Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 455 On the Northern Expedition

In two days, Feng Yong entered the temporary commander's mansion three times in a row, and he was already familiar with it.

Entering the living room, seeing Zhuge Liang sitting above him, Feng Yong hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "Yong met the prime minister."

"No need to be polite."

Zhuge Liang's face was indifferent.

On the other hand, Jiang Wan, who was sitting next to him, had a smile on his face, and nodded slightly with Feng Yong as a greeting.

When he went to Hanzhong, he lived in Nanxiang for free for more than a month, and the two were considered acquaintances.

There is also a middle-aged Confucian scholar who I don't know, looking over with curious eyes.

"This is Li Lebang from Yongzhou, who came from an abandoned thief from the Northland. Lebang, this is the Feng Langjun you said you wanted to meet just now."

Zhuge Liang personally introduced the two.

I saw Li Hong standing up, bowing his hands and saluting, "I have heard the name of Feng Langjun for a long time, and I can see you today, very fortunate, very fortunate!"

Feng Yong didn't expect the other party's posture to be so low, so he quickly returned the gift.

"Sit down, you two will be colleagues in the future, why should you be so polite?"

Zhuge Liang spoke beside him.

After Feng Yong and Fei Shi sat down, Li Hong said with an expression of admiration and admiration, "When Hong came from Guanzhong, he stopped by Meng Da for a while when he passed through Xincheng."

"It happened that Wang Chong, who rebelled against the great man and became a thief, was also there. I heard from Wang Chong that the great man had a young man who had a very clever idea: he made Qu Yuanli, offered to flatten Nance, and revitalized Hanzhong. His literary talent was comparable to that of the false king Cao Zhi. On par."

"There are articles such as "The Difficulty of the Shu Road", "The Journey to Changgan", and "Qingpingle". The writing is elegant and unrestrained, with the awe-inspiring wind of a fairy outside the sky, which is beyond the reach of the world. At that time, a certain person thought Wang Chong's words were too much. "

"After hearing the three articles by Feng Langjun, it is really like drinking old wine, getting drunk and not waking up, chanting it all day long and not willing to let it go."

As he spoke, Li Hong shook his head for a while, as if he couldn't help recalling those three articles.

Feng Yong didn't expect Li Hong to flatter him as soon as he came up, his face turned red, and he hurriedly said modestly, "Mr. Li has won the prize."

"Otherwise, Cao Zhi passed through Luoshui three years ago and wrote "Luo Shen Fu". The icon of orthodoxy."

"If Feng Langjun's article spread to the false Wei, what kind of face do those people have?"

Li Hong was very good at talking, not only praised Feng Yong, even Zhuge Liang smiled when he heard these words.

The place where the world's literary spirit gathers Cao thieves?

It's really the biggest joke, as long as there are these few articles by this kid, who dares to say that the world's literary spirit is not a big man?

The big man is the orthodox in the world.

Feng Yong, on the other hand, remembered what Li Hong said just now, and couldn't help asking, "Listen to what Li Jun said, that Wang Chong turned himself into a thief, and he also talked about Qu Yuanli?"

"Yes, not only did I say it, but I also want to use Qu Yuanli as a meritorious service."

Li Hong nodded.

Feng Yong looked at Zhuge Liang, thinking that it seemed that this Qu Yuanli would finally be passed on to Cao Wei.

Knowing what he meant, Zhuge Liang shook his head lightly and said, "Since this thing is used by the people, it is inevitable that it will be passed on to the Cao bandits. It's just that it was passed on early and passed on late. Otherwise, why did Zhang Wen bring Li back to Soochow last year? "

It seems that Zhuge Liang has long been psychologically prepared for this.

It may be an exaggeration to say that Cao Wei's national power is ten times that of Shu, but it is more than enough to say that it is five or six times.

Qu Yuanli is in the hands of Cao Wei, and its role is probably much greater than that of the big man.

Fortunately, Ba Niuli was complicated to build, and it was made by the imperial court. Ordinary people really can't afford it. Wang Chong didn't mention Ba Niu Li, so it seems that he doesn't know how Ba Niu Li works.

Everyone in the middle of Shu has an agreement with the old demon Zhuge, and every eight ox plows are recorded, and must not be lost without reason, otherwise it will be regarded as collaborating with the enemy.

As far as the size and weight of that thing is concerned, if someone wants to take Ba Niuli out through Hanzhong, it will be as difficult as Deng Ai's smuggling into Yinping.

