Jincheng in the early spring is warm and cold.

Coupled with the fact that it has rained for the past two days, it makes people feel a little damp and cold.

Guan Xing was reading a book at his desk in the room.

A stove was installed in the house, and the long chimney stretched out, so that there was no smoke in the house.

The fire in the stove was burning brightly, driving away the damp and cold in the room.

At this time, I saw a person walking in from outside the house and said, "An Guo, are you reading again?"

Guan Xing heard the words and looked up, "It's Xingwu."

Pointing to the table in front of him, he said, "Sit down as you please."

Zhang Bao went in and out of the customs mansion just like his own home, and no servants were required to report it. After he found a place to sit down by himself, he asked, "What book is An Guo reading again?"

Guan Xing held up the book in his hand, it looked brand new, and shook it, "San Niang brought it back, it's called "Daily Exercises in the Army", and it is said to be the latest printed one in Hanzhong."

"This name sounds like it has something to do with the military?"

Zhang Bao asked curiously.

"It's really related." Guan Xing put down the book, pondered for a while, and then asked, "Did Xingwu remember those moves that Zhao Yiwen and Wang Zishi led during the Southern Expedition last year?"

"Of course I remember."

At that time, Zhao Guang and Wang Xun led the trilogy, although there were only a hundred people, but they were the most unique.

Not only is the response the fastest every time they gather, the ranks are extremely neat, and a hundred people obey orders, as if one person is acting, and there are laws for marching and setting up camps.

If it wasn't for the lack of bloody murderous aura on them, Zhang Bao thought they were rare elite soldiers.

After asking in the end, I found out that except for those who were with Zhao Guang who were the personal guards of the Zhao family, the rest were all brought from Nanxiang.

"I heard that in those parts, Nanxiang's military training method was first used to train soldiers who can understand military orders, and then they began to teach them military formation and fighting skills. The military training method is somewhat different from other places."

"I've heard about this too." Zhang Bao nodded, looking at the book in Guan Xing's hand, his eyes lit up, "Could it be that this book is Nanxiang's method of training soldiers?"

Guan Xing nodded, "I heard from Sanniang that those parts of the Southern Expedition were only Feng..."

When speaking of the word "Feng", Guan Xing always had to pause as if something was stuck in his throat.

"Feng Mingwen? It really is him?"

Zhang Bao asked bluntly.

"That's right, it was indeed him. Those steps during the Southern Expedition were just his attempts, and it seemed to work well at the time. So he improved and re-compiled this exercise manual based on the problems that occurred during the Southern Expedition."

Guan Xing raised the book in Yang's hand, "Sanniang sent me a copy."

"Is there such a good thing?"

Zhang Bao was overjoyed, "An Guo, you brother-in-law..."

As soon as Guan Xing heard the word "brother-in-law", and then thought of all the things in Nanzhong, his face immediately changed.

Zhang Bao naturally knew that Guan Xing had always disliked Feng Yong, but he was not the one who wanted to marry a girl, so what he said was objectively divided.

"An Guo, I didn't say that. Sanniang's vision is really good. Although this Feng Mingwen behaves a little weirdly, he is talented, especially in governing the country, which is beyond your comparison. This point We have to admit it."

"Look how long it takes, he will have to be a Marquis of Guannei, and in a few more years, it won't be too difficult to be a Marquis."

"Also, look, he has a long-term affection for Sanniang, and his reputation... um, his reputation is pretty good, right?"

Having said that, Zhang Bao stuttered, thinking of such words as clever words, ruthless and cruel.

So he sneaked a look at Guan Xing, saw his expression was blank, and immediately continued to speak.

"Although there are various rumors, I haven't heard that he ever hangs around his wife..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Bao thought of the rumor that Feng Langjun liked to marry a girl, and felt that he was a bit speechless, so he had to mention another sentence.

"San Niang is also interested in him. This man is affectionate, my concubine is interested, the man is talented, and the concubine is beautiful. Now in Jincheng, I don't know how many women are envious of this good marriage!"

"Also, when he was in Nanzhong, he saved your life anyway..."

It's good that Zhang Bao didn't mention this, but when he mentioned this, Guan Xing remembered Feng Yong's face when he rescued him in Nanzhong, and he felt even more frustrated.

"Look at the present, he can even give you such a hard-to-find military training method..."

The more Guan Xing listened to Zhang Bao's words, the more awkward he felt. He immediately interrupted Zhang Bao's words and said quietly, "Xing Wu, this is not like the usual you."

Zhang Bao's expression froze, and he said with a dry smile, "But what I'm telling is the truth."

"It's the truth," Guan Xing nodded, and glanced at Zhang Bao, "but it's not like what you can usually say."

He said with a long sigh, "You and I are like brothers, how can you hide your thoughts from me? Tell me, why are you speaking so well for Feng Mingwen this time?"

Seeing that Zhang Bao couldn't hide it, he confessed with a broken face, "Then Feng Mingwen, hasn't someone come to the house to propose marriage?"

"How can it be so fast? He has just been released from prison not long ago. You must be prepared, right?"

"An Guo is ready to agree?"

