Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 452 Competition

The unnamed mountain in the east of Wei County should actually be called Shanpo, because it is not too high.

Feng Yong led Guan Ji, Huang Ji and Yang Wanwan, followed by a dozen or so famous songs. When they climbed to the top of the slope, they discovered that there was a large flat land on the top of the slope.

According to an estimate, there is at least the area of ​​a basketball court in later generations.

Hualan arrived early, seeing Feng Yong and others coming, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you didn't dare to come."

Feng Yong raised his head and looked at the sky, "Isn't this the hour before Chen?"

Behind Hualan, more than a dozen maidservants are all armed with knives and swords, waiting around the side, it is really a woman who does not give up.

Then he looked at the horse next to Hualan.

I saw that the horse was dark red all over, with thick and strong joints.

Even though Feng Yong doesn't know how to recognize horses, he can still tell at a glance that this horse is definitely not an ordinary horse.

Even so, in order to prevent the car from overturning, the narrow-minded Feng Tubie still asked Yang Wanwan quietly, "Wei Ran, what do you think of this horse?"

"Brother, this horse is a first-class BMW. If it is used as a mount, it can barely be regarded as a good war horse. But if it is used as a cargo, it is really as good as it can be."

Yang Wanwan also said in a low voice, "I followed the prime minister a few days ago and saw this horse. I heard that it is called the curly-haired red rabbit horse, and it is Meng Huo's mount."

Red rabbit horse?

That's a good thing!

Feng Yongxi raised his eyebrows, the Chitu horse is the number one horse in the world, since this horse dares to be named after the Chitu, it must be the same.

I didn't expect this little girl to be so heartless.

Hualan looked at Feng Yong and Yang Wanwan muttering to each other, with a look of affection, and immediately said a little sourly, "Could it be that Feng Langjun is timid?"

"What's the hurry, I'm just looking to see if the horse you brought suits my needs." Feng Yong curled his lips, "I'm not in a hurry to ask for a horse, so you're afraid you won't be able to get it to me?"

Hearing Feng Yong's words, the maidservants behind Hualan put their hands on the hilts of their swords and glared angrily. It seemed that they were about to move forward with their swords only after Huawan gave an order.

Feng Tubie was so frightened that his heart trembled.

Before he could react, Guan Ji stepped forward and blocked him.

The trilogy behind Feng Yong also held the hilt of the knife one after another, and if the opponent was even slightly wrong, they would draw the knife.

Feng Yong's injury a few days ago really scared them.

Feng Yong looked at Guan Ji standing in front of him, and was moved in his heart—is he really a softie? Otherwise, why would you feel safe?

Then I looked around and muttered, "Why is it so like street gangsters fighting in groups?"

Guan Ji, who was standing in the front, glanced at her eyes, and Hualan felt that she was completely seen by this man who was more handsome than the lady in front of her.

Her heart trembled for a moment, then she gritted her teeth, snorted, and shouted to Feng Yong, "I just want to see if you can speak so well!"

Then he looked at the people Feng Yong had brought over, but he couldn't help but secretly rejoice: It was as expected.

"Just the three of them? What about the others?"

"Isn't three enough?" Feng Yong poked his head out from behind Guan Ji and asked a little strangely.

"Two wins in three rounds, I was thinking of bringing only one. But yesterday you didn't set the rules. I don't know if you plan to fight to the end or one person can only play one game, so I brought three here. "

For today's competition, Feng Yong had no choice but to go to Old Demon Zhuge and ask him to return his right and left Sima.

Now that Nanzhong has been settled, Zhuge Liang also knows that Feng Yong has been inspecting the farming conditions in various counties in Nanzhong these days, so he readily dismissed Li Yi and Yang Wanwan from their positions as subordinate supervisors and asked them to follow Feng Yong again.

Otherwise, several of them have military positions, so they can't get away at will.

But today Li Yi deliberately did not follow.

Now the big clan in Nanzhong is at the most sensitive time. Li Yi is the legitimate son of the Li family. If he is involved in this matter, if he is over-interpreted, he might think that the Li family has started to unite with him to suppress the Meng family.

This joint made it difficult for the old demon Zhuge, and he would feel uncomfortable if he couldn't say it.

Guan Ji and Huang Ji are here, whether it is better than archery or weapons, there is no need to worry, not to mention if it is a comparison of strength and fists, that is a full winning rate.

As for Yang Wanwan, it was only used as a backup—the probability of being better than equestrianism was so small that it could be ignored, but it should be just in case.

As for Feng Yong himself, just watch the show.

If it were someone else, seeing Huang Ji going to play, I'm afraid he would have to laugh at Feng Yong first.

But the Zhurong tribe regards women as the most respected, so Hualan didn't think there was anything unusual about it.

