Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 478 Involuntary

Feng Yong said happily, "Madam teach me."

Huang Yueying didn't hold back, and continued, "You also know this person, and have dealt with him before. He is Jiang Wan, Jiang Gongyan."

Feng Yong was taken aback, but he didn't expect Huang Yueying to mean Jiang Wan.

I only heard Huang Yueying explain, "Jiang Gongyan has a dignified demeanor and an extraordinary bearing, and his good looks are enough. When he was young, he was famous for his talent and learning, and he was also a person valued by the prime minister. His reputation, talent, and status are all just right."

"And when Jiang Gongyan went to Hanzhong, didn't he stay in Nanxiang Workshop for more than a month? You are also familiar with each other, right? If you come to ask him for this, I think he will not refuse."

As he said that, he took another meaningful look at Feng Yong, "The prime minister once said that Ma Youchang is very talented and has a lot of strategy, and Jiang Gongyan's talent in the community is magnanimous and tolerant. If the two complement each other in the future, the great man will be lucky .”

Feng Yong was taken aback, thinking what you said, Ma Dazui is so talented, I can barely believe it, but he has a lot of strategy...

Thinking of this, a light suddenly flashed in my mind. According to Huang Yueying, the so-called "mutual complementarity is the luck of a great man", so isn't Zhuge the old demon cultivating successors?

And is one article and one martial arts trained separately?

Thinking of the skillful political tactics that Jiang Wan and Fei Yi used to restrain each other after the death of Old Demon Zhuge, Ah Dou no longer set up a prime minister, but also split up the power...

It seems a little thoughtful and terrified!

No, when it comes to my marriage, what are you talking about?

Feng Yong stopped his thoughts of galloping in time and looked at Huang Yueying, only to see that she was looking at him playfully.

"Ma'am, do you want Yong to get closer to Jiang Canjun?"

Feng Yong asked carefully.

Huang Yueying smiled slightly, did not answer, and changed the subject, "When do you plan to get married?"

"Of course, the sooner the better, am I planning to take up the post in Yuejun County? It would be the best if I can get married before taking up the post."

The thousand people led by Huang Chong are his direct troops.

Power grows out of the barrel of a gun, this is a matter of principle.

Without a reliable direct descendant in hand, Feng Yong would not go to Yuejun.

Anyway, the old demon Zhuge didn't know what time it is now, but just told him to set off when he was ready.

The direct troops have been training for two years, so it's time to take them out for a walk.

Their only flaw at present is that most of them have never been on the battlefield.

The chaos of Yue Juan and barbarians is just for practice.

Well-equipped, coupled with a high degree of organizational discipline and obedience, and led by Jufu, Zhang Ni, and Huang Chong, if the hell is really defeated by the barbarians...

Feng Yong intends to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and just ask about world affairs!

Even the barbarians can't beat them, so how about fighting a Mao thief? Shit!

As for the soldiers that Zhao Guang and others will be stationed in Ju County, Feng Yong doesn't have to worry about it.

One Zhao Yun and one Li Hui are both top figures in the military. I believe that a large number of experienced veterans will appear among the thousand people led by Zhao Guang.

And Yang Wan's adult, Yang Ju, is also the King of Di in the Baima area, so I believe there will always be some unknown details under his hands.

In addition, Ma Dai, the Yang'an gatekeeper behind Ju County, is Zhao Guang's cousin...

Feng Yong still needs to worry about such a luxurious configuration? He is not the old monster Zhuge, so he doesn't want to die from exhaustion.

"Then you have to tell the prime minister about this. After all, you are a member of Mu Shou, so remember to follow the rules when doing things."

Huang Yueying reminded.

"Madam, don't worry, I'll save it." Feng Yong replied, and then he said in a creaking voice, "Madam, do you think it would be too abrupt for me to come directly to invite someone like this?"

Seeing Feng Yong's appearance, Huang Yueying frowned and said, "Why is it so sudden? Haven't you been together in Nanxiang for more than a month? If you say you don't know each other well, I don't believe it."

That's the problem, ma'am, when he was in Nanxiang, he was wandering around, and I got annoyed by being asked, how many times did he not give him a good face?

"After he came back, he praised you quite a lot. He said that you care for the people well and manage Nanxiang well. You are a rare talent in governing the people. It seems that you appreciate you. I think you get along well in Nanxiang That’s right, why would there be such an abrupt statement?”

Uh, uh...

Feng Yong blinked, huh?

What did Huang Yueying say about Jiang Wan just now?

Generous and generous?

This evaluation is good, very good.

So Feng Yong asked coyly, "Then what, ma'am, Jiang Canjun really said that about me?"

Huang Yueying laughed and said, "What did I lie to you for?"

Then she saw Feng Yong's appearance, and then she realized it, so she asked suspiciously, "Looking at your appearance, could it be that I was wrong? What happened to you in Nanxiang that outsiders don't know about?" ?”

"No!" Feng Yong quickly denied, "Jiang Canjun and I had a very happy conversation!"

It's just that I always try to drive him away from Nanxiang...

"Then why are you embarrassed?"

Huang Yueying asked strangely.

"'s just such a major life event, you should always be more cautious. I haven't seen Jiang Canjun for a long time, so it's inevitable that I will be a little unfamiliar."

Feng Yong wiped off the non-existent sweat, and forcefully argued.

"Didn't he just go to Nanzhong three months ago?"

Huang Yueying became more and more strange.

"At that time, uh, I was too busy thinking about the military affairs of the Southern Expedition, and I didn't... I didn't have time to renew my old friendship with Jiang Canjun."

