Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 485 Done

The housekeeper of the Guan family stepped forward and returned the goose to Jiang Wan.

At this point, Nace is all done.

Guan Xing asked again, "What else is there, sir?"

Jiang Wan held the goose and asked Yu Guanxing, "Excuse me for your name."

At this point, if the woman is not satisfied with the man, she should refuse the envoy's name.

The marriage of the two families is over.

So when Guan Xing heard Jiang Wan's words, he sighed quietly in his heart, wondering if he was finally coming?

Just after hesitating for a moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a head protruding from the corner of the opposite ancestral hall, and the owner of the head was staring at him with wide-open beautiful eyes.

There was threat and urging in his eyes.

The corners of Guan Xing's mouth twitched, thinking when did San Niang return to the mansion? How could it be such a coincidence?

The threat in Guan Ji's eyes was even stronger.

Guan Xing had no choice but to close his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes! Please let the envoys in."

When Guan Ji heard this, a smile appeared on her face, and her head disappeared with a "swoosh".

Jiang Wan and Guan Xing stepped into the ancestral hall again.

"Someone is named, and will be added to the divination. Who dare to ask the girl to be her family?"

Jiang Wan asked.

Guan Xing replied: "You have a destiny, and you should choose it according to the number..."

At this point, he gritted his teeth and said, "Some, no, dare, resignation!"

"My younger sister Sanniang, daughter of the Guan family, named Yinping..."

Jiang Wan smiled with satisfaction.

The two gave the wild goose, received the wild goose, and returned the wild goose.

After asking the names, the marriage between the two families is considered settled.

After doing all this, Guan Xing felt lost, thinking of Sanniang's urging eyes just now, he felt even more uncomfortable: Is the little girl in a hurry to get married, or is she in a hurry to marry that bastard...

Jiang Wan didn't know what Guan Xing was thinking, so he cupped his hands and said to Guan Xing with a smile on his face, "The ceremony is completed, and Wan will leave. When Wan goes back, tell Feng Junhou, and please Guan Junhou to wait at ease." some time."

Guan Xing hurriedly stopped him and said, "Jiang Canjun came here so hard, and left without even drinking a sip of water. How can this be? If it doesn't spread, it will make people say that the Guan family has no manners. The banquet has been prepared in the mansion. Please take a seat."

"Then Wan would be more respectful than obedient!"

Jiang Wan laughed.

Different from Guan Xing, since Jiang Wan brought the geese to Na Cai, the entire Guan family began to become beaming.

The old man in the house even wiped away his tears and said with emotion, "The lady is finally getting married!"

Think about it a few years ago, when Guan Laojunhou was still guarding Jingzhou, the lady was old enough to get married.

Unexpectedly, the Guan family suffered a great change, and the life after that was not as good as before.

So the wife's marriage has been delayed again and again, and this delay has been delayed until now.

If you drag it any longer, you will become an old sister-in-law.

It's all right now, life in the family is finally getting better, and the lady is finally getting married.

And she married the famous Feng Langjun and Feng Junhou.

It is also the family of the prince and marquis, and it is not considered to have humiliated the lady.

All hardships come, all hardships come!

Taking advantage of preparing the banquet, Guan Xing found a free time, found Guan Ji who was sitting in the backyard and giggled, and immediately reprimanded, "San Niang, can't you have a little daughter's reserve?"

"Just now, Jiang Canjun didn't find you behind. If he found out, wouldn't it be a joke?"

Guan Ji was scolded by Guan Xing, but she didn't care at all, she couldn't hide the smile on her face, "Brother, don't deceive me to study less."

"There is a record in "Zuo Zhuan" that Xu Wu of the state of Zheng had a sister, and Gongsun Chu and Gongsun Hei asked for their names at the same time. Isn't it just for the younger sister to choose her own name?"

Guan Xing couldn't answer.

Guan Ji, however, refused to let him go so easily, and continued, "Little sister looked at brother's expression at that time, and there seemed to be something wrong. Could it be that the younger sister ruined brother's plan?"

"What can I plan?"

