Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 464 Dongzhou faction

"The lower official has seen the prime minister."

"There is no need to be too polite when you are filial, just sit down first."

Zhuge Liang motioned Chen Zhen to sit down, "Xiao Qi returned to court, have you ever gotten used to it?"

Chen Zhen is a native of Nanyang. When the first emperor was in charge of Jingzhou animal husbandry, he was appointed as a minister. Later, he entered Shu with the first emperor, and successively served as the captain of the northern part of Shu County, the prefect of Wenshan, and the prefect of Qianwei.

After Zhuge Liang pacified Nanzhong this year, he was worshiped as a minister again, and he returned to the court for less than a month.

"There are a lot of affairs in the state and county, but it's leisurely when I return to the court. I'm really not used to it."

Chen Zhen, who was in his forties, was in the prime of his life. Hearing this, he said with a smile, "The prime minister is tired, and it is a shame that he is an official at leisure."

Zhuge Liang knew the elegant meaning when he heard the words, shook his head and smiled wryly, "I don't know that doing everything personally will damage the heart, it's just..."

He said with a long sigh, "Every time I think of the entrustment of the late emperor, the king's business is in Jincheng, and I dare not relax in the slightest."

"Although Zhen is not talented, he is still willing to help the prime minister with his meager efforts. Now that he is back in the court, he is busy all day long. What can I do?"

"I asked Xiaoqi to return to the court and make his own arrangements. How can I say it's busy?"

Zhuge Liang comforted him.

"But I don't know what the prime minister wants to do?"

"I would like to send Xiaoqi as an envoy to Soochow."

"As an envoy to Soochow?" Chen Zhen was taken aback, he didn't expect the prime minister to make such an arrangement for him.

"Yes." Zhuge nodded and said, "Southern China will be settled, and the great Han will be safe. I want Xiaoqi to go and see what the Soochow government is thinking at this time."

"The most important thing is," Zhuge Liang said in a low voice, "now that the south has been settled, it is time for the Northern Expedition Cao Bandits to revive the Han Dynasty. If we can get the help of Eastern Wu and make Cao Bandits ignore each other, we will get twice the result with half the effort effect."

Chen Zhen was startled, and finally understood, he quickly got up and said, "The lower officials don't understand the prime minister's painstaking efforts, and almost missed a big deal."

"But I don't know if Xiaoqi has the confidence to promote Soochow to send troops to the north? To help me revive the Han Dynasty?"

"Dare you not to die?"

Chen Zhen said impassionedly at the moment, but he asked with some doubts, "I heard that Deng Bomiao was trusted by Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu, why didn't the prime minister send him away?"

"The distance between Han and Wu is long, and there are mountains, rocks, rivers and rivers blocking it. It is very inconvenient to travel. The Northern Expedition of Cao Bandits was not accomplished in a day. I am afraid that there will be more goodwill between Han and Wu in the future."

"If only Deng Bomiao is alone, if he is still in the Wu territory, and the big man suddenly needs to inform Soochow, what should he do then? So I thought, send more people to get familiar with Soochow at this time. , so that there will be no one to send in the future."

Zhuge Liang explained.

"The prime minister's plans are beyond the imagination of lower officials." Chen Zhen admired.

"Xiaoqi is old and mature, and he was born in Nanyang, Jingzhou. Now that Sun Quan is ruling in Wuchang, he is in Jingzhou, so Xiaoqi's journey is a familiar one."

Zhuge Liang continued, "I have a person who is from Jiangxia. Wuchang belongs to the land of Jiangxia. If you take this person with you, you will be more like a fish in water."

"But Fei Wenwei (Fei Yi)?"

"How did Xiaoqi know?"

"The lower official remembered the day when the prime minister returned to Jincheng and asked Fei Yi to drive with him. Now that this person has become famous, the prime minister must have promoted this person just for today."

"Haha, Xiao Qi knows me."

Zhuge Liang laughed.

Chen Zhen also laughed.

The two of them felt a little bit of the same.

But after Zhuge Liang laughed, he glanced at Chen Zhen again, with a slightly hesitant expression on his face, and said, "If I attack the Cao thieves in the north in the future, the rear will be peaceful. The emperor is still young, and he must have good ministers to help him." .”

