Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 441 Seven Verticals

"It's long ago! It's all about the older generation, and the villain has never seen it before. When the villain was young, he heard Api say that he was a craftsman sent by the emperor to pick copper. The villain's Han dialect is It was passed down from Api’s time. I remember when I was a child, there were many old people in the village who spoke Chinese.”

"The Son of Heaven sent someone over to mine copper?"

When Feng Yong heard this, he almost blurted out that this was impossible.

When he came out this time, he was looking for copper mines, so he had already made preparations. Judging from the government files, there was no official record in this regard.

Where there is Yaquan, there must be a mine, so he must take people to Yaquan to see.

Copper is in short supply in China.

shortage for thousands of years.

Even in my own later life, other countries used brass for bullet casings, but China only used stainless steel, which was caused by the extreme lack of brass.

Unexpectedly, here, I heard that someone had already mined copper mines.

"Then why weren't they mined later?"

Feng Yong asked.

Naigu shook his head, thought for a while, and then said, "I heard that Apiti said that there was chaos outside, and the people above only asked them to wait here. I didn't expect to wait for decades, but There is no one waiting."

Hearing this, Feng Yong pondered for a moment.

Decades ago, the person in charge of Yizhou was either Liu Yan or his predecessor Qie Jian.

Qie Jian was greedy by nature and amassed money in Yizhou.

Liu Yan's entry into Yizhou was originally to separate one side.

In addition, at that time, the big families in central Shu privately invaded the mountains and swamps.

No matter who it is, it is possible to mine copper mines in private, so naturally it will not be recorded in the government files-but it must not be sent by the emperor.

"Does the old man know where the copper mine was mined back then?"

"I've heard about it from Api, but Xiao Lao has never seen it with his own eyes. It's in the mountains over there."

Naigu pointed to the southeast direction.

"Okay. Tomorrow I want to go there and have a look, please ask the elder to show me the way."

"My lord has an order, how dare you disobey?"

Naigu took another look at Amei who was standing beside Feng Yong, his expression hesitated to speak.

After Feng Yong got the news, he was in a good mood. Seeing the old man's appearance, he asked with a smile, "Does the old man have any doubts?"

"My lord, how much do I need to collect this time around?"

The old man hesitated for a while, and finally took the initiative to ask.

Feng Yong was taken aback, "What does the old man mean by this?"

"My lord, over the past few years, King Yong has sent people to collect a lot of things every year. Everyone's life is really difficult. This time, can you... can you leave a little more rations?"

Naigu said hesitantly.

"Yong Kai?"

When Feng Yong heard this, his face sank, "Did no one inform the old man that this place has returned to the management of the big man?"

The old man panicked when he saw Feng Yong's expression was wrong.

"Returning to my lord, someone came over to talk about this a few months ago, let us continue to pay taxes to the emperor."

"I didn't know that I didn't wait long, but other men and horses came, saying that they wanted us to hand over food and horses to King Meng, and also kidnapped many women in the village."

Seeing the cowering look of the old man, recalling the coming and going of the rebels and officers and soldiers in the past few months, Feng Yong sighed in his heart, and said, "Don't worry, the old man, I won't take anything when I come this time."

"No charge?"

Naigu asked with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

Feng Yong nodded, "I don't accept anything."

Received Feng Yong's affirmative answer, but Naigu couldn't believe it, he laughed with him and said, "Master Wang is here, why don't you refuse to offer food?"

Looking at the humble smile on the face of the old man in front of him, Feng Yong only felt a little blocked in his heart.

He forced a smile, "You don't have to be like this. When I first came here, I already said that I was ordered by the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty to come to appease the people. If I took something, wouldn't it be a nuisance to the people? The Prime Minister will not Let me go, so you just wait at ease."

As he said that, he looked at the flat ground below, and took a deep breath, "I am here this time, not only will I not collect anything, but I will also teach you how to gather more food."

Hearing this, Naigu's body began to tremble, he knelt down, and wept, "Why bother your lord to worry about these farm matters? Your lord can just sit quietly, and I'll leave Nagu's farming work to the villain."

"The villain will urge them to work hard."

Feng Yong sighed again, and helped Naigu up, "Old man, you don't understand my method of harvesting more grain, it is different from the previous farming."

"Yes yes yes. What the adults say is what it is."

Naigu wiped the corners of his eyes, "Your Excellency is truly benevolent, and the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty is indeed ours!"

Feng Yong: ...

The main credit goes to me, to me!

In the command tent of the Southern Expedition Army, Naigu's Ada Zhuge Liang was standing in front of the sand table contemplating, and on the table next to the sand table was a piece of silk drawing, which was the "Ping Man Zhi Zhang" presented by Lu Kai. picture".

From time to time, he picked up the "Ping Man Zhi Palm Map" and looked at it for a while, checking the terrain against the sand table.

"Prime Minister, the messenger who went to Zhu Ti has returned. "

At this moment, Yang Yi came in with a letter and opened her mouth to report.

"Zhu Ti? That kid's letter?"

Zhuge Liang was stunned for a moment. Although he had written to ask Feng Yong for his opinion, what he really meant was that the assessment was more than the inquiry.