Guan Xing was startled, and quickly denied it.

Guan Ji snorted, and looked at Guan Xing suspiciously.

"Hey, Sanniang, even if I have other plans, it's for your own good. Think about it, if he got you so easily, how could he cherish it?"

Guan Xing thought to himself that I wanted to ask him to accept it three or five times before talking about it.

"He dares!" Guan Ji raised her brows, and then remembered something, her heart felt sweet, and her face also showed a little shame, "Ah Lang...he is different from other men."

Seeing the little girl's appearance like this, Guan Xing felt a little bit in his heart, it's over!

He was still thinking about persuading him again, but Guan Ji got up and pushed him, "Brother still has to greet guests, go to the banquet quickly, don't let people wait for a long time, it's rude. Younger sister will go later Find my aunt."

Dare you come back specifically for this matter?

Thinking of Jiang Wan, who joined the army in the prime minister's mansion, Sanniang has been staying in the prime minister's mansion for the past few days, how could he not know when he will come to Na Cai? In all likelihood, she followed Jiang Wan back quietly.

Thinking of this, Guan Xing was about to say a few more words, but Guan Ji refused to give him a chance and pushed him back to the front yard, then turned around and left immediately.

Feng Yong waited on Zhuangzi for a whole day, and it was not until evening that he saw Jiang Wan's car approaching slowly.

Immediately, he rushed up to greet him, personally helped Jiang Wan get off the car, and asked, "Jiang Canjun has worked hard."

"No hard work, no hard work."

Jiang Wan shook the bacon strip in his hand triumphantly, "The beauty of being an adult, but also having to enjoy a feast, why is it so hard?"

"Adult beauty? Finished?"

Feng Yong asked a little excitedly.

"Of course it's done. Otherwise, why would I come here at this time? Isn't it because of Guan Junhou's kindness that I can only get away after eating the banquet?"

Although he knew that there would be no surprises in this matter, Feng Yong was very happy when he heard that Guan Xing did not set up other obstacles, and Jiang Wan's agreement was made so smoothly.

"Okay! Jiang Canjun, Yong has already prepared a banquet at the mansion, and invite Jiang Canjun to the mansion..."

Jiang Wan patted his stomach and said with a smile, "Feng Junhou wants to support Wan's belly? I just finished eating at Guan Junhou's mansion, and my belly is still bulging. Besides, it was getting late, and after Wan came to tell Feng Junhou, You have to go back to the city immediately, otherwise the city gate will be locked."

As he spoke, he stroked his beard again, and said, "Na Cai's name questioning is over, and Naji is next. Feng Yong remembers to choose an auspicious day, go to the family temple to ask for divination, and then tell Wan that Wan can go to Guan Junhou Good news from the government."

"For the trouble of Jiang Canjun running around, Yongshi is very grateful."

Looking at the handsome middle-aged man in front of him, Feng Yong thanked him sincerely.

"I have heard that most of the high-ranking people in the world are not in the world, they look at the world with cold eyes, and they are indifferent to the rise and fall. The kings and lords were born in the mountains, and they have a strategy to help the world..."

As he spoke, Jiang Wan lowered his voice and asked softly, "If the princes and marquises get married in this world, they won't leave again, right?"

Feng Yong was taken aback.

Then look at Jiang Wan's serious eyes.

So he nodded heavily, "I won't leave, I won't leave. After getting married, I will be a real big man from now on, and I can't leave even if I want to."

Jiang Wan heard this, heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "If that's the case, don't say that this matter is not considered running around, even if you are very tired, Wan is like drinking a sweet spring!"

As he spoke, he laughed again, and sang loudly, "Every man of the Zhou Dynasty, if he does not show himself, he is also the world. If the world is not visible, he is still winged. Thinking of the emperor, the toast, was born in this kingdom. Shi, Wen Wang Yining..."

Why did you start singing out of nowhere?

The semi-literate Feng Yong was a little dazed.

Jiang Wan didn't explain to him, and turned back to the car, repeatedly urging the driver to turn around and go back to the city.

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