Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 467 Conceive the crime.

"Hey, Prime Minister, it's like this. In this backgammon, the black stones in the first hand cannot be dropped at the same time to form two or more three-in-a-row..."

Feng Tubie wants to make rules.

"You didn't say that when you won just now."

Zhuge Liang glanced at him again, "Now that you lose, you want to change the rules?"

These words are very meaningful, very meaningful.

Feng Tubie pretended not to understand, and pointed to the chessboard, "Prime Minister, this sunspot has an advantage in going first."

"Yeah, the first move has an advantage."

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty cleared the chessboard as if nothing had happened, "You didn't make a good rule at first, but now you want to make a decision after losing? Don't you think it's too late?"

So there's nothing to talk about?

"Come again?"

Zhuge Liang picked up the chess pieces and looked at Feng Yong.

Feng Tubie suddenly wanted to flip the table!

You take the sunspots first, this is only the second set, you can come up with a killer move like double three, what's the point?

I'm not shaking M, I like looking for abuse.

Zhuge Liang couldn't help laughing when he saw the kid's aggrieved look, "Okay, listen to you, ban more than two triplets."

"Two or more."

Feng Yong tried his best to correct.

"Listen to you." Zhuge Liang said with a sigh, "You also know that rules are important. This woolen cloth industry has been in business for more than two years. Shouldn't there be rules?"

"Isn't Maobu doing well now?"

Feng Tubie's hands trembled, and he began to play dumb.

"Now your woolen notes are better than the copper coins minted by the imperial court, isn't it good?"

Zhuge Liang sneered, "It's okay to use Guan Zhongzhi's technique in the north, but you want to use it on the big man?"

Feng Yong stared at the chessboard, pretending to be thinking hard to hide his panic, and then secretly glanced at the opposite side.

The prime minister's peach blossom eyes were burning like fire, and he was staring at him.

Damn, miscalculation!

Feng Tubie was a little frustrated, forgetting that the old monster Zhuge used Guan Zhong as his example.

From Zhuge's explanation of Guan Zhongzhi's technique just now, this Guan Zhong is worthy of being the patriarch of China's economy, and he even knew about the economic war a long time ago.

Then it's not surprising that Zhuge Old Demon knew that he secretly built a credit system based on woolen cloth.

"You wait for the two of you to guard the door, and don't let anyone in."

Zhuge Liang waved his hand, signaling the two behind him to avoid.

After Li Feng and Wang You left, Zhuge Liang asked, "How many tickets are printed in Hanzhong a month?"

Prime Minister, are you not doing well? What about trade secrets!

"Naturally, we can print as many notes as there are felt."

After Feng Yonggang said this, he heard a sneer.

Feng Yong looked up, and as expected, he saw the big Han prime minister looking at him with a sneer.

It's just this kind of thing, he must have no choice but to bite the bullet and go on, "If not, someone took the extra money to change the felt, and if they can't get it out, wouldn't it be a scam?"

Zhuge Liang snorted coldly, then took out a folded piece of paper from his sleeve, threw it on the chessboard, and without saying a word, just raised his chin, signaling Feng Yong to open it.

"What's this?"

Feng Yong opened it with some trembling but forced himself to be calm.

"Statistics on the labor force sold in Wei County and Dianchi Lake show that there are more than 16,000 in total. Among them, you have guaranteed nearly 12,640. Each of them is 70 yuan, so you have paid 88 Four thousand eight hundred coins."

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty immediately reported the data in the above report.

"Is that much?"

Feng Yong pretended to be very surprised and exclaimed.

"Pretend! Keep pretending! Statistics are taught by you! Eight hundred and eighty-four thousand and eight hundred! Do you know how much the court earned in a year when Emperor Huan was in power?"

"How many?"

"Eight million yuan! Do you know how much tax the big man collected this year?"

"How much... how much?"

Feng Tubie's voice trembled a little.

"Excluding Nanzhong's labor income, it's less than one million yuan!"

Zhuge Liang stared at Feng Yong, "That is to say, you can almost pay a big man's annual tax!"

"Why? With your ranch and workshop in Hanzhong?! Do you think I will believe it? How long are you going to hide it?"

Zhuge Liang asked sternly.

Feng Yong's legs suddenly felt weak.

"Prime... Prime Minister, big... big man is so poor, can't you blame me?"

Zhuge Liang immediately wanted to strangle this kid to death!

"Then you can stay in this prison with peace of mind for the rest of your life! You are a cowardly fellow!"

"Don't...well, I say."

Feng Yong finally gave in.

So you locked me up, the fundamental reason is this?

"How many were printed?"

"This year, when I gave guarantees to people who bought labor in Nanzhong, I probably printed two...three times more."

