Thinking of this, Feng Yong directly put the notebook into his arms.

After experiencing the true secret prison affair.avi, Feng Yong couldn't help feeling hot every time he thought of Guan Ji's amorous feelings.

Black and white is black and white, color is not important, posture is important - Guan Ji is a martial arts practitioner, movements that ordinary people can't do are not a problem for Guan Ji.

Now Hanzhong has started to work on the coloring of woolen tickets. As long as qualified pigments can be produced, it will be a big deal to find someone to draw a colored version of the booklet.

After Jiang Wan explained some things to Feng Yong, Jiang Bin sent him out of the mansion.

"My lord, Feng Junhou has left."

After Jiang Bin came back, he said to his adults.

Jiang Wan nodded, looked at Jiang Bin, and asked, "Didn't you always say that you want to get acquainted with him? I can meet you today, what do you think of him?"

Jiang Bin thought about it for a long time before he could say, "It's not bad."

"Just good?"

Jiang Wan glanced at his son and smiled.

"Treat people well, the rest, the child can't see it for a while."

Jiang Bin answered honestly.

Jiang Wan nodded, and said, "That's right, after all, it's just a one-time acquaintance, so it's understandable if you don't see it for a while."

Thinking of all the weird things I saw in Nanxiang, I agreed with Jiang Bin's words: this Feng Mingwen, if he hadn't been with him for a long time, it would be difficult to understand him.

Seeing the hesitation on his son's face, he felt strange, "Why? What else is there?"

"My lord, it's like this. Then Feng Junhou wants me to go to Yuejun with him, what do you think?"

Jiang Bin remembered what Feng Yong said to him at the door, and finally asked.

Seeing the expression on Jiang Bin's face, Jiang Wan understood, "Do you want to go?"

"The child is already sixteen, it's time to go out and have a look."

Jiang Bin was indeed somewhat moved.

Jiang Wan smiled and shook his head, "If Feng Mingwen brought up this matter before, it would be fine. But now, he is obviously trying to repay my promise to be a matchmaker for him. If you go, wouldn't it be a plan to blackmail you? Repaying the generation? This is not what a gentleman does, so let it go."

After hearing this, Jiang Bin showed a slight disappointment on his face, but he also knew that what the lord said was true, so he nodded immediately, "What the lord said is reasonable."

"If you really want to become an official, I have an idea."

"My lord, please tell me."

"Hanzhong Metallurgy in Hanzhong Nanxiang will soon have a vacancy for a supervisor. You can try it."

When Jiang Bin heard this, he was a little surprised and asked: "The supervisor of Hanzhong Metallurgy, isn't it..."

"Yes, that's right." Jiang Wan nodded, "Mr. Feng Lang was originally a supervisor, but now that he has the honor of a prince, it is impossible for him to be this supervisor again. What's more, if you really want to know Feng Langjun, it would be best to go to Nanxiang to have a look."

"But Hanzhong Metallurgy belongs to the inner government..."

Jiang Wan showed hesitation.

The inner mansion is owned by the imperial palace, serving as a supervisor is equivalent to selling oneself to the royal family.

It's normal for the emperor's house to sell goods.

But the current big man is not a normal phenomenon, because the current emperor's family is not considered a good buyer.

"Your Majesty is still Your Majesty after all. After all, the emperor's surname is Liu."

Jiang Wan looked outside the door, without focus, and suddenly said something inexplicable.

In the deepest part of his heart, there was still a sentence that he hadn't said: Moreover, the prime minister would only be Duke Yi Yin Zhou, not Wang Mang or Cao Cao.

If the prime minister had a little thought, he should take advantage of the return of the Southern Expedition and his prestige to step up his efforts to cultivate his cronies instead of worrying about state affairs.

Not to mention thinking day and night for the Northern Expedition and swallowing Wei, worrying endlessly-Wei is ten times stronger than Han, how can it be so easy to swallow Wei?

The late emperor entrusted the prime minister with state affairs, and in less than four years, the prime minister's temples had already started to turn gray. One can imagine how much painstaking effort the prime minister has put into these few years?

This is not something a person with a heart can do.

As Jiang Wan who always follows the prime minister, he understands one thing better.

That is, in the current prime minister's mansion, whether it is Xiang Lang, Yang Hong, Zhang Yi, or Ma Di, himself, and Yang Yi and others, although they are all people who are valued by the prime minister.

But if one is pulled out alone, no matter who it is, it will not have the ability and reputation to stand out from the crowd and convince everyone.

It doesn't matter whether the prime minister caused the current situation intentionally or unintentionally, but in Jiang Wan's own opinion, after the prime minister, there should be no one who can reach the level of the prime minister.

The prime minister should not keep such a character.

So in the end, it is inevitable that the Son of Heaven will be in charge.

It's just that Jiang Wan would not say these shocking words, but said to his son, "You are sixteen years old, don't worry, go to Nanxiang first, and talk about it after two years of experience."

