Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 466 Prime Minister, do you believe it?

Zhuge Liang didn't care whether he pretended not to understand or really didn't understand, he just turned his head and asked Li Feng, "Do Li Dalang and Wang Dalang know?"

Li Feng and Wang You stood next to each other, seeing Feng Yong sitting opposite the prime minister, they seemed to be chatting, but in a few words, they decided the important affairs of the country, and they felt a sense of detachment, and they were all in admiration.

I heard that when my elder brother first came out of Feng Zhuang, he offered two strategies to the prime minister, which settled the situation of the big man today. I think it is also the same as today's demeanor, right?

Hearing the prime minister suddenly asked them, both of them were taken aback for a moment, and then their expressions became a little ashamed.

"Back to the prime minister, I really don't know."

The two replied honestly.

Zhuge Liang sighed softly and said, "It's not your fault. Since Emperor Xiaowu respected Confucianism, the world has learned seven classics: "Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Yili", "Book of Changes", "Spring and Autumn" , "The Analects of Confucius", "Book of Filial Piety" are also."

"This Guan Zhong's art is not in line with Confucianism, so it is normal for few people to learn it." Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong again, "It has been hundreds of years since Emperor Xiaowu, and Guan Zhong's art has been passed down. It is getting rarer and rarer, and most people in the world don’t know about it.”

"In the prosperous age, Confucianism should be used to guide the world to do good and protect oneself."

"It's just that we are in troubled times now, how similar is it to the Spring and Autumn Period? Young Master Xiaobai used Guan Zhong to become the overlord's career, so if you want to help the world and the people in troubled times, Guan Zhong's skills are very useful at."

At the same time, Zhuge Liang was also thinking, this kid was born in a mountain sect and claimed to be a miscellaneous family, so it is not surprising that he can learn Guan Zhong's skills.

On the contrary, Li Feng and Wang You cheered up, wondering if the prime minister was reminding them?

Guo also heard the prime minister say, "Back then, son Xiaobai wanted to dominate the Central Plains, but Chu in the south was a powerful country, and it would definitely become an obstacle. Therefore, Guan Zhong asked Qi to buy deer on a large scale, and hunting deer became popular in Chu, and even the people put down their farm work. , specifically to hunt deer.”

"At the same time, Guan Zhong also asked his minister Xi Peng to quietly purchase and stockpile grain from the people of Qi and Chu. In just three years, Chu has no grain to worry about."

"Want to buy grain but was cut off by the state of Qi. Three out of ten people from the state of Chu fled to the state of Qi. In the end, the state of Qi won without a fight. This is the story of Guan Zhong buying a deer and controlling Chu."

Zhuge Liang picked up the bowl, took another sip of tea, smacked his mouth, and continued, "As for Qi Wan and Lu Jin, we are talking about the Wan and Onyx of Qi and Lu. These two were famous fabrics at that time. "

As he said that, Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong with a smile that was not a smile, "Guan Zhong also used the same method to vigorously increase the price of Lu onyx, and the people of Lu State saw that it was profitable, so they all abandoned farming and started weaving."

"Only one year later, Guan Zhong suddenly ordered the gates to be closed to prevent Lu Jin from entering Qi State. The onyx woven by Lu State piled up, but could not be sold. However, Lu State missed another year's farming season, and the people confiscated their harvest. , how can you survive this?"

"In this way, the State of Lu will not only submit to the State of Qi, but will even lose its own onyx weaving industry. Qi Wan will be at a disadvantage."

Zhuge Liang said leisurely to Feng Yong, "Now you are buying wool from the Liang family, and even asking them to exchange grain for wool, it is even more ruthless than Guan Zhong!"

"When everyone in Liangzhou knows the benefits of wool, how many people will go to collect wool? I heard that the Liang family has already prepared to raise sheep in enclosures. Who will have the heart to grow food by then?"

"Liangzhou is vast and sparsely populated..."

Feng Yong defended weakly.

"You have to be willing to plant it."

Zhuge Liang pointed at Feng Yong and said with a meaningful smile, "You are worse than Guan Zhong."

"Thieves Cao originally made money cheap because grain was expensive. In order to stabilize the hearts of the people, he was forced to abandon coins and not use them. It took several years to suppress the price of grain. Now that you are doing this, it is tantamount to destroying the people in Liangzhou. Everyone is forced to shepherd sheep.”

"Grains in the north are cheap now, but wool is expensive. There are many Qianghu in Liangzhou, who were born in herding. When wool is more valuable than grain, who has the heart to grow grain?"

"Liangzhou Qianghu is half herding and half farming. A large part of the military rations in Liangzhou is collected from them every year. Now you force them all to herd. As long as Liangzhou continues like this, what will happen? food?"

The tone was a bit gloomy, which made Feng Tubie feel a little scared.

"Prime Minister, no one in Liangzhou farms land, so can't they transport grain from Guanzhong, Central Plains and other places?"

Li Feng behind him asked a little puzzled.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "Yes, food can be shipped from other places. But the price of food must be higher than before, right? Isn't Cao thief's efforts to keep down the price of food for several years was in vain?"

