will be no smoke.

So he withdrew his hand, sat for a while, and asked, "Is the incense last night the kind you smelled to me when I was in Hanzhong?"

If it wasn't for what happened last night, he would have almost forgotten that when he was in Hanzhong, Amei once smelled a kind of spice for him, which was said to have been passed down to her by her mother.

Originally Feng Yong was curious about why her grandmother did this, but now that she thinks about it, since her grandmother is a witch doctor, she always has some unknown means.

After all, Miao Jiang, Miao girls are passionate...

Miao girl is good at using Gu, there are still legends in later generations.

Although it is a legend, it will never be groundless.

Moreover, in Vietnam in later generations, there were incidents of voodoo poisoning, and I don't know if it is true or not.

Ah Mei, who was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, opened her eyes quickly, got up and shrank her body, and said in a low voice, "Yes."

Xiao Mian, still want to pretend to sleep in front of me?


Feng Yong asked with a slight frown.

If he took the initiative, everything will come naturally, after all, he has the right.

But Amei can't do it. Now that she can do this kind of thing independently, she will inevitably do other things in the future.

"I'm sorry, my lord..."

Amei was lying on the couch, her body trembling slightly.

A black hair fell down, revealing the snow-white back.

"My lord went to see the graves of my lord and grandma, and let the servant girl sleep in the room. The servant girl thought... thought..."

Feng Yong was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

He hadn't thought about it.

It turned out that in her eyes, going to pay homage to her parents yesterday was an official recognition of her identity.

Thinking of her performance during the day, she should be extremely grateful to herself, right?

I told her to sleep in the house again, so I gave her the last courage to light the aphrodisiac spice.

In fact, Feng Yong also knows that the aphrodisiac spice is only an auxiliary function, and the most important thing is himself... Ahem, I really can't control myself.

In addition, she was her own as soon as possible, so last night was actually smooth sailing.

After all, the arrow was on the string at the time, and it had to be launched, it had to be launched!

Thinking of this, Feng Yong turned his head to look, and saw Amei's docile appearance, his heart moved, and he couldn't help reaching out to caress her.

Feeling the lord's palm caressing her back, Amei's skin became pimples.

"Okay, there's no need to be like this, put on your clothes first."

Feng Yong said something, and then got up to get dressed.

When Ah Mei saw it, she quickly crawled over from the other side of the couch to help Feng Yong get dressed.

It's just that the range of motion was a little too big, which made her frown uncontrollably.

"Get dressed yourself first."

Feng Yong glanced at Amei, and suddenly felt a little red in the snow-white shaking of his eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly scolded.

Only then did Amei come to her senses, and quickly shrank back, frantically looking for clothes.

After Feng Yong finished dressing, he saw the girl curled up on the couch with a sad face, holding the torn clothes from last night in her hand, and didn't know how to put them on.

Feeling Feng Yong's gaze, he glanced timidly at Feng Yong, then shrank back.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Feng Yong tried not to let his smile show, "Clean up the inside."

After speaking, he turned and walked out.

There are other clothes in the room, so don't worry about her having nothing to wear.

It's just that when he walked outside the door, Feng Yong let out a "tsk". He wanted to leave it to Guan Ji, but he didn't expect to take advantage of this girl, alas!

Surprise, what a surprise!

"Go, boil some hot water, I want to take a bath."

Feng Yong ordered a few steps.

After Feng Yong went out, Amei in the room pursed her lips, turned her head and looked in a certain direction, as if she could see a certain room through the wall.

I heard from my mother that she was also in this village back then, and she used the same method to keep the adults here...

Thinking of this, there was another joy in her eyes.

Because of this accident, Feng Yong and his party stayed in this village for a few more days.

After all, aphrodisiacs were used, and Feng Yong's actions at that time were a bit sympathetic, so Amei had to rest for two more days.

After she recovered, she started on the road back to Wuchi Road in Tanglang County.

I heard from Amei that starting from the stockade, you can directly climb over several high mountains to reach Lushui, and the dumb spring is just beside Lushui.

If you go this way, the distance is very short, but the road is full of high mountains and cliffs, and the large group of people can't walk through it at all.

Even if herb pickers or hunters could walk there, very few would, because it was too dangerous.

Needless to say, Amei, Feng Yong also knew the dangerous terrain around Lushui.

Lushui is the later Jinsha River, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, with a huge drop in water level, and most of the places it passes through are barren land.

Even in later generations, only a part of it has been developed there.

The river has a great reputation and is quite legendary.

In addition to the Zhuge old demon who crossed Lu in May, there are two famous figures in later history who left their names on this river.

One is Shi Dakai, and the other is Grandpa Mao.

Shi Dakai is the military god of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. He left Tianjing with his elite troops and wanted to enter Sichuan and Sichuan. Although he crossed the Jinsha River without bloodshed, he failed at the Dadu River. The army was wiped out.

Seventy-four years later, a great man led tens of thousands of Red Army troops across the Jinsha River in seven small boats, and finally captured the Luding Bridge and forcibly crossed the Dadu River, opening a new chapter for the Red Army of Workers and Peasants.

Same place, different results.

The Jinshao River originated in Qinghai in the north. The surging river passed through Sichuan and Tibet provinces and reached Lijiang in Yunnan. Then it suddenly changed direction and rushed in the opposite direction, heading north again.

It went all the way to Yibin, which is the Bodao where Zhuge Laoyao divided his troops, and then began to go east again, becoming China's second mother river.

Poor mountains and bad waters are the most appropriate way to describe this river.

The water level drop of the entire river is as high as more than 5,000 meters. Even if the new China is established in later generations, the demonstration of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station will take decades, let alone this era.

Although Amei said that from Wuchi Road to Yaquan along the river, the road ahead is easy to walk, only the last section of the mountain road is more difficult, but Feng Yong did not believe this girl's words.

The lessons of the past few days are vivid.

The road is easy to walk, compared to her who was born in Nanzhong and has been used to walking on mountain roads since she was a child.

Of course, I also punished her in the end, so it was evened out.

So this time, Feng Yong set off directly on a Yunnan horse.

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