In this matter, Feng Yong was most amazed by Old Demon Zhuge.

As expected of a master of politics, he found the best point of intervention and took the best countermeasures in the shortest possible time.

As for A Dou or the Queen, they are still a little tender after all.

But the heat was well controlled, at least it didn't arouse Feng Yong's disgust, and he stopped decisively.

The bottom one is naturally Feng Tubie himself.

Being in the game, I can only know something is wrong by feeling, and I have to wait for things to become clear before fully reacting, failure!

There was a rare tranquility in the prison, coupled with the fact that the fire in the stove was burning hotly, Feng Yong borrowed a set of Go from Lu Yi, and while entertaining himself, he also had the heart to think about his own position on this matter. gains and losses.

Liu Liang was detained and punished by the Zongzheng Mansion, which poured cold water on those people in Jincheng who were about to make trouble—the emperor's attitude on this matter was very clear.

The attitude of the emperor also indirectly showed the attitude of the prime minister.

"Brother was just careless for a while, and fell into the villain's tricks, so he was related to Cheng for a month. It's no big deal."

The hall of Huang's restaurant has now become the main activity base of Xinghanhui.

Zhao Guang pulled a chair, stepped on it, put his arms on his legs, looked around at the crowd, and looked like a bandit leader who occupied the mountain as king.

"Everyone, don't believe in rumors, let alone spread rumors."

Zhao Guang took the kettle on the table in front of him, poured himself a bowl of water, drank it "gudong gudong", and then continued, "Let's wait for brother to come out, he must deal with the villains in our club of."

On both sides of him, Li Yi Wang Xun Yang Qianqian and Deng Liang sat and lined up separately, except Mi Zhao was missing.

Who the villain is is self-evident.

"Brother really said that?"

There are still some people who have no idea, "That Mi Dalang... is not an ordinary person."

Zhao Guang sneered when he heard the words, "No matter how powerful the Mi family is, is the Liu family as powerful? You have also seen that the elder brother smashed the Yuyao Pavilion, did the Liu family dare to say anything? Then Liu Liang was beaten by the Zongzheng mansion, and he is still in Zongzheng now." Lying on the couch in the mansion!"

Others are afraid of the Mi family and the Liu family, but he is not.

My lord is now the number one person in the army, and has saved His Majesty twice, there is a bond between the Zhao family and the royal family.

In addition, thanks to the great love of my brother, I have made some contributions, and now I have established a firm foothold in the army.

It doesn't matter whether you are a foreign relative or a royal relative, even if the prince is here, as long as you take advantage of it, you don't have to worry about anyone.

The most important thing is that others don't know, so don't you know how important your brother is to the prime minister?

Sister Guan went to ask her aunt on the day her brother was imprisoned, and her aunt said four words clearly at that time: don't worry.

Seeing that the people below did not speak anymore, but still had some doubts on their faces, Zhao Guang felt a little displeased, "You look like this, can I still lie to you?"

"Zhao Erlang, it's not that we don't believe you, it's just that... brother, nothing has been released yet, and we brothers are also worried about him."

"What do you mean no news?" Zhao Guang rolled his eyes, "You don't have any news, so don't tell me I don't have any news either?"

"Zhao Erlang, do you really have news about your brother?"

Zhao Guang snorted, "It's okay to tell you. I went to my uncle's house the day before yesterday and said something. Our family is going to make the art of wishing the rooster man public. You don't think that this matter didn't go through my brother." Agree?"

With a sound of "buzz", everyone broke out in a row.

"Erlang, Erlang, are you serious?"

"Erlang, in this way, can everyone learn?"

"What's the noise?"

Zhao Guangda yelled, looked around at the scrambling crowd, and patted the table, "Brother has only been in prison for a few days? You look like you're about to break up. Now that you hear it's good, you rush forward again?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was ashamed.

After a while, someone asked cautiously, "Erlang, what should we do?"

Only then did Zhao Guang give a satisfied smile, put his feet down from the chair, and walked back and forth two steps, looking thoughtful, then clapped his hands, and said, "Yes, in the past, the elder brother always thought of ways to benefit our brothers, but never Didn't think about myself."

"Elder brother values ​​love, we must not be unjust, now is the time for us to do something for elder brother."

"Erlang, just say it, what do you want me to do?"

Someone shouted.

Zhao Guang was not annoyed, and explained, "Brother originally planned to propose marriage to Brother Guan and marry Sister Guan after returning to Jincheng. How could such a thing happen? If so, why don't you wait for me?" Just help."

As soon as these words came out, Li Yi, Wang Xun and others suddenly widened their eyes.

"The third lady of the Guan family, isn't she already in charge of the elder brother's house now? What else do you need our help for?"