Even the expert-level Huang Yueying, holding the blueprint given by Feng Yong at the time, still didn't understand something.

What's more, there is no blueprint, and it is even more difficult to guess the structure of the plow just by relying on the finished product.

Of course, difficulties are difficult, but as long as there is a will, there is always a way. Didn’t Yinping also succeed in being smuggled by Deng Ai?

But this at least delayed the time for Cao Wei to make the Ba Niuli.

So, we still have to hurry up to the Northern Expedition!

Without the Northern Expedition, Cao Wei would only push the big man further and further away.

Taking advantage of the lack of strength of the three families and wanting to take a breath, it is much easier to go to the Northern Expedition than to wait for everyone to regain their strength.

Cao Wei occupies the most elite area in the world, and the speed of recovery is terrifying compared to the big Han.

Feng Yong's lips moved. When he came, what he thought of was, the old monster Zhuge just finished pacifying Nanzhong, could he have already started preparing for the Northern Expedition?

After all, only the Liang family in Liangzhou is the only one related to him who came from the north—and the strategic goal of the first Northern Expedition of Zhuge Old Demon was Liangzhou.

But this matter can only be kept in mind for the time being.

Zhuge Laoyou didn't mention the Northern Expedition himself, so he couldn't talk about it in public.

"Li Jun brought a message from the north."

Zhuge Liang said, "The king rushed to Mengda and said some slanderous words. He said that because I hated Mengda's rebellion, I hated Mengda's rebellion. Listen to me."

When he said this, Zhuge Liang sneered in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, Meng Da said that I see that he has his own merits, and he will never do what a villain does."

Seeing that Gu has the cause and the end?

Feng Yong carefully chewed the meaning of this. Doesn't this mean that Meng Da is praising Zhuge Liang?

Thinking of this, Feng Yong suddenly raised his head, "Meng Da is... showing his heart to the Prime Minister?"

Seeing Zhuge Liang's and Jiang Wan's eyes showing admiration at the same time, Feng Yong felt even more certain.

Unmistakable, Meng Da first rebelled against Han to Wei, and then rebelled against Wei to return to Han, which is really capricious.

There are countless debates about the comparison between Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi in later generations, and the matter of Meng Da's rebellion is related to the comparison of abilities between the two, how could Feng Yong not know?

Sima Yi led the army to rush 1,200 miles in eight days to quell the Mengda Rebellion, and settled Liaodong in one year as planned. This is the proof of military ability that Sima fans of later generations will talk about.

Then he tried his best to belittle Zhuge's military ability, saying that the Northern Expedition was futile.

As for the fact that King Sima Xuan was beaten to death when he first fought against the old monster Zhuge, he was so frightened that he would rather be a woman than shrink back. inability.

Said it was for strategy.

The great advantage that the national strength is several times that of the people is still within the borders of one's own country, occupying the right time, place and people, and the enemy is rushing to the house, and it is necessary to use a strategy that cannot be retracted...

If the positions of the two were to be reversed, would King Sima Xuan dare to leave Hanzhong?

Don't you know that you can't fight face to face, so you use this strategy?

Feng Yong complained in his heart.

It's just that the only thing he didn't expect was that Meng Da had already wanted to return to Han at this time.

Li Hong on the side was even more amazed. This Feng Langjun was really ingenious, and he was able to guess what Meng Da meant by just a few words from the prime minister.

"The prime minister wants to communicate with Meng Da?"

Encouraged by Zhuge Liang's eyes, Feng Yong asked again.

Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wan looked at each other, and they both laughed.

Li Hong sighed.

Only Fei Shi gave a cold snort at the wrong time, and said loudly, "Prime Minister, boy Meng Da, in the past, he was disloyal to Liu Jiyu first, then made Guan Junhou die but failed to save him, and then betrayed the former lord, so repeatedly. People, why are you with Shuxie!"

The scene suddenly cooled down.

Feng Yong sighed secretly, looked at Fei Shi, thinking that this statement is the truth, but since ancient times, loyal words are hard to hear.

What's more, if you speak out under such circumstances, what else can you do besides embarrassing you?

No wonder you are only a Yongchang County employee now.

Sure enough, Zhuge Liang at the top fell silent, but he didn't bring up the matter again. It seemed that he had already made a decision in his heart.

Li Hong was embarrassed.

Jiang Wan forced a smile, stood up and said, "Gongju, Yongbang, I have something to tell you, come with me."

After all three of them left, Zhuge Liang looked at Feng Yong and asked, "You have been in Nanxiang for a long time. Nanxiang is not far down the Han River, which is the new city where Meng Da is located. Have you ever explored this waterway?"

