Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 451 Why can't the younger sister be born a few years earlier?

The Xinghanhui organized a group to open the new map of Nanzhong, whether it is profitable or thankless, this question is no longer doubted by many people.

Because Feng Yong's gold-lettered signboard is still as strong as ever.

Just the two things of labor and Yunludou made the people of Xinghanhui not only reap the benefits, but also made credit, which made many people in Jincheng envious?

Now many people are flocking to this, either thinking of a way to join the Xinghanhui, or waiting to follow the Xinghanhui to see if they can do the same.

This year's Southern Expedition has already fallen into dust, and it seems that it will not be able to catch up with this trip.

But what about next year? What about the year after?

Xinghan will not want me, so why can't I find someone to form a club?

Can't the Loyalty Society work?

Can't the South China Mission do it?

The left and right are just hugging to keep warm.

Liu Yan also had a similar idea, but his intentions were deeper.

The Xinghan Association and the palace are not clean. If my son can't enter the Xinghan Association, can't he still enter the inner palace?

It's just that when Liu Liang heard the word Nanzhong, he panicked for a while.

There was one thing that he didn't dare to tell Liu Yan at all.

That is, after the militia manager returned to Jincheng, he also brought back a sentence. Feng Yong once said that the Liu family should not be allowed to be contaminated with Nanzhong's sugarcane industry.

And the words are very terrific: stretch out your hands and chop your hands, stretch your feet and chop your feet.

He originally read it as a joke - what kind of thing is that to go to Nanzhong to plant sugar cane? Is that considered an industry?

After being touted for a while, I really don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is? How have you never seen the world?

No one has ever seen such a thing as growing sugarcane to make caramel, it sounds very mysterious, no wonder Liu Liang didn't believe it.

But Epilepsy Feng is a monster!

After the carnival feast in Jincheng, everyone is suddenly full of confidence in this matter that obviously has no shadow.

Liu Liang originally planned to grit his teeth and refuse to believe it, but now he heard his lord say this again, and he felt his throat tightening.

My lord is much more informed than I am. Is it really profitable to grow sugarcane in Nanzhong?

Thinking of this, he raised his head with a guilty conscience, and seeing his adult staring at him coldly, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat, and he could only follow the adult's will and say, "Yes, the child obeys the adult's order. "

Liu Yan nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and continued, "I think the emperor may not be very close to me. But your mother is closer to the empress dowager. The affairs of the inner palace are all the affairs of the master of the harem. No way, ask your mother to help."

"Your Excellency, do you want the child to beg Grandma?"

"It wasn't you who asked, could it be I who went?"

Liu Yan cursed again.

Liu Yan likes to raise beautiful maids, and there are hundreds of singers in the house alone.

Even if Liu Hu is beautiful, how can he compare with those fifteen or sixteen year old girls? So Liu Yan doesn't necessarily care much about Liu Hushi on weekdays.

Now that this happened, if Liu Yan really wanted to beg Liu Hu, how could he be ashamed?

Liu Liang had no choice but to agree.

After bidding farewell to the adults, Liu Liang went to the backyard and asked people to report to Liu Hu.

After a while, Mrs. Liu Hu came out to welcome him.

Liu Liang gritted his teeth, and directly knelt down again: "Mother, save the child!"

What he did, shocked Liu Hu, who hadn't spoken yet, on the spot.

She is not Liu Liang's biological mother. When she married into Liu's family, Liu Liang was already in his teens.

This kind of situation is very common in the Han Dynasty. After all, the late emperor lived in exile for decades, and few of the wives and concubines of the old officials who followed the late emperor survived.

Many people remarried after they settled down in central Sichuan.

Liu Liang and Liu Hu's said they were not close or not, but it can be considered that they are not lacking in courtesy.

But how could there be such a big gift in normal times?

Liu Hu hurriedly asked the maid beside him to help Liu Liang, "Why is Da Lang so flustered?"

How not to panic?

As soon as Liu Liang thought about Nanzhong and Feng Yong's words, he felt inexplicably flustered.

If there is no benefit to planting sugarcane in Nanzhong, it's okay to say, if the matter is really unexpected in the end, although the adults will not kill him after the incident, it is certain that he will be bruised.

Does Feng Yong have the ability to prevent his family from entering Nanzhong to plant sugar cane?

This is simply nonsense.

No matter how much sugar cane is planted, if there is no way to make caramel, why don't you let yourself eat it?

Now the only person who dares to say that he can profit from planting sugar cane in Nanzhong is Feng Duzi.

"Mother, my child was confused for a while, and let an unknown servant take the militia from the mansion to Nanzhong. The guy who lost his conscience broke things. Not only did he not manage the affairs of the mansion, but he also offended others. .If the adults know about it, they will definitely punish me, and I beg my mother to save me."

Liu Liang really felt aggrieved, he was obviously the son of a prince, and the other party was obviously just a turkey, shouldn't he crush the other party in all directions?

How does it feel like the situation is reversed?

The more he thought about this, the more Liu Liang burst into tears and his expression was vivid.