Before Feng Yong was imprisoned, he entrusted Zhao Guang and Li Yi with the affairs of Xinghanhui.

As for the affairs of the Feng family, they were all entrusted to Guan Ji.

Guan Ji is not hypocritical, she sits in the Feng residence unceremoniously, like a hostess.

Although she has a cold temper, it doesn't mean she is unwilling to fight, especially since Feng Yongdu is already in prison, how can she do nothing?

With her in Feng's residence, not only did the people in Feng's residence calm down immediately, even the people in Xinghanhui believed that nothing would happen to Feng Yong.

After all, the Guan family is also the family of a monarch and marquis, and the prime minister is very fond of Guan Xing. If he didn't believe that Feng Yong would not have an accident, how could Guan Ji be allowed to do this?

"Don't you know that there are rumors about the elder brother and the young lady of the Zhang family in Jincheng? Everyone thinks that the elder brother is interested in the young lady Zhang. How can this be done? We have to let them know that the elder brother is going to marry Guan A Sister!"

Zhao Guang said firmly.

Li Yu couldn't bear it anymore, walked forward tremblingly, lowered his voice and said viciously, "Erlang, elder brother didn't tell you about this!"

The matter of the elder brother and Guan Zhang's second daughter is already messy enough, how can I and others meddle in it?

"This is for us as younger brothers to share the worries of our elder brother."

Zhao Guang waved his hand, "Brother will definitely thank us when he comes out."

"I think brother will kill you!"

Zhao Guang followed his elder brother the longest, and in the eyes of everyone, he was the person his elder brother trusted the most. Naturally, Li Yi couldn't refute Zhao Guang's face in front of everyone, but he gritted his teeth in his heart.

"This matter... do you mean to ask your brother first?"

Someone asked hesitantly.

After all, it is about the reputation of the elder brother and the third wife of the Guan family. If they do this, what if the elder brother is unhappy?

"What are you afraid of? I'll take care of things!"

Zhao Guangda took it all down, "I'm not afraid to tell you, my brother has already made a plan for this public blessing."

As he said that, he pointed to a row of down jackets hanging beside him, "How can we get a lot of down to make this down jacket without raising more chickens and ducks? Now we have already taken a step ahead and gained word of mouth first. Even if someone follows suit in the future, That will also be crushed by us."

Didn't my brother say the same thing when he made the woolen cloth?

Zhao Guang took it directly and changed it a little.

Down jackets are now sold out in Jincheng. After all, they are the clothes that the emperor personally put on for the prime minister, adding a noble color to the clothes.

When everyone heard this, they finally came to their senses, thinking that the elder brother really had far-sightedness.

At the same time, they all thought in their hearts, if it is really arranged according to the elder brother, wouldn't it be another woolen cloth business?

At the thought of this, everyone's hearts were filled with enthusiasm.

Hanzhong's wool cloth has no chance to get involved. If this down jacket business slips away from its hands again, it will really turn green with regret.

Before he finished thinking, he heard Zhao Guang knock on the table again, and continued to speak heart-scratching words.

"Brother still has arrangements for the back, and the benefits will be much greater than this down jacket, but I can't say it for the time being. After brother comes out, when the time is right, I will discuss it with everyone."

"Erlang, you don't need to talk about it! Brother, among the dragons and phoenixes, how can ordinary women be worthy of it? Thinking about the third lady of the Guan family, who is also known as the tiger girl after the king, it is rare to be worthy of it." The elder brother's girl, the two are really a match made in heaven!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Besides, my brother and the third wife of the Guan family are in love with each other. Isn't this a good marriage arranged by heaven?"

"That's right, we are brothers, how can we let elder brother miss the good marriage?"

"Be sure to let the world know that Mrs. Guan San is my brother's beauty..."

Someone shouted.

Zhao Guang smiled with satisfaction.

So two days later, I heard that Guan Junhou accidentally broke two long swords while practicing martial arts.

Just as the veterans of Jincheng were happily eating melons, the Prime Minister's Mansion welcomed a somewhat special guest.

"Li Feng met the prime minister."

Li Feng, the son of Li Yan, just rushed back to Jincheng from Yong'an, and came directly to the prime minister's mansion.

"You don't need to be too polite." Zhuge Liang was very happy to see Li Feng, "Is Zhengfang doing well in Yong'an? This time you are here, but what good news does Zhengfang have?"

"Return to the Prime Minister, my lord is all well. A few days ago, my lord received news from Xincheng Mengda, so Lingfeng sent letters here day and night."

"Oh, really?" Zhuge Liang said pleasantly, "I didn't expect Meng Da to reply so quickly?"

"That's right. Prime Minister, I heard from your lord that Meng Da really has the heart to belong to the great man."

