Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong with dissatisfaction, and said, "There are disadvantages to all five roads, so why can't we go to the Northern Expedition?"

"Naturally, the Northern Expedition requires the Northern Expedition, but how to go, how to fight, and how to defend requires careful consideration." Feng Yong said. Guan Zhonghu?"

Zhuge Liang raised his brows, and the look of surprise once again appeared, "At this time, you really have the demeanor of a high-ranking child! If you can try your best to win Yong and Liang, then naturally it is the best, what should you do? yes?"

"To take Yongzhou and Liangzhou with all your strength, you have to take risks." Feng Yong paused, and then said, "Let a strong general lead 5,000 elite soldiers, and let 5,000 auxiliary soldiers carry dry food, which should be enough for three months. .Secretly from Ziwu Valley, directly attacked Chang'an, and captured Tongguan."

"Cao's rebels now focus on defending the Jianghuai River and Guanzhong has insufficient troops. The governor of Guanzhong is Xiahoumao, the son of Xiahoudun.

"If a strange army suddenly comes to Chang'an, it may not be impossible to go down. Tongguan is now the confidant of Cao thief. There must be not many troops to close it. Chang'an, once again, go down to Tongguan."

"The prime minister led the army to move quickly from Xiegu, and gathered at Tongguan before the Cao thief came to aid Guanzhong."

"At Jieshi, divide the troops to capture the Pubanjin Ferry above and the Wuguan below, so that all of Guanzhong is in our hands, and the Northern Expedition is already half successful."

"No way!" Zhuge Liang flatly refused, "Don't say that Ziwu Valley is dangerous, even if Tongguan is successfully captured, the guards at Pubanjin Ferry above and Wuguan below will definitely be vigilant."

"From Hanzhong to Xiegu to Tongguan, even if it is a big drive of soldiers, it will take more than 20 days or nearly a month. But Wanluo's soldiers can reach Tongguan within ten days at the latest."

"At that time, whether Tongguan can be held or not, the Pubanjin Ferry and Wuguan must have already been filled with Cao soldiers. How can we capture these two places?"

"At that time, the bandits Cao sent troops from Pubanjin to exert pressure, and then sent cavalry from Wuguan to attack the Liang Road. The Tongguan army would not be able to advance or retreat. They would be stuck at Tongguan and would be trapped in a dead end. This plan will definitely not work!"

Having said that, Zhuge Liang gave Feng Yong another hard look, "Don't you know how Cao Cao defeated Ma Meng when he raised an army of 100,000 to defend Chang'an and Tongguan?"

Feng Yongqian laughed.

"If the prime minister doesn't use this strategy, he can only go to Qishan and cut off Longyou."

This is an indirect acknowledgment of the flaws in Ziwugu's strategy.

The big man's foundation is still too weak to afford to gamble.

Feng Yong himself knew that the risk of this strategy was too great.

When he mentioned this strategy, he certainly didn't expect Zhuge Liang to accept it. He was actually paving the way for the next strategy.

As for the people in the later generations who strongly admire the Ziwu Valley's conspiracy, they probably don't know who Sima Xun, Gao Yingxiang, and Wang Yaowu are—but anyone who walks through the Ziwu Valley will end badly.

And those who think that the Ziwu Valley plot can be successful, few people will talk about what the Han army will face after the success of capturing Tongguan Chang'an.

In their view, conquering Chang'an means everything will be fine.

But he didn't know that the real nightmare would begin after taking down Tongguan and Chang'an.

Even if the big man is the son of God, let the Han army open up and go directly to Chang'an and Tongguan, but what about Wuguan? What about the Pubanjin Ferry?

Tongguan is not the only pass in Guanzhong.

How did Liu Bang enter Guanzhong? Isn't it from Wuguan?

After Tongguan was captured by the big man, Cao Wei knew to strengthen the defense of Wuguan and Pubanjin Ferry as long as his IQ was not below the human average.

It would be great if Tongguan's partial division could defend Tongguan. How dare they split their forces to capture Wuguan and Pubanjin Ferry?

It will take at least a month for Zhuge Liang to arrive with his army.

The Cao Wei Central Army Corps stationed in Wanluo is not mentally retarded or dead, and there are many cavalry. If they travel day and night, they can reach Tongguan in six or seven days in less than ten days.

In ten days, no matter what, it was enough to reach Wuguan and Pubanjin Ferry. How could it be possible for the big man to easily seize these two passages to enter the customs again?

By that time, the extremely fragile grain path of the big man will be directly exposed to Cao Wei's iron cavalry.

What's more dangerous is that Cao Wei's army in Yongzhou and Liangzhou was not injured at all, and they would attack from the west.

The argument that it depends on the spread is simply fantasy.

During the first crusade, all three counties rebelled, and when Guanzhong was terrified, Guo Huai, Xu Miao and others not only stood firm and waited for the arrival of reinforcements, but even launched a counterattack.

Does it depend on what was said in the dream? Why didn't you come?

This situation is really more terrifying than losing the street pavilion.