"I didn't want to agree, but can I not agree?"

Guan Xing glanced at Zhang Bao, "Even you came here for this matter."

Zhang Bao sighed, and said, "I can't help it. Those uncles who are related to the adults have suddenly come to the door recently. What Mingli said was that he hadn't moved for a long time, but the meaning behind the words was nothing more than asking four people. Does mother have any intention of getting married recently..."

As he spoke, he pointed at Guan Xing, then pointed at himself, "Tell me, this is clearly Sanniang's marriage, why do they worry about Siniang?"

"That's right, it's the same in your house, let alone mine?"

Guan Xing's face was also full of helplessness, "Everyone who comes to the house is like you, saying good things about Feng Mingwen, saying that he and Sanniang are a match made in heaven, a rare good marriage."

"Then what does Anguo think?"

Zhang Bao asked with concern.

"What else can I do? Sanniang is now with the prime minister's wife, and I haven't seen her for several days. It seems that she is determined to marry into Feng's residence. As a brother, I naturally only want to marry her." I can agree."

Guan Xing said helplessly.

In the past few years, people in the Guan family hated ghosts, but it was true that they were not liked by others.

Fortunately, he had a good reputation and was favored by the prime minister, so he kept the Guan family from falling down.

But it must be true that life is hard.

The resurgence only happened two years ago, to be exact, after Sanniang went to Hanzhong with Feng Mingwen.

Sanniang held the share of the ranch and workshop in her hand, and began to ask people to come to her again.

It would be a lie to say that Guan Xing did not want to see the Guan family revived.

But when he remembered that Sanniang traded himself and Feng Mingwen for it, he felt uncomfortable.

I always feel that I owe Sanniang a shame.

I always feel that the kid is taking advantage of others.

And now, because of Sanniang's marriage to that boy, there are more and more visitors to the Guanfu.

Guan Xing felt the pressure more and more: this marriage seems to have been gradually out of his control, and it feels like he is no longer in charge.

It was related to the interests of many dignitaries of the big man, as well as the imperial court's win over the people of Shu, coupled with the chaos in Yuejun County, even the two people in the palace had to give in.

Now the two most suitable daughters to marry Feng Yong are Guan Sanniang and Zhang Siniang.

If he really dared not agree to this marriage, and later let Si Niang take the opportunity to marry Feng Yong, then the Guan family would offend many colleagues and dignitaries, and then he would really become a hater.

"It's a good thing if An Guo can think that way."

Zhang Bao breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Bao also understood what the queen wanted Si Niang to marry Feng Yong.

This is naturally good for the royal family, but it is hard to say whether it will benefit or harm the Zhang family.

In addition, the Guan family was involved, so Zhang Bao really didn't want his sister to go into this muddy water again.

Looking at Guan Xing with some pity in his eyes, Zhang Bao thought to himself that there is such a brother-in-law at the Anguo stall, and such an independent sister, it is really not easy to be such a brother!

On the other hand, when Guan Xing saw Zhang Bao's eyes like this, a ball of evil fire rose in his heart, and he blurted out, "Where is Si Niang?"

Zhang Bao was startled, "What?"

"Is Si Niang fourteen this year? In two years, she will be sixteen. I wonder what kind of family Xingwu plans to find for her?"

Because of the statistical results of Nanxiang County in the second half of last year, the well-informed Jincheng dignitaries knew in their hearts that if they married their daughters too early, they would harm their daughters.

Staying at home for two more years is for the good of my daughter.

Although this kind of thing has not been said publicly, there is at least such an awareness in the wealthy family of the big man.

When Zhang Bao heard this, his face froze.

Then he glanced at Guan Xing resentfully, "An Guo, you're talking about Sanniang's marriage, why are you talking about Siniang? It's not a bad thing for Siniang to stay at home for two more years."

"It's okay, let's talk about marriage first, and make a decision first. It's okay to wait two years for getting married."

Guan Xing said happily.

Then there must be someone who dares to take over for that bastard boy in this limelight, right?

With Zhang Bao thinking this way, the veins on his forehead also faintly bulged.

Zhang Xiaoniang, who has a beautiful face and a beautiful appearance, has become famous all over the world.

It was such an article praising my younger sister's beautiful appearance that made her a good name, but it also became an obstacle to her marriage.

A few days ago, the little girl suddenly proposed by herself, wanting to tell her about a marriage.

Mi's family is one of the few families with the best relationship with Zhang's family, and it is also the one with the closest relationship, so they refused directly.

With the example of the Mi family, those who were interested in it were pretending to be stupid, and only said that Miss Zhang was a little young, and they would wait two years to talk about it.

Zhang Bao knew that it wasn't that they didn't want to, or that they didn't dare, but that they didn't think it was worth it, and they wanted to get past the limelight.

Of course there are people who are not afraid of offending others, but they all want to be exhausted and take advantage of the opportunity to gain both people and money.

After all, the money and property in the hands of the younger sister accounted for more than half of the income of the family.

Or the door is not right, and there is a clinging heart,

They are all people whose character makes people look down on them.

Alas, it seems that the younger sister's marriage can only be postponed.

