Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 481 Premarital Education

Jiang Wan had already agreed to be the matchmaker, otherwise Huang Yueying wouldn't have asked herself to come.

So Feng Yong came here this time to ask Jiang Wan something about the wedding.

In ancient weddings, there were Na Cai, Wen Ming, Na Ji, Na Zheng, asking for a date, and welcoming in person. They were called the six rituals—but Feng Yong never understood!

"Those who are oblivious to the ceremony will combine the best of the two surnames. The upper one will serve the ancestral temple, and the lower one will be passed on to future generations. Therefore, a gentleman attaches great importance to it."

Jiang Wan said to Feng Yong, "Feng Junhou wants to marry the wife of the Guan family in Qin and Jin Dynasties, because he wants to do the courtesy of a gentleman."

"A gentleman's gift?"

When Feng Yong heard this, he felt that Jiang Wan's words were really nice, so he nodded quickly, "Yes, yes. I am a gentleman..."

Jiang Wan: ...

"Jiang Canjun, please continue."

Feng Yong didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he said.

What did I say just now?

Jiang Wan felt that he couldn't turn the corner. After thinking for a long time, he said with a bit of stammer, "The gift of a gentleman... the six rituals of the ancients, at least three months of preparation, at most half a year, one year, or even three years It's all uncertain."

"What? Is this too long?"

Feng Yong exclaimed.

The corner of Jiang Wan's mouth twitched.

"Oh, I'm just rushing to Yuejun to take up the post, so I feel like three months..."

Seeing something wrong with Jiang Wan's expression, Feng Yong quickly explained.

"That's an ancient method!"

Even the good-tempered Jiang Wan couldn't restrain herself, "After the great chaos at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the etiquette has already collapsed. In the former Han Dynasty, Liu Xin was ordered by the emperor to remake the wedding ceremony, but most of them followed the Zhou ceremony, with only minor changes. "

"It's a pity that Wang Mang's misfortune happened again soon. At that time, most people in the world abandoned the complicated and kept simple. The common people, even just paying respects to the time, are considered married."

Feng Yong breathed a sigh of relief, "That's okay."

When Jiang Wan heard this, blue veins popped up slightly on his forehead, "That's a commoner! Both of your two families are in the Marquis Mansion, how can you be so rude?"

What is rude?

Feng Yongzheng was about to open his mouth, but when he saw Jiang Wan staring at him viciously, he could only laugh dryly, "Jiang Canjun, you continue."

"Etiquette is nothing more than human feelings. Since a wedding is a matter of the ancestral temple and is passed on to future generations, it can naturally follow the authority because of the ancestral temple. Now since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the world has been in chaos. How similar is it to the troubled times during Wang Mang's disaster?"

"The Han Dynasty is in danger. You are an important official of the Han Dynasty, and you are also contributing to the country. Although you can't follow the common people and just pay respects to the time, there are some places that can be kept simple."

After Jiang Wan finished speaking, she glanced at Feng Yong.

Feng Yong kept his mouth shut and just looked at Jiang Wan.

The two stared at each other for a while, Feng Yong couldn't help but asked, "Can I talk?"


Jiang Wan almost lost his breath.

This kid, there are a lot of words that are not allowed to speak, but when you are asked to speak, are you so disciplined?

"I don't know how Jiang Canjun thinks he should keep it simple?"

Feng Yong thought to himself that the simpler the better, just like in later generations, with nine dollars and nine, a visit to the Civil Affairs Bureau, they became husband and wife.

I don't know if Jiang Wan knew what Feng Yong was thinking, and said immediately, "The meaning of simplicity is not the simplicity of the six rituals, but the time for getting married can be shortened."

"How short?"

"One month. Although the time is tight, the six rituals can be completed, but have you prepared everything you need?"

"What should I prepare?"

Feng Yong humbly asked for advice.

"The most important thing is naturally the geese."

Seeing Feng Yong's humility, Jiang Wan nodded in satisfaction, "Of the six rites, except Nazheng, the remaining five rites all use live geese, so you have to prepare a few more geese."

"Big geese?" Feng Yong was startled, thinking that everything else is easy to talk about, as long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem.

It's just that this kind of migratory living thing is a bit troublesome.

"Now that the weather is getting warmer, wild geese are flying south. If you pay more attention, you should be able to find it."

Jiang Wan reminded, "The geese follow the relationship between yin and yang, and they are trustworthy things. Therefore, taking geese as faith is the way to understand husbands and wives. To take the meaning of loyalty and trustworthiness, you can't be careless."

"Okay, I see."

Feng Yong nodded.

Jiang Wan glanced at Feng Yong again, but hesitated to speak.

"Does Jiang Canjun still have orders?"

Jiang Wan coughed, "Feng Langjun, after these six rituals, you will be considered a husband and wife. I don't need to talk about this husband and wife, right?"

What else can there be between husband and wife? Isn't that the only thing? What do you want to say?

Feng Yong didn't react for a while.

"Didn't Mr. Feng Lang have a concubine?"

Jiang Wan's eyes were a little erratic.

what you up to? !

Feng Yong recalled Jiang Wan's praise of Amei when he was in Nanxiang, and the alarm bells in his heart rang.

"Since Feng Langjun has a concubine's room, he should know something about the affairs in the house. There is also a booklet here, Feng Langjun, take it back and read it, maybe it will be helpful for the couple's affairs."

As he spoke, Jiang Wan took out a silk book from his sleeve and handed it to Feng Yong, with a pained expression on his face, "After reading it, Mr. Feng Lang, remember to return it, the book is precious."

"What's this?"

Feng Yong took it over, wondering what secrets are in it?

"Don't be too busy, wait until you go back and see..."

Jiang Wan saw Feng Yong took it and opened it, and immediately stopped it.

It's just that although his hands are fast, how can Feng Yong's eyes be as fast?

Although it was only a corner of the page, it was possible to glimpse the content inside.

this is not……

The legendary Dongxuanzi thirty-six moves?

Jiang Wan's old face was slightly hot, and he coughed, "Supposedly, these things were taught by the elders of the family before marriage, but both the prince's parents are dead, since the old man agreed to this matchmaker, so he just did it. "

Seeing Feng Yong's bewildered expression, he thought he was shy, so he immediately explained, "Since you want to start a family, you should understand that this couple's Dunlun matter is nothing more than normal."

"When a couple first started, they naturally felt fresh, but after living together for a long time, they felt a little boring. Therefore, the experience passed down by the sages is the treasure that makes the couple harmonious."

Who said that the ancients were feudal, isn't this very open?

Feng Yong glanced at Jiang Wan, who was trying to show a serious appearance to impart experience, and opened the booklet again.

Hey, it's just a black-and-white painting, and the characters are drawn out of proportion. What's so good about it?

However, the above poses are a bit interesting, on the roof in the room, on the stone in the courtyard, front, back, side, everything.

There are even pictures of many maids serving them.

It seems that the ancients also knew how to play.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong suddenly thought of something, he looked up at Jiang Wan, and asked, "Jiang Canjun, you just said that such things are taught by the elders in the family before marriage?"

"It's natural."

Hearing this, Feng Yong suddenly showed a wretched smile.

I don't know what Huang Yueying will teach Guan Ji? If this is the case for the album...

After that, wouldn't it be "threesomes, there must be me happy?"

Sorry, it's a bit of a Calvin. Although I have repeatedly told myself not to be affected, the mentality of being sprayed is still a bit broken.

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