If you lose the street pavilion, you can return to Hanzhong in a thrilling manner. After the surprise attack on Tongguan, the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Han Dynasty will not only face the three-sided attack of Cao Wei's tens of thousands of people, but also have no way out at all. They must be completely defeated.

Otherwise, the entire army will be wiped out, and no one will survive.

It is not an exaggeration to say that you are in a dead end.

"Since we can't swallow Yongzhou in one gulp, we can only take a step back and take Longyou to overlook Guanzhong. Since ancient times, we must guard Longyou. Without Longyou, Guanzhong will be safe. If we get Longyou, Guanzhong will be in our hands sooner or later. .”

In fact, the strategic goal of the First Northern Expedition was correct, but it is a pity that Ma Dazui's performance was extremely disappointing.

"Guanguan must guard Longyou, without Longyou, Guanzhong will be safe. These words are really wonderful!"

Zhuge Liang just thought that Feng Yong was too whimsical, and his disappointment just rose, but he didn't expect him to say these words again, so he couldn't help admiring, "Tell me, if you take Longyou, what should you do?"

"This is much simpler. Huaiyin Marquis Zhuyu is in front, and we can also follow suit. Let a general deploy suspicious troops, go to Xiegu or Chencang with great fanfare, and the prime minister will lead the army to go from Qishan unexpectedly."

"Cao Pi regards Sun Quan as a great enemy, so most of his troops are placed in the Jianghuai River and Huaihe River. The troops in Guanzhong can only protect themselves, and the troops in Longyou are even more empty. If the prime minister leads an army to rush to Longyou, I am afraid that the counties in Longyou will be caught off guard. And it’s unknown what will happen.”

"Even if there are diehards defending the city, as long as we can cut off the enemy who comes to the east for a month, the officials and people in the city may not have the intention to defend."

"Okay!" Zhuge Liang clapped his hands and applauded, "This plan is safe and risk-free. It's great to get a glimpse of Longyou and pass through the Guanzhong!"

His face was slightly flushed with excitement, and he looked at Feng Yong with excitement in his eyes, "Do you have any ideas on how to stop the Cao thief rushing to help Longyou?"

The first Northern Expedition was the most promising opportunity for the great man to come back. Feng Yong had debated with others on the Internet countless times before crossing.

Immediately said calmly, "From Guanzhong to Longyou, there are five roads in total. Two of them are small roads, which are not feasible for large troops, so they can be ignored. The remaining three large troops can all pass."

"The northernmost pass is Xiaoguan, one of the four passes in the middle of the pass. It takes the Jinghe River Valley, passes Longshan Mountain, and then goes south. This road is far away. If Cao Wei took this road and traveled long distances, the men and horses would be exhausted. Might not be able to make it in time.”

"At that time, the overall situation in Longyou has been decided, and the prime minister will wait for work with ease, and attack Cao thieves for a long distance, like the end of a crossbow, and he will not be able to wear onyx. I am afraid that not only Longyou will be owned by the big Han, but even the Cao soldiers who came to help will never come back, so They certainly won't choose this path."

"The southernmost one, from Chencang, exits Sanguan Pass, detours to Wudu, and then turns north to reach Tianshui. This road is the most flat, but the road is the longest, and it is too close to Hanzhong."

"If Cao thief takes this path, he can directly cut off our army's back route and make our army fall into a situation of advancing and retreating. But always think about it, the most unlikely path Cao thief will take is also this path."


"Not to mention that the journey is too far away, and it is very close to Hanzhong. As soon as they leave Chencang, Hanzhong will definitely know that the prime minister will only need to lead his troops back to block Wudu, and Hanzhong will send another division to harass the back road. I'm afraid the reinforcements will be ten to six or seven, so how can we help Longyou?"

"Then what do you mean, they will go the last way?"

"Yes!" Feng Yong said affirmatively, "This road is the closest, and it is the main passage from Guanzhong to Longyou. It is Guanlong Avenue. As long as the prime minister can guard the pass of Guanlong Avenue, all the counties in Longyou will be here. in the bag."

"Guanlong Avenue starts from Longdi in the east and ends at Jieting in the west. Therefore, if you want to defend Guanlong Avenue, the first plan is to back up Longshan and occupy Longdi, and the bottom plan is to occupy Jieting to block Cao's bandits."

"How to say?"

Zhuge Liang was really more and more surprised. He didn't expect that he just wanted to ask this son about the situation of Hanshui in Nanxiang, but he didn't expect to get such shocking words.

The joy in my heart really cannot be described in words.

This is the real son of a master, who has a good plan, sits in the hall, and strategizes the country's great plan.

"The prime minister can see the old affairs of Emperor Guangwu. When Emperor Guangwu came to Chang'an in person, he sent seven generals, Geng Yan, Gai Yan, Ji Zun, Wang Chang, Ma Wu, Liu Xin, and Liu Shang, to attack Gongsun Shu of Bashu from Guanlong Avenue."

"Kai Xiao of Longyou suspected that the Han soldiers would attack him, so he rebelled against the Han. He ordered his general Wang Yuan to occupy Longdi and cut down the road to block the Han army. Big defeat."