Thinking of how Si Niang became taciturn after hearing about Feng Yong's decision to marry San Niang, and she no longer had the romantic temperament she used to, Zhang Bao felt distressed for a while.

Although her appearance now is the ladylike appearance that my mother wants, but Zhang Bao feels that it is better to let her stay innocent all the time if she really needs to hurt her heart to become a ladylike lady!

Thinking of this, Zhang Bao and Guan Xing glanced at each other, and at the same time, they had a thought in their hearts: Maybe strangling someone to death is the best way to relieve hatred!

Both knew that each other had this idea, but they couldn't say it out, and for a while, both of them felt that they had lost interest.

"What were we talking about in the first place?"

Guan Xing looked at the book in his hand and asked quietly.

"It seems to be talking about military drills?"

"Then let's talk about drills, shall we? I don't want to mention that troublesome thing."

Guan Xing sighed helplessly, feeling more and more frustrated.

I thought that if Sanniang hadn't passed by that Fengzhuang back then, the boy would not have known Sanniang.

That kid doesn't know Sanniang, so Sanniang won't marry him.

If Sanniang doesn't marry him, then there won't be so many troubles...

"Alright. What's so wonderful about this drill?"

"There are no wonders, but there are strange things."

"What's so strange?"

"I heard that this exercise dictionary must be based on literacy. The more people who can read in the army, the more useful it will be."

"Isn't that useless to us?"

Zhang Baodun felt disappointed. When he first learned how to read, he was often lazy. When he heard this exercise code and asked soldiers to read, he really felt that it was meaningless: Who would be a soldier if he could read and write?

"There's always something to it."

Guan Xing opened the book again, "Thinking about those soldiers in Nanxiang, except for the orders and prohibitions, they always feel that they are more special than other places, but they can't tell. So take a look, if you can find the reason, that would be the best. "

At this moment, only a servant came to report: "Your Majesty, there are people outside the residence asking to see you."


When Guan Xing heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that no matter who it was, it came at the right time, so there was no need to be so embarrassing anymore.

"The person here claims to be a member of the Prime Minister's Mansion who joined the army. His surname is Jiang. This is a famous post."

The next person handed over a name card.

There was only one surnamed Jiang in the Prime Minister's House who joined the army, and that was Jiang Wan.

"Jiang Gongyan?"

Guan Xing opened it and saw that it was really him, "Why did he come? So fast?"

"What is Jiang Gongyan doing here?"

Zhang Bao asked curiously.

Embarrassment appeared on Guan Xing's face again, he coughed, and said in a low voice, "Nacai."

Suddenly, Zhang Bao also coughed, "Then Anguo should change clothes quickly and go to meet him."

Nace is only the first step in proposing marriage.

In this step, whether the woman's family is willing or not, a matchmaker has to be brought in.

"Okay, Xingwu please do yourself a favor, I'll go and say hello first."

Don't let people wait outside the door for a long time, otherwise it will be a breach of etiquette, Guan Xing got up hastily, and went to change into Chinese clothes.

Jiang Wan, who was outside the gate of the Guanfu, was wearing a Xuanduan gown and a long crown, with a dignified expression, like a handsome middle-aged man with a dashing demeanor.

I saw that he was still holding a cage covered with a black cloth in his hand, waiting patiently for the master to come out.

After a while, the housekeeper of the Guan Mansion opened the door, stepped forward and bowed in salute: "Dare to ask why the guest came?"

"I heard that there is a beautiful woman in the Guan Mansion. She was entrusted by Feng Junhou and came here to accept her."

Jiang Wan said loudly.

The housekeeper saluted again: "Guest please wait a moment, let the villain report back to the master."

After speaking, go inside and tell Guan Xing.

Guan Xing, dressed in fine clothes, came out and paid respects to Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan accepted the gift, but did not say goodbye.

After Guan Xing saluted, he bowed again, "Please let the envoy come in and speak."

Leading Jiang Wan to the gate of the ancestral hall of the Guan Mansion, Guan Xing bowed again, "Please invite the envoy into the ancestral hall."

Jiang Wan returned the salute, "Don't dare to enter the holy place of the family temple first."

After three bows and three concessions, Jiang Wan took the wild goose out of the cage and entered from the west steps.

Guan Xing enters from the east steps.

After paying homage to the ancestors of the Guan family in the ancestral hall, Jiang Wan began to say, "The Feng family has a good son, and I have heard for a long time that the third wife of your family is a beautiful woman. I entrust a certain one to come here to adopt him as an ancestor."

Guan Xing said to each other: "Sanniang is stupid, and she can't teach her. She is favored by Feng Liangzi, and she is honored..."

Speaking of this, Guan Xing really gritted his teeth a bit.

This is really against my will...

"No, dare, resign, also!"

Guan Xing said word by word.

"Dare to accept?"

Jiang Wan asked.

Goodbye Guan Xing.

So Jiang Wan faced south and gave Guan Xing the wild goose.

Guan Xing also went south to receive geese.

Na Caibi, the two left the ancestral hall.

Guan Xing handed the geese to the steward, while Jiang Wan waited at the gate of the ancestral hall.

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