"Uncle Zhao is waiting at the mansion, so don't go, the mansion always wants people to watch."

After hearing the Lord's news, the only people in the family who are qualified to talk to Guan Ji are Amei and the housekeeper, Uncle Zhao.

Seeing Steward Zhao bring something over, Guan Ji said hastily.

Steward Zhao nodded and said to Guan Ji, "Miss Guan, the Lord is in prison these days. Although the family has been delivering food, it was passed on by others, and I don't know if it has been withheld by others."

"The old servant just asked the kitchen to make some food, which is what the master likes to eat. When the time comes, ask Amei to bring it over and ask the master what else he wants to eat. When I come back, the old servant will arrange it in the kitchen."

Guan Ji thought to herself, that unconscionable guy is doing very well in prison, unless his uncle orders himself, who would dare to deprive him of food?

However, Butler Zhao was the first to follow Feng Yong in the house. Before he was hysterical and unable to manage the board, it was Butler Zhao who took care of everything in the house, so Guan Ji respected Uncle Zhao very much.

"okay, I get it."

Guan Ji nodded in response.

Several people rushed to the outside of Jincheng's cell, and they were all surprised to see a soldier in bright armor guarding the prison door.

Zhao Guang blurted out, "When did the guards in Jincheng Dungeon become so strict?"

"This is the prime minister's order."

Jincheng, who had been standing outside waiting for a few people to arrive, made Lu Yi look helpless. Such a strange person came to the prison, which gave him the illusion that the prisoner was the father, and his heart was so tired.

As Lu Yi spoke, his eyes fell on the trilogy behind Guan Ji, and he saw that they were holding a lot of things in their hands, and the corners of their mouths twitched: Is this Feng Langjun really coming to enjoy the blessings in prison?

"Miss Guan, the Prime Minister has explained that there should not be too many people entering at one time."

Lu Yi reminded.

Guan Ji nodded coldly, turned around to look at the crowd, thought for a while, and said, "Erlang, Amei, and Li Dalang, the three of you follow me in."

After confirming that the prime minister's warrant was correct, the soldiers guarding the cell door pushed open the heavy cell door.

After passing through the gate, Guan Ji looked back at the dark iron gate, with a thoughtful look on her face.

The passage of the dungeon was a bit dark. After pushing open the door and turning a corner, the three of them heard a faint roar coming from inside: I miss Yiren in prison... dong dong dong... don't know if you believe it I... clang clang clang...

The voice is desolate and sad.

As if with endless regret.

The sound of dong dong dong dong dong, I don't know what the person inside is knocking on.

When Amei heard this singing, she immediately felt sore and worried. Could it be that the lord has really received some criticism? Otherwise, how could this sound be like this?

Even Guan Ji couldn't help being flustered, A Lang wouldn't take it seriously, would he? Otherwise, how can you sing such a tune?

In a hurry, Amei couldn't help shouting loudly: "My lord!"

The sound was transmitted along the passage of the cell, and then echoed and rippled away.

The people inside probably heard Amei's voice, the singing stopped abruptly, and then came a call: "Amei? Is that you?"

"Master, it's me."

Amei's heart was on fire, and she quickly responded.

In her impatience, she subconsciously took two quick steps, and then looked at Guan Ji imploringly.

Guan Ji's always calm face finally showed anxiety, and she was about to quicken her pace.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Guang was faster than her, and directly passed Guan Ji, like a runaway husky running inside.

"Brother, are you okay, brother? My little brother is here to see you!"

Hearing Amei's voice, Feng Yong pushed open the cell door and went to the aisle to welcome him, but Zhao Guang appeared on the opposite side.

Seeing this person, Feng Tubie's expression changed, his heart was filled with anger, and he immediately yelled, "What a thief! You still dare to come, let's see how I deal with you!"

As he said, he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to beat someone up.

It was this bastard who was making wind and rain outside, so that he could only stay here in order to avoid the limelight.

"Aaron, what are you doing?"

Only when he raised his fist, he heard a hurried voice.

The voice held Feng Yong like a spell, and his eyes passed behind Zhao Guang, and saw the beautiful woman lingering in his dream.

"San... San Niang, how did you come here?"

Feng Yong shouted in surprise.

Guan Ji moved over, her eyes were also shining with joy, she lightly parted her cherry lips, "Ah Lang, are you alright?"

Feng Yong opened his raised fist involuntarily, touched his head, and smirked, "What can I do?"

"The voice just now..."

Guan Ji hesitated to speak.

"Oh, it's just that no one talks to me in the prison, so I sing to myself to amuse myself."

It's not that Feng Yong has never encountered such things as confinement in the small black house in his previous life.

This prison is much more comfortable than the small dark room.

The old demon Zhuge probably wanted to use this to sharpen his temper, but he didn't know that he met an old fritter.

Seeing Amei and Li Yi behind Guan Ji, Feng Yong couldn't help being both happy and surprised, "Why are you here?"

