Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 475: Fenghou

Huang Chong, a soldier from Nanxiang County, has been in charge for a year. In terms of familiarity with the soldiers of Nanxiang, he is confident that no one can surpass him.

For the soldiers of Nanxiang County, it is normal to travel sixty miles a day.

This is a very proud statistic.

Leaving aside the skills of fighting on the battlefield, just in terms of marching, this is already at the level of an elite soldier.

But it is obvious that the elder brother is not satisfied. From his letter, it is obvious that the elder brother intends to take advantage of this time to conduct further tests on the soldiers.

Li Qiu and Huang Chong looked at each other, and at the same time thought in their hearts: Brother's requirements for soldiers are really harsh.

Nanxiang soldiers eat three meals a day on weekdays. Among all departments in Nanxiang, the food is the best.

In addition to training, everyone is still training during the day, and they are not allowed to do other things. At night, they have to go to night school to learn how to read.

The weapons used are all made of refined iron.

Everyone wears leather armor.

If you change to another county, let alone a thousand people, even a hundred people, I'm afraid it will be difficult to afford.

But Nanxiang has a solid foundation, plus it has mines, pastures, and improvements in iron smelting technology, so it has enough refined iron and enough leather.

It is no exaggeration to say that these thousand people, as long as they go through a few battles on the battlefield, they will be first-class elite soldiers.

And it is a distinctive elite soldier, which is very similar to the Huben Army Yulin Army of Emperor Xiaowu's time, that is, the literacy rate is extremely high.

Even the most ordinary big-headed soldiers must at least be able to say the multiplication formula of three seven twenty one or four eight thirty two.

Because those who can't learn will be starved or even whipped.

Only now did Li Qiu and Huang Chong understand the truth of this.

Because soldiers who can read and write are better than soldiers who cannot read and write, apart from anything else, just the fact that they can understand various military orders faster is enough to leave other soldiers far behind.

Not to mention being able to better understand how to stand in the military formation, learn to master weapons faster, have higher morale, and so on.

Coupled with the code of conduct left by his elder brother, the soldiers of Nanxiang became more and more different.

But no matter how different it is, if they are allowed to travel eighty miles a day for half a month, according to Huang Chong's estimation, although they will not reach the point of "generals on the knees", at least two or more soldiers will fall behind along the way. Thirty percent.

Why is my elder brother so demanding on soldiers?

Both Li Qiu and Huang Chong were greatly puzzled.

In January of the fourth year of Jianxing, after the imperial court meeting, it began to reward the soldiers of the Southern Expedition for their meritorious service.

Among them, Li Hui, the surrendered governor of Nanzhong, was granted the title of Marquis of Xingting of the Han Dynasty because he had the most battles in the South, and he also sent General Anhan, who was in the limelight for a while.

But the most eye-catching person is not Li Hui, but Feng Yong and Zhao Guang.

Feng Yongqian moved to the county governor of Yuejun, and concurrently served as the lieutenant of Diannong school in Yizhou.

Zhao Guang led a thousand men as General Yamen, with Li Yi and Yang Wanwan as the left and right lieutenants, stationed in Ju County.

One is Mushou Bian County, and the other is Guarding Bian County.

Only when you are ready, go to work.

Both of them have not reached the age of weak crowns, and they are the only two men who can hold such local power at this age.

There is another thing that is carried out at the same time as the reward for meritorious deeds, that is, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty decided to re-check the population and acres on the grounds that the population has increased in the past two years.

It only took three days for Nanxiang County to conduct an investigation, and the results were already available.

In just two years, the registered population of Nanxiang County has grown to 30,000.

Not counting those servants who were not registered.

With the increase of Nanxiang's registered population, apart from workshops and ranches, the concealed population released by the Li family accounted for at least half of it.

At the same time, it can also be seen that the hidden population of the aristocratic family is large.

Nanxiang County seems to have become the most important foundation of the Li Family Liufang in Hanzhong.

Nanxiang County became a Shang County in a flash, and Li Qiu, the magistrate of Nanxiang County, became one of the few magistrates of Shang County in the Han Dynasty.

Feng Yong, Zhao Guang, and Li Qiu, although their official positions are not considered big, are all local powerful figures. Together with Li Yi, Wang Xun and others, this marks the beginning of the second generation of Dahan people to officially enter the political arena of Dahan.

At the same time, it also means that Xiao Shantou headed by Feng Yong has begun to show signs.

Everyone in the Xinghan Association was overjoyed and rushed to tell each other. Suddenly, they were in the limelight.

Feng Yong stayed in prison for a month, and finally he was able to walk out of the cell and see the light of day again.

The soldier pushed open the heavy iron gate, Feng Yong just walked out of Jincheng's prison, he felt blurred in front of his eyes, he had to close his eyes, built a pergola with his hands, stayed in it for a long time, and felt a little nervous for a while. Not used to the sun outside.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw an old acquaintance standing in front of him.

"Hey, servant Huang, why are you here?"

The white and chubby yellow beard smiled, "Feng Langjun, I am here, of course I am waiting for you. Who doesn't know that you are coming out today? Look, everyone is waiting for you."

Said, pointing behind.

Feng Yong looked along his fingers, only to realize that Guan Ji led the crowd standing not far away, but did not directly approach.

The beauty's eyes are full of infatuation and tenderness.

Feng Yong's heart was full of joy and burning, but Huang Hu stood in front of him, so he had to forcefully suppress the burning thoughts in his heart, "What is Huang Neiwai doing waiting for Yong?"

"Your Majesty asked someone to draw up an imperial decree, please accept it."

Huang Hu shook the things in his hands.

"Oh? Your Majesty has an imperial decree?"

Feng Yong, who was scratching like a monkey, noticed that there were several servants standing behind Huang Hu, and some of them were holding something in their hands.

