"Didn't we have cement and an engineering team when we finally built the road?"

Too lazy to explain the way to them, Feng Yong said something indiscriminately.

Cement and engineering teams are worth so much?

Zhao Guang and Li Yi were even more confused.

Feng Yong didn't have time to keep them tangled up in this issue, so he continued, "The second thing is for Wenxuan to do it. The prime minister wants to raise some money and food to mine copper in Tanglang County, and Xungui's family probably doesn't have much food. , can only come from the big clan in the middle of Shu."

Xungui first cultivated Hanzhong in the past two years, and bought a large amount of labor this year. Finally, if Feng Yong opened a horse ranch, it is estimated that many people would be in debt.

They didn't have much money in the first place, and after two years of tossing, they might not have much money left.

The fields and manors in Hanzhong and Nanzhong, the labor in the manors, and the grain produced in the fields are the biggest property they can get now.

No more oil or water can be squeezed out.

So the eyes can only turn to the rich families in Shu.

"How can my younger brother get the big family in Sichuan to pay this money? I'm afraid the prime minister will come forward to do this?"

When Li Yi heard this, his expression was even more frightened than before.

Elder brother thinks too highly of himself.

Even if the prime minister came forward in person, it might not be easy.

"Listen to me. The money and food will be mortgaged by the two workshops of Nanzheng and Nanxiang in Hanzhong, as well as the pasture. The court will guarantee it, and the prime minister will testify. Every month, the woolen cloth produced by the workshop will be used to repay the interest. The money and part of the capital, or three years, or five years, until it is paid off."

"Hey, brother, it's not that we want to mine copper, why do you want us to mortgage the workshop and ranch in Hanzhong?"

Zhao Guang interrupted and asked.


Feng Yong scolded, "How do you think you got the position of Ju County Guard? Why did the Prime Minister ask me to recommend Wenxuan and Wei Ran? Why did you ask us to build the artificial stone road? Why did you send those two thousand horses? Sell ​​us the horse?"

Feng Yong and the others can use others as white gloves, but the old demon Zhuge is actually looking for himself as white gloves in this matter.

As for whether the two in the palace agree to this matter, Feng Yong doesn't have to worry about it. Anyway, with the majestic Xiangfu around, everything is not a problem.

Feng Tubie's mind has always been small, and those who dare to deceive themselves... must have the consciousness of being deceived by themselves.

It's all for the big man anyway, right?

With the appearance of Quyuanli Ba Niuli, coupled with the labor trade in Nanzhong, the land controlled by the nobles expanded rapidly, although it did not reach the level that could be compared with the aboriginal families in central Shu.

But the imperial court has begun to get rid of its dependence on the family for food.

The fact that food prices have not risen in the past two years is proof.

Here Feng Tubie produced high-quality paper, and Zhuge Laoyao started editing classics again.

This is obviously to monopolize the knowledge of the family.

Although this process is a bit long, it may take five, ten or twenty years, or even two or three generations, but signs have already appeared.

When the two sharp weapons in your hands are controlled, whoever replaces them will panic.

The aristocratic families in central Shu are now a bit like hot money that is forcibly locked in high housing prices for later generations. There is no way out, and they urgently need to find an outlet.

In such a situation, the average person either resists or surrenders.

It is definitely impossible to resist, the old demon Zhuge is very terrifying, as long as he is there, there is definitely no way to resist.

The Huang Yuan Rebellion and the Nanzhong Rebellion are examples.

If he surrenders, he is not very willing. After all, he has been trapped so badly before, and the law of the big man is so strict now, so he has no privilege at all.

How good is the ninth-rank official law of Cao Wei in the north, we like it very much, why hasn't Master Wang come yet?

In the midst of anxiety and a little panic, someone finally let them go, and I believe that many people will try to pay for this money.

Of course, it is not because they believe that the court will relax restrictions on them because of this, but because they will not let go of this opportunity to separate the eggs.

Now is the darkest moment in the eyes of the aristocratic families in central Sichuan. As long as there is an opportunity to divert and keep the fire, they will firmly grasp it-who knows how many years this dark moment will last?

The bold ones will be exhausted, the timid ones will be starved to death, you won’t die if you try it, right?

