Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 470: Just a Heartless One

Zhuge Liang returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion and asked someone to call Jiang Wan, "Gongyan, I remember that Ma Su from Hanzhong once sent an official document about the construction of artificial stones from Nanzheng to Yang'an Pass, and from Nanzheng to Ju County. Avenue."

Jiang Wan nodded and said, "It's true. It's just that the prime minister was going south at that time, and the treasury was short of money and food, so Xiang Changshi rejected the suggestion of the eunuch Ma."

This incident is very impressive, not because Ma Di wants to build avenues when the national treasury is tight.

Nor is it because Ma Di praised the spaciousness and smoothness of Shuangnan Avenue (from Nanxiang to Nanzheng) in his official documents, as well as its astonishing traffic volume.

For example, four-wheeled vehicles can be used on artificial stone roads, and the transportation in one month can be equivalent to the transportation in the previous three or four months.

It was because Ma Su had included a proposal in the official document.

This plan is the conclusion given by the civil engineering team of Nanxiang after the request of Ma Di, the prefect of Hanzhong, after a special inspection of the section from Nanzheng to Yang'an Pass, and from Nanzheng to Ju County.

It lists the labor, materials, time, money and food required for each mile of road, and even specifically specifies the construction requirements for special road sections.

It can be said that as long as you get this plan, you can see all kinds of road construction matters at a glance.

It's a form never seen before.

In the past, when the government built bridges and built roads, they had a little spare money today, so they conscripted civilians to repair a little. If they ran out of food tomorrow, they stopped work, and then repaired someday when they remembered.

Moreover, the amount of money and food consumed basically depends on the integrity of the officials below.

Those with integrity use less.

Use more if you have less morality.

As for those who have no morals... Maybe the money and food have been used up, and the road has not moved at all.

Back then, Yang Hong scolded Li Yan and even resigned in anger because he couldn't understand that Li Yan took the opportunity to have people repair his buildings and engage in image projects when he was building roads and embankments.

The plan issued by the Nanxiang civil engineering team showed the people in the prime minister's mansion a brand-new, unheard-of form: when the money and food are in place, the project starts, and the amount of food and money given can do as much as possible without procrastination or waste.

What's more important is that there is no need to recruit civilian husbands, and there is no need to delay farming time.

And according to the experience of Shuangnan Avenue, as long as there is no artificial obstruction, the government organizes civilians to build roads, although it will cost less money and food than directly handing over to the Nanxiang Civil Engineering Team. After all, civilians need to bring part of their rations.

But the road built by the Nanxiang civil engineering team not only has a short construction period, but also has good quality!

According to Ma Di's official documents, Shuangnan Avenue not only allows pedestrians to travel, but also is extremely convenient, greatly shortening the time for commuting between Nanxiang and Nanzheng.

Moreover, it can also drive a four-wheeled cart, which can carry two or three times more goods than ordinary horse-drawn carts. This kind of four-wheeled cart is also a specialty of Nanxiang.

As the second student trained by the prime minister, Jiang Wan knew that the prime minister would use Hanzhong as a base for the Northern Expedition in the near future.

If Hanzhong can have such a road connecting Yanganguan, Nanzheng, and Juxian, plus four-wheeled carts, it will bring great convenience to the Northern Expedition.

Not to mention that the government organized civilians to not be able to build such a good road, not to mention that they were procrastinated because of the farming season, and even many projects were left behind for one or another reason, wasting money and food in vain.

Nanxiang civil engineering team does not have these problems.

And after the money and food are in place, they have to do their jobs well——after getting the money and food from the imperial court, dare you try to work? That's not just hot, but also head off.

So when Jiang Wan learned about the Nanxiang Civil Engineering Team, he was so impressed that he almost broke the case.

He had been to Hanzhong Nanxiang, and that road had really left a deep impression on him—those crimson cloth banners that read more children and more cattle and sheep, no one who saw it could forget it.

Just the artificial stone road built in Nanxiang County is already amazing. How spectacular would it be if it was built directly to Nanzheng?