"My minister Feng Yong respectfully listens to the holy will."

What kind of trouble is A Dou running out at this time? Don't you see I'm about to reunite with my fiancée? It's really ignorant!

Feng Yong saluted reluctantly, ready to listen to the order.

"In the first month of the fourth year of Jianxing, the emperor of the Han Dynasty issued a policy letter: Feng Yong repeatedly offered wonderful strategies...accumulated meritorious service, and specially bestowed it on the Marquis of Guannei, and sent food to Yuedu Qiongdu..."


Feng Tubie was stunned for a moment, he thought it was the will of Qian Yue Jun Changshi, but he didn't expect to be a Marquis?

His first reaction was not to thank Adou, but to look at Guan Ji.

Does this mean that I can straighten my back and challenge Guan Xing to marry Guan Ji into our old Feng's family?

Huang Hu finished reading in cadence, waited for a long time, but did not see Feng Yong leading the order, felt strange, looked at Feng Yong, only to see that he was in a daze in a daze and didn't know what he was thinking.

He thought that Feng Yong was so happy that he was stupid, and he felt a little comforted in his heart. It seems that even if Feng Langjun is a high-ranking student, he can't be exempt from the vulgarity!

After all, Fenghou is something that many people can't dream of, and it is understandable to lose his composure for a while.

Huang Hu thought happily, if His Majesty and the Queen knew that Feng Langjun was so happy and stupid when he heard that he was named Marquis, they must be very satisfied, right?

"Feng Langjun, accept the order?"

Huang Hu quietly reminded Feng Yong.

"Oh, my minister Feng Yong accepts the order, thank Your Majesty Long En."

Feng Yong took over the imperial decree.

Huang Hu signaled the servants behind to come forward, pointed to the things in their hands and said, "Look, Mr. Feng, this is the marquis seal, the purple grant, and the double-sealed white jade...all of which are exclusive to princes and marquises."

In the distance, Zhao Guang, Li Yi and others all flashed envious eyes, Fenghou!

And it was the canonization of the real meritorious service, not the success of the knighthood.

It seems that the elder brother's title of the first man of the Han Dynasty has really been fulfilled.

Guan Ji had a proud look on her face, and at the same time she was a little bit proud. The man she fell in love with was indeed the best.

Feng Yong looked at the things in the waiter's hands, thinking that I couldn't finish them all by myself.

Huang Hu saw Feng Yong's expression and knew what it meant, so he said in a low voice, "Feng Langjun, don't worry, Your Majesty deliberately ordered the servants to wait here to announce the decree, just to let everyone know that Feng Langjun is someone that His Majesty values. These Things, the servants will deliver them to the mansion later."

Feng Yong heard this, and quickly said, "That's really bothering Huang's servant."

At the same time, he thought, Ah Dou has given enough face, and I don't know if he is making up for the relationship between the two parties?

"It should be, it should be."

Huang Hu waved his hands and said, then looked at the people who were looking at this side longingly, and said with a smile, "Then servants just take a step, and stop being the villain who prevents Feng Langjun from getting together with his friends."

After all, he led the servants and left.

"Brother, I'm a Marquis, I'm a Marquis!"

Zhao Guang was the first to rush over, circling around Feng Yong in excitement, shaking his body, as if he had become a marquis himself.

"My brother first got the post of county magistrate, and now he has the title of marquis and worshiper. I am really overjoyed!"

Li Yi was more stable. Although he tried to pretend to be calm, his eyes revealed his excitement.

Wang Xun and Yang Wanwanliang also came up at the same time, congratulating one after another.

Feng Tubie was happy in his heart, but he pretended to be coercive, "Where is it, I don't want to be a Marquis, I hope the Han Dynasty will prosper!"

Speaking of the Xinghan Room, I think of the agreement with Guan Ji at Yang'an Pass, the agreement with Guan Ji, and the atmosphere of that day in the prison...

Feng Yong looked at Guan Ji, and saw that Guan Ji was also looking at him affectionately. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He just felt that the beauty at this time was a little more radiant and charming than before. The heart of a certain wood turtle just swayed slightly.

"Brother has great ambition, I can't wait."

As an upright barbarian, Yang Wanwan has also started to talk big and flatter him.

Feng Yong laughed when he heard the words, "It's all because of your majesty's wrong love."

Although Feng Hou was Zhuge's idea, since A Dou and Zhang Xingcai chose to send the chief executive of the palace to announce the decree at this most special time, they threw an olive branch at themselves, so they still have to give feedback.

"Besides, brothers, are you willing to lag behind? I'm just lucky enough to be one step ahead. Wouldn't it be wonderful for everyone to call each other princes later?"

"Speaking of which, doesn't the little brother have to call the elder brother first?"

Wang Xun, an honest man, also joked.

When everyone heard the words, they laughed together.

Liu Liang, who came out of the Zongzheng Mansion two days earlier than Feng Yong, first heard that Feng Yong had won the post of Yuejuan Changshi, and forced himself to comfort himself that it was a land of chaos.

When he heard that Feng Yongde was the Marquis of Guannei, he could no longer hold the bowl in his hand, and fell to the ground with a bang, speechless for a long time.

He didn't even know when his own adults walked in.

Liu Yan sighed, picked up the bowl, put it on the table, looked at his distraught son, and finally said, "For the time being, don't worry about the affairs of the house, let your mother take care of it first. "

"My lord...why is this?"

Liu Liang turned pale with shock.


Liu Yan stared at him blankly, "If I have another son, believe it or not, I can break your leg today?"

Liu Liang's face turned pale, his lips trembled, and he didn't speak.

"Your mother is on good terms with the empress dowager, and if you entrust the affairs of the house to her, no matter whether it is the empress or Feng Yong, they will never pursue this matter again."

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