Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 469 Feng Langjun's Special Skill

"Are you willing to give up the profit of this wool?"

Zhuge Liang was silent for a while, and finally asked.

"Liangzhou, Bingzhou, and Jizhou, where is there no wool? It's not the work of a real man to stick to a mere land of Yinping and Wudu."

Feng Yong pretended to be generous and said.

It is impossible for the woolen cloth industry to allow itself to monopolize all the time.

According to Feng Yong's estimation, he can monopolize it for up to three years.

Because the shortest contract for a weaver in a workshop is three years, and the longest is five years.

Three years later, the first batch of weavers will become free men.

After five years, a large number of weavers will become free men.

Although Feng Yong dug a hole quietly, most of these free men may still stay in the workshop due to the lack of cultivated land, but there will always be some people who will be lost outside in various forms.

Very few people may really want to go out and have a look.

There are also some people who may be poached by someone at a high price.

For this situation, Feng Yong did not intend to take measures to prevent it.

Because wool processing is a sharp tool to control the surrounding nomadic peoples, and it is also the interest that drives the farming peoples in the Central Plains to expand to the surrounding areas, so it must become a huge industry.

As for this industry, if it only depends on the few companies around Feng Yong, it cannot be supported, and more people need to participate.

It is enough for me to eat the initial huge profits.

He can even use wool to lure the aboriginal families in Yizhou to turn their attention to the north.

Instead of letting them keep their eyes on the three-acre land in central Sichuan.

As long as it is profitable, Feng Yong believes that the greed of capital will drive the aristocratic families in central Shu to shout out slogans such as "rejuvenate the Han Dynasty and return to the old capital".

Even after the restoration of the Han Dynasty, there will definitely be people who will continue to shout impassionedly, "Anyone who offends my strong Han will be punished even if he is far away" and so on.

In this era when the Han people have a high sense of superiority, doing this kind of thing couldn't be easier.

The key to this matter is: the Northern Expedition must succeed.

"Okay! I didn't expect you to have such vision and mind at your age."

Zhuge Liang gave a big praise.

Feng Tubie blushed.

How could it be easier for the chairman and major shareholder of the Federal Reserve to monopolize the felt business?

Bill Gates is simply not enough to see in front of Wall Street.

Naturally, Zhuge Liang didn't know what Feng Tubie was thinking, the more he looked at the opposite soil turtle, the more he sighed in his heart, if this son could come out of the mountain ten years earlier, how good it would be?

At that time, the Great Han Dynasty still had the Jing and Yi prefectures, the Five Tiger Generals were still there, and there were still many advisers like rain. If you add this son's ability to amass money and comfort the people, the revival of the Han Dynasty will be three points more sure at least. .

Today there are thirteen states in the world, and the Cao thief has already occupied nine states, leaving only one state for the big Han.

Moreover, after the loss of Jingzhou and the defeat of Yiling, the great man has been seriously injured. It is not an exaggeration to say that the great man is in a crisis of life and death.

The four fortresses of Yizhou, if you are talking about the safe side, you can rely on danger and defend, but if you want to conquer the world, the journey is too far away, and the narrow and narrow places are also dangerous and difficult for the big man.

How difficult it is to attack the land of nine states with the land of one state!

However, the matter of labor trafficking in Nanzhong made the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty see Feng Yong's terrifying ability in manipulating money.

If he can still achieve this step in the matter of copper mines, then what step can he achieve with the tax of a state?

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang only felt a feeling of terrified thought, but unstoppable joy.

If one state can do what three states can do...

Thinking of this, even a person like the Prime Minister of Han Dynasty can't restrain his agitation.

It's just that when he looked at Feng Yong, his eyes flickered, hesitant and suspicious at the same time, but in the end he couldn't help asking the words that had been buried in his heart for a long time, "What does the master behind you want?"


Feng Yong was a little at a loss, talking about the national debt, what are you talking about my teacher? Can our topic not be so big?

"When the first emperor was seriously ill, it was the day you came out of the mountain. When the great man was in danger, your master started to make a move. Why? And it was such a big deal when he made a move. What exactly do you want?"

Zhuge Liang took two steps back and forth, and a conflicted look appeared on his face. He looked at Feng Yong with extremely complicated eyes, "Taking the layout of the world as a chess game, I don't believe that your master really wants nothing."

That's because I happened to travel over at that time, and it's not something I can choose.

Feng Yong scratched his scalp, feeling a little annoyed, this kind of overly smart person just likes to think about it.

Obviously, the labor trafficking incident in Nanzhong has deeply stimulated the old monster Zhuge, and the Northern Expedition is his wish for the rest of his life. It seems that he intends to completely settle down the rear before the Northern Expedition.

It seems that he is the key monitoring object for himself, who has unexpected situations from time to time.

So I'll just say I just don't trust politicians.

