Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 440: Nagu

He led the people to continue down Wuchi Road to the place where Amei said there was a river.

Walking along the river to the northwest, after walking for half a day, you can see that the river has expanded into a large lake in a gentle place.

Resting by the lake for a while, Feng Yong took out his blueprints to write and draw, and calculated the distance. From Wuchi Road to here, it is about 30 miles away. Walking along the river, the road... seems to be better. Walk?

Well, it seems that this girl did tell the truth this time.

In particular, the water in this river is not too urgent, and it is estimated that boats can be sailed.

On the south side of the lake there is a gentle mountain, and a road that is obviously built by man-made curves along the mountain.

"Is this... a post road?"

Feng Yong asked in surprise.

This post road should have been gone for a long time, and weeds have covered most of the post road, but Feng Yong still recognizes that this is a unique post road in Nanzhong.

Because the five-foot road looks almost the same as the road in front of you.

With the engineering level of this era, only Han people can build this kind of road.

Amei nodded, "Yes, this is an official road. According to my lord, this official road should have been built three hundred years ago."

Three hundred years ago? Isn't that the Western Han Dynasty?

In all likelihood, after the destruction of Yelang, the Western Han Dynasty built plank roads in Nanzhong in order to strengthen its control.

Looking at the stone steps on the ramp made of irregular stones, Feng Yong couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The reason why Han has become the name of a nation is not without reason.

The big man was able to extend his tentacles here three hundred years ago, and he also built a post road nearly two meters wide.

It has already expanded the territory of the southwest to the limit that can be expanded, and the subsequent dynasties have basically guarded the southwest territory it demarcated—sometimes even this territory cannot be maintained.

From this point of view, the Han Dynasty is indeed considered awesome without explanation.

Strictly speaking, this post road should be a small branch of Wu Chi Road.

Following the post road and turning over this gentle mountain range, a basin suddenly appeared in front of Feng Yong and his party.

"What is this place?"

Feng Yong stood on the hillside and asked, pointing to the basin below.

"Return to the Lord, this place is called Nagu."

Amy replied.


Feng Yong frowned, thinking that the name was so strange.

"Yes, this is what the Liao people call this place. According to Chinese, it means black land."

Amy explained.

"Black land?"

Feng Yong repeated it, thinking, isn't this the Great Southwest? When did it become the Great Northeast?

Looking around, there is a river that used to pass through the basin below, surrounded by mountains, the water flowing down from the mountains irrigates this land, it is indeed a fertile land.

It's not wrong to call it the black land.

As far as the eye can see, there are only a few houses at the foot of the mountain far and near, along the edge of the basin - there are bamboo houses and adobe houses.

Surrounded by mountains in Nanzhong, there are many such relatively closed large and small basins scattered.

The only difference is the size of the basin.

These large and small basins are the main source of cultivated land in Nanzhong.

The long and narrow plain in Yuejun County that was reoccupied by the Yi people is also a basin, and it is the largest basin in Nanzhong.

The arrival of Feng Yong with a brigade disturbed the tranquility of the basin.

A figure flickered in the woods not far away, and a whistle sounded from an unknown place, and then several dull drums sounded from a distance.

Feng Yong didn't care about these movements, he just ordered the soldiers below to take precautions, and then waited quietly.

After a while, only a few people came over.

"Naigu, the old man from Nagu Township, came to see your lord."

The few people stood still at a distance, and someone shouted loudly.

"Ask him to come here."

Feng Yong ordered.

It has been a tradition for thousands of years in China that the imperial power does not go to the countryside. The government generally relies on the villagers to maintain the order below.

When officials want to do something in the countryside, they basically look for villagers.

Unless it is in a big place like Jincheng, Chang'an and Luoyang, it is absolutely impossible for officials to show a closeness to the people in such a place.

It is far more effective for a villager to stand on the ground and yell than an official's announcement.

If no villagers come over, it means that order has not been restored here, and we need to be careful.

An old man with his head wrapped in a green cloth and dressed in Han clothes was brought to Feng Yong, and he bowed respectfully, "Nagu Township Lao Naigu, I have met my lord. I dare to ask this lord, is he from Where did it come from? Is there a villain who can help?"

Although the little old man's Chinese is not very accurate, it can be understood.

"This elder, I came from Jincheng. I am the captain of Diannong, Yizhou County of the Han Dynasty. I came to comfort the people under the order of the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty."

"I came here to see the situation in various places in Nanzhong. I am planning to go to Lushui to have a look. Passing by here, I want to stay here for one night. I'm afraid I will disturb you."

Feng Yong returned a salute and explained.

As soon as the old man heard that Feng Yong claimed to be an official of a big man, the nervous expression on his face became even more tense, and he said again and again, "It turns out that he is a big man. I am so rude to you."

On the other hand, Ah Mei, who was beside Feng Yong, looked at the old man with fixed eyes, and suddenly asked Feng Yong cautiously, "Master, can I have a word with this Api?"


Feng Yong asked strangely, "What do you mean?"

"Api is... just... the elder of the father's generation."

Amei thought for a while before explaining clearly.

Feng Yong nodded.

Amei got permission, and then looked at the old man again, and said a few words to him in barbaric language.

Naigu froze for a moment, then raised his head to look at Amei, with a dazed look in his eyes.

I saw that the girl looked a little excited, and even said something in Chinese, "Naigu Api, it's me! Don't you remember me?"

Then he babbled in an incomprehensible idiot.

Hearing Amei's words, the old man showed an expression of disbelief, and then replied with some incomprehensible words.

As he spoke, the old man's expression also became agitated.

After the two exchanged gesticulations, a look of surprise appeared on Amei's face, and she looked at Feng Yong again, with a gleam of joy in her eyes.

"My lord, I have been here several times with my lord and my mother when I was a child. I have seen this Api since I was a child."

Amei has seen Yaquan before. It is not surprising that she walked here, but what is surprising is that she actually knew this old man.

On the contrary, the old man is old and mature. Seeing Amei and Feng Yong like this, he couldn't help muttering in his heart, how could this Ashima, like her aunt, like to look for Brother Ahei who is a Han Chinese?

It's easy to have acquaintances, plus confirming Feng Yong's identity as a big Han official, the old man asked the few people who came with him to go back and spread the word that it was officers and soldiers, and the village was lifted from the vigilance.

He took Feng Yong and his party to a place suitable for camping, and sent someone to bring some food from the mountains.

"Naigu, your Chinese is pretty good, can you tell me about the situation around Nagu?"

The soldiers began to set up camp, and Feng Yong planned to learn more about the local situation while he was free.

"My lord's inquiry, it's my honor."

Naigu replied respectfully.

"This place is called Nagu. It is said that hundreds of years ago, the emperor of the Han Dynasty sent people to open the way and took it after hearing the local people's name. I heard from the older generation that when the world was peaceful, the emperor of the Han Dynasty sent people. Few people come to mine copper."

"Copper mining?!"

Feng Yong was shocked suddenly, "When did it happen?"

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