"In my mind, Yong'an Li Zhengfang and I are the same people who were the former emperor's caregiver, so I want to trust each other for the future. I remember that Li Zhengfang and Xiaoqi were both born in Nanyang, right? I don't know what Xiaoqi thinks of this person? "

When Chen Zhen heard this, his face turned pale with shock, and he said anxiously, "No, Prime Minister!"

Zhuge Liang's eyes flashed brightly, and then he disappeared immediately, "Li Zhengfang is a man who was entrusted by the late emperor, he is talented, and he is in the same county as Xiaoqi, why is Xiaoqi so opposed?"

"It is precisely because Zhen and Li Zhengfang are both from Nanyang, so they know a lot about him, so I feel inappropriate, Prime Minister!"

Chen Zhen said eagerly.

"Oh, why?"

Zhuge Liang asked.

"Li Zhengfang, although he is famous for his talents, he has too much selfish desires, and his personality is lonely. He disdains to associate with his peers, but he is good at catering to his wishes."

When Chen Zhen said this, he saw that the prime minister sitting on top had a serious expression, and he didn't know what expression he was making in his heart.

It's just that he knows that Li Yan is a man who can be used, but he can't be used for heavy tasks, otherwise disasters will happen.

So Chen Zhen felt that even if he offended this person, he should persuade the prime minister to pay attention.

"At the beginning, Li Yan served as the prefect in Qianwei County. He built buildings and roads, and his political achievements were good. However, he built many buildings for his own selfishness. At that time, Cao Yanghong failed to persuade him and was driven away by him. Also, the prime minister Do you remember Wang Chong who ran away from Bandit Cao a few days ago?"

"Of course I remember."

"Wang Chong was originally Li Yan's subordinate, but he didn't like Li Yan. He was afraid of being harmed by Yan, so he was forced to leave Cao's place. It shows how evil he treats others?"

Zhuge Liang was silent for a long time when he heard this.

Seeing this, Chen Zhen painstakingly persuaded, "In the future, if the prime minister really entrusts Li Yan to manage the rear affairs, he will put his self-interest first. At that time, the prime minister will not pay back the long-term conquest, and the emperor is still young. If you are under strict supervision, what should you do?"

"Back then, I heard that Liao Li was talking with Feng Langjun in Fengzhuang. I thought of Liao Li, although he was a terrible person, but he told Li Yanzhi that he was very fond of the lower officials: there are scales on the belly, and you can benefit yourself. .It can be said that it hits the nail on the head!"

Seeing his sincerity, Zhuge Liang let out a long sigh and said, "After all, Li Yan is the one who was entrusted by the late emperor, and his prestige in the court is not low. Moreover, the revival of the Han Dynasty is a major event that requires everyone to work together. Now the major event is still undecided. The room is in danger, rather than cutting down on its faults, it is just to praise its strengths and think it will help the big things."

"The prime minister is doing business for private purposes, and the lower officials admire him, but when you want to entrust Li Yan with something in the future, please consider Zhen's words today."

Chen Zhen knew that the Prime Minister had made up his mind, so he had to make one last effort and reminded, "The Han Dynasty is in danger, and we must be careful in doing great things. If the Prime Minister wants to use his strengths, he must also be careful of his weaknesses, so as not to ruin the big things."

"Xiaoqi's words, I will definitely keep them in my heart."

Zhuge Liang said solemnly.

The next day, Li Feng came to the prime minister's residence early, ready to follow the prime minister to meet Feng Langjun, whom he had admired for a long time.

Zhuge Liang saw that his expression did not seem to be fake, so he immediately asked, "Does Dalang know what your lord told me in the letter?"

Li Feng wondered why the prime minister would ask this question, "The matter between your lord and the prime minister is a major national event, how can Feng know?"

When Zhuge Liang saw what he said, and looked at his appearance as a young man, he obviously valued this meeting, so he couldn't help feeling a little ridiculous in his heart: How did someone like Li Yan teach such a gentle and gentlemanly Li Dalang? ?