If it weren't for the fact that the prime minister was going south, he would have made another trip to Hanzhong to see for himself.

Therefore, Ma Su deserves to be a figure whom the prime minister looks at differently.

Although he sent this official document at that time, on the surface it seemed that he did not care about state affairs, but his real purpose was to let the prime minister understand the difference in it.

"Find out that official document and show it to me."

I only heard Zhuge Liang's instructions.

Hanzhong was the advance base of the Northern Expedition, and Ma Di was sent to Hanzhong, so he naturally had to prepare for the Northern Expedition in advance.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang had to read all the news that Ma Di sent back from Hanzhong.

Naturally, Zhuge Liang had also read this plan.

But just as it is impossible to build a dock in Nanzhong to strengthen the control of Nanzhong, money and food are the biggest constraints, so Zhuge Liang agreed with Xiang Lang at the beginning, and temporarily suppressed this official document.

Now that Zhuge Liang suddenly took the initiative to bring up the old matter again, Jiang Wan was a little surprised.

After Jiang Wan brought the official document as promised, he saw that the smile on the corner of the prime minister's mouth was still lingering, so he asked one more question, "Prime Minister seems to be in a good mood?"

Zhuge Liang spread out the plan, and said with a smile, "It's not bad to hear the words of the sages and know the way to make the country rich."

Hearing this, Jiang Wan was quite surprised.

When can the title of sage be used on Feng Langjun?

When Zhuge Liang said this, thinking of the four sentences Feng Yong said, his heart became more and more agitated, and he couldn't help but read: "To establish a heart for the world, to establish a life for the people, to inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, and to create peace for all generations. Those with such a heart are truly sages!"

" this what Feng Langjun said?"

Jiang Wan stuttered, and felt his heart and soul tremble, and suddenly he had the heart to look up to the mountain.

"This is his teacher's strict adherence to the precepts." Zhuge Liang sighed, "Those who can set up such precepts are much better than me! They should be regarded as sages."

"So that's how it is." The more Jiang Wan tasted these four sentences, the more he felt admiration, and he couldn't help saying, "It should be regarded as a sage..."

It's just that when he thinks of Feng Langjun, he always feels a little weird.

"Prime Minister, the treasury is short of money and food, so don't you also agree with Xiang Changshi's opinion and not build those two roads for the time being?"

Jiang Wan saw that Zhuge Liang began to look at the plan carefully, and from time to time, he used his fingers to draw across the data on it, and his eyes flashed from time to time.

After following the prime minister for so long, he knew that this was a sign that the prime minister was beginning to fall in love.

"What if money and food can be raised?"

Zhuge Liang said quietly.

"How to raise?"

Jiang Wan was taken aback again.

"Gongyan will know himself in the future." Zhuge Liang shook his head, but it was tricky, and pointed to the plan above, "Gongyan, if you can only build one of these two roads, which one will you choose?"

Remembering that the Prime Minister had just met Feng Langjun, Jiang Wan couldn't help thinking to himself, does this Feng Langjun really have any way to raise money and food?

Hearing the prime minister's question again, he settled down and said, "Wan thinks it's better to go from Nanzheng to Juxian first."


"There is an official road from Yang'anguan to Nanzheng. Although it is not easy to travel, it is only compared with Shuangnan Avenue. It is no problem for two vehicles to run on the same track. But Nanzheng to Juxian is much harder. The official road is more difficult, and the car can only barely pass."

"Not to mention that the wool from Liangzhou now needs to be transported to Hanzhong via Juxian County, the Prime Minister will also take this road when he goes to the Qishan Northern Expedition in the future. If this road can be repaired first, it will save a lot of trouble."

Jiang Wan analyzed.

Zhuge Liang nodded slightly, "That's right."

"It's just that this road will cost more money and food."

Jiang Wan reminded the prime minister.

"It doesn't matter." Zhuge Liang shook his head, "That kid is definitely willing to pay the money."

Is it really Feng Langjun?

Why did he pay this money?

