Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 480 Visiting the Chiang Mansion

Zhang Ni was tall and tall, with thick brows and a square face, making him a straightforward man at a glance.

It's just that the clothes on his body are a bit shabby. Although they are neat, they are a little pale from washing.

Seeing his appearance, Feng Yong's heart moved, and he asked, "I remember that Zhang is a non-Jincheng person. Now that he comes here, is there a place to stay?"

Zhang Ni listened and nodded, "Naturally, I want to stay in a posthouse."

"How did this happen? In the place of the post house, the houses are simple and poor, and the food is also poor. If you meet a post official who only looks at clothes and does things, you will be angry if you are in a bad mood."

Feng Yong pulled Zhang Yi back, "Since there is nowhere to go, let's stay at the village. After my business in Jincheng is over, wouldn't it be a good time for us to go south to Yuejun together?"

Zhang Ni hesitated for a moment, "How dare you disturb the peace of the Hou Mansion?"

"Hey, why is the Hou's Mansion not the Hou's Mansion? It's just a Zhuangzi! There are still many people living in the Zhuangzi. If there are more than one person, what does it matter?"

Feng Yong held Zhang Ni's hand tightly, refusing to let him go.

Zhang Yi was good at internal affairs but not good at leading troops, otherwise he would not have been caught by Yong Kai and sent to Soochow.

Zhang Yi was just the opposite. He was good at leading the army but not good at comforting the people. Later, when he succeeded Li Hui as the governor of the surrender, he was called back to the court for accountability because of his strict law enforcement and forced him to rebel against the Nanyi leader.

Only Zhang Yi has the strengths of both, but not the shortcomings of both.

Later on, he was appointed as the prefect of Yuejun. He governed the barbarians well and was deeply loved by the barbarians. He was transferred back to Jincheng after fifteen years in the county. Follow voluntarily.

Later, the news of his death during the Northern Expedition spread back to Yuejun, and the people of Yuejun all shed tears, and they also set up temples for him to worship at four o'clock.

It can be said that this is a rare treasure talent.

The old demon Zhuge always wanted someone like Ma Zhong who could lead the army on horseback and caress the people when he was on horseback, but he didn't know that he recommended Zhang Ni to him at that time, but he thought that Zhang Ni's official position was too low to be promoted by leapfrogging.

Hmph, you don't want me!

"Let's go! We will be colleagues in the future, why should Zhang Zong be polite?"

Feng Yong directly took Zhang Yi's hand and walked back to Zhuangzi.

Zhang Yi was not as enthusiastic as Feng Yong, but he was a little moved in his heart, thinking that Feng Langjun really treats people sincerely, without any airs.

"Since that's the case, then it's better to be respectful than obedient."

Zhang Ni felt that if he refused again, it would be hypocrisy.

"Yiwen, Wenxuan, everyone, come here, I will introduce a good talent to you."

Back at the mansion, Feng Yongji happily said to Zhao Guang and others who were waiting in the hall, "This is Zhang from Berkshire..."

What's up Zhang?

Feng Yong blinked, and found that he seemed to be happy just now, and he didn't know Zhang Yi's word.

"Zhang Yi has met you gentlemen." Zhang Yi quickly introduced himself, "I can't be called Feng Langjun as a talented man, just call me Zhang Boqi."

"Oh, yes, Boqi."

Feng Yong nodded, and then introduced Zhao Guang and others to Zhang Ni.

When Zhang Yi heard this, it turned out that the gentlemen present here were actually some of the people who had risen to fame in Jincheng, and immediately went forward to salute each other.

Zhao Guang and the others were already surprised when they learned that Zhang Yi was only engaged in business, and that his elder brother could come out of the house to greet him in person.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the elder brother brought people back to let them know each other, and they were extremely surprised: "Where is this sacred place, that the elder brother attaches so much importance to it?"

Feng Yong didn't care about this, he pulled Zhang Ni to his seat, and said with a smile, "Isn't it a pleasure to have friends coming from afar? Friends come and have delicious food. Bo Qi will stay here with peace of mind, just in time to be close to us, At that time, I will go to Yuejun together. Come here and tell the chef to cook a few more dishes for dinner tonight."

People feel refreshed on happy events, and when they are in a good mood, they feel that good things come more often.

Huang Yueying over there received the gift and handled the matter very readily, and sent someone to inform her that she could visit Jiang Wan the next day.

Feng Yong quickly asked someone to prepare a gift, and took a name card to visit him.

The gate of Jiang's mansion is not big, and a young gentleman walked out of it, bowed his hands to Feng Yong and said, "Jiang Bin has seen Feng Junhou, and my lord has been waiting for Feng Junhou in the mansion for a long time, please come in."

"Jiang Deze?"

When Feng Yong stepped into the door, he glanced at Jiang Bin and asked.

"Return to the Lord, that's right."

"how old are you?"

Feng Yong looked at the young man who had just grown black fluff on his lips, and asked.

Jiang Bin took a strange look at the upstart: he stopped at the door of someone else's house and asked how old the owner was. The rumored Feng Langjun was really weird.

I thought so, but Jiang Bin had no choice but to answer: "Back to Junhou, he is already sixteen."

"Sixteen years old..." Feng Yong, who was nineteen years old, sighed with emotion, "Three years ago, when I met the prime minister for the first time, I was exactly sixteen."

Feng Zhuang, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, asked for advice. Feng Langjun first suggested Donghe Sun Wu, and then offered a strategy to calm Nanzhong.

There are many versions of this story circulating in Jincheng.

As Feng Yongxin was promoted to Marquis of Guannei, he took control of a county at a young age, and the story when he first came out of the mountain was dug out again, which made people talk about it more than before.

At the same time, he has also become an inspirational example for the young man of the Han Dynasty.

Jiang Bin was probably one of them. Seeing fascination in his eyes, he blurted out and asked, "I wish I could see Feng Langjun's demeanor at that time."

Feng Yong shook his head and smiled, "What's the style? It's just a chat with the prime minister."

As he spoke, he looked at Jiang Bin and asked, "There are many vacancies in Yuejun. I suffer from the fact that no one is available. I wonder if Deze is interested in going there?"

Jiang Bin was stunned, the joy on his face flashed away, and then disappeared again, apologetically saying, "How dare Bin make his own decisions on such a big matter? I have to ask the adults for their opinion."

Feng Yong nodded, "It should be so. Deze remember to tell Jiang Canjun at that time, if Jiang Canjun agrees, come to me at any time."

Jiang Bin saluted again, "Your Majesty's kindness, Bin is very grateful."

"I'm not just recommending you at will, but because of your talent."

Feng Yong laughed.

According to the original trajectory of history, several decades later, Zhong Hui led an army of hundreds of thousands into Hanzhong. In the end, three cities were not captured. One of them was Hancheng, and the defender was Jiang Bin.

It's a pity that Jiang Bin obviously didn't believe Feng Yong was telling the truth, so he just smiled and stopped talking.

Following Jiang Bin through the front hall, to the living room, I saw a handsome middle-aged man standing at the door waiting, who is it not Jiang Wan?

Seeing Feng Yong coming, Jiang Wan smiled and said, "Feng Langjun, Wan has been waiting for a long time!"

Feng Yong stepped forward and saluted directly, "Yong took the liberty to come here this time, just asking Jiang Canjun to be a matchmaker, and I hope Jiang Canjun won't bother Yong Yong."

"This is a beautiful thing, why bother?" Jiang Wan stretched out his hand to bow, "Feng Langjun, please go inside and talk about it in detail."

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