Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 472 It's Right If You Don't Understand

Upon hearing this, Li Yi and Zhao Guang quickly sat up straight, "Brother, do you have something to tell me?"

Feng Yong nodded, pondered for a while, and said, "Ju County is becoming more and more important nowadays, so the prime minister wants to set up a supervisor there, and the original intention is to let Erlang lead the army to garrison with the post of Yamen General."

"Brother, are you serious?"

When Zhao Guang heard this, he was both surprised and delighted.

"Look how promising you are! This time you went to the Southern Expedition as Yamen General, but you took Zhu Bao's head, plus the credits you wrote down earlier, even the title of a general is not worth it. This time you are not promoted, but you are stationed in Ju County, what is the point?"

Feng Yong pouted.

"What do you want the general number, brother? Being able to lead the army alone is the key point, brother!"

Zhao Guang rubbed his hands, he couldn't contain his excitement.

What is the name of a mere false general? Power is what matters.

Among the same generation, it seems that he is the only one who can lead troops to garrison the border alone.

Although it is only a small county, it at least shows that he has taken the first step in the army, and it is the most critical step.

"Wenxuan doesn't have to be envious. The prime minister told me about this this time because he wanted to ask me if there is any suitable candidate for Erlang's lieutenant general. I mentioned you and Wei Ran."

Seeing the envious look in Li Yi's eyes, Feng Yong knew what he meant, and said to him with a smile.

When Li Yi heard this, he was overjoyed, "My brother thanked you for your help."

Feng Yong waved his hand, "Erlang is not lacking in courage and courage, and he also has a comprehension in the art of war, but he is a little impatient. Zishi is calm by nature, so I let him follow Erlang. It's a pity that Erlang often doesn't listen to Zishi's persuasion."

Wang Xun's status is still low, and when he was bullied before, he was still covered by Zhao Guang. He was born to be overwhelmed by Zhao Guang, so sometimes he couldn't persuade Zhao Guang at all, otherwise he wouldn't be so close. Trapped in Yinping.

At first, there was no way to let Wang Xun follow Zhao Guang. After all, Feng Yong still had doubts about Li Yi at that time, but now he doesn't have such worries.

"Wenxuan, you are ingenious and flexible. Ju County is located in a dangerous place, which is the throat of Hanzhong from the west. Therefore, I put you next to Erlang, so that you can keep an eye on him so that he won't ruin things sometimes. "

"Little brother understands."

Li Yi quickly agreed.

Li Hui's adult, Li Hui, is the governor, and his status is not low. Li Hui and Zhao Yun have a lot of connections, and the two families have a close friendship, so it is just right for Li Yi to follow Zhao Guang.

Ju County is not only the place of exchange with the Hu people, but also the bridgehead of the Northern Expedition in the future. It is an extremely important place, and Feng Yong is definitely not at ease if Zhao Guang is left there alone.

"Brother said this, how can my little brother break things..."

Zhao Guang was very dissatisfied when he heard this.

Feng Yong glanced at him with a sneer, and ignored him, and then continued, "And Wei Ran, he came from the north and is familiar with the situation there. He is also from the Di people, and he happened to deal with the Hu people. .”

Yang Wanwan is the king of Xiao Di, he, his father and his clansmen dreamed of going back to Liangzhou, so it would be a good use for him to follow Ju County.

Speaking of this, Feng Yong's face became serious, "The first thing you three do when you get there is to build the city. Next year the Hu people will bring a lot of things to trade, such as wool, cows and horses, furs, and maybe even grain. They You receive what you send, but you must store the food well.”

"Food? Why would the barbarians trade the grain? They are still short of food."

Li Yiji asked unexpectedly.

"You don't have to worry about this. At that time, I will ask the civil engineering team of Nanxiang County to help. The stronger the wall, the better, and the more food stored in it, the better."

For fear of irritating the Cao thieves in the west, Ju County can only be used as a trading place, with only a small number of soldiers to maintain order.

Now that the aristocratic families in Liangzhou have colluded with the Wudu and Yinping's King Di to make it convenient for themselves, then of course they must pay close attention to building walls and accumulating food during the honeymoon period.

As for the Wei soldiers in Wudu and Yinping, there are only a few thousand, and they are hard to protect themselves, so how dare they take the initiative to fight over? And how could Qiangduan, a local snake, let them ruin their own good deeds?

Therefore, building a city in Ju County should be within the tolerance of the other party.

"But there are contingencies in everything. If there is a real problem and Juxian cannot be defended, you must burn the food before leaving. I will send some of the tung oil collected from Nanzhong to you at that time. "

It saves a lot of trouble by pouring oil on the grain and then lighting the fire.

After all, believing in the enemy's integrity is equivalent to believing that Ximen Qing will not cheat on Pan Jinlian.

Coupled with the ignorance of the Hu people, when the time comes, those aristocratic families in Liangzhou will encourage the Hu people to sell them out first, and then come to plunder and destroy the evidence of collaboration with the enemy. The probability is not too low.

Therefore, a strong city wall is the greatest guarantee.

As long as he can hoard the food in a safe place, it will be a great achievement when Zhuge Old Demon makes his Northern Expedition.