A happy smile appeared on Li Feng's face, and at the same time he took out the envelope from his arms, "Everything that your lord said is on it, please have a look at it, Prime Minister."

"Okay!" Zhuge Liang couldn't wait to take the letter, suppressed the joy in his heart, and then looked at Li Feng, only to see that although his face looked tired, but his demeanor was still as gentle as jade, he couldn't help nodding secretly.

Zhuge Liang said softly, "Da Lang must have been tired from Yong'an to Jincheng, so let's go down and have a rest first. I'll take you to meet another person tomorrow."

"I don't know who the prime minister wants Feng to meet?"

Li Feng asked respectfully.

"This person is quite famous. Presumably you have heard of him. His surname is Feng and his name is Yong. He is considered a rare talent."

Li Feng was overjoyed when he heard that, "Feng has heard of Feng Langjun's name for a long time! I have admired him for a long time, but I have no way to know him. If I can be introduced by the prime minister in person, I will be very happy."

Zhuge Liang smiled and shook his head, "You are a gentle gentleman, but that kid is not. See you tomorrow, I just hope you won't be disappointed."

Li Fengxi said earnestly, "I definitely won't be disappointed. Feng Langjun's writings have been recited tirelessly for a long time. Hearing that the Prime Minister's Southern Expedition, Feng Langjun offered another wonderful strategy, Feng wished he could have a long talk with him right now. "

After saying that, he bowed again, "I will meet with distinguished guests tomorrow, Feng needs to rest well to recharge his spirits, so as not to lose the courtesy. Prime Minister, Feng will retire first."

"Well, you go."

After Li Feng withdrew, Zhuge Liang opened Li Yan's letter and read it.

I saw that the beginning was exactly as Li Feng said, and Li Yan relayed Meng Da's reply, saying that he wanted to work with his beloved, and also talked about how he had pacified Sichuan and Shu with the late emperor.

"It seems that I also have to write a letter to Meng Da."

Zhuge Liang said to himself with a smile on his face.

However, at the end, Li Yan changed the subject and began to talk about the Southern Expedition, saying that the prime minister worked tirelessly and personally led the army to the south, which is indeed a model for the officials.

And the ability to quickly pacify Nanzhong is precisely because of his high talent, which is beyond the reach of others.

Seeing this, Zhuge Liang frowned slightly.

Everyone knows that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty likes people who do practical things, and he doesn't like people who flatter and flatter, so the administration of officials in the Han Dynasty is still relatively clear.

Li Yan's words made Zhuge Liang a little disgusted.

Unexpectedly, later on, Li Yan began to count the prime minister's previous achievements in detail, and the exaggeration became more serious as he went to the back.

As for the pacification of Nanzhong, it has been said that it has made great contributions to the Han Dynasty, which is comparable to Huo Guangkuang's support of the Han Dynasty.

Only then did Li Yan express his intention: the prime minister should accept Jiuxi, become a noble and become king.

He also expressed his willingness to follow the prime minister's tail and take the lead in writing to His Majesty.

After Zhuge Liang finished reading, his complexion immediately turned ashen, and he couldn't help but slapped the table with a "slap"!

He shouted angrily: "Zhuzi deceived me!"

Nine tins are the nine kinds of ritual utensils given by the emperor to princes and ministers with special honors.

They are Chariots and Horses, Clothes, Lexian, Zhuhu, Nabi, Huben, Axe, Bow and Arrow, and Dagger.

It is the highest courtesy for a minister.

But from Wang Mang to Cao Cao, Jiuxi has changed.

Nowadays, if a mortal minister can enter Jiuxi, it means that he is always ready to usurp the throne.

For the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, who had always aimed to revive the Han Dynasty and restore the old capital, Li Yan's words were tantamount to giving himself the most serious insult!

But after all, Zhuge Liang is the one who holds the power of the Han Dynasty, and he has seen a lot of turmoil. When he was angry, he began to think about the intention of Li Yan's words.

Is this the original truth, or is it testing myself?

If he is sincere, then this person will definitely not be able to stay, at least, he must find a way to demote him to become a citizen, and he will not be allowed to enter the court as an official again.

If it is a temptation... that would be too bold and reckless. Is this kind of thing that can be discussed among ministers?

Zhuge Liang walked back and forth a few steps, thinking of the actions in the palace a few days ago, his doubts deepened. Could there be any connection among them?

It's just that Li Yan is the person who was entrusted by the late emperor to guard Yong'an.

If he really wants to harbor evil intentions, then the situation where it is easy for a big man to be stable will be turbulent again.

Today's big man can't be more chaotic.

Thinking of this, Zhuge let out a long sigh, and couldn't help frowning tightly.

At this moment, a servant came to report that Chen Zhen was ordered to visit the mansion.

Zhuge Liang's heart moved, and he ordered: "Please come in."

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