Hearing Feng Yong's words, Huahuan rolled her eyes and said with a charming smile, "I was negligent yesterday, but it's not too late to set the rules now. Feng Langjun, do you think we will fight to the end or take turns?"

Guan Ji saw that there was no further move from the other side, so she moved away again.

"It's up to you, you can do whatever you want, it's best to hurry up, I'm still waiting to lead the horse back to the city."

Feng Yong looked at the sky, and before the sun reached mid-heaven and the heat hadn't risen, he finished his fight early and went back to rest early.

As for Hualan's petty tricks, he wasn't worried at all.

Seeing Feng Yong's impatient look, Huahuan almost gritted her teeth secretly, thinking that since you don't care about life and death, then don't blame me for cutting your face clean.

"That's good! If that's the case, let's change the rule of two wins in three rounds yesterday. Each side will send one player off the field. The winner will stay and the loser will leave the field. "

"All right, all right!" Feng Yong waved his hands impatiently, "Compared to what?"

"Naturally, it's a competition of fist and foot strength. If you use a weapon, I'm afraid the sword will have no eyes, and it won't be good if you hurt someone."

Huahuan glanced at Yang Wanwan, and asked with a smile, "Of course, if Feng Langjun thinks it's inappropriate, he can change it."

When Feng Yong heard it, he almost cried out from laughter.

Didn't this girl send a horse to herself on purpose?

"How can it be considered a victory, how can it be considered a defeat?"

"Whoever falls to the ground loses."


Feng Yong made a gesture that no one could understand, and then said, "Let's start then?"


The flower garland was also neat, so he immediately took off his outer robe, revealing the tight-fitting inner lining.

She didn't wear a short skirt today, and she couldn't see her white and tender calves, which made people feel a little regretful.

However, the inner lining that is tightly attached to the body reveals a petite and exquisite figure.

She walked to the middle of the venue and asked, "Which one of you will come up first?"

It looked like she was going to take the lead.

"I'll come, I'll come!"

Huang Ji raised her hand, fearing that she would be left behind, and was about to step forward, but Guan Ji, who was standing in front of her, stretched out her hand to block her, then stepped forward, clasped her fists and said, "Guan Suo invites Miss Hua!" Advise."

"Hey, this level..."

Huang Ji was very annoyed, and was about to swear, when she caught Feng Yong staring at her from the corner of her eye, she remembered that she was now the wife of the stone daughter of the Guan family.

At the moment, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and show a sincere concern, "A Lang, you have to be careful!"

But he cursed in his heart, it would be better to be kicked to the ground and never get up again!

Hualan was already a little annoyed at being stared at by this handsome Han Jialang just now, but when she heard Huang Ji shouting "Ah Lang" from the side, she became even more angry for some reason.

She hummed, "Hit if you want, what's the fuss!"

As he said, he clenched his right fist and rushed forward, Bai Shengsheng's small fist hit Guan Ji's face with a faint sharp sound.

Guan Ji raised her brows, thinking that this barbarian girl has some real skills.

Although she could take the punch hard, she still stepped sideways to avoid it.

Huahuan thinks that you are smart, her left hand is hidden, originally only waiting for the opponent to block, if she sees a flaw, she will strike fatally.

At the moment, he was unreasonable again, and then slid forward.

Guan Ji snorted coldly and said, "I don't know what to do!"

Then finally made a move, with a "bang"!

Hualan only felt pain in the bones in her hand, but she couldn't stop the opponent's strength.

For a while, the two judged against each other.

It's just that Hualan refused to admit defeat at this point, she gritted her teeth and fought Guan Ji seven or eight punches before she backed away.

Although she practiced martial arts since she was a child, she is still the head of the family. How can she endure hardships compared to Guan Ji who has experienced life and death, and then worked hard to practice martial arts?

She only felt that the bones in her hand had been cracked, and she was in so much pain that tears burst out of her eyes!

With a "wow", Hualan didn't know whether she was crying or shouting, "I'm going to kill you!"

As he spoke, he rubbed his body and wrestled with Guan Ji.

Even Feng Tubie, who didn't know much about martial arts, could tell that this garland was not Guan Ji's opponent at all, but he didn't expect her to be so stubborn, she burst into tears and refused to admit defeat.

"Such a head!"

Feng Yong murmured.

If it was another man, seeing the charming little lady rushing up to fight with him while crying, I'm afraid my heart would have softened a long time ago.

It's a pity that Guan Ji is not a man, so where does she have the heart to pity her?

After a while, there was another "bang", and then the two of them stopped.

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that the flower garland had been pinched by Guan Ji's ribs, unable to break free.

If you are riding another horse, it will be the standard posture for capturing an enemy general in front of the formation.

But although there is no horse at this time, Guan Ji has long legs and a tall figure, while Hualan is a southern girl with a petite figure.

Guan Ji held the garland horizontally, but the short legs of the garland were kicking the air in a daze, and there was no way to break free.