"Prime Minister, think about it, Emperor Guangwu is so talented, and he has many generals under his command, but he can't beat the land of Longdi at the pass of Guanlong Avenue, so how can Thief Cao compare with Emperor Guangwu?"

Guarding the Jieting at the west end of Long Avenue is passive defense, while guarding Longdi at the east end is the best choice.

With Longdi's back against Longshan Mountain, overlooking the land of Guanzhong, the army from Chang'an could only attack from their backs.

As long as Longdi can be brought into his hands, not to mention Zhang Yun's 50,000 horses, even if he adds another 50,000, he may not be able to survive Longshan.

The danger of Longdi lies in its back against Longshan.

If it came from Longshan, Longdi would lose its place of danger, and it would be much easier to attack Longdi from the direction of Longshan.

This is equivalent to the difference between the front and the back of a person.

As for whether Longdi can be taken, it depends on the speed of the march.

In the first Northern Expedition, whether it was Ma Di or Zhuge Liang, they all seriously underestimated the speed of Cao Wei's advance.

What's more, Ma Dazui lost so fast that Zhuge Liang didn't have time to react, and he was almost cut off.

As for how to block the northernmost Xiaoguan after occupying Longyou according to Longdi, that is another matter.

Anyway, according to the historical process, Anding had responded to the Northern Expedition at that time, returned to Han and rebelled against Wei, Xiaoguan belonged to Anding County, and it was normal to take Xiaoguan without bloodshed—this is one of the reasons why Zhang Yun did not leave Xiaoguan.

At that time, Liu Xiu, the son of the plane, had already unified the north and the south of the Yangtze River. Only Kaixiao in Longyou and Gongsunshu in Bashu had their own territories.

It was this mere land of Longyou, which was attacked by the sons of the plane with all the strength of the whole country, and they fought and lost, and fought again and again.

Cao thief is definitely no match for the son of the plane, and Kai Xiao is even more no match for the old demon Zhuge.

What's more, at this time, the big Han still has Hanzhong Bashu.

In fact, in Feng Yong's heart, as long as he can occupy Longyou, the big man will be stable - at least it is a situation like Western Wei, Eastern Wei, Northern Zhou and Northern Qi.

At that time, whether the stalemate lasts for decades or hundreds of years, there is basically no need to worry.

Because the big man not only has the condescending power, he can attack Guanzhong from Longyou Hanzhong at any time, and after Bashu and Longyou are connected together, the capital of the big man will double.

At least for Feng Tubie himself, in his lifetime, there is no need to worry that the big man will be boiled to death by Cao Wei.


Zhuge Liang laughed out loud, extremely relieved, the expression on his face was full of relief, "I am a man who will eventually have someone who will come after me!"

He looked at Feng Yong, and suddenly regretted it.

"I saw you for the first time the year before last, and when I heard you suggest that Dong He and Sun Wu should decide on a strategy for South China, I told you that I wanted you to join the army in the mansion, but you refused."

"Listening to your words now, I can't help thinking again. I don't want you to go to Yuejun anymore. Why don't you go directly to the prime minister's mansion to help me with military affairs?"

Isn't that the same as joining the army?

Of course, joining the army may be much more valuable than joining the army as mentioned for the first time, but it is still joining the army!

Feng Yong coughed dryly, "Prime Minister, even if I don't enter the Prime Minister's Mansion, I can help you as a military adviser."

After Zhuge Liang heard this, he suddenly came to his senses, then shook his head and smiled, knowing that he was impatient.

The relationship with this son now is not as innocent as it was back then.

Now if he is forced to enter the mansion, I don't know how many people will jump and can't sleep.

After all, what he carries on his body is not the property of a family.

If he was called into the prime minister's mansion, everyone would suspect that the prime minister's mansion would forcibly intervene in these industries, which would cause a lot of trouble.

"Forget it, do as you wish."

Zhuge Liang said, thought for a while, as if he remembered something, and said, "I want Yang Yi to build a high platform outside the city and set up a stone tablet for the alliance."

"These days, you have to be well prepared. When the alliance is held, you will bring ghost generals and ghost soldiers to witness the alliance. Don't let anything go wrong then."

Feng Yongchang sighed, "Prime Minister, Yong understands."

After bidding farewell to Zhuge Liang, Feng Yong returned to the camp, only to see Li Yi, Wang Xun, and Yang Wanwan in the tent.

"Where are Guan Ji, Huang Ji and Erlang?"

Feng Yong asked strangely.

Li Yi explained, "Brother, Guan Ji and Mrs. Amei have gone back to the city first. As for Huang Ji and Yiwen, they are going to test ride the newly acquired BMW. They say that the horse is too fierce, and they want to help brother tame it." tame."

At this time, the four-legged BMW is the favorite of men, just like the four-wheeled BMW in later generations.

Zhao Guang was delighted to see Lie Xin, but Feng Yong was not surprised, "Forget it, leave him alone. Wenxuan, I have something I want to ask you."

"I don't know what brother wants to ask?"

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