Although the Zhuge old demon at this time asked this question, he was a qualified prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

Feng Yong pondered, and slowly looked at Zhuge Liang, "I'm afraid that if I say it, it will scare the prime minister."

"As long as it's not detrimental to the big man, it doesn't matter."

Zhuge Liang took a deep breath.

Although in the past two years, he has confirmed that this son and the master behind him have great kindness towards the big man, and are even trying to give the big man the greatest help.

But as long as he can't figure out what Feng Yong's teacher wants behind him, he won't feel relieved for a day.

Seeing that Feng Yong became more and more important to the big man, and the day of the Northern Expedition approached, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Hearing this son's personal confession today made Zhuge Liang a little excited.

I saw Feng Yong's expression was sacred and serious, solemn and solemn, and he said word by word: "Set up a heart for the world, a life for the people, a successor for the past, and a peace for all generations."

His expression is like the passionate oath he made when he was young in his previous life.

Zhuge Liang obviously thought that Feng Yong was reading the oath of the master, and when he heard this, he was shocked, his face showed shock, and then he couldn't help but cupped his hands, holding his breath and asked solemnly: "Dare to ask?" Can you explain it to Liang?"

Feng Tubie originally wanted to scare Zhuge Liang with these words, so that he would not be suspicious all the time, but he didn't expect to see the behavior, demeanor, tone, and words of the big man, obviously he took it seriously.

I deceived Zhuge Liang, he was waiting for me to answer the question seriously, what should I do? Waiting online, very urgent.

Feng Tubie felt that his back was a little wet. Today, his body was really wet and dry, dry and wet again.

Feng Yong coughed dryly, trying his best to hold his expression.

Damn, if you can't hold back and show your stuff, I don't know if the prime minister will chop himself up?

"People are the heart of heaven and earth, so benevolence to the people and love of things is to establish a heart for heaven and earth."

"That's very kind."

Zhuge Liang deeply agreed.

The first emperor, the benevolent is also, so there are many civil servants and military generals who will never leave.

"A sage is in good and bad times, and suffers with the people. There has never been a person who is worried about everyone and can be alone, and everyone is in danger but can be safe alone. Therefore, the benevolent people must make a resolution that nothing in the world is out of place today. Only then can it be completed. .This is to establish life for the living and the people.”


Zhuge Liang cheered loudly again.

"There are two more sentences, and you can pass the level."

Feng Yong thought silently, and then continued to rack his brains.

"In the past, the sages opened up private schools, taught tirelessly, and taught without discrimination. It has been nearly 800 years. However, today's knowledge in the world is all in the aristocratic families. Ordinary people want to read a book but can't get it. This is the atmosphere."

"Since Emperor Xiaowu of the Qin Dynasty, the theories of a hundred schools of thought, now only Confucianism remains, and the theories of other sages have gradually disappeared. The seniors of Shimen felt this, and once sighed that 'a single flower is not spring, but a garden is full of spring with a thousand purples and reds'. This is because you want to inherit the unique learning for the past saints.”

"Excellent words!"

Zhuge Liang sighed.

"Today the world is in chaos, the world is boiling, the people are in dire straits, the bones of the dead are exposed in the wild, and there are many people who change their sons and eat them. It is really terrible. Therefore, the teacher taught the eternal learning to help the prime minister, revive the Han Dynasty, and make the world peaceful and long Save, the people live and work in peace and contentment."

When Feng Yong said this, he bowed and saluted.

"Thank you Liang!"

Zhuge Liang bowed deeply.

Feng Tubie quietly wiped off his sweat.

"Cheng trust me?"

"You made Quyuanli and eight oxploughs, and now the people of the Han Dynasty can eat more food. It is all thanks to you. You also set up a school in Nanxiang, and even the children of slaves can go to school. This can be said to be educated without distinction!"

"Two facts prove it, I know what you said is true." Zhuge Liang sighed, "If I don't believe it, am I insulting your teacher?"

Feng Tubie quietly wiped off his cold sweat again.

When Li Feng and Wang You, who were guarding the gate of the cell, saw the prime minister coming out with a radiant face, they couldn't help but have a thought in their hearts at the same time: the prime minister and his elder brother didn't know what they talked about, they seemed to be having a very happy conversation!

The prime minister said to Lu Yi, the order of Jincheng who had been guarding outside all the time, "After I go back, I will send another heavy army to guard this place. Before that, no one can enter without my warrant."

heavy troops?

Is Feng Langjun offending the prime minister to death?

Lu Yi was taken aback when he heard this.

Then the Prime Minister said to Li Feng and Wang You, "You two take my warrant, go to Fengzhuang outside the city, and give the warrant to the wife of the Guan family, and ask her to send some pens and paper to the prison. "

After Li Feng and Wang You agreed, they looked at each other in blank dismay: Haven't you heard that a prisoner has to produce a pen and paper to write a confession?

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