Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 450 Carnival

The majestic head of the Meng family would definitely not come to Feng Yong because of the vindictiveness among the juniors. He didn't even know that there was actually a reason behind Huahuan's coming to ask him for a... war.

"Your Meng family is now in the hands of Meng Yan. No matter what, his surname is still Meng. But Zhu Rong's family is not named Meng. Even if it is to end, it should end in the hands of my daughter. I will never Hand it over to Meng Yan."

Mrs. Zhu Rong's expression was firm, with a faint gloomy look on her face.

Meng Huoneng became the leader of the barbarian kings in Yizhou County, and Mrs. Zhu Rong was able to lead Zhu Rong's tribe alone as a woman. Naturally, both of them were not fools.

I may not have known it before, but when Meng Yan was appointed as the prefect of Zhuti County, anyone would faintly feel that something was wrong—why was Meng Yan appointed as the prefect of Zhuti County, while his family had Go live in Jincheng?

Not only was he terrified to think about it carefully, but he didn't even dare to think about it further.

It's just too late to say anything now.

Meng Huo sighed, "Niang Wan has a wild nature, I'm afraid she may not understand your intentions."

"Natural, not to mention ignorant. Some things, she will understand when she sees them right in front of her eyes." Mrs. Zhu Rong shook her head and said, "We can protect her for a while, but we can't protect her for a lifetime."

Meng Huo was silent.

After being defeated by Zhuge Liang seven times in a row, he was finally stripped of his former bravery.

"It's good for us to live in Jincheng, and spend the rest of our lives with peace of mind. Don't you often say that I don't want to enter your house? After going to Jincheng, how about I stay at home with you?"

Mrs. Zhu Rong comforted Meng Huo when she saw Meng Huo like this.

Meng Huo nodded and sighed softly, "I only heard that Jincheng is prosperous, but I don't know if it is suitable for living?"

With the news that Zhuge Liang pacified Nanzhong, the prosperous Jincheng has already fallen into an inexplicable frenzy.

This frenzy was first sparked by the members of Xinghanhui.

Nowadays, many second-generation officials and second-generation officials in Jincheng greet each other, and they always ask: "Oh, brother so-and-so, where are you going?"

"Where else can I go? I'm penniless, so go back to the mansion! What about you?"

"Haha, me too. I spent all the expenses for these two months as soon as I got it. I can't even afford to go to restaurants."

Shaking his head and sighing, he looked hopeless.

The other person also nodded empathetically, "Yes, yes, I can't help it. A few days ago, the adults at home asked me if I had enough money, so they gave me some more. I didn't know that as soon as I got it, it was gone in a blink of an eye."

So the two looked at each other with a tacit smile, and at the same time thought to themselves: This elder brother went to Nanzhong, and he didn't just go to plant sugar cane!

Then they passed by each other, each humming a little song and going home, as if being a prodigal son is a very honorable thing.

Those who don't have money feel their faces are bright, but those who have money feel panicked-damn Feng Zhanzi is doing it again! What about planting sugar cane in Nanzhong?

Don't worry about scarcity but unevenness. Some people are happy while others are worried.

For example, Liu Liang who has more money on hand is more worried.

Because the Liu family did not receive the last large-scale labor bonus from Nanzhong, not even a single bit!

Once in Weixian County and once in Dianchi Lake, the labor force is not 20,000, but more than 10,000.

As long as there are people left in Pingyi County, every family has more or less participated in this feast, and their mouths are full of oil.

As long as you follow the various militia groups in Wei County, every family will benefit.

Especially the militia group who went to Dianchi Lake to help later benefited even more.

In the labor sale in Dianchi Lake, they were all given out on the spot, as long as they left a note, because Feng Langjun, who was anxious and righteous, was in the middle as a guarantor!

Who doesn't know that the man of Li Dudu's family is called Feng Langjun's elder brother?

In addition, Feng Langjun's face is indeed big enough.

There is no way, Hanzhong has to transport woolen cloth to Jincheng every month. At present, the woolen cloth of the only one in the world is the biggest face.

It was precisely because of Feng Langjun's guarantee that as long as the militiamen who went to the Dianchi Lake accepted people, as soon as Jincheng received the news, each family would send money and food to the prime minister's mansion for Xiang Changshi to check and accept. Phase error, extremely convenient.

Even if any one is not available for a while, Feng Langjun's cloth line can also temporarily help to put it first.

Isn't this urgent and righteous?

A large number of laborers were escorted back from Nanzhong at one time, and finally turned Jincheng into a carnival city.

