Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 477 Find a suitable one

"That's right, it seems that spring is about to start. Although the weather is getting warmer, early spring is the most fearful of cold spring, so I asked Hanzhong to carefully select the finest cashmere and weave a few sets of clothes. Today I am I specially sent a sweater to my wife."

As Feng Yong said, he turned around and opened the rattan box, and took out a white fine wool sweater.

In the past two years, Hanzhong Workshop has continuously improved its weaving technology, coupled with the expansion of the pasture flock, it also has the basis for sorting and processing wool.

Before Feng Yong left, he left behind a book about the management rules of the workshop and speculation about the future of the wool processing industry.

According to the content in this book, Li Mu carefully selected the best cashmere wool, and then carefully selected the best skilled female workers in the workshop, and only then did the first batch of fine wool sweaters be made.

Or if this Li Mu is worthy of being from a family, not to mention his superior aesthetic ability, he even improved the fine cashmere sweater according to the woman's preferences.

The effect was obvious. As soon as the snow-white and beautiful fine wool sweater came out, it attracted Huang Yueying's attention.

Even though she came from a wealthy family in Jingzhou, she still couldn't resist the temptation of beautiful clothes.

Although she wanted to dry Feng Tubie for a while longer, she couldn't help reaching out to take it with both hands, "Why do you get such rare clothes?"

It is smooth, soft, warm and comfortable in the hands, which is really a rare thing.

"This is a sample of clothes sent by the Hanzhong workshop a few days ago. I want to ask for my opinion. It's just that I haven't been free, and I think this kind of clothes are suitable for women, so I gave it to my wife. Come here, let Madam try it."

"Madam, you can see what's wrong, and tell me when the time comes, and I'll let the workshop in Hanzhong improve."

Huang Yueying glanced at Feng Yong, and sighed in her heart, the workshop established by the imperial court in Nanzheng has not been able to weave normally, but the workshop in Nanxiang has already made such clothes, this man is indeed talented.

"You are now a parent official, can't you put your mind on governing the place? Why do you always make such rare and extravagant things?"

Huang Yueying scolded, but her mouth felt upright, and she kept touching the clothes with her hands, obviously she couldn't put it down.

"Yes Yes."

Feng Yong replied, "Actually, I didn't do it, it was done by the manager of the workshop. She put in so much effort, I can't take away her good intentions."

"The manager of the workshop? Are you talking about Mrs. Mu from Nanxiang?"

Unexpectedly, Huang Yueying knew about Li Mu. She looked at Feng Yong with a strange look in her eyes.

Li Mu was thrown by A Lang to Nanxiang to test Feng Yong's chess piece. Unexpectedly, this kid was not tested, but Li Mu gained a great reputation in Nanxiang.

Every time this matter was brought up, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty couldn't laugh or cry - if there were such powerful women in Nanzheng Workshop, why couldn't they spin wool today?

"That's right, it's Li Mu, the woman from the sixth room of the Li family."

"She does have a heart."

Huang Yueying nodded, and looked at the rattan box on the ground.

Feng Yong understood, carried the box over, and said, "Ma'am, this box is specially used to store this fine fleece sweater. You see, it is mixed with camphor bark to prevent insects."

"There is also this sachet, which uses Nanzhong's unique spices, which can not only clear the mind, but also perfume the clothes."

Huang Yueying's eyes lit up, she folded the sweater carefully, put it in carefully, then closed it with satisfaction, looked left and right, and finally smiled, "This box is very delicately made."

As soon as Feng Tubie saw his mother-in-law finally showing her face, she immediately activated her natal skills.

"Also, look, ma'am, there is a nameplate on it, made of fine iron, and it was the craftsmen of Nanxiang who put in a lot of effort to engrave the code on it."


Huang Yueying asked suspiciously, "What is it?"

"That's it, the ending is two, indicating that this garment is the second sweater made by the workshop, and the code is also on the garment, which is exactly the same as the one on the box."

"As long as each piece of clothing produced by Nanxiang Workshop comes out, it will be equipped with a box and then coded with a number. Each code is unique."

"Just like Madam, this code can only be used by Madam. Even if other people buy all the clothes in the workshop, they still cannot find the same number as Madam."

The more Huang Yueying heard it, the more she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. She looked carefully at the nameplate on the box, "I recognize the number two at the end, but why don't I recognize the strokes in front of it?"

"Madam, this is a unique symbol of Nanxiang. From now on, as long as it is produced by Nanxiang Workshop, it will have this symbol."

In fact, it is the pinyin abbreviation of Nanxiang Wool Textile Factory.


Huang Yueying regards Feng Yong as a junior, since it is the filial piety of a junior, then there is no need to be polite, she put the box aside, and then asked, "Mine is the second one, so who took the first one? "

Feng Yong's face stiffened, and he said with a dry smile, "The first thing, uh..."