"When the price of food is high, people's hearts will naturally fluctuate. This is the temple's calculation to defeat the enemy."

"At that time, as long as the grain collected at the low price is sold again, will it save a lot of money? Oh, and,"

Speaking of which, Zhuge Liang nodded to Feng Yong again, and smiled with satisfaction, "Weaving Liangzhou's wool into cloth and selling it to others, there is no need to pay extra at all!"

He said in a tone of sighing and admiration, "Guan Zhong spent real money to subdue Chu and Lu back then. You brother, even the capital was paid by the other party."

"That's why I said, you kid is worse than Guan Zhong!"

Zhuge Liang laughed again as he spoke.

The prime minister's words were like opening a brand new door in front of Li Feng and Wang You.

Both of them looked at Feng Yong with the eyes of the mountain: how far-reaching is the elder brother's layout? If the prime minister hadn't mentioned it, I'm afraid I would never be able to figure out the joint in this life, right?

Li Feng suddenly said, "Not only that, my brother built eight ox plows, reclaimed Hanzhong, so that the big man has no worries about food shortages, isn't it also a part of this plan?"

"Yes, of course. Hanzhong produces grain, but Liangzhou has no grain. Couldn't the land of Liangzhou be easily acquired? How similar is this to Guan Zhong's method of winning without a fight?"

Wang You's eyes lit up, and he said, "Brother in front of me has also harmed Nanzhong and implemented Hanzhong's policy. Now that Hanzhong can be used to establish Liangzhou, this is really interlocking and extremely subtle!"

The two sang together, and the more they talked, the more excited their faces became red.

The prime minister is extremely talented, and his elder brother has a far-reaching plan. I am lucky enough to see the two of them pointing out the country face to face.

Feng Tubie's old face flushed, and he said a little coyly, "The prime minister has praised you."

I thought to myself that my main idea at the beginning was to make more money. As for paving the way for the Great Han’s Northern Expedition, it was just a matter of convenience.

Then he saw Zhuge Liang's peach blossom eyes slightly narrowed, and then looked at the adoring eyes of Li Feng and Wang You.

Well, I know you don't believe me.

Thinking of this, Feng Tubie salivated again and said, "Prime Minister, look, I have done meritorious service for the party... the court, and I will continue to do so in the future. Now that I have negotiated with Liang Si, can you let me go out?" gone?"

"Let you make trouble?" Zhuge Liang looked at Feng Yong again with a half-smile on his face, "It's not honest to be locked up here, and you still want to go out?"

"Prime Minister, you just smashed up a family of daughters-in-law, and I paid for it. How can you be dishonest?"

Feng Yong called Qu Dao.

"A person who claims to have never learned Guan Zhong's art, but can use Guan Zhong's art with ease, is this honest? Also, now Jincheng is full of news, saying that you want to marry the daughter of the Guan family."

That's right, I really want to marry Guan Ji.

"There are also people who say with certainty that you were killed by villains and sent to prison."

This is a bit too much...

Feng Yong glanced at the old monster Zhuge, thinking that this is easy to associate.

So Feng Yongqian laughed, "Prime Minister, this is just a rumor in the market and cannot be taken as true."

"This is not a rumor in the market."

Zhuge Liang took a sip of tea, "That's what your Xinghan will tell you."

Feng Yong's face froze.

"Now your Xinghan Association is amazing. Everywhere in Jincheng, people say that the real beauty of the elder brother of the association is the wife of the Guan family. You are a match made in heaven."

"The rumors spread like a blazing fire. If people hear it, if you are not allowed to marry the lady of the Guan family, I'm afraid it's an unacceptable crime!"

Feng Tubie's face was pale.

It's so lucky to be in Dahan!

It's so lucky that I met the old demon Zhuge!

It's so lucky that I have made meritorious service for the party... the imperial court!

If it came to a dynasty where Qingfeng could not read and write, wouldn't it be possible to punish the Nine Clans?

"Prime Minister, this is a misunderstanding, I have never done such a thing, do you believe it?"

Feng Yong wiped the sweat from his forehead, and suddenly felt as if the stove was too hot, and it was a little hot.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty chuckled, but remained silent.

I thought this Erha would mature a bit after going through the battlefield, but it seems that I was too naive.

That's right, if you don't make trouble, can you be called Erha?

Fortunately, I am in prison at this time, otherwise, at this sensitive time, A Dou would really think that he was instigated, and his whole body would be covered in speechless words.

At that time, it will be written down in the notebook by Adou... Forget it, it's actually nothing.

A Dou is an honest boy, not so narrow-minded.

What if the queen misunderstood?

The queen is not a good stubble.

"Then I'll stay in prison for a month."

Feng Yong decided to give it a try.

"After New Year's Day, it will be the Great Court Meeting. At that time, we will reward the officers and men of the Southern Expedition." Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong who was about to shrink his head, "The position of the prefect of Yuejun will be determined at that time at the latest. There is no reason for a big man to let a prefect of a county take office in prison."