Feng Yong wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead, feeling that the stove is really hot, it's too hot.

"That's at least three times! How did you support it?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang's eyes flashed extremely brightly, just like the eyes of a wolf seeing fat.

"Time difference and distance difference."

Feng Tubie thought to himself, what is this? At the lowest point, the reserves of the banks of later generations were only 6%, a leverage of more than ten times.

Where did I go?

"From Nanzhong to Jincheng, it usually takes two months to send news to each other back and forth. It takes at least one and a half months to send news from Jincheng to Hanzhong, and then to transport wool cloth from Hanzhong to Jincheng. Three and a half months."

"In this way, at least it will take three more months to pay for it. In addition, those people in Jincheng who have notes in their hands don't get them at the same time. The time is long or short, so the warehouse can be pressed down. There are a lot of wool cloth, so if you calculate it in this way, as long as you have 30% of the wool cloth in your hand, it will be enough to pay for it."

The more Zhuge Liang heard it, the brighter his eyes became. If it wasn't for maintaining the image of the prime minister, he would almost drool, "Aren't you afraid that if someone finds out, you will suddenly exchange the bills for woolen cloth together?"

The old demon Zhuge was able to think of such a thing as a run-on based on his own description, and his IQ is no one else.

"What are you afraid of? How could they know about this?"

Speaking of this, Feng Yong took a sneaky look at Zhuge Liang again, thinking to himself, except for you, a demon who controls the whole man, and keeps staring at his own wool, who would have the ability to guess the tricks in it?

"Besides, in the past two years, wool cloth has always been a good thing that is in short supply. As long as the ranches and workshops in Hanzhong are fine, they will definitely believe that the tickets are always worth the money."

This is the benefit of establishing a credit system, plus the golden signboard that I carefully built, as long as there are no major incidents, everything is easy to talk about.

Who dares to doubt the earning power of the big man Feng Langjun?

"Other than you, who are the people who use the notes?"

"This, this ticket, anyone can use it, how do I know?"

Feng Tubie was still thinking of playing tricks, but the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty sneered again,

Feng Tubie's heart trembled, and he could only laugh dryly, "Except for our own use, the ones who use the most on weekdays are naturally the big merchants in Jincheng."

"However, through guaranteeing the labor sales in Nanzhong this time, many nobles in the big man also like to use tickets, after all, it is more convenient."

"What about the big families in Sichuan? They have bought a lot of wool over the past year, right? Do you recognize the tickets?"

A gleam flashed in Zhuge Liang's eyes, and he asked.

"Of course I do. Didn't I just say that? Many people come here to exchange the notes one month before they expire. Besides, there is no one behind any big merchant in Jincheng..."

After Feng Yonggang said such a sentence, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he suddenly raised his head: What does this Zhuge old monster want to do by pointing out a big family on purpose? Do you really want to take the opportunity to make trouble again?

This is the credit system I have worked so hard to build!

I saw a satisfied smile on Zhuge Liang's face, and his voice became more and more kind, "This ticket, how long can you let it be issued at the longest?"

"Prime Minister, this deadline is not set arbitrarily."

Feng Yong said anxiously.

The ticket sets a deadline, in addition to the need for anti-theft, there is also the delivery time of the lever, and the actual supply deadline of the felt.

If you really want to mess around, you will kill yourself sooner or later.

Seeing the old demon Zhuge showing such an expression, and then asking such words, Feng Yong, who has seen the crazy appearance of financial leverage in later generations, can think of what he is going to do with his heels.

Damn, I just played a little leverage in Nanzhong, even Li Yi and others didn't see anything unusual, I didn't expect Zhuge old demon to be so keen.

"Doesn't Nanzheng still have a workshop? What are you afraid of?"

Zhuge Liang said dissatisfied.

With your rotten wool that even barbarians don't want? Give me a break!

Looking at the real estate of later generations, one should understand that leverage is addictive, and if it is not good, it will be out of control, dragging the national economy into the abyss without looking back.

Of course, that is in the context of the era of world economic integration.

If it is placed in this era of small-scale peasant economy, because the activity of economic activities is extremely low, the fluctuations will be much smaller, but that is relative to the whole country.

For Feng Yong, if it is not done well, the wool cloth credit system he has built with great difficulty will definitely collapse directly.

When the time comes, his reputation will be ruined, and it will be a trivial matter if someone throws manure at the gate of Feng's residence.

How many people want to tear him into pieces and die with him is a big deal.

It is estimated that they will be lined up from Fengzhuang to the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion in Jincheng.

He couldn't help but not be afraid.