"Then Feng Mingwen was imprisoned by me because he led someone to beat up his daughter-in-law, so I asked him to reflect on it." Zhuge Liang said with a smile, "How can a person like Li Dalang want to have a relationship with him?" How about getting acquainted?"

"Feng Langjun is a bold and righteous man, and he is the leader of many sons and lords in Jincheng. He smashed his daughter-in-law, but it is only true. He is a role model for our generation!"

Fascinated look appeared on Li Feng's face again.

Zhuge Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he thought to himself how would Li Yan, who has scales, know what his son looks like now, how would he feel?

"Forget it, let's wait for one more person, and we will go there together when he comes."

"But I don't know who it is?"

"The son of Wang Guoshan, Wang You and Wang Honghua."

"It turns out that after Zhonglie, Nafeng also wants to make friends."

Wang Guoshan was Wang Fu who followed the former emperor to the east and died in the battle of Yiling.

His younger brother, Wang Shi, followed Zhuge Liang on the southern expedition and sneaked into the rebel camp alone to persuade Yongkai to surrender. Later, Meng Huo noticed him and committed suicide for Baohan Festival.

It can be said that there are two loyalty in one family.

Before Wang Shi was in danger, he entrusted Wang You to the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

Today's Feng Yong is the head of many noble children in Jincheng. Zhuge Liang brought Wang You with him this time because he wanted Feng Yong to take care of him on weekdays.

Under the leadership of Jincheng Ling, the three of them walked into the cell, but before they got there, they heard ghosts crying and howling from the cell: "I miss Yiren in prison, I don't know if you believe me..."

The tune couldn't be tuned, the tune couldn't be tuned, and he couldn't even understand what was being read, but just listening to that voice, that person still felt good about himself and sang with great vigor.

From time to time, there would be a faint and long vibrato, forcing people to feel that he was really crying.

Zhuge Liang was taken aback when he heard this voice at first, and looked at Lu Yi, his eyes were full of doubts, and at the same time, he was a little worried: something happened to this kid, right?

Lu Yi had a helpless look on his face, "Back to the Prime Minister, Feng Langjun is singing, and he has been like this for the past few days."

At this time, the singing stopped suddenly, only Feng Yong's voice came from the front, "Lao Lu, Lao Lu, I heard your voice, come quickly and play chess with me."

"Why don't you come? Don't hide, I can hear your voice!"

"If you don't come again, I will go find you!"

Feng Tubie yelled vigorously, he hadn't seen Lu Yi for a long time, and when he was in a hurry, he pushed open the cell door with a "squeak".

Unexpectedly, he was just stepping out of the door with one foot, when he saw someone coming in front of him, he immediately put his foot back with a "whoosh".

Then with a "Kuang Dang" sound, he took the initiative to close the cell door again.

"Prime Minister, why are you here?"

Feng Tubie had the most sincere smile on his face.

The big Han prime minister glanced at the cell, and the corners of his eyes twitched immediately. He saw a bed in a corner of the cell, covered with a thick woolen blanket.

In the remaining three corners and in the middle of the room, there is a stove in each. The fire inside is burning vigorously. Even standing outside the cell, you can still feel the warmth like spring.

There is also a large table in the middle of the room with a chess board on it.

On the edge of the chessboard, a book with an unknown name was randomly spread out.

There are two plates of dried fruit!

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty took a deep look at Feng Tubie, and thought to himself, do you live in a cell or at home?

Feng Tubie accompanied the smiling face, "squeaked", and opened the cell door again on his own initiative, and stretched out his hand, "Does the prime minister want to come in?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Feng and Wang You finally felt that something was collapsing in their hearts, and at the same time they all turned their heads to look at Jincheng Ling Lu Yi.

With grief and indignation on Lu Yi's face, he thought that my mother would add a big lock to this cell tomorrow!

Zhuge Liang, on the other hand, walked in with a calm demeanor, looked at it carefully, and then sighed, "If you are in prison, you will be the first in the world."

Feng Yongqian laughed and didn't know how to answer.

"This is the son of Li Dudu's family in Yong'an, Li Feng and Li Haoxuan. This is the son of the late Jingzhou Yicao who was engaged in Wang Guoshan, Wang You and Wang Honghua. These two are about the same age as you. From now on, you should get closer."

