Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 465 Chatting

It's just that the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty has an order, even if Feng Yong is not happy, how dare he shirk it?

At that moment, he had no choice but to answer, "It's really like hearing the fragrance of orchids to get along with good friends forever."

When Li Feng heard this, he saluted again with joy on his face, "Little brother Feng has met my brother. Although I didn't understand what my brother sang just now, I think it has a rhyme, but the new poem written by my brother Fu?

Feng Yong was startled, thinking that you can also hear Lao Tzu's "Tears Behind the Bar" in Mandarin?

"Ahem, it's just a nonsense made up for a while, it can't be taken as real."

Feng Tubie explained with a dry laugh.

"Li Dalang has always admired your articles. When he learned yesterday that he was coming to meet you, he couldn't restrain himself on the spot."

Zhuge Liang had long been familiar with Feng Tubie's temperament. Seeing his current appearance, he knew that he was talking nonsense again, so he immediately reminded him, "If you have a new work, it would be good to discuss it with Li Dalang."

Um? Hearing what the old demon Zhuge said, it seems that Li Feng is still my little fan?

Feng Yong looked at Li Feng again, only to see his admiration and joy shining in his eyes.

It can't be wrong, Feng Yong is too familiar with this appearance, those little fans who follow stars in the future will look like this when they see their idols.

Of course, it's the more sensible kind.

So a certain soil turtle couldn't help but feel complacent, and I actually have fans?

After thinking up to this point, Feng Yong agreed wholeheartedly: "Okay, okay, if I have a new work, I will definitely ask Li Langjun to correct me."

"Don't dare to correct me." Li Feng said hastily, "Brother's excellent work, how can a blunt person like Feng be able to correct it? Even the adults have told the younger brother to ask the younger brother to give me advice when he comes to Jincheng."

This Li Feng has a tendency to turn into a brain-dead fan.

Just listening to Li Feng's words, it seems that Li Yan also pays attention to me?

Not only Feng Yong was muttering in his heart, but even Zhuge Liang's eyes flashed a bright light.

"Sit down, I have something to tell you."

Zhuge Liang didn't let Li Feng and Feng Yong continue their conversation. He sat down on the chair, pointed to the opposite chair, looked at the chessboard on the table, and motioned to Feng Yong, "Let's talk about a game?"

Then he picked up a black chess piece and looked at the chessboard on the table, only to find that the black and white chess pieces seemed to be a bit messy, with no layout at all.

"Prime Minister, I don't know how to talk with hands."

Feng Tubie sat on the chair and said with some coyness.

Zhuge Liang frowned when he heard this, "Didn't you ask someone to play chess with you when you came in?"

Then he pointed to the chessboard, "I don't know how to talk with hands, so who set this up?"

He also thought that Feng Yong was afraid of making a fool of himself because of his inexperienced chess skills, so he said, "Playing chess is one to sharpen your mind, and the other is to learn the art of war. It doesn't matter if you play badly, as long as you study hard, you will always improve."

Feng Tubie coughed dryly, "Prime Minister, I really don't know how to play. I use a different way to play this chessboard."

"Oh, is there another way to play this chess?"

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty raised his brows, "This is really new, let me hear it?"

At the same time, he thought in his heart, could this not be the rule of his master's school?

"Hey, Prime Minister, this is very simple. You see, as long as this is the case, the black and white sides, as long as whoever can connect the five pieces into a line first, is considered to be the winner. Horizontal, vertical, or oblique, it doesn't matter."

Zhuge Liang was taken aback.

I thought to myself what kind of rule is this?

It's not right to let go of the chess piece in your hand, and it's not right not to let it go.

Feng Yong didn't give Zhuge Liang a chance to go back on his word. He immediately cleaned up the chess pieces on the chessboard, and said respectfully, "Prime Minister, you go first?"

The prime minister of the big man wanted to turn the table all of a sudden, I said I want to play this kind of chess with you? Can you do things normally for once?

Every time the sword goes slanted!

However, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty is extremely intelligent after all, so he thought about it for a while, and then let Hei Zi down at will.

The sound of "gurgling" sounded from the corner of the wall, and Feng Yong hurried over to bring over the boiled water.

Then he took out a bowl and a small pot from the bedside cabinet, squeezed out some tea leaves from the small pot, poured them into the bowl, and put them in front of Zhuge Liang, "Prime Minister, have a sip of tea first."

Then he smiled apologetically at Li Feng and Wang You, "There are not enough bowls and chairs in the prison, the two gentlemen are tired."

"It doesn't matter, I'll just wait and stand."

Li Feng and Wang You said quickly.

How can they sit in front of the prime minister?

Only a person like elder brother is qualified to sit in front of the prime minister.

Feng Yong also poured himself a bowl, then sat down in front of the prime minister, picked up a white chess piece and put it on it.

Then he reached out again, picked up the dried apricots in the fruit plate, put them in his mouth, chewed them, and swallowed them directly.

Seeing his appearance, Zhuge Liang's eyes twitched.

Standing or not standing, sitting or sitting, even playing chess is restless!