It seemed that he still wanted to communicate with Meng Da.

Feng Yong's attitude towards Zhuge Liang was also expected, Jiang Wan understood Zhuge Liang's thoughts, pulling Fei Shi out could avoid his embarrassment.

At the same time, it also prevented the newly descended Li Hong from hearing too many secrets.

"Back to the prime minister, Yong has naturally considered this matter."

Feng Yong certainly considered the threat of Mengda downstream when he was running a ranch and Maofang workshop in Nanxiang County.

But from Xincheng to Hanzhong, it is going against the current, so there are so many difficulties?

Cao Zhen also sent Sima Yi to do this later, but Sima Yi failed to walk around Hanzhong until his death.

What's more, a political opportunist like Meng Da? How dare he work so hard for Cao Wei?

Of course, there are no absolutes in the world, there are always contingencies.

So Nanxiang County naturally investigated this waterway leading to the land of Cao Wei, and the person who investigated it was Huang Chong, the county captain of Nanxiang County.

The county lieutenant is in charge of the military in the county.

"At that time, Huang Chong was the one who investigated the Hanshui River in Nanxiang County. He had asked the local villagers many times, and even surveyed the waterway himself. If the prime minister wants to know the details, he can be called to ask."

After hearing this, Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong in surprise, "Have you really inquired about this waterway?"

Feng Yong smiled, "Huang Chong brought this up. Although he is young, he does have a military strategy."

Hearing Feng Yong's mention, Zhuge Liang remembered Ma Di's official document from Hanzhong: Since Feng Yong left Hanzhong with some people, Huang Chong trained the soldiers in Nanxiang County quite methodically.

It is said that Huang Chong also led people to pick dangerous places on the banks of the Han River and built a fort that could accommodate a hundred people.

Luo Meng, the county magistrate of Nanxiang County, also asked about its purpose. Huang Chong explained that it was to guard against the sudden attack of the Cao bandits in the new city. ashore.

It can.

Feng Yong said that he has a military strategy in his belly, and it is true.

Thinking of Zhao Guangxiao's bravery, Wang Xun's cautiousness, Li Yi's ingenuity, and Wang Ping and Liu Yin recommended by him, all of whom made great contributions in the battle to pacify Nanzhong, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but take a deep look at Feng Yong.

"The prime minister really wants to communicate with Na Mengda?"

Feng Yong finally couldn't help asking.

"What? Do you have objections?"

Zhuge Liang asked.

Feng Yong shook his head, "Meng Da is a repeated villain. What Fei Zheng said is correct. But villains also have their uses. The prime minister once said that the Northern Expedition needs to wait for changes in the north."

"If Meng Da's rebellion is big enough, it would be the best if it can cause trouble for Cao thief. Even if it doesn't work, there is no loss with the big man. So a letter is easy, so why not do it?"

Zhuge Liang's expression relaxed, he sighed and smiled, "The public is upright, he should be a gentleman, but he doesn't know how to change it. If he can be like you, why is he so depressed?"

Speaking of Fei Shi, Feng Yong asked curiously, "Prime Minister, I remember Fei Gong... Wasn't Gongju sent by the late emperor to go to Jingzhou to confer titles on Guan Junhou a few years ago? Why is he now reduced to Yongchang County to work in to the point where?"

Thinking of Fei Shi's choice of such a word, Feng Yong always felt that he couldn't say it.

Public election? Princess?

Hold it high?

"What's the matter with you?"

Zhuge Liang didn't want to say more, "Don't ask this if you have nothing to do."

Then remembering Feng Yong mentioned the Northern Expedition just now, Zhuge Liang immediately looked at him with some vigilance, "Who told you about the Northern Expedition?"

"I thought of it myself."

Feng Yong looked calm.

"Prime Minister's Long Zhong Dui, Yong has long memorized it. You said, you must first settle down when fighting against the outside world. The Prime Minister must lead the army to march south. Firstly, to appease Nanyi, and secondly, to train troops, right?"

"Now that the south has been settled, the soldiers have been tempered, and there is no shortage of food for the great Han. It depends on when the soldiers will be sufficient. Therefore, Pu Yuan went to find a place to produce good iron. Is this also the prime minister's concern for the Northern Expedition? Plus When the bellows come out, the big man can have good iron."

Speaking of the Northern Expedition, Feng Yong felt a little agitated, and couldn't help saying, "The first emperor was deeply concerned that the Han and the thieves were not in harmony, and the king's career was not partial. He once entrusted the big man to the prime minister in the Baidi."