Thinking of this, Jiang Wan glanced at the smiling prime minister, and felt a little pitiful for Feng Yong: Feng Langjun, it's not easy.

"One more thing."

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while, and his eyes fell on the table data in the plan, "I want to re-count the population and household registration of the big man, what do you think, Gong Yan?"

"Prime Minister, you also need money and food to calculate the population and household registration."

"It doesn't matter. The big man can still afford the money."

Zhuge Liang shook his head and said, "Since the first year of Jianxing, Quyuanli and Baniuli have been built one after another, Dujiangyan and Hanzhong have been reclaimed, and the number of people registered in the Han Dynasty has increased a lot."

"Now that Nanzhong has been pacified, and nearly 20,000 households have been moved to Shuzhong, it is time to reorganize the household registers, so that we can have a bottom line in our hearts, so as not to be hidden by those big families in the future .”

Jiang Wan listened, nodded and said, "The Prime Minister has made up his mind, so Wan will make arrangements."

two blooms...

Bah, no.

There are two flowers blooming, one for each branch.

Li Feng and Wang You at the other end rushed to Fengzhuang outside the city under the order of the prime minister.

After entering Zhuangzi, he has not yet reached the gate of Feng's mansion, but the road in the village is flat, chickens and dogs are heard, and even the faint sound of reading can be heard.

One of the two families is rich and luxurious, and the other is a local rich family, so naturally there are quite a few Zhuangzi.

But no matter which farm they live in, most of the farmers are dressed in blue clothes, their hands and feet are covered with dirt because they haven't been cleaned all year round, their hair is messy, and they will subconsciously fear and avoid noble people when they meet them.

But the Feng Zhuang households they met along the way, although the clothes on their bodies were not very good, they were all clean and tidy, and their expressions were more confident than other places.

If it weren't for the faint worry on everyone's face, the two felt that this place was really a rare paradise.

Under the leadership of the servants, the two walked to the gate of Feng's residence, and saw a group of gentlemen and ladies standing at the gate.

The woman in the front is tall and slender, but she has a gold hairpin on her head, emerald green gantry on her waist, and a pair of beautiful eyes that look radiant.

But there was a sternness about his body, standing there like a golden sword, unmoving like a mountain, not angry but with his own majesty.

Although there are many people behind her, at first glance, this woman is like a plum blossom in the snow, standing in a quiet valley, blooming quietly and gracefully, making people involuntarily focus on her.

Li Feng and Wang You looked at each other, each seeing a touch of surprise in each other's eyes, and at the same time, a question arose in their hearts: Could it be that the poem written by the elder brother was actually written for this woman?

"My concubine, Mrs. Guan, has met the two gentlemen, but I don't know if the two of you are here, what is your business?"

I saw Guan Ji curling up with a blessing, and lightly parting her cherry lips, her voice was as quiet as the singing of birds in the empty valley.

Hearing this, Li Feng and Wang You quickly calmed down, and said politely, "Li Feng (Wang You) has met Mrs. Guan."

Li Feng has a high status and is old, so he took a step forward and continued, "By the order of the prime minister, I came to inform Mrs. Guan that my brother needs pens, ink, paper and inkstone in prison. Please prepare some, Mrs. Guan, and send someone Send it."

Guan Ji was slightly taken aback, and focused on her beautiful face for a moment, "Brother? Who is your brother?"

Li Feng coughed, thinking of the rumors in Jincheng, and now seeing that everyone in the Feng residence is headed by Guan Ji, he thought to himself that Guan Ji is undoubtedly her elder brother's beauty, and I should treat her like a sister-in-law That's right.

So he bent down slightly to show respect, and said, "Go back to the lady, the prime minister took the two of us to visit Feng Langjun in prison, and asked us to get closer to Feng Langjun. We have already called Feng Lang You are the elder brother."

Hearing this, Guan Ji finally showed a trace of relief on her face.

She smiled slightly, and the sternness she had just dissipated immediately, like a spring breeze warming up and a hundred flowers blooming.

"I see. Since the two of you are not outsiders, please enter the mansion to speak."