Liu Hu thinks she is Liu Liang's mother, how can she ignore him now that she sees him like this?

It's just that when she thought of Liu Yan, she felt unsure in her heart, and said hesitantly, "Your lord always doesn't like my talkativeness, and I'm just helping you to intercede, I'm afraid he might not be willing to listen to me, but it would be bad. It's over."

"Mum, the adults want to blame me because of my ineffectiveness, so the child wants to make up for it. Now there is just one thing that can make the child behave better, but this is something that only the mother can help busy."

Liu Liang said quickly.

"What's the matter? Tell me and listen."

When Liu Liang heard Liu Hu's words, he was overjoyed, and immediately gave the speeches he had prepared.

After listening to Liu Hu, he looked at the pitiful Liu Liang in front of him, his heart softened, and he finally agreed.

"one two three four……"

Zhang Xingcai, the Empress of the Great Han Dynasty who has the decision-making power over the Supervisory Order and Supervisor of the South China Metallurgical Corporation, naturally did not know that at this time, there would be a son of Xungui who offered to take refuge in him.

At this moment, she was staring at a stack of woolen bills in her hand with bright eyes, counting carefully and carefully, one, two, three...

Each note was worth a hundred bolts of good cloth, and none was for a small amount.

Every time Zhang Xingcai counted one, the smile on his face increased.

No way, the woolen notes produced in Hanzhong are now more popular than the copper coins minted by the government.

After all, straight hundred dollars is not a good thing.

However, this is not a better era, but a worse era.

Soochow used iron to cast 500 coins, which is simply insane.

Then look at Cao Wei in the north, damn it even canceled the coins!

So everyone turned around and found that the big man was actually the most conscientious-after all, he still used part of the five baht money.

Therefore, the appearance of woolen tickets is simply like fireflies in the dark night, so bright and dazzling.

Feng Langjun, he is a good man!

Although this kind of bill was only circulated within a certain range of people at the beginning, it can't stop being a good thing, because it is genuine and innocent.

So it circulated in Jincheng at an extremely fast speed, and even generated a part of the premium.

The only pity is that this note has a redemption period, which greatly restricts its circulation.

This is the large-scale sale of labor in Nanzhong. Because Feng Langjun acted as a guarantor, in order to facilitate the purchase of labor, the deadline for the batch of woolen tickets from the textile workshop in Hanzhong was appropriately extended.

Changed from the previous six months to one year, not only can it be used near Jincheng, but it can even be used in places near Nanzhong Wuchi Road and Nanyi Road.

So even if Zhang Xingcai is the empress of the Han Dynasty, she still has a soft spot for woolen tickets.

After all, with tickets, the waist can be hardened.

Without tickets, it is not easy to do anything.

She even has firm belief in Feng Tubie's character, so she is still somewhat dissatisfied with the one-year exchange period.

After counting the bills in his hand, Zhang Xingcai muttered: One year is still too short, should I ask Feng Langjun to make a special batch of bills for the palace, and then extend the time limit? Some?

A year and a half is all right? Two years is better, and three years is not impossible...

As long as the bills can be exchanged for felt cloths at any time, it is fine. As for during this period, if I ask Feng Langjun to help keep the felt cloths, can I give some storage fees appropriately.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome to always go to exchange.

"Cai Niang, Cai Niang, good news, good news!"

Zhang Xingcai was thinking about this, only to hear Liu Chan's excited voice suddenly coming from outside.

The emperor of the Han Dynasty didn't let anyone notify in advance, so he just broke in.

Zhang Xingcai was taken aback, turned over skillfully in his hand, and the stack of tickets disappeared.

Then the dignified and wise Empress Han appeared.

The emperor is a little impatient, so let her keep these bills, if the emperor is useful, just ask her for it.

I saw a smile on Zhang Xingcai's face, "What is your Majesty's happy event?"

These days, there are continuous happy events in the palace.

The members of the Xinghan Association borrowed Dongfeng Express to transport the beans, and made some credits, and each family gained a lot of labor.

But things like credit are useless to the palace.

Therefore, everyone in the Xinghan Society discounted some cash and distributed some other things to the palace, and everyone was happy together.

I am in a happy mood, and my body is getting better and better. I heard from the medical staff that as long as I take good care of myself, I will be back to normal next year.

Then came the news of Nanzhong Pingding...

Thinking of this, Zhang Xingcai felt more and more regretful: I heard that after Feng Mingwen came back from Nanzhong, he planned to propose marriage to the Guan family, alas! It would be great if my little sister was born a few years earlier...

But Liu Chan didn't notice Zhang Xingcai's careful thought, and saw him raising the paper in his hand, "There is news from Soochow, and Sun Quan personally wrote a letter to me, which said that this year he will send the big man A batch of sugar cane."


Zhang Xingcai took it and said happily, "It really is a happy event!"

Zhang Xingcai is more confident than anyone else that sugarcane can make money.

Because the stack of bills in the sleeve is the biggest guarantee.

Thinking of this, she felt pity again, why couldn't the younger sister be born a few years earlier?

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