Tea leaves are soaked in boiling water, the color of the water begins to change, and the unique fragrance of tea leaves permeates.

Zhuge Liang couldn't help taking a breath, couldn't help picking up the bowl and taking a sip, and then asked, "Where did you get the tea leaves in this season?"

"Oh, didn't I open a tea garden on the hillside behind Zhuangzi three years ago? I picked some tea this year and stocked it up."

The garden has been well fertilized, and with the careful care of Amei and his tribe, the tea trees have grown well, and they can be picked in the second half of this year.

"I forgot about this." Only then did Zhuge Liang remember that Feng Yong had planted a large tea tree on his own Zhuangzi.

I saw Feng Yong said happily, "Let me tell you, Prime Minister, this tea is a good thing. That Liang Si and I..."

As he spoke, he paused, and then glanced at Li Feng and Wang You again.

"It's okay, but it is."

Zhuge Liang knew what he meant and said.

"Oh, that's right. I made an agreement with Liang Si. In addition to the wool cloth, I also asked them to help me sell some tea to the barbarians in the north."

Thinking that the hills behind Zhuangzi were all tea gardens, Feng Tubie was excited, damn it, it's finally today!

Tea, the necessities of the barbarians!

wool! oxen and horses! woman! Fur!

Hand it all over!

"It's reasonable to drink tea in Sichuan, and the big families in the north may also have the habit of drinking tea. It's just that the barbarian eats tea. Why have I never heard of it?"

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty obviously has not realized the importance of tea as a strategic material.

"So I just asked Liang Si to help me try to sell a little."

Feng Tubie chuckled, "Maybe it's a big hit?"

Zhuge Liang obviously felt that Feng Yong was whimsical, shook his head and smiled, picked up another chess piece and put it down, "Whether you are selling it to the barbarians in the north or planning to sell it in Shu, don't touch it yourself."

The suppression of merchants by the Han Dynasty was not as severe as that of the later dynasties. This can be seen from the special commercial taxation of "counting money" and "counting vehicles and boats" in the Han Dynasty.

After the abnormal development of Confucianism, the dynasties could not even collect business taxes.

It's just that if you want to really get the reputation of being a businessman, it's always not good.

So have white gloves.


Feng Yong nodded.

"Speaking of the business in the north, Prime Minister, although the Liang family wants to buy woolen cloth from me, what about the wool, cattle and horses?"

Taking wool to open the way to Liangzhou was originally Zhuge Liang's strategy.

So Feng Yong didn't expect to be able to take it all by himself.

Besides, is it not the basic operation of the country to collect import and export tariffs?

"Ma Youchang also opened a workshop in Hanzhong and Nanzheng. It's just that Ju County didn't receive much wool from the Hu people this year, so the wool cloth still has to come from you."

Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong, and pondered, "That's right, it's the same as the year before last. The imperial court mainly takes wool and horses, and you take the cattle and sheep. Just make up for what's not enough."

"It's nice."

Feng Yong was overjoyed, he really didn't expect the old monster Zhuge to be so generous.

"One more thing, Nanzheng's workshop, you can ask Nanxiang to help and send some people to teach it." Zhuge Liang knocked on the table, "The imperial court's workshop has been open for a year, and it is still a mess. It doesn't look like that either."

I thought that the workshop was just gathering people and spinning wheels and looms together, and then spinning wool to weave cloth, but I didn't expect it to be too simple.

Not to mention food, clothing, housing and transportation for the weavers in the workshop, how to manage them on weekdays is a big problem.

Nanzheng's workshop has been open for almost a year, and not to mention a few bolts of cloth have not been spun, even the barely spun cloth is very poor, and I am afraid that it will not be sold to the barbarians.

Ma Di originally wanted to go to Nanxiang to find Li Qiu and others in private, and wanted Nanxiang to send some people to help, but he never thought that he was flatly rejected.

Not to mention Li Qiu and the others, even this woman Li Mu has a tough attitude. She only talked about the Nanxiang workshop and the ranch, and asked her brother to speak up.

In the end, Ma Di had no choice but to tell Zhuge Liang the truth.

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty was also a little tired: others can set up a ranch workshop in the white land. You have an example before you, and you have the help of the court, but you still can't do it?

It's just that even though he said so, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty also knew that such a thing as a workshop had never appeared before, and other than this kid, no one else really knew the way of it.

"no problem."

For this additional condition, Feng Yong fully agreed.

"I heard that Mrs. Mu from Nanxiang is very powerful..."

"That won't work!"

Feng Tubie shuddered and quickly changed his words.

Li Mu is now the pillar of the workshop, and at the same time is the spokesperson of the Li family's interests in Nanxiang. The Li family is also responsible for supplying vegetables and some food to the workshop and pasture.

Without her, more than half of the workshop would collapse.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty gave a "tsk", "I just borrowed it for a few days."

"That doesn't work either." Feng Yong rolled his eyes and said, "There is a woman named A Xiang next to Li Mu, who is my concubine's playmate. Originally, I planned to let her follow Li Mu and train her to become a In charge. If Nanzheng's workshop is really short of people, I can let her go."