"I'm worried about you. These days, no news has spread out. Today, I finally got the prime minister's warrant. Let us come over and have a look. Of course we all have to come here. Not too many people are allowed in the prison. Wang Zishi and Yang Weiran They're all waiting outside."

Guan Ji half blamed and half explained.

"I thought you all knew what was going on here." Feng Yong patted his head again, a little embarrassed, "I was negligent about this matter. Are you okay outside?"

"Everything is fine at home."

Guan Ji nodded.

"What will happen to Xinghan?"

Feng Yong looked at Zhao Guang.

"Brother, everything is fine. When my brother was in prison, my younger brother wanted everyone to do something for him. Unexpectedly, some of them were timid and afraid, and were kicked out of the meeting by my younger brother."

"What did you ask them to do?"

Feng Yong squinted.

"Hey, it's nothing. I just want everyone to do me a favor and spread the word in the city that my brother likes my sister. After a lot of effort, there are still people in the restaurant who dare to say that this is my brother's fault. The brothers in Li fought several times."

Zhao Guang said nothing, but his face was full of credit.

It's fine if he doesn't mention it, but once he mentions it...

Then Feng Yong glanced at Guan Ji behind him, only to see Guan Ji lightly scolded, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

That's what he said, but the beautiful eyes were looking towards Feng Tubie, and there was indescribable meaning in the eyes.

Zhao Guang flinched quickly, but there was no look of fear on his face, but a little complacency on the contrary.

Feng Tubie saw the slight change in expression between the two, and his heart skipped a beat. It seemed that this kid's appearance, and this matter, seemed to have won Guan Ji's heart.

Otherwise, if Guan Ji was really angry, how could this kid dare to mention this in front of Guan Ji? I'm afraid he'd been beaten up long ago, his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

I wanted to find an excuse to beat Zhao Guang up, but looking at it this way, this is simply a typical case of my brother-in-law getting the support of his sister and working together to cheat his brother-in-law!

So this matter must be praised!

So Feng Yong hurriedly said, "Sanniang's words are wrong. Why is Erlang just talking nonsense? Does Sanniang not know my feelings for Sanniang? Erlang is just telling the truth. This time he finally did something right. .”

When Zhao Guang heard this, he became even more proud.

Guan Ji's eyes were watery, but her mouth "spit", "You are talking nonsense too."

Feng Yong chuckled.

Seeing with their own eyes that Feng Yong was safe and sound, they were finally really relieved.

After entering the cell, several people put down the things in their hands.

Ah Mei swiftly placed the food brought over on the table in the cell, and then began to tidy up all the decorations in the cell.

She is trying her best to make the Lord more comfortable in prison.

"Let's all sit down. Although the prison is a little rough, but they are all our own people, so you don't have to be polite."

Guan Ji heard this, looked at this prison cell which was almost as comfortable as the house, and thought that this guy would never treat her badly anywhere, causing her to worry in vain.

"What's that on the other side?"

I saw a large barrel in the cell opposite, and white mist was still coming out of it.

"Oh, that's where I take a shower. I've just finished taking a shower, aren't I going to write something? Naturally, I have to take a shower first, so I asked Magistrate Lu to send someone to boil some hot water for me."

Feng Yong said casually.

Unexpectedly, after Guan Ji heard this, thinking of the helpless expression of Lu Yi, the commander of Jincheng outside the door, she was really angry and funny.

Think about myself waiting for others to worry about him outside, but I don't know how comfortable and comfortable he is here!

At that moment, he gritted his teeth secretly, and the anger that had temporarily dissipated because of the joy of meeting him suddenly sprang up again, and even became stronger and stronger.

It's just that she has gone through life and death, so naturally she won't put her thoughts on her face easily, but in her heart she is thinking about how to clean up this guy.

"Brother, what are you going to write? You even asked the family to send you a pen and paper."

After several people sat down, Zhao Guang couldn't help asking first.

"It's nothing, just write something the prime minister wants."

Feng Yong said something vaguely.

"Since the prime minister asked my brother to write something, why didn't he just let him go back to the house to write?"

Li Yi followed suit.

Seeing that Feng Yong lived so comfortably here, they naturally wouldn't think that Feng Yong was planning to write a confession.

Hearing this, Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang again, "Since the prime minister asked me to stay in prison for a month, it is natural not to contradict what he said. Besides, the prison is quiet, which just makes people feel at ease to write."

"Besides, some things are not easy to do outside, and no one will see them in the prison, so it is naturally easier to do."

"I see." Zhao Guang nodded, picked up the snacks on the table unconsciously, threw them into his mouth and chewed, not polite at all, "By the way, brother, the housekeeper asked us to bring some food over, would you like Eat something now?"

"Let's eat later."

Feng Yong waved his hands, looked at Zhao Guang and Li Yi, "Since you are all here, I just want to tell you something."

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