Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 476 Chapter 0478 This mother-in-law is not easy to deal with

Nominally, Liu Yan is the third nobleman of the Han Dynasty, only under the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty and Li Yan, the governor of Yong'an, and he is also a member of the royal family, so his status is extremely noble.

But in fact, his own family knows his own affairs: he doesn't involve in state affairs, and most of his daily life is to discuss current affairs with the prime minister and make some suggestions.

To put it bluntly, he has no power in his hands.

Of course, it is not considered powerless - if you can be respected by the prime minister and the suggestions you make can be used by the prime minister, then you are considered powerless and have power.

The crux of the problem is that people like the Prime Minister are extremely talented. How many people's suggestions are valuable to him?

In the past three years, only one Feng Mingwen has appeared.

This Feng Mingwen is really an exception among exceptions, every suggestion can be adopted by the prime minister, and the prime minister can take every plan seriously.

But his own son offended him.

As the earliest veteran minister to follow the late emperor, Liu Yan naturally didn't have to be afraid of Feng Yong who had just been named Guanneihou.

But bullying the old but not the young, Liu Yan knows that his status in the big man is just like this.

A majestic Marquis of the capital, who holds the post of General Emeritus, as well as the positions of Weiwei and Zhongjunjun, the only troops he can command are more than a thousand troops under his own name.

More than a thousand names sounds like a lot.

But look at Zhao Guang?

At the age of only twenty-nine, he alone led a thousand people to garrison border counties.

Not to mention that Feng Mingwen.

Just nineteen years old, he already controls a county.

Don't say that Meng Yan is the prefect, Meng Yan went to Yuejun to be the prefect, that is, he went to be a watchdog and thug.

Feng Mingwen is the real ruler of Yue Jun.

To quell the chaos in Yuejun, Feng Mingwen must have at least three to five thousand people in his hands.

Not to mention that he still serves as the chief history of Yuejun as a prince.

A nineteen-year-old prince who holds real local power, even if he is only a Marquis of Guannei instead of a Liehou, is enough to make people look at him sideways-because this is something that today's big men have never done.

If he is really successful in quelling the chaos, it is not impossible for him to be named Liehou given how much he is valued by the prime minister.

If such promising young talents are really held grudges, then it is not called causing trouble, after all, he believes that Feng Yong can't do anything to him, but it is a disaster for future generations.

How old is Feng Yongcai? Liu Yan doesn't believe that he can live longer than Feng Yong.

So Liu Yan let his son Liu Liang back down, in fact, it was for his own good.

Hand over the affairs of the mansion to Liu Hu, let her bear the title, based on her relationship with the Empress Dowager Wu, coupled with the intricate relationship between Feng Yong and the inner palace, Liu Yan believes that everyone will look at Wu For the empress dowager's sake, she won't go into it any further.

Seeing that his son was still a little unconvinced, Liu Yan slapped him across the face and cursed, "You don't want to leave the house these days! Let's talk about it when Feng Mingwen goes to Yuejun to take office."

Liu Liang was taken aback, covering his face in bewilderment.

My lord, you are the Marquis of Duxiang! Bi Na Feng Yong didn't know where Gao had gone, would he be afraid of him?

Liu Liang's world view has collapsed a bit.

At the same time, in the backyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion, the maid was reporting to Huang Yueying: "Madam, Feng Junhou is asking to see Madam."

"Feng Junhou?"

Huang Yueying, who was assembling things, was stunned, but she didn't realize it all of a sudden, and asked subconsciously, "Which Feng Junhou is so impolite, it's fine to come to the door so suddenly, and he doesn't even have a greeting card? Besides, how could there be a gentleman?" Hou came to look for me? Shouldn’t he be looking for the prime minister?”

On the contrary, Zhang Xingyi, who was studying not far away, heard the title "Feng Junhou", his eyes lit up, and then he smiled, "Didn't Aunt forget that Feng Langjun was named Guanneihou the day before yesterday?"

Huang Yueying said "ah" and said with a broken smile, "I actually forgot about him, let him come in."

Feng Yong got permission, and entered the backyard with a rattan box in his arms. After putting the box down, he saluted Huang Yueying respectfully, "Yong has seen Madam."

Huang Yueying's face was serious, but she deliberately didn't look at him, she didn't stop her hands, and said lightly, "Isn't this Feng Langjun who has just been enshrined as a marquis? I thought you were still throwing a big banquet today, no Do you think you have time to come here?"

Feng Yongde was granted the title of Marquis of Guannei, unable to hold back the enthusiasm of the Xinghan Association, so he had to hold a banquet at Zhuangzi.

This is nothing, after all, it is a happy event.

But the key point is that Guan Ji came back yesterday at the moment when she was stuck closing the city gate. After she came back, she didn't go back to the Guan mansion, so she came directly to find her and fell asleep in the prime minister's mansion.