Maybe there is a third way out?

Zhao Guang was scolded twice for being stupid by his elder brother, so he didn't dare to speak anymore.

What Sister Huang said was right. I encountered things that I didn’t understand at my brother’s place. It was because I was really stupid. As long as I was obedient, I didn’t need to think too much.

Brother will not harm himself.

On the contrary, Li Yi was taken aback when he heard what his elder brother said. Prime Minister...would he do such a thing?

But think about it, it seems that this is not the first time that the prime minister has done this kind of thing to his brother...

"Brother, do you want my younger brother to spread the news?"

"That's right."

Feng Yong nodded.

Around Feng Yong, if Zhao Guang is the representative of the noble children, then Li Yi is the representative of the noble children.

Although the Li family in Nanzhong and the Li family in Shuzhong can't urinate in the same pot now, it can be seen from Li Dangzhi's ability to run from Guanzhong to Shuzhong, and then from Shuzhong to Nanzhong, as long as the same Li Surname, after turning around, you can always find a connection.

How Li Yi passed the news to the Li family in Shuzhong was nothing to be concerned about.

As long as the Li family in Sichuan knows about it, other families will also know about it.

As for how to choose, it depends on them themselves.

Cultivating an aristocratic family is sometimes like raising Gu, cruel and tragic.

The rise of one branch is sometimes nourished by the decline or even annihilation of that branch.

"And Sanniang, please tell me...Guan Junhou to go to Ma's house to discuss the matter of the racecourse. I have discussed this matter with Junhou Nanzhong long ago."

The Ma family still wanted to win over, and Ma Dai helped a lot when he was in Hanzhong.

Moreover, Ju County is close to Yang'an Pass, so if something goes wrong in the future, it may be asked to blame him.

Guan Ji nodded, "I understand."

After Feng Yong explained the matter, several people talked for a while before preparing to leave.

Before leaving, Amei looked at Feng Yong eagerly, feeling a little bit reluctant—it was just that she didn't talk to the lord.

When a young girl becomes a young married woman, it is the time when she is most attached.

In the words of later generations, it is the honeymoon period.

Knowing what she meant, Feng Yong patted her head and said with a smile, "When you go back, remember to make some food every day and send it over."

With a contented smile on Amei's face, she nodded vigorously.

Neither of them noticed the flash of coldness in Guan Ji's eyes.

After the four of them left, Feng Yong sat down at the table again, broke off a chicken leg, and was chewing it in his mouth when he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the aisle.

Immediately, he was startled, thinking who is this coming back?

Just as he was about to go out to have a look, Guan Ji in leather boots appeared outside.

"Hey, how did you come back, San Niang?"

When Feng Yong saw the beautiful woman, he was overjoyed and went up to meet her.

Guan Ji smiled slightly, walked into the cell, and said softly, "When I went out, I saw that it was still early, and I remembered that A Lang used to ask my concubine to help me write, so I let them go back first, and come here to see if there is any need for help." busy."

Seeing the beauty smiling like a flower, Feng Tubie's heart skipped a beat, "There's nothing to help, you don't know, now that I have a charcoal pen, I don't have to worry about writing."

"Ah Lang, eat first, and you will have strength when you are full."

Guan Ji pushed Feng Yong back to the table, turned around by herself, took out another piece of incense, bent down and lit it on the stove.

Just as Feng Yong took a bite of the chicken drumstick, he smelled a familiar aroma, and his expression changed drastically.

"San Niang, where did you get this incense? Put it out first!"

Feng Yong hurriedly wanted to reach out and grab it.

How could Guan Ji let him succeed? With a flip of her hand, she immediately grabbed Feng Tubie's wrist.

"It hurts, hurts... Sanniang, please be gentle..."

Feng Yong screamed again and again.

"Does it hurt?"

Guan Ji softly whispered into Feng Yong's ear, "Is there any concubine's heart that hurts so much?"

As he said, he pulled Feng Yong's hand to her chest, "If you don't believe me, Ah Lang, can you touch it?"

On weekdays, Feng Tubie felt like exploring a tiger's lair in the towering place that he had been dreaming of day and night.