"you lose."

Guan Ji said coldly.

Huahuan struggled a few times, but she couldn't break free, her little face was flushed, and tears finally fell down, "You bastard! Let me go!"

"you lose."

Guan Ji was unmoved, and said another sentence coldly.

"Don't be rude to the young master!"

The group of maidservants saw that Hualan was so humiliated by a man, how could they hold back? Immediately rush over.


Unexpectedly, Hualan cried and cried, but she was able to let go. Seeing the maidservants rushing over, she hurriedly yelled at them, and then turned her head to the side, trying hard to see this hard-hearted Han Jialang clearly. .

"I lost, you let me down."


Guan Ji let go immediately, and the garland fell heavily to the ground, eating a mouthful of dirt...

The pretty face also turned into a cat face.

She got up, her eyes spewed fire, if the fire in those eyes had warmth, she would probably be able to roast this damned Han Jialang to death on the spot.

She could only hear her yelling: "Third Aunt!"

"Young Master, I'm coming!"

An incomparably thick voice sounded, and the servants suddenly dispersed.

Feng Tubie only felt a faint vibration under his feet, and when he saw the person coming out from the other party, he was shocked and shouted: "What a big mountain of meat!"

The ground creaked "Boom..." "Boom..." "Boom..." A man who looked like a pile of flesh rushed out from behind the maid and rushed straight at Guan Ji.

Guan Ji's eyes finally revealed a solemn look, and she hurriedly stepped away, but she didn't dare to take it hard.

This pile of meat looked extremely bulky, but unexpectedly it was very flexible.

After a miss, he was able to stop his figure, turn and pounce again!

Only then did Feng Yong see clearly, this f*cking sumo wrestler is simply the top!

If it weren't for the "Three Aunt" that Hualan called just now, Feng Yong wouldn't be able to tell whether that Roushan was a man or a woman.

The key is that she is not the same as the sumo wrestlers of the later generations. She is still wearing armor with an invisible material, which is faintly shiny.

Although it doesn't cover the whole body, the key points are well protected.

Feng Yong was startled and angry at the same time, this little girl was here waiting to trick him!

"Oh——" Huang Ji's eyes brightened, and she couldn't help shouting, "This kind of opponent is really rare!"


Feng Tubie glared at her again, isn't it you who dared to end?

Hualan at the other end had a triumphant face, watching the Han Jialang who made him look ugly, dodging left and right, but he didn't dare to confront Sangu head-on, and felt very happy, "Sangu, hold him down for me." !"

As she said that, she was about to put her hands on her waist, but she didn't expect that just as her hands touched her waist, there was another sharp pain, which made her tears almost fall again.

Looking at Han Jialang in the field again, he was even more annoyed, and couldn't help but taunted loudly, "You have the ability to hide, you have the ability to fight!"

When Guan Ji heard this, she still had time to glance at her, and then slapped her right palm on Sangu's bare skin.

Sangu grinned, the pile of flesh on her body swayed like waves, she actually completely wiped out Guan Ji's not-so-great strength, and then slapped her with her big hand like a big cattail fan.

Guan Ji twisted her body, and Sangu's fingertips brushed past the corner of her clothes.

While turning around, Guan Ji slapped her backhand again.

Sangu turned around without feeling it, and continued to rush forward.

This time Guan Ji didn't dodge again, she abruptly shook Sangu's pounce, and then backed away with a "thump, thud, thump".

Seeing that he was shocked back just like she was just now, Hualan almost burst out laughing, clapped her hands together, and yelled: " hurts!"

Tears almost fell down again.

hand hurts...

Feng Yong was terrified and almost yelled "We admit defeat".

Fortunately, Guan Ji stabilized her figure quickly, and at the same time avoided the grab of Sangu who followed closely.

Of the two people in the arena, one can only dodge constantly, and at the same time slap the palm from time to time, while the other doesn't feel the force of the slap, just pounces, and when he catches the opponent, he will press down .

I don't know how long it took, but when Feng Yong was about to bear the torture, Guan Ji stepped back several steps.

Feng Yong shouted: "We..."

Before he finished yelling, the remaining word "admit defeat" was stuck in his throat as if his neck had been cut off, and he couldn't yell it out again.

It turned out that Guan Ji, who was in the field, took advantage of the distance between the two of them and jumped up vigorously. Facing the huge figure of the opponent, she bent her long legs and slammed her knee into a certain position of the opponent.

With a "boom", the third aunt who was so powerful just now couldn't bear the blow, she groaned, and fell to the ground...


Feng Yong rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and promptly replaced the word "admit defeat" with the word "win".

Then his eyes fell on Guan Ji's long legs, and he didn't know what to think of, his face was cloudy and clear.

"Playing with legs for a year" is a good thing, but if the force is too strong, it will always make people feel a little uneasy...

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