"Yes, my lord."

Jiang Bin is filial by nature, so he had no choice but to agree.

After Feng Yong left the Jiang's residence, he was about to leave the city when he saw a gentleman standing at the gate of the city. His face was like jade, his eyebrows were like swords, and his body was like a jade tree. Even if he stood there quietly, he was very handsome and charming. Unique, giving people a sense of noble Tsinghua University.

People entering and leaving the city gate, even if they were men, many people paid attention to him and saluted him.

Not to mention those women and girls, when they saw him, their hearts were beating wildly.

Just when many people were wondering which nobleman this handsome man was, or the son of a family, they saw that man's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stepped forward, facing a plain-faced man Lang Jun bowed deeply: "I have seen Feng Lang Jun."

Feng Yongshi never expected to meet Mi Zhao here.

"Why is Mi Lang-jun here?"

A month ago, Mi Zhao affectionately called Feng Yong his elder brother, but at this moment, the two of them have become strangers to this point.

"I'm here to wait for Feng Langjun. I want to invite Feng Langjun to a banquet. I wonder if Feng Langjun can take the time?"

Mi Zhao showed a little apologetic look on his face, but at the same time, a little hopeful look.

"I'm busy, I'm afraid I don't have so much time."

Feng Yong said calmly.

"Don't dare to delay Feng Lang-jun for too long. I heard that Feng Lang-jun wants to say goodbye recently, and Zhao has ten wild geese in his hand, all of which are intact and are currently being raised at home. If Feng Lang-jun does not give up, Zhao can become the beauty of a gentleman. .”

Mi Zhao said again in a low voice.

Hearing this, Feng Yong's heart moved.

It is easy to shoot wild geese, but it is not easy to catch them alive and prevent them from being harmed.

Although it is not difficult to find qualified geese based on my current ability, it will always take some time.

Naturally, the sooner the better for marrying Guan Ji, so if someone sent the wild goose to their door right now, it would save me a lot of effort.

"I see, that's fine too. Where is the banquet?"

For the sake of wild geese, Feng Yong acted reluctantly.

"There is a Yipin Pavilion in the city, Feng Langjun, please move a little bit."

"Okay, let's lead the way."

It's just that when Mi Zhao led Feng Yong to the Yipin Pavilion, Feng Yong couldn't help being a little stunned.

"Isn't this Yuyao Pavilion?"

A month ago, I smashed the facade here.

And Mi Zhao is the one who started the fire.

Looking at Mi Zhao, he saw embarrassment on his face, "Jincheng has lost Yuyao Pavilion a long time ago, and now this pavilion is called Yipin Pavilion."

"Is that so..." Feng Yong rubbed his chin, "Where's the girl inside?"

"Miss Yun Yirong has changed her name to Xie Qing."

The embarrassment on Mi Zhao's face grew stronger.

"So that's the case." Feng Yong nodded, but his expression became a little strange when he looked at Mi Zhao.

You managed to get me to smash this attic a month ago, and you invite me to dinner here a month later?


"Then go in and take a look."

Yipin Pavilion is obviously not open today, and there are no guests in the entire pavilion, except for the occasional servants who can be seen passing by.

Mi Zhao led Feng Yong to an exquisitely furnished small cabinet on the second floor of the attic. Sitting here, he could see the entire street outside.

It has to be said that the location of Yipin Pavilion is really a golden location.

The case table was filled with all kinds of dishes, but Feng Yong didn't like his eyes. He casually picked up some and put them in his mouth. Then he put down the chopsticks and asked, "Why did you invite me here? Now we can say gone."

Feng Yong is not yet convinced that Mi Zhao is purely for sending wild geese.

Mi Zhao took the spoon himself, scooped up a bowl of soup for Feng Yong, and then said, "May Feng Lang-jun allow Zhao to whisper?"

Feng Yong looked at the trilogy around him, and said to them, "Go out first."

"You can't do it!"

As expected, Buqu strongly objected.

When he was assassinated in Nanzhong, Feng Yong's trilogy was severely cleaned up by Guan Ji.

In addition, now that Feng Yong's status has become a prince, he has to be more cautious in his trilogy. Some people are left on the first floor and some people on the second floor, and this small cabinet must follow people.

"You just wait outside."

Feng Yong waved his hand, "Don't worry, Mr. Mi Lang won't dare to blatantly harm me."

When Mi Zhao heard this, his face was extremely bitter.

Unable to resist Feng Yong, he had to look at Mi Zhao vigilantly, and then slowly backed out.

"Be respectful by doing first!"

Mi Zhao raised the bowl, took the soup inside as wine, and drank it all in one gulp.

Feng Yong took a sip and found that the soup was sour and astringent. Perhaps the only reason why it made people feel like drinking it was because it could smell a faint smell of wine.

"This is... fermented glutinous rice?"