Feng Yong: ...

What do you mean? Ready to lose my credit? Unexpectedly, you turned out to be such a big Han prime minister!

Feng Tubie looked at Zhuge Liang pitifully, there was a huge plain in Yuejun, it was a good place to herd horses, how could Feng Yong give up?

"So I want Meng Yan to move to Yuejun prefect."

Zhuge Liang obviously had plans, but he didn't care about Feng Yong's eyes.

"Isn't Meng Yan the prefect of Zhuti County?"

When Feng Yong heard this, his heart moved.

"In Zhuti County, I want General Wang from Nanzhong to take office."

General Wang? Wang Ping?

Feng Yong glanced at Zhuge Liang with inquiring eyes.

"Wang Ping, the general of the Nanzhong Governor's Mansion, is loyal to his duties and has a reputation for military exploits. Now he is the captain of the five divisions of Nanzhong, leading the barbarians of each division in Nanzhong. Let him guard Zhuti County. It should be fine."

"General Wang..." Feng Yong hesitated for a moment, "It's a good way to lead the army. It's just that the people in Zhuti County are more educated in Confucianism. Is it appropriate for General Wang to be the prefect there?"

Confucianism is a common practice in Zhuti County, but Wang Ping can't read more than ten characters. Didn't Zhuge Old Demon take this into consideration?

"So I want Li Dalang to be the governor of Zhuti County. Dudu Li has a long-standing reputation in Yizhou, and now he has made great achievements in guarding Yong'an, so he can shadow his son. In addition, Li Dalang is very talented. If he is appointed as the governor of Zhuti County , just right."

Hearing this, Feng Yong raised his head and glanced at Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled shyly at him.

Feng Yong smiled back at him, but he was thinking in his heart, at this moment, Li Yan shouldn't have fallen out with the old monster Zhuge, right? How could the Zhuge old demon appease Li Yan at this time?

"The prefect of Yuejun County will be settled after New Year's Day, but Chang Shi can take it easy." Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong pointedly.

For the counties where the big Han has the task of guarding the border, the assistant official of the prefect is the chief official, and for the counties that do not have the task of guarding the border, it is the county magistrate.

Zhuti County has always been stable and has been influenced by Confucianism for a long time, so it can be regarded as an inner county, so a county magistrate was established.

And Yuejun County is already the area with the worst unrest, so it is appropriate for the assistant official to set up a long history.

Just listening to this, the old monster Zhuge took my position as prefect and planned to demote me to be a long history?

Sure enough, I heard Zhuge Liang say again, "When the spring of next year begins, the prefect Meng Yan will lead the barbarians into Yuejun first. I want you to be the long history, and then you can be ready to bring people over."

So what does it mean for me to be this long history?

Why not go to Nanxiang County to be the local emperor?

Feng Tubie felt a little upset.

Seeing his appearance, Zhuge Liang gave a "tsk" sound, "Shi Zhongquan, Chief Bian, you need to work hard when you get there, and if there is any problem, I will not forgive you lightly."

Hearing this, Feng Yong suddenly came to his senses.

In the border county, if the prefect is not Han, then Chang Shi is the actual person in power in the county.

Because the Hu Yi people's prefect was only a nominal means to appease the local Hu Yi.

After thinking about this verse, Feng Yong remembered that Meng Yan was originally the prefect of Zhuti County, and now he was transferred because of himself.

Because I told Old Demon Zhuge that there is a copper mine in Zhuti County!

So how could Meng Yan, a barbarian, still sit securely in the position of prefect of Zhuti County?

Of course, you have to put yourself at ease.

Wang Xun is his brother, and Wang Ping is Wang Xun's lord. He pushed Meng Yan to Yuejun County to be the prefect, and he certainly would not put this account on Wang Ping's head.

And the old demon Zhuge brought Li Feng over to let him know him. At the same time, he told himself that Li Feng was the magistrate of Zhuti County, and he might not have passed himself, so that Wang Ping and Li Feng could get along well and work together to make the Zhuti County Copper Mine work well. the meaning of.

And although he lost the position of prefect, Chang Shi can also hold real power.

At the same time, he was punished in name, and at the same time that the Zhuge old demon achieved the purpose of warning the palace, he even made Adou and the queen feel guilty about him because of this incident.

After all, the prefect position is gone! No matter how powerful the long history is, it doesn't sound like a prefect, does it?

As for Meng Yan... that is being used as a rag to wipe the table by the old monster Zhuge. The newcomer can also be the prefect. The big man is already generous enough.

And Li Yan, when did he fall out with Old Demon Zhuge?

After figuring out these joints, Feng Yong looked at Zhuge Old Demon with horror in his eyes.

Damn, this kind of person is too scary, and he wants to calculate everything to the extreme.

"Five sons connect, you lose."

Regardless of Feng Tubie's eyes, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty calmly dropped his breath and said leisurely.

Feng Yong looked at the chessboard and was slightly taken aback. Did I not say that double-three should be banned when playing backgammon?

This is against the rules!


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