He didn't expect that eighteen-year-old boy to be able to say something, but if he was guided to think more about state affairs, it would be considered as having achieved his goal.


"Bring it here and let me see."

Zhuge Liang reached out to take it, and found that it was sealed with wax paint. He couldn't help laughing and said, "It's quite plausible. Those who don't know think it's a secret."

Yang Yi's eyes flashed, and she also smiled, "Then Feng Mingben is young, and now he is in a bit of a panic when asked by the Prime Minister, it's only natural."

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang glanced at Yang Yi intentionally or unintentionally, but didn't speak, just took out the letter paper and read it.

He thought there was some long talk in it, but what he didn't expect to catch his eyes surprised him a bit.

I saw only two lines written on the letter paper: King Wu allied with the princes, Duke Huan ruled the world in the Central Plains.

Zhuge Liang frowned, thought for a while, then smiled, and said, "Wonderful!"

Then he laughed again and again, "Okay!"

The abnormal behavior of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty made Yang Yi confused.

Zhuge Liang put away the letter paper, walked back and forth several times with his hands behind his back, his face was joyful, and he said again and again, "This son is really beyond my expectations every time, okay!"

In the end, he looked at Yang Yi, as if he had thought of something, and asked thoughtfully, "Duke Wei, what do you think we should do to govern Nanzhong after we pacified Nanzhong this time?"

When Yang Yi heard this, she immediately lifted her spirits and realized something in her heart. It seems that Feng Mingwen's letter might also be related to this?

"Yi thinks that the prime minister has pacified Nanzhong this time, and those barbarian kings and barbarians are already terrified. Now is the best time to govern Nanzhong. When their courage is broken and they dare not rebel, they can send soldiers and retain officials."

"In just ten years, Nanzhong will become the official state and county of the Han Dynasty, not the place where it is now."

The so-called "restraint" means on the one hand to "restrain" and control it with military means and political pressure; on the other hand to use "restraint" to comfort it with economic and material benefits.

But this is to control Nanzhong by controlling the local barbarian kings and barbarians. Naturally, it is not as effective as direct governance by the imperial court.

When the imperial court has strong control, it is okay to say, as long as it is a little bit neglected, the land of imprisonment will definitely rebel.

Moreover, the place of detention is also a test of the court's balance ability. If it is a little careless, if it is dominated by a family, it will raise a white-eyed wolf.

Zhuge Liang nodded after listening to Yang Yi's words, and looked at him again, but he didn't speak.

At the same time, I thought in my heart, if the world was in a time of peace, these words would be reasonable, but it is a pity that today is a chaotic world, and the Han thieves will not be wiped out, where will the time and money be used to govern Nanzhong?

Yang Wei Gonghui is wise, but his temperament is too narrow, and his vision is not as good as that of Feng Mingwen, what a pity!

After thinking about this, Zhuge Liang said, "Duke Wei, untie Meng Huo and his clan and put them in the camp, and then send some food over there."

Yang Yi waited for a long time, but she didn't hear Zhuge Liang's praise, not even a comment, and she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but said again, "Prime Minister, now Yizhou's Yongchang Second County, the barbarian king and barbarians have all surrendered, but Meng Huo is really a shameless person, why should he be so lenient to him?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head and said with a smile, "Meng Huo is the leader of all the barbarians in Yizhou County. If he is killed directly, it will make the new Yi Wang barbarian's heart flutter."

"The current him is already a man crying to the corner. Not killing him is worse than killing him. Just do what I say."

Yang Yi had no choice but to come out and follow Zhuge Liang's orders.

Meng Huo and the sect party had some food in the other tent, only to see Yang Yi walk into the tent.

When Meng Huo saw Yang Yi, he stood up consciously, ready to follow him to see Zhuge Liang.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yi glanced up and down at Meng Huo, with a sneer in his eyes.

Meng Huo's face suddenly turned purple.

He originally thought that after seeing Zhuge Liang this time, he decided to surrender with his family, but he never thought that he would be ridiculed by the man in front of him before he saw the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

At the moment, he gritted his teeth with hatred, wanting to die in shame and anger.

But Yang Yi just looked at him like this and didn't speak.

"Hmph, you Han official, if you have something to say, you can say it, and you can kill it if you want to. Why do you humiliate people like this?"

Meng Huo had no face to speak, but Mrs. Zhu Rong, who was captured together, couldn't help but stand up and shout loudly.

She has her own clan, in which women are the most respected, and her status is no lower than Meng Huo, but now she sees Yang Yi like this, how can she bear it?

"The prime minister is ashamed and doesn't want to meet with you. I am specially ordered to let you go back, and then recruit people to decide the outcome. You can go now."

Yang Yi just turned to look at Mrs. Zhu Rong, curled her lips secretly, and said contemptuously in her heart, a barbarian is a barbarian, such behavior is simply outrageous.

Meng Huo was already extremely ashamed and angry, but when he heard this again, how could he have the face to stay here? I saw him squeeze out a word between his teeth: "Okay!"

As he said that, he took the lead and walked out of the tent.

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