Feng Yong murmured to himself suspiciously, but he didn't like to drink alcohol. In his previous life, he also liked to drink sweets when he drank fermented glutinous rice. Naturally, such things couldn't catch his eyes.

Mi Zhao didn't care whether Feng Yong drank the contents of the bowl, he poured another bowl by himself, and then smiled wryly, "As far as I know, what happened last time was not done properly, so this bowl is my own. Punishment, to accompany the king and marquis."

Then, he drank it all at once.

Pour another bowl.

"Your Majesty will be getting married in the near future, and I'm afraid you won't be able to congratulate him in person when the photo comes. This bowl is to congratulate you in advance!"

Seeing Mi Zhao's sad and bitter face, Feng Yong sighed softly, "Why bother?"

Mi Zhao shook his head and let out a long sigh, "Everyone says that I was born into a royal family, which is a blessing. But who knows my difficulties?"

Saying that, he drank another bowl by himself.

It seems that he really drank the fermented glutinous rice as wine.

The Mi family was bound together with the royal family by nature.

It can be said that the rise and fall of the Mi family depends on the degree of favor of the holy family.

The other family may still have a chance to vote for the prime minister's residence, but the Mi family cannot.

So there are many times when the Mi family has to help the palace with some inconvenient things.

"Your Majesty, you know, what are the ten wild geese in my hand going to do?"

"Dayan, of course it's used to say kiss."

"That's right, it is indeed used to discuss marriage, but do you know who I am going to propose marriage to?"

Mi Zhao looked at Feng Yong steadily.


Feng Yong asked casually regardless of Mi Zhao's gaze.

Anyway, it couldn't be Guan Ji.

"There used to be several, but recently there was another one."

"Oh, it's a good thing. A good girl has several families begging, isn't it the other way around? Naturally, a good man will have many begging."

Feng Yong smiled lightly.

"The nearest family is the young lady of the Zhang family."

Mi Zhao didn't care about Feng Yong's ridicule, but still looked at Feng Yong fixedly, and suddenly said this sentence.

Feng Yong's face froze, and the smile on his face froze.

"The young lady of the Zhang family? Which Zhang?"

"Naturally, it's Zhang from the Marquis of Zhang Xixiang."

Mi Zhao chuckled, and drank down another bowl of fermented glutinous rice, feeling unspeakably bitter, "I heard that Miss Zhang proposed it on her own initiative."

Feng Yong's heart seemed to be pinched by something, and it hurt a little, "Then what? You sent me the wild goose, what should you do?"

"I sent the wild goose to Junhou, so naturally I don't want to talk about kissing for the time being."

Mi Zhao smiled wryly and shook his head.

If it is justifiable to offend this person earlier, then if he really dares to promise to marry Miss Zhang at this time, I am afraid that it will offend him to death.

Feng Langjun is clever with his words, and Xiao Wenhe is cruel and cruel, but it is really not just talking casually.

Liao Li who was exiled to Wenshan Mountain, Xu Xun whose leg was broken, aristocratic families who were bleeding in the middle of Sichuan, countless unjust souls in the underground of Hanzhong, barbarians who were scared and trembling by the ghost king...

Everyone wants to express their opinion on this.

To be honest, if Mi Zhao said that he was not afraid these days, it would be a lie.

Seeing Feng Yong's face relaxed, he nodded and agreed, "Remember last year there was a statistic in Nanxiang? This woman got married two or three years later, which is good for her health. Miss Zhang got married later, It's also great...”

When he said this, Lao Feng felt a little hot on his face.

Sometimes, even if you don't drink, you will be drunk.

Mi Zhao felt as if he was already drunk. Seeing the change in Feng Yong's expression, he couldn't help but boldly sneered: Bah!

It's just that he thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

"Feng Junhou, South China Metallurgical Corporation is about to be established, but there is no talent to take pictures. I want to ask myself to go there to be a supervisor. What do you think?"

Mi Zhao asked carefully.

"Nanzhong Metallurgical Supervisory Order? This is not a matter in the inner mansion. Ask me what to do..."

When Feng Yong said this, seeing Mi Zhao's expression, he suddenly understood in his heart.

Nanzhong is still a barren land, and Mi Zhao's actions are actually tantamount to self-exile.

Just look at Liao Li and you will understand, how far is Wenshan County from Shu County? This is considered exile.

And Nanzhong, I don't know how many times worse than Wenshan's environment. It can't be said that if you accidentally contract miasma, you will die.

"Mr. Mi Lang is a relative of the emperor, why is this?"

Feng Yong swears that he is sincerely persuading.

What the hell, Mi Zhao's identity is at least A Dou's cousin!

wrong! Like a cousin?

It's pretty much the same thing anyway.

If he was really forced to go to Nanzhong because of himself, what would others think of him?

Wouldn't it be one more sentence?

Zi Ya must report to the Marquis of the customs?

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