Feng Tubie didn't blush at all when he said this.

That Ah Xiang, who has been with Li Mu for so long, even a pig can learn some fur.

What's more, there has been an evening school in Nanxiang for two years.

Today's workshops and ranches, regardless of gender, want to climb up, in addition to good skills in their own jobs, they also need to learn literacy and basic arithmetic.

Arithmetic within 100, take a branch to write and draw on the ground, at least you have to tell the correct answer, and you are eligible to be the team leader and manage things.

It is common for people to be able to recognize certain characters and know simple arithmetic problems in the workshops and ranches in Nanxiang.

But if you put it outside, it is a treasure.

As long as this Ah Xiang can reach the level of the team leader of the workshop and be released as a manager or something, there is no big problem.

Besides, if she hadn't been careful back then, how could she have encouraged that soft bastard, Amei, to sue her?

But when Zhuge Liang heard Feng Yong say that, his heart skipped a beat. Does this kid have a lot of people?

Thinking of all the news that came back from Hanzhong, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty affirmed this idea even more, and looked at Feng Yong with strange eyes.

It is not uncommon to have people on hand, but what is strange is how to keep the people on hand in a steady stream?

Thinking of this, the prime minister's mind became a little erratic.

"Prime Minister, I won the five-son connection."

Feng Yong didn't care what Zhuge Liang was thinking, and immediately shouted happily.

Zhuge Liang casually glanced at the chessboard, then nodded and admitted defeat, "That's right, you won."


Feng Tubie shouted excitedly, and looked at Zhuge Liang longingly, "Prime Minister, are you still here?"

Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong strangely. In such a simple game of chess, what's so happy about winning or losing?

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty does not know how future generations will evaluate him.

Feng Tubie only felt that he had won against this ancient monster, and it felt really cool!

No, I wrote in my notebook immediately after I was released from prison: On a certain day in December of the third year of Jianxing, Feng Yong and Zhuge Liang won a game of chess—backgammon!

In the future, when I die, I will engrave this matter on a stone slab and be buried with me!

"Come again."

The two cleaned up the chess game and started again.

"The wool cloth produced by Nanzheng's workshop will be used first in the army. It is related to the great plan of the North. You should be careful, and don't ruin the big thing, or I will spare you."

The so-called northern plan is nothing more than the Northern Expedition.

Liangzhou is also a cold place, if the soldiers in the barracks can use woolen cloth, that would be a great thing indeed.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, haven't the roads been built in Nanxiang and Zhengzhou now? The trip only takes one day, if there is any urgent matter, you can ask Ma Taishou to send someone directly to Nanxiang."

The cement road has been repaired intermittently for more than a year, and finally connects Nanxiang and Nanzheng.

The quality of the road in Nanxiang is definitely not as good. Due to the topography, the road is still paved with coal ballast and gravel.

But compared to the roads of this era, it is already a rare good road in the world.

The letter from Li Qiu and others said that this road is a brilliant road, and the world is amazed by it, or it is the road of immortals.

Now this road is the most important passage in Hanzhong, and there is an endless stream of pedestrians and business travelers coming and going every day.

At the same time, Feng Yong finally trained the first professional civil engineering team.

"If it doesn't work, we can ask those weavers from Nanzheng Workshop to help Nanxiang for a few days, and let them come back after learning."

Anyway, the traffic is also convenient, agent training, it's a very simple matter.

Zhuge Liang was a little surprised by the solution Feng Yong casually proposed. After thinking about it, he felt that this was really a good solution.

"What are you thinking about?"

Zhuge Liang sincerely praised this time, "This is indeed a good method."

"Training fee..." Feng Yong glanced at the prime minister, swallowed his words, and changed his words, "But it's well known that the weavers in Nanxiang eat well, and they can't eat for nothing when they go there. live?"

"Count it into the cattle and sheep exchanged from the north."

Zhuge Liang said angrily.

This kid really refuses to suffer at all.

"Have you learned the art of Guan Zhong?"

Zhuge Liang asked suddenly.

Guan Zhong?

The ancestor of Chinese economics, of course Feng Yong knew.

But it is limited to the things recorded in the history books, but I really don't understand his thoughts and theories.

"No ah."

"Really not?"

Zhuge Liang looked at Feng Yong suspiciously.

Feng Yong suddenly remembered the strategy he had proposed to Zhuge Liang in Nanzhong.

Isn't the meeting of Wei County just like the old story of Duke Huan of Qi?

And the reason why Duke Huan of Qi, Xiaobai, was able to dominate the Central Plains was precisely because of Guan Zhong's assistance.

At the moment, he had no choice but to say, "I just understand a little."

"Understand a little?"

Zhuge Liang asked leisurely, "Why do I feel that you have studied it specially?"

"I won't talk about the matter just now, but the matter of your wool, the matter of Guan Zhong buying a deer and submitting to Chu State, and the old matter of Qi Wan and Lu Jin, don't you think it is very similar?"


Feng Yong was a little confused, "What do you mean?"

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