"In order to live up to the late emperor's entrustment, the prime minister crossed Lu in May, went deep into the barren land, and ate with the sun. He had no regrets, but because he was concerned about the king's career, he preferred to settle in the capital of Shu, so he took the risk and difficulty to honor the legacy of the late emperor. meaning."

Zhuge Liang stood up suddenly when he heard Feng Yong's words, and said excitedly, "Well said! It really speaks to my heart! I led the army to the south, and Wang Lian persuaded me for a long time, saying that I would take the risk, It's not a wise move, although he has good intentions, he doesn't know what's in my heart."

Zhuge Liang's peach blossom eyes flashed extremely brightly, looked at Feng Yong and said again and again, "I didn't expect that the person who knows me best in the world is actually you!"


Let's talk about it, praise is praise, halfway through, another kid comes, what's the point?

Are you scolding me or praising me?

Feng Yongda was dissatisfied.

Zhuge Liang didn't notice Feng Tubie's thoughts.

He seemed to be unable to restrain his excitement, stood up and walked back and forth, the feelings that he had suppressed in his heart for several years and could not be shared with others, but at this moment, Feng Yong explained it directly, and said it to the bottom of his heart, really let him know The son took Feng Yong as a confidant.

It was rare for Feng Tubie to see the old monster Zhuge like this, and he felt very proud.

I thought to myself that most of those words were said in "The Post-Discipline Teacher", no matter how true or false the text is, it must be your heartfelt voice.

Thinking of the malicious smears and conjectures of the sunspots in later generations, he sighed again in his heart. People in later generations are proud of being unscrupulous, but think that others should be as unscrupulous as they are. It is really a shame.

"Tell me, if it is the Northern Expedition, how should we march?"

Zhuge Liang was in a difficult mood, so he actually asked Feng Yong about such national plans.

When Feng Yong heard this, he fell silent for a while, feeling a little depressed.

Yes, how can the Northern Expedition be successful?

Whether it is black or white, most of the later generations hold a pessimistic attitude towards the Northern Expedition.

Even the greatest optimism can only occupy Longyou at most.

Occupy Yongzhou according to Tongguan... Don't dream!

Seeing Feng Yong not speaking, Zhuge Liang showed a little disappointment on his face, thinking that he is still young after all, it is rare to think about the Northern Expedition, how can I force him to think about such a big event?

Just as he was comforting himself, Feng Yong said unexpectedly, "Prime Minister, the matter of the Northern Expedition, I will always think about it for a long time! With the national strength of the Great Han, compared with Cao Wei, it can be said that we are weak and the enemy is strong. Therefore, the Northern Expedition, You can only be careful, not careless."

"Well said, keep talking!"

Zhuge Liang didn't expect Feng Yong to think about this question seriously.

Feng Yong raised his head to look at Zhuge Liang, and said, "There are five roads for fighting bandits from Hanzhong. From east to west, they are Ziwu Road, Tangluo Road, Baoxie Road, Chencang Road, and the last one is to go out of Qishan."

"The Meridian Road is the closest, but it is the most dangerous. The army cannot pass through it, so at most, we can only go sideways instead of the army. The several high mountains that need to be crossed on the way of the Tangluo Road are not easy to march, so the army cannot go."

"The only thing left is Baoxie Road and Chencang Road. Back then, the Marquis of Huaiyin built a plank road and crossed Chencang secretly. This is what he said. The Baoxie Road is the easiest way to pass through the army, but if you go out from this road, you will definitely meet Cao Cao." An army of thieves."

"If the prime minister wants to fight the Cao Wei army decisively, this is the most suitable path."

"No." Zhuge Liang shook his head and said, "You just said that I am weak and the enemy is strong. If I can use tactics to annihilate the enemy and avoid fighting recklessly, that would be the best. This can only be regarded as the last choice."

Feng Yong nodded.

That's right, Shu is weak and Wei is strong, fighting hard is the worst policy.

"At the exit of Chencang Road, there is Chencang City. One man guards the gate, and ten thousand men can't open it. The army can't be used. The enemy only needs a few thousand defenders, which is enough to stop a hundred thousand troops. It's difficult!"

"Then we can only go to Qishan."

Zhuge Liang understood what he meant.

"Qishan is far away, and Guanzhong is a flat land. The big Han has more infantry, and the Cao bandit has more cavalry. I'm afraid it will be disadvantageous in terms of speed."

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