Huang Yueying is someone who has experienced it, and the things she has learned are complicated. Ever since Guan Ji went to see Feng Yong in the prison, she could tell at a glance that Guan Ji had lost her body.

She originally regarded Guan Ji as her own daughter, but now that she learned that her daughter was raped by a certain ground turtle in prison, she already felt that she had suffered a great loss.

When I saw her again yesterday, I saw that her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were moist, and she looked amazingly charming. Now that it's the time of prohibition against alcohol, she can become like this without drinking. There is only one answer.

Thinking about how long her daughter had been bullied by Feng Tubie, Huang Yueying was really dizzy with anger.

So when I saw someone today, I naturally wouldn't give him a good look.

Feng Yong smiled guiltyly, "Yong is in front of Madam, is it any different whether you are a Marquis or not? Aren't Madam all Yong's elders?"

Only then did Huang Yueying turn her head to look at him, "It really makes sense for people to say that they are flattering Feng Langjun."

As he said that, he glanced at Zhang Xingyi who was standing aside, his eyes were about to shine, and his eyes were about to sink in, and heaved a deep sigh.

"Brother Feng..."

Zhang Xingyi, who was just fourteen years old, bent her waist and walked slowly, walked up to Feng Yong, her face flushed slightly, and she said shyly.

The spiritual pupils in his eyes are as bright as the stars, and the feelings are born without saying a word.

"Long time no see, little sister misses you very much."

This miss should be just a miss between friends, not anything else.

Well, yes, that must be it!

Feng Yong's back was slightly sweating, and he glanced at Huang Yueying, only to see his wife's cold eyes made him feel even more guilty.

"Heh, cough, why is Si Niang here?"

If he knew that Zhang Xingyi was here, how would Feng Yong dare to come over?

"My little sister heard about Sister Guan beheading generals and capturing the flag in Nanzhong and leading the army to the battle. I was extremely impressed. It's a pity that my martial arts talent is not as good as my sister's. It seems that there is no way to catch up with my sister's martial arts. So I want to learn some art of war, thinking that if I have the chance in the future, I can also lead the army to defeat the bandits."

Fourteen-year-old Zhang Ji's body has already grown, she is graceful and graceful, she is the most beautiful age.

But when Feng Tubie heard this, he laughed dryly, "Siniang has such great ambitions, how many men in the world are ashamed."

what do you want

I just asked what do you want to do?

Guan Ji beheaded the general to capture the flag and lead the army to the battle. That was her business. You said that you are a queen's younger sister, so if you are a lady of the big family, it's over? Do you have to learn the art of war? What is the use of learning?

Wouldn't it be great to read "The Female Ring" and learn how to embroider?

Why do you have to compare with your sister Guan?

Zhang Ji obviously didn't think so. Hearing Feng Yong's compliment, her eyes turned into crescent moons, and she said softly, "How many people dare not be ashamed in front of Brother Feng's family? Younger sister can't afford it." Brother, this word."

Even though she was young, the slightly youthful but soft temperament had already appeared on her body.

"Feng Junhou, this time you are here, so you are looking for Si Niang?"

Huang Yueying saw that this was not good, so she interrupted to ask a question.

"Oh, of course not."

Feng Yong was rescued by Huang Yueying, and quickly picked up the topic, "Yongshi... Well, after returning from Nanzhong, I haven't had a chance to come over to see my wife, so I just found time to come here today to visit my wife."

After a smack, he looked at Zhang Ji involuntarily.

Zhang Xingyi smiled softly, and then gave a little blessing, very understanding, "Brother Feng family has something to say to his aunt, so the concubine will avoid it for the time being."

As she said that, her eyes flowed again, and her tenderness was like water, "My concubine first thanked brother for his love a few days ago."

After finishing speaking, holding the letter in his arms, he made slender steps and disappeared among the flowers and plants that had just sprouted.

Si Niang... has grown up and become sensible, she is no longer the innocent little girl who likes to cling to others.

Feng Tubie looked at Zhang Xingyi's back, feeling a little melancholy.

"What? I can't pull out my eyes? Do you want to catch up and say a few more words?"

Huang Yueying's tone was very aggressive.

Feng Yong quickly calmed down, "Yong lost his composure, I hope Madam will forgive me."

"You are the prince of a big man now, not like before, so I forgive you or not, what's the difference?"

Huang Yueying said coldly.

"Of course there is a difference. Let's not talk about Yong, Madam will always be Yong's elder!"

Feng Yong said with a smile.

"If you have something to say, don't come here."

Huang Yueying said unhappily, "I'm not San Niang and Si Niang, I'll follow your example."

Feng Yong secretly thought that this mother-in-law is not easy to deal with.

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