Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 479 Zhang Yi

Several people were talking, and saw the butler came back again, holding a greeting card in his hand, "My lord, someone is sending a greeting card outside."

"These days, there are really countless people who want to visit my brother."

Zhao Guang muttered, his tone somewhat disdainful.

As a prince or marquis, as a county magistrate, Feng Yong should not have too many official titles in his hands.

In addition, Feng Yong plans to open a horse farm in Yuejun again—the history of Hanzhong Ranch is vivid in my memory, if it is not eye-catching, it would be a strange thing.

The point is that Feng Yong's interpersonal network is too weird.

Just like what Huang Yueying said, a prince who has never even been in court... is so f*ckingly rare.

Let alone the rich and powerful circle.

Everyone in the powerful circle of the big man knows that there is Feng Langjun, but few people really have friendship with him.

And those who have friendship, or the relationship they dare not leave, such as the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, such as the Guan family?

Or it's an unworkable relationship, such as Zhao Guang, Li Yi—the elder brother's majesty is becoming more and more serious, and it's okay to talk about it on weekdays, but when it's a matter of great importance to everyone, no one dares to make his own opinion for the elder brother.

Beixing Hanzhong, Nanzhen Nanzhong, and Jincheng all in one place, raised their arms and shouted, and most of the dignitaries followed suit.

The sale of labor in Nanzhong involves the movement of millions of dollars worth of money and food, and it is only because of a few words sent by the elder brother in Wei County.

The annual tax of the big man is basically about one million yuan.

In other words, the few of them can easily mobilize the same amount of money and food as the big man's annual tax.

Every time Li Yi thinks about this, he still trembles: "Millions of coins!" In the era of Liu Zhang, the Li family of Nanzhong could sell Liu Zhang at least three or five times! You can use it to overturn most of Yizhou directly!

This feeling of manipulating the world... is so good!

How many people's jobs are related to the industries in the hands of several of them?

Coupled with the fact that the Xinghan Society has included most of the dignitaries of the big Han, so now the elder brother is not only responsible for the future of himself, but also represents a large group of stakeholders.

They, who have not even reached the weak crown, are the leaders of this group of stakeholders, and they have extremely huge resources in their hands. This is something that was unimaginable before, and it is really joyful and scary.

I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, it will ruin the big thing.

"The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. What's so strange about this?"

Feng Yong was very calm about this kind of thing. He reached out to take the name card in the housekeeper's hand, opened it, his eyes lit up, and his face showed joy, "Ah! Why is he here?"

As he said that, he hurriedly looked at the butler, "Where is the person who sent the name card? Is he still there?"

"Send it here and leave."

"Hurry up and send someone to chase after him, and I will rush over immediately."

Feng Yong ordered immediately.

Zhao Guang and the others were a little confused, so they looked at Feng Yong.

Feng Yong handed the name card to Zhao Guang, and said, "You wait in the mansion, I will meet someone first."

Said, the pace hastily left.

Zhao Guang opened the post inexplicably, saw the inscription, and read every word, "Zhang Yi?"

Then he looked at Li Yi, "Who is this person? How can I make my brother chase after him so anxiously, why have I never heard of it?"

Li Yi thought for a while, and finally could only shake his head, "I've never heard of it either."

"I see that the person above claims that he is only a state worker, not even a formal official position. How can he make my brother attach so much importance to him?"

Zhao Guang was puzzled.

The state is engaged in, but the state governor or the state pastor appoints the post on his own, which is regarded as a bureaucrat.

Or local talents with meritorious service, because there is no suitable official position for the time being, so they are first set up as a job to store talents.

When it came to Ji Han, there was an added layer of political connotation, and most of them were used to appease the scholars in Shu.

As for Zhao Guang's claim that he is not even an official official position, that is a bit of an exaggeration—at least he can be regarded as a backup official.

But it is such a job that can let the elder brother go out to pick up people in person?

No matter how you say it, elder brother, he can be regarded as the history of a county magistrate, and he is also the honor of a monarch and lord. Isn't this person surnamed Zhang taking too much face in his career?

Everyone was really curious.

Feng Yong chased outside Zhuangzi, only to see a servant of Feng's mansion stopping a tall young man.

"Is Zhang engaged in the front?"

Feng Yong shouted hastily.

Hearing the voice, the young man turned his head, and then looked left and right. There was indeed no one around, and then he looked at Feng Yong with some doubts on his face.

"This is Zhang Yi. I don't know who your Excellency is in front of, but are you calling me?"

Zhang Ni clasped his fists together and asked.

Feng Yong chuckled, "There is no one else here except Zhang Zong, isn't he just calling you Your Excellency? Next, Feng Yong, I have seen Zhang Zong."

"It turned out to be Feng Junhou, I'm sorry."

The doubt on Zhang Yi's face immediately turned into surprise and surprise, obviously he did not expect Feng Yong to chase him out himself.

At the same time, there is unconcealable curiosity in his eyes, probably looking at this person with different opinions.

"What's not a gentleman?" Feng Yong waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's just a fluke to get some credit. If Zhang Zong does not give up, just call me Feng Langjun."

"Feng Langjun's name, who doesn't know it? He has repeatedly offered wonderful strategies, calmed the country and comforted the people, and he has a great reputation. How dare he say it is a fluke?"

Zhang Ni's face was excited, and he saluted very formally, "My subordinate, Zhang Ni, has met Feng Changshi."


Feng Yongda is happy.

Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi, and Zhang Ni are all talents in the middle and late Ji Han Dynasty, and they are also from Shu.

When Feng Yong first played the Romance of the Three Kingdoms game, once he led his army to pacify Yizhou, he would always find a Zhang Yi first, and then he would be prompted that there was a Zhang Yi, and then another Zhang Ni...

It makes people feel a bit confused, is there a bug in this game? How can a person appear repeatedly?

After seeing the introduction of the characters in the game, I realized that there are three f*cking people.

These three people have the same surname and similar pronunciation, and they are all related to Nanzhong. Do you think it is not easy to confuse them?

Zhang Yi was the former prefect of Nanzhong Yizhou County. Later, he was captured by Yong Kai and sent to Soochow. Only after Dahan re-allied with Soochow could he return to Dahan.

Now the prime minister's mansion joins the army, performs government affairs on behalf of the prime minister's mansion, and also serves as the governor of Yizhou, which has won the trust of the old demon Zhuge.

One of Zhang Yi's ancestors once served as Sikong, who was a great man, and he was from a prestigious family in Shu, and he is now the prefect of Shu County.

Shu County is the central hinterland of Ji Han, and its importance is not known to be how many levels higher than that of Yue Jun, who was rebelled by barbarians everywhere.

Zhang Yi and Zhang Yi are both representatives of the Shu family who had come to seek refuge in Liu Beiping's Yizhou period.

The remaining Zhang Ni was born much worse than the first two, and his family was very poor.

It is precisely because he was born in a poor family that Feng Yong picked up such a leak.

When Zhuge Liang was in Nanzhong, he discussed the issue of Yuejun County with Feng Yong. Feng Yong also suggested that Zhang Ji be the prefect of Yuejun, which made a joke——Can Yuejun compare with Shu County?

Fortunately, this proposal was rejected by Zhuge Liang, so that Feng Yong would not offend Zhang Ji without knowing it.

It was precisely because of this matter that Feng Yong asked people to inquire about the current situation of these three people.

Zhang Yi was originally working in the state, and he received a document a few days ago, saying that the new head of Yue Jun, Shi Feng Yong, personally called his name and wanted to transfer him to Yue Jun.

This made him very puzzled, but also ecstatic.

So he drove all night, and when he arrived in Jincheng, he directly inquired about Feng Changshi's mansion, and then sent a greeting card.

Zhang Yi originally thought that Feng Changshi is now a new nobleman in the court, and there are many people who want to see him but can't get it. He is only in the job, and he comes from a poor background. How can he meet Feng Changshi?

But even if I can't see Feng Changshi, I was recommended by him, so at least I have to pay a visit to show my gratitude.

What surprised him was that Feng Changshi not only wanted to see him, but even chased him out of the mansion himself.

"Since Zhang Engeng voted for a famous post, why didn't he wait for his subordinates to report back, and why did he just leave?"

Feng Yong asked again.

Zhang Ni's face was slightly red, seeing Feng Yong's sincerity, but he didn't look at him mockingly, so he said frankly, "Feng Changshi is a gentleman, but Yi is a humble person, if you don't get rid of it, Don't you become someone who climbs the scales of the dragon and possesses the wings of the phoenix?"

When Feng Yong heard this, is he still a man with a real temperament?

He immediately laughed, "Gong Dexu is the prefect of Yuejun and Yao Zixu is the prefect of Guanghan, but Zhang Zong has a close relationship with them. Why isn't he afraid of being said to be a man who climbs the dragon and attaches himself to the phoenix?"

Then he pointed to himself, "Besides, what kind of dragon and phoenix am I? I transferred Zhang to work in Yuejun, and it was precisely to use Zhang's ability to calm the chaos in Yuejun. I was the one who asked Zhang to work. "

Hearing this, Zhang Ni's eyes suddenly turned red, and he bowed deeply, almost lowering his head to the ground, "Ni, thank you Feng Changshi for your kindness! If you can avenge the death of Gong Dexu Enmity, I will never forget it forever!"

Gong Dexu is Gong Lu, the former governor of Yuejun, who went south with the Prime Minister last year, after the army left Yuejun County, some barbarians rebelled. Gong Lu had few soldiers and was eager to quell the chaos. He accidentally fell into an ambush and was killed by the barbarian leader Li Qiucheng.

Yao Zixu's name is Yao Ni, and now he is the prefect of Guanghan.

Both of them were fellow villagers from the same county of Zhang Ni, and they were already extremely high-ranking officials, but they were close friends with Zhang Ni who was born in a poor family, and they often helped Zhang Ni.

When Zhang Ni learned that Gong Lu had been killed, he was very sad. He went south to worship for three days. After crying, he vowed to avenge his friend.

So when he learned that Feng Yong called him to go to Yuejun, he was ecstatic on the spot, thinking that God really opened his eyes.

At the same time, he was also full of gratitude to Feng Yong.

"It's over!" Feng Yong quickly helped Zhang Yi up, "I once heard that when Zhang was engaged in the weak crown, there were thieves besieging the county, and the county magistrate fled with his family. Killing the blood, this is how the county magistrate's wife survived, he is really a strong man!"

"It's official business for these strong men to be recommended for the country, so why should we thank them?"

Feng Mingwen, the newly promoted Guannei Hou of the Han Dynasty, said with a righteous face.

Zhang Ni sighed in admiration: "Under Feng Langjun's reputation, there are no worthless people! I admire it!"

Post one chapter first, and another chapter before tomorrow morning.

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