He stammered and said, "Sanniang, what's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter? Ah Lang really doesn't know, or is he pretending not to know?"

Guan Ji's voice suddenly turned cold, and she could only hear her gnashing her teeth and say, "You are heartless! You lied to me that you can't break your body until you are eighteen. Tell me! What's going on with Amei?"

As soon as he exerted force in his hand, there was only a "click" sound, and Feng Tubie's hand was almost twisted off.

"Ouch! San Niang, it hurts me so much, you are trying to murder my husband!"

"Bah! The concubine's husband is not a duplicity like you."

Guan Ji spoke harshly, but when she heard Feng Tubie's screams, her heart softened, and she quickly relaxed her hands.

"Sanniang's words are right. How can I be a heartless person? When I was in Hanzhong, didn't you tell me to take her into the house? Apart from her, I have never touched anyone else!"

Feng Tubie was able to catch his breath, but he defended himself recklessly.

Guan Ji was furious when she heard this, and she added two more points in her hands, "I let you take over the house, and let you go to her couch first? Also, the whole Jincheng knows the beautiful faces you wrote Written for Siniang, have you ever thought about writing one for me? Isn’t this what a heartbreaker is?”

"Third Niang, be gentle..."

Feng Yong was sweating from a headache, thinking that Sanniang was not so rude in normal times, why did she say such things as going to bed today?

It seems that I still underestimated the aggressiveness of the women of the Han Dynasty.

"Easy? You are so uncomfortable in prison, but you leave all the affairs of the mansion to me, and make me worry and fear every day! Do you know how I got here these days?"

The more Guan Ji spoke, the angrier she became, her eyes were about to bleed out, her heart was full of hatred, and she felt extremely wronged, "Liar! Big liar!"

Then flipping his hands again, Feng Tubie felt his whole body soaring into the air, flying over a long distance, and with a "boom", he fell directly on the couch, and almost lost his breath.

"San Niang, what are you doing?"

Feng Yong turned his head, and saw Guan Ji reached out and pulled out the hairpin on her head, and with a light flick, her long hair like flowing water floated down.

Lightly untie the Luoshang, the coat comes off, revealing the deep skirt with a curved train inside, the whole body is tight, the chest is high and protruding, and the waist is full of grip.

The long legs, set off by the long riding boots, let people know that they have amazing elasticity at a glance. The legs are not enough to play for a year, and they are almost a lifetime.

"Gudong", Feng Yong swallowed hard.

Take off your boots is not a seductive gesture.

Then there was only a slight "stretch" sound, and the belt around the waist was lightly untied.

Feng Tubie suddenly felt the blood all over his body swell.

Damn, this spice is so medicinal!

"Feng Mingwen, do you think the concubine is pretty?"

The clothes are half untied, the fragrant shoulders are slightly exposed, and the beautiful women come here in style.

"looks great……"

"How's that for a good idea?"

"Natural beauty is hard to give up. When you look back and smile, you are full of beauty. Hibiscus is like a face and willows are like eyebrows. It is as bright as the sun rising into the morning glow, and it is as bright as a lotus.

What else is there?

Feng Yong was sweating profusely.

Guan Ji smiled in satisfaction, this bastard, if he is not forced, he will not tell the truth.

"It's good that you still don't take off!"

Guan Ji was delighted, but Yurong was cold and her voice was even colder.

"Take off... who's it to take off?"

"What do you say?"

Guan Ji sneered, "If you don't want to, then let me help you!"

As he said that, he stepped up and was about to tear Feng Yong's clothes.

"Don't, San Niang, don't do this, this is in prison!"

Although I don't understand why Guan Ji suddenly went crazy, but people come in the prison at any time, and Feng Yong has no bad habit of being watched in real time.

"Don't worry, I've locked the iron door of the prison, no one can come in."

"It will be heard."

"Impossible! I paid special attention when I came in. I had to turn a corner with the door open to hear it!"

"This is prostitution in the daytime..."

"Day is day! Are you afraid of day?"

I'm so...

There was only a sound of "嗤啦", and Feng Tubie's terrified voice sounded, "Don't tear it, I'll take it off!"

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