Although the Jincheng order asked the people in the house to send some things over, but without the prime minister's order, even he himself was not able to go to prison to visit. So knowing that A Lang will be fine in prison, but to say that she is not worried is actually a lie.

Since the prime minister deliberately took the two of them to visit Alang in prison, and asked the two to call Alang his elder brother, Alang must be doing well in prison.

Thinking of that person's always unscrupulous appearance, no matter where he went, he could live a good life, yet he didn't think of a way to send himself a message to make himself worry for nothing, Guan Ji felt a trace of anger in her heart.

But before she turned around to welcome Li Feng and Wang You into the mansion, a person came out from behind her and asked anxiously, "Is brother all right in prison?"

Li Feng saw that Zhao Guang was looking at him anxiously.

Before Li Feng could speak, Guan Ji frowned slightly and scolded.

"Erlang mustn't be rude. What can Ah Lang do? Since the Prime Minister has asked someone to bring a message, then after you invite the distinguished guests to the mansion, ask them carefully. Keeping people out is not the way to treat guests."

The voice is not loud, but it is clear and powerful, coupled with that calm and calm appearance, it really has the demeanor of a famous family.

Zhao Jia Erlang, the famous hero in Jincheng, seemed to be in awe of the woman in front of him. Hearing these words, he shrank his neck subconsciously and dared not speak any more.

Li Feng swept his eyes and saw that not only Zhao Jia Erlang, but also the others behind Guan Ji were silent.

Li Feng even recognized that there was Li Yi, the son of the governor of Nanzhong, who was looking at his nose and heart at this time, which made him secretly surprised. What kind of ability does this Guan Ji have? ? How could he tidy up these gentlemen so well?

And this kind of woman, despite the rumors in Jincheng, is willing to guard the house for her elder brother, she is really a rare and strange woman.

Guan Ji stopped Zhao Guang, and then she signaled with a solemn hand, "Please, two gentlemen."

At this time, she stopped Zhao Guang and thought about it for herself.

Because even if Alang is fine, as long as the person who comes here says a little bit of misleading words, it will only greatly aggravate the panic of everyone based on the fluctuating appearance of people in the mansion.

So no matter whether the news is good or bad, it should go to the mansion to explain it in detail, and then choose to tell the people in the mansion, instead of making a public disturbance so that everyone knows.

Feng Yong wanted to use paper and pens, so he specially asked someone to send them to the family. Apart from the fact that the quality of the paper produced by Feng Zhuang was the best, Guan Ji also knew that Feng Yong was used to using charcoal pens and didn't like them. With a brush.

Guan Ji informed Amei to pack up all the things that should be prepared, and she planned to send them there in person.

Then she saw Amei hugging the package with tears in her eyes, staring at herself eagerly, Guan Ji sighed, "Okay, I know, you can follow me too."

Only then did Amei smile through her tears, and quickly said, "My servant thanked Mrs. Guanguan."

"Thank me for what? You should have gone to see it."

Guan Ji looked at Amei, a light flashed in her eyes.

Since returning from Nanzhong, she has noticed a lot of changes in Amei, and she has already guessed something in her heart.

Many sons and lords of Jincheng, from the age of twelve or thirteen, have many maids to warm their beds, and it is very common to go to the women's house to have fun.

Guan Ji didn't have any prejudice against this kind of thing.

It would be fine if that heartless person followed everyone else, and he wouldn't say anything.

But because he has the rules of the teacher, he told himself that he can't break his body before the age of eighteen, so he can be regarded as a clean man.

This Amei is also considered a beautiful woman, she has been by his side for the past two years, and he has never touched her.

So I was really happy about this about him.

I didn't expect to take this Amei to Nanzhong, and if I didn't pay attention, I let that bastard get it!



I have endured it for a year and a half, can't I bear it for a little longer? !

Remembering that he was worried about him, he didn't even think about sending a message.

Seeing Amei now reminds me that he actually gave Amei soup behind his back.

Guan Ji became more and more annoyed.

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