The reason why it is said that the members of the Xinghan Association were the first to start the carnival is because as long as there are various companies connected with the Xinghan Association, they are given the highest priority in labor.

After all these incidents, the reputation of Xinghanhui will directly become a big noise.

This time, the great harvest of labor was all because Feng Langjun took the lead, and everyone benefited. At this time, no matter who mentioned Feng Langjun, they all gave a thumbs up and praised "Feng Langjun, who is anxious and kind."

But to Feng Tubie, it doesn't matter whether he is in a hurry or not.

The important thing is that without everyone's awareness, their own credit system has been further strengthened.

The only exception to this carnival was the Liu family, who watched a great opportunity slip away with empty hands.

Liu Liang was so furious that he almost killed the militia steward of Nanzhong on the spot.

This is not the most important thing, what's more terrible is that I still missed an opportunity to accumulate credit in the end.

If you want to be promoted, the fastest way is to meet the new emperor and ascend the throne.

When the new emperor ascends the throne, in order to win people's hearts, he always confers officials and promotions to everyone.

But today, the child is not weak, and the body has not heard of any bad things, so from the current point of view, if there are no accidents, this situation is estimated to be within 20 or 30 years, and it will basically not be encountered.

So the last remaining case is accumulating credit.

Either political achievements, or military exploits.

Now the big man is the prime minister's relative, and with the prime minister's nature of dealing with things fairly, if there is no meritorious service, even if Liu Liang himself is a queen, he will definitely have no chance to be promoted.

Now everyone in Xinghanhui is poor, but they are gloriously poor. How many people want to spend money but have no way out.

What's the use of having so much money? Can I get credit for it?

Even if his lord went out in person, he didn't get the two people in the palace to agree to join the Xinghan Club. How could this not make him annoyed and hated?

Thinking of this, Liu Liang could only tremble and run to find his lord.

"My lord, my child is wrong!"

When Liu Liang saw Liu Yan, he knelt down on the spot.

He knows his grown-up very well, he is impatient and has a good face.

This time, not only did I let the Liu family miss a good opportunity, but I became the only exception among all the families. There must be people talking and laughing behind their backs. If the adults feel ashamed, they will probably beat him to death.

Liu Yan's face was gloomy. He was really dissatisfied with his son this time.

He didn't even want his old face, and ran to the palace to beg for favors from the emperor and empress, but he didn't expect that he still couldn't get what he wanted in the end.

Let you manage the affairs of the government, what kind of shit are you doing?

It's just that I have been following the late emperor since Yuzhou, and have gone through countless setbacks and hardships for decades. Of the children born to his wives and concubines, only this son survived.

Besides, sooner or later, the Liu Mansion will be handed over to him. If I don't plan for him, who else can I plan for?

It's a pity that the emperor's nephew is less benevolent than the first emperor, and he is his uncle, so he is not willing to agree to such trivial matters, he is really unreasonable!

Liu Yan didn't let Liu Liang get up, just let him kneel down.

He just said in a deep voice, "I heard that the palace plans to open a Nanzhong Metallurgy in Nanzhong, and now it is selecting the supervisor and supervisor, and I will try to find a way to ask the emperor. If you can be one of them, then you can be one of them." good."

Liu Liang was taken aback, "My lord, all the supervisors and prime ministers in the Inner Palace belong to the Inner Palace. I'm afraid it's wrong for my child to do this?"

Entering the inner mansion to do business in the palace would make people feel lucky.

He is a majestic son of the Marquis Mansion, but he wants to caress the emperor's balls like that eunuch... Don't you feel ashamed, sir?

What's more, the current His Majesty doesn't even have any rights, so what's the use of it?

"Very stupid!

When Liu Yan heard this, he almost couldn't hold back his anger immediately, and cursed loudly.

Although the son didn't say it clearly, he naturally understood what his son was thinking.

But you don't even look at Nai Weng?

Didn't I get such a high position because I was close to the late emperor?

"If you get one of these two positions, you can be regarded as stepping into the imperial court. You are working for the emperor again, and you can do it for a few years with peace of mind. When the emperor is in charge, he will never forget your affection."

When the first emperor was undecided on his great cause, he spent decades forming a friendship with the first emperor.

Now that the emperor is not yet in charge of the government, it is the time when manpower is needed to train his confidantes. If his son can take the initiative to seek refuge at this time, is he afraid that the emperor will not remember his kindness in the future?

Besides, I can be regarded as the royal family anyway, and I am also a family!

If you don't use your own family's property, should you still use outsiders?

"Besides, in this way, if planting sugar cane is profitable, even if you don't join the Xinghan Association, our family can take advantage of the emperor's power to get a share of the pie."

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