Feng Yong wiped his forehead again, hey, it's so strange, why do you always feel that your forehead is sweating?

Huang Yueying then nodded, "You're right. You should always be more cautious about such important life events. How about this, I will talk to him first if I have a chance, and see if he is willing. If it's okay, I will Let me tell you, and you will come to the door when the time comes."

Feng Yong was overjoyed, "It's the best, I would like to thank Madam!"

Then he said with some worry, "If Jiang Canjun is unwilling, then don't force it, and just find someone else at that time."

"You're right. How can you force such a big event like getting married? Are you afraid of some bad luck? Not only must you be willing, but you must also be willing to do it."

"Yes, yes, that's it."

Feng Yong nodded repeatedly.

"Don't be so quick to order first." Huang Yueying glanced at Feng Yong and said leisurely, "Let me ask you, is it one of the six rituals?"


Feng Yong wondered why Huang Yueying suddenly asked this.

"So you also agree that everything should be done according to the rules, right?"

"That's natural."

"Since that's the case, then between you and Sanniang, you must follow the rules of etiquette, do you understand what I mean?"

Huang Yueying stared at Feng Yong and said expressionlessly.

"Ma'am, I..."

When Feng Yong heard this, he panicked, and he couldn't help but want to say that I didn't follow the etiquette.

However, after the panic in my heart, I started to feel weak again.

Ma'am, I couldn't help myself at the time, do you believe it?


I wanted to change my words and say it was a misunderstanding, but when I saw Huang Yueying's cold eyes, I could only nod quickly, "I understand, I understand!"

I said why Huang Yueying was so wrong today.

It's just that this kind of thing is really hard to explain!

Forget it, it didn’t hurt anyway, the mother-in-law from a wealthy family in Jingzhou couldn’t understand the pigs that had put cabbage in advance before they got married, and it’s understandable—although in fact it’s stewed pork with cabbage, not pigs with Chinese cabbage.

Although Huang Yueying warned him in private, Feng Yong was still relieved, seeing that he was one step closer to marrying Guan Ji.

Walking briskly out of the prime minister's mansion and back to Zhuangzi, the housekeeper sent a greeting card.

"Mi Zhao?"

Feng Yong opened it and saw the inscription on it, frowned and said.

"That guy is so shameless! How dare you send a name card to your brother?"

When Zhao Guang heard the name, he immediately yelled, "If he dares to come to the door, see how I beat him!"

Feng Yong let out a "tsk" and took a look at Zhao Guang. This guy has taken over the post of Ju County Supervisor, and he is really becoming more and more defiant.

"Beating for what? No matter what, the Mi family is also a relative of the emperor, and Mi Zhao is the eldest son of the Mi family. If you beat him up, do you believe that veteran Zhao can break your leg after he goes to the army?"

Feng Yong cursed.

Zhao Guang didn't dare to yell any more, just muttered, "Your Excellency has long since ignored me. Before I went out this morning, I even said that I would stay with my elder brother Zhuangzi for a few days. Your Excellency only told me to get lost, the farther I go The better, it's best not to go back to the house..."

Li Yiwang trained Yang Qianwan and three people, and now they all live in Fengzhuang.

Zhao Guang's eyes were hot, so he wanted to follow along to join in the fun.

"Is it because your wings are hard? I don't know who I am now? If you really dare to beat Mi Zhao, believe it or not, the Mi family will dare to believe that the Zhao family plans to separate from the Mi family?"

To say that Zhao Yun really doesn't know how to teach his son, he only knows how to beat and scold, but he doesn't know how to teach Zhao Guang to be more thoughtful.

Zhao Guang was able to get where he is today. Although the Zhao family didn't make much effort, it was the inside story that only they knew. From the outside, Zhao Guang is now a rising star of the Zhao family.

Doing things can no longer be as casual as before.

"Brother, is that all?"

Yang Wanwan supported Zhao Guang and couldn't help but speak.

He was originally from a barbarian, with an upright temper.

The elder brother first helped him, but now he is thinking of a way to let him go to Ju County, which is the closest to the hometown of his tribe, and it seems that if the big man really wants to make a big move in the future, then he can join the former army without saying a word list.

Compared to his own adults who are always shouting to return to their hometown in their dreams, Yang Wanwan feels that he is already very lucky, so he is really grateful and admires his brother.

If someone insulted his elder brother, it would be the most normal thing for him to directly draw his sword for his elder brother.

"The most important thing for you now is to prepare for the trip to Ju County, while I am preparing for the big wedding, and there are a lot of things about Yue Jun. How can you have time to take care of such trivial matters?"

If Mi Zhao really wants to have an explanation, even if Feng Yong doesn't care about him, he should know how to do it himself.

If you think that you are instigated by those two in the palace, feel that you can't help yourself, and want to get away with it, then that's fine, as long as you don't think you will fall into the hands of others one day.

To make white gloves, you must have the awareness of white gloves, right?

The minds of the traversers have never been too big.

It's just that finding a way to marry Guan Ji back home as soon as possible is the top priority.

I just got out of the prison, if I really want to make trouble and be put in the prison again, then the loss outweighs the gain.

"But this matter definitely can't just be left alone, otherwise everyone will try to step on it in the future."

The more resources you have in hand, the more people will be jealous.

Still the same sentence, Qianbo is touching.

If you act as a good person, I believe many people will want to say to yourself: You are a good person.

What's more, the preparations for the Xinghan Club at Yuejun's racecourse are coming soon, if Mi Zhao is let go so easily, even the people in the club will have unreasonable thoughts.

People in the rivers and lakes cannot help themselves, but this is the case.

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