Li Feng and Wang You have already taken the initiative to greet him: "Feng (You) has met Feng Langjun."

"Oh, oh, never saw two."

Feng Yong returned the salute without knowing why, and at the same time glanced at Zhuge Liang, wondering what the old demon Zhuge meant by bringing these two people here?

Of course I know the governor of Yong'an Li, isn't it Li Yan?

But who was the late Jingzhou Yicao engaged in Wang Guoshan?

Zhuge Liang looked at Li Feng and Wang You, who were both polite and well-behaved, and then looked at Feng Yong, who was still a little dazed. How good would it be to have a headache?

"You may not be familiar with Wang Guoshan, but you should know his younger brother. It was Wang Yiqiang, the prefect of Yizhou County who died in the king's affairs during the Southern Expedition this year."

Zhuge Liang saw Feng Yong's eyes and knew what it meant, so he explained another sentence.

"It turns out that Mr. Wang Lang came from the family of loyalty, disrespect and disrespect! The king is loyal to the king, and Wang Taishou sticks to the Han Festival. It is really admirable. After seeing the Wang family today, I am very lucky!"

When Feng Yong heard this, he immediately stood in awe.

"The ancestors seek benevolence and get benevolence, but you are only blessed by adults and uncle Yu Yin, and I can't afford to be an elder brother."

Wang You said modestly.


what do you call me

Although many people in Jincheng today call me elder brother, I am sure that I have never seen you.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong glanced at Zhuge Liang again.

Zhuge Liang said, "Both the heads of the two generations of the Wang family in Qixian County, Guanghan Han died in the affairs of the king. They are loyal and loyal families. Wang Dalang has his father's legacy. And Li Dalang is a rare gentle and gentle son. It’s a good thing to be friends and sharpen together.”

When Feng Yong heard it, he finally understood.

This Wang family should have two generations of patriarchs who died in a row, and Wang You was young, so the Wang family is likely to be in danger of decline. In order to support the Wang family, the old demon Zhuge asked himself to take care of Wang You.

As for Li Feng... Feng Yong was a little embarrassed.

Broadly speaking, the big man is now divided into three major factions.

One is the local faction who was born and bred, the other is the foreign faction who followed Liu Bei to Shu, and the other is the Dongzhou faction who is not on the sidelines.

The local faction controls the land and population of the great Han.

The outside faction controls the top power of the big man.

The name of Dongzhou School originated from Liu Yan at that time.

Back then, after Liu Yan and Liu Zhang settled the refugees from outside, they selected young and strong to form the Dongzhou Army to suppress the local rioters.

The Dongzhou faction was officials at all levels composed of outsiders during the period of Liu Yan and Liu Zhang.

Later, they basically surrendered Liu Bei.

It's just that after Liu Bei was demoted, the identity of the Dongzhou faction became a little embarrassing.

For the local faction, they are outsiders, and for the foreign faction who followed Liu Bei to Shu, they are half of the Shu people.

Because Liu Yan and Liu Zhang rewarded a lot of land in order to win over the Dongzhou faction, they can be regarded as taking root in Shu.

Strictly speaking, Feng Yong himself can be regarded as Dongzhou School.

Because their whole family were foreigners living in Shu, his lord was recruited into the Dongzhou Army by Liu Yan and his son.

Liu Bei entrusted Li Yan back then. Apart from Li Yan's talent, he had no intention of appeasing the Dongzhou faction and balancing the power of the foreign faction and the Dongzhou faction.

So Feng Yong is actually from the same faction as Li Feng, and the two should be naturally close.

When Liao Li frightened Feng Yong back then, he wanted to provoke Zhuge Liang to fight Li Yan and let Feng Yong go to join Li Yan, which was actually for this reason.

Later, Feng Tubie gritted his teeth and survived that test.

Because he knew that Li Yan was a trap!

How could he jump into this pit before the last moment?

But the world is impermanent, he escaped back then, and in the end, the old monster Zhuge actually brought Li Yan's son in front of him, and let him get close to him?

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