"Okay, I see."

Huang Yueying suddenly understood, nodded and said, "To Sanniang?"

Feng Yong chuckled.

No wonder! It turned out that Sanniang came back so late yesterday, it was indeed the reason for leaving.

"I finally know how to hurt her."

Huang Yueying squinted at Feng Tubie, and asked, "Tell me, why did you give me such a good thing eagerly?"

"It's not that I haven't seen Madam for a long time, so I came to visit..."

Before Feng Yong finished speaking, he saw Huang Yueying looking at him with a sneer, so he had no choice but to change his words, "Of course, there is something else, I want to ask Madam for a favor."



Feng Yong swallowed, and then asked, "Madam, I want to marry Sanniang, what do you think?"

Huang Yueying was taken aback.

It took a long time to come back to his senses, and he looked at Feng Yong fixedly, staring at him until the hairs in his heart, and then suddenly smiled, and said with relief, "Oh, if you are a marquis, you will be established, and finally thought of Are you married?"

Feng Yong pretended to be silly and smiled.

"It's finally a bit of a conscience."

Huang Yueying breathed a sigh of relief, "If you want to marry Sanniang, just ask someone to go to the Guan family to propose marriage. Both of your two families are marquises, so naturally you have to follow the rules, and you can't miss the six rituals. First, find a matchmaker to come to your door." Let's take it."

"Ma'am, that's what worries me. I don't know who to turn to for this matchmaker."

Feng Yong looked at Huang Yueying pitifully, "That's why I came here to look for Madam, and I want to ask Madam if she has any suggestions?"

Huang Yueying pointed at Feng Yong with her finger, and said with a smile, "I knew your things were hard to handle, and you kept saying that you came to see me, and love is just an excuse."

"It's also visiting Madam."

Feng Tubie said cheekily.

After hearing Feng Yong's words, Huang Yueying bent over with a smile, pointed at Feng Yong and scolded.

"Sanniang is such a rare person. Back then, even Sun Quan's son couldn't make her fall in love with her. How many men would feel ashamed in front of her! She deserves to be cheated by you. She is so thick-skinned that she can compare to outsiders. the walls of the city?"

"What madam said, Sanniang and I are in love with each other, how could it be a lie?"

Feng Yong vowed, "I am sincere to Sanniang."

"Okay, okay! Sincerely, sincerely."

Huang Yueying wiped away the tears from her laughter, "You two live together, as long as you know whether it's sweet or bitter."

There was another long sigh while talking and laughing, this kid, after all, chose Sanniang. It seems that when he first returned to Jincheng last year, he didn't pay attention to what he reminded him.

But that's good too, San Niang and Si Niang are treated as daughters, their palms and backs are full of flesh, the more they drag on, the deeper the entanglement will become, and it will be hard to untangle, and it will not be beautiful.

"So the lady agrees?"

Feng Yong was overjoyed.

"Can I say I disagree?"

Huang Yueying glared at him, thinking that the two of you are already husband and wife, how can I disagree?

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth with hatred: You bastard!

"The lady thinks, who should I ask for a visit?"

Sensing Huang Yueying's dissatisfaction, Feng Yong asked cautiously.

Don't dare to offend the mother-in-law!

The matchmaker in the Shangjunhoufu's marriage proposal must have a certain status, and must also have a certain amount of knowledge, understand the rules and etiquette, and you can't just find a matchmaker among the three aunts and six wives.

According to Feng Tubie's opinion, it would be best for Old Demon Zhuge to come forward with this matter, but if he dared to bring it up, Old Demon Zhuge would dare to hang him up and beat him—isn't Da Hancheng really an old cadre?

So I had to give up.

Let Zhao Yun do the same... and then he might be pumped to death, so forget it.

Li Hui is also good, but unfortunately he is not in Jincheng.

After much deliberation, he couldn't find a suitable one, so Feng Yong came to Huang Yueying for advice in distress.

"What about the rare lord! Other lords, as long as the big man has a head and a face, he is basically familiar with him, but you, I remember, have never even been in court, right? I guess many people are wondering now, what is the new Feng Junhou of the big man? What does it look like?"

Huang Yueying laughed again as she spoke.

After she finished laughing, she raised her head and thought for a while, "It's unnecessary to talk about the ones that are farther away. I don't know them well, and you don't know them well. If you rush to the door, I'm afraid it will be rude. So I can only stay in the prime minister's residence. I found it."

"If your status is too high, you're afraid that others will think you don't know how to advance or retreat. If your status is too low, you won't be worthy of your two marquis' residences."

Huang Yueying muttered to herself, with a somewhat embarrassed look on her face.

Feng Yong could only watch helplessly.

"Yes," Huang Yueying clapped her hands suddenly, "this person is definitely suitable."

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