"The second thing is that while the city is being built, if you have the opportunity, send people to Longyou to investigate. Whether the terrain is good or the roads are good, you can investigate as clearly as possible. In terms of pictures, it would be the best if you can make a sand table.”

"Ask Wei Ran more about this matter, he should be clear." Speaking of this, Feng Yong's tone became more dignified, "There are three places near Longshan, which are extremely important. You must help me find out."

"Brother, please tell me."

Zhao Guang and Li Yi had never seen Feng Yong use such a tone before, and they were all startled at the moment, and quickly froze their minds.

"In Longshan, there is a Guanlong Avenue. On the right side of the mountain, there is a place called Jieting. On the left side of the mountain, there is a place called Longdi. Further east of Longdi, there is another place called Qian County."

"These three places, how to get there the fastest, whether there are bandits guarding, what the terrain is like, where to camp, where to resist the enemy, etc., must be clearly understood, and there must be no sloppy."

"If you can do it, or two years, or three years, I will guarantee you great achievements."

Both of them are not fools. When they heard this, their hearts became brighter, and they became even more ecstatic at the moment.

"But before you go to Ju County, there are two things you have to do for me."

"Brother, but please tell me."

"The first thing is for Erlang to do it for you. After you go out, ask the brothers in the meeting. It means that next year I want to open a ranch in Yuejun, specializing in raising cattle and horses. Ask them who is interested."

"I'm afraid that anyone will be interested in this matter?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Guang said quickly, "Brother, you don't know, those people, who have learned the art of wishing a rooster and making a down jacket, can almost quarrel, as if they have never seen money and food in this life..."

"Why didn't you say that at the beginning you came up with five times the money and swallowed the trick of wishing the rooster?"

Feng Yong said bluntly.

In order to climb the trap, Feng Yong wanted to share the skill of raising chickens with several families at a prodigal price. Zhao Guang once offered five times the price on the condition that Feng Yong only pass it on to the Zhao family.

This is what Feng Yong said.

When Li Yi and Guan Ji heard this, Qi Qi looked at Zhao Guang.

Well, you Zhao Erlang, so you did such a thing back then?

When Zhao Guang heard this, he smiled mischievously, "Isn't it because I haven't seen such a good thing..."

"I haven't seen any of the brothers in the club now."

Feng Yong said something, and then he explained, "Dongfeng Express needs a lot of animal power. The prime minister confiscated a lot of horses, about 2,000. They are all Yunnan horses from Shanxing Mountain Trail. I think Buy this batch of horses as the foundation of Yuejun Racecourse."

"Also, isn't that Zagotel's tribe settled in the north of Yuejun? I want to naturalize his tribe to the Yuejun horse farm. Now he has some cattle and sheep on hand."

"Hearing what my brother said, I'm afraid Yuejun's racecourse will cost a lot of money and food? I'm afraid few of the brothers in the club can afford this money."

Li Yu asked with some doubts.

"They don't have any money, don't ours have it? Just the labor resold in Nanzhong makes a lot of money."

"Then it's better to be like the ranch in Hanzhong, we just can't do it?"

Zhao Guang said.

"Stupid! What do you know? Are you not afraid of being overwhelmed?"

Feng Yong cursed again, "The horses not only need to eat grass, but also eat beans! How many beans can you take out? Do you go to someone to buy them every day?"

"Brothers in the association, which family has no land in Hanzhong now? Let them borrow some money and let them pay for it with beans and grain later. The racecourse is all owned by everyone. Are you afraid that there will be a shortage of grain and beans later?"

"There are also those sugarcane gardens in Nanzhong. Don't you have to rely on the brothers in the association to provide food and beans?"

"The Prime Minister wants to build an artificial stone road between Nanzheng and Ju County. Who else can do this work besides us? In the end, the money will still fall into our hands?"

Feng Yong's words were a bit convoluted, Li Yi thought about it carefully, and then looked at Feng Yong with some horror, "Brother... why do you listen to my brother, I seem to be a little dizzy? The money and food in our hands have turned around , and returned to our hands, it is equivalent to no flowers at all?"

"Let's put it that way."

"But we not only have an extra racecourse in our hands, we also got horses from the prime minister, and we also got favors from the brothers in the association. In the end, we asked their family to provide food and beans for the racecourse, and at the same time, we built an artificial stone road?"

As Li Yi spoke, the frightened expression on his face grew stronger.

"For nothing?"

Zhao Guang was even more confused, looking at Feng Yong as if he had seen a ghost.

"Bah! How is it for nothing? Aren't we going to print some wool notes for the brothers in the association?"

Feng Yong was triumphant.

The central bank, which has the power to issue currency, also serves as the China Banking Regulatory Commission and participates in market economic activities. It is simply like a referee who formulates rules and participates in the game while also providing game props incidentally.

When Guan Ji saw this person brazenly say the words of printing money, her beautiful eyes almost popped out.

Seeing that Zhao Guang couldn't understand how to count with his fingers, Feng Yong said impatiently, "You don't have to worry about the reason behind it. Anyway, everyone has benefited, right?"

"Everyone has benefited... then who has gained the disadvantage?"

Li Yi murmured, with a dazed look on his face.

Feng Tubie chuckled and didn't speak.

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