"What exactly is the Prime Minister's intention, can you tell Yong? Maybe Yong can help out with an idea."

Feng Tubie only felt that he was sweating all over.

Hot, this cell is too hot.

"Oh? It seems that this matter is really serious, and you don't want to let go?"

Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong in surprise, "Is it because you don't want others to get your money?"

As he spoke, he frowned again, "This banknote is better than the imperial court's copper coins now, and this printed banknote is no different from minting coins. You don't want to hold it in your own hands all the time, do you?"

"of course not."

Feng Yong shook his head.

Wool bills, as the old demon Zhuge said, are equivalent to the right to mint coins in a small area.

This kind of power, no matter how big or small, should actually be controlled by the state.

But the current situation is a bit special. It is a credit system established based on the pastures and workshops in Hanzhong and Feng Yong's own reputation as a guarantee.

Just hand it over like this, let's not talk about whether you are willing or not, just say that the court really wants to use this kind of leverage and becomes addicted. It's political instinct.

It's not that he doesn't believe in the old demon Zhuge, but that he doesn't believe in political figures.

"It's not impossible for the prime minister to use this kind of banknotes. But it can't be used in the name of Nanxiang County Workshop or me. I can hand over all the craftsmen who printed the banknotes to the court, and the court can use it in its own name. "

"At that time, the ticket has nothing to do with Nanxiang, and has nothing to do with me, and Nanxiang will never print a ticket again."

What I want is your kind of money, the money of the imperial court, who will recognize it?

Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong very dissatisfied, and asked again, "What are you afraid of?"

"fear death."

Feng Yong answered honestly.

Zhuge Liang frowned: "Where is it so serious? With me here, who would dare to touch you?"

Feng Yong glanced at Zhuge Liang, but said nothing.

I just don't believe in political creatures anyway.

"How to print these bills is definitely not in your hands all the time. If you can print three times more today, you will dare to print thirty times more in the future. If something goes wrong, can you afford it?"

It is absolutely impossible for the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, who has a strong desire for control, to just watch the bills that have already shaken the taxation of the Han Dynasty drift out of his control.

But Feng Yong's rare resolute attitude made Zhuge Liang somewhat at a loss.

Feng Yong stuck his neck stubbornly: This is what I want to say to you too.

Today I surreptitiously printed three times more notes, and tomorrow you will brazenly print thirty times more notes.

Instead of waiting year after year with fear and fear for the day when Daogao will come, it is better to grit your teeth today and not give in.

The two people, one old and one young, just looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"How are you doing?"

Zhuge Liang rubbed his forehead, and finally gave in, after all, he had something to ask of the other party.

If this kid is in a hurry and cancels the ticket directly, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Money is needed to restore the people's livelihood of the great Han, money is needed to rectify the armament, and even more money is needed for the Northern Expedition.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty, who has been calculating his budget carefully, found that he started to have a little more money last year.

After the southern expedition was completed this year, it was discovered that not only was there no shortage of finances, but there was an extra income from working hard.

Then, after following the clues, it was discovered that a certain bastard boy was able to conjure up nearly a year's tax of a big man out of thin air through some unknown means!


Don't say you are no longer a child, even if you are a child, I will not let you go!

"How about this, Prime Minister, let's take a step back. The tickets are still printed by us. If the imperial court has any needs, they can raise them. As long as they can be met, we will try our best to meet them. If they can't, I will give an explanation."

"But how much to print in the end is up to us to decide, and the imperial court cannot force it."

The government of later generations couldn't control their own hands and tried their best to get more seals. Naturally, Feng Yong couldn't believe the government at this time.

Crazy printing of tickets is cool for a while, and printing is always cool, but the common people will be upset if it is cool.

"No! If you are allowed to print, who knows how many of you will print? Nanzhong was lucky that time. If you can't cope with it next time, it will cause turmoil in Sichuan in the end. You will not be able to forgive your head if you cut off your head."

Look, this hasn't even started yet, just thinking about beheading me.

Feng Yong curled his lips, "The imperial court can send someone to watch it. We will make a plan based on the actual situation for how much we print every year."

"Unless there is an emergency that requires temporary printing, we will make suggestions to the imperial court and request additional printing based on how much we can support. If the imperial court does not allow it, we will give up."

The supervision of the imperial court, in fact, this credit system also has the endorsement of the imperial court, and it will be much stronger.

Some power must be given up. There is no way to do this.

After all, the right to mint coins was originally the right of the imperial court. It was only under such special historical conditions that I took advantage of it because of a coincidence.

"You want to print more?" Zhuge Liang understood the meaning of Feng Yong's words.

"Nanzhong, there are more places to use money to cultivate Nanzhong."

Feng Yong explained.

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