Du Zhen sent Feng Yong out of Taolin, Feng Yong thought about what happened just now, and always felt a little guilty.

So shyness appeared on his face, and he said to Du Zhen, "Du Langjun, there is something I want to tell you, and I hope you can help keep it secret."

"But I don't know what Feng Junhou wants to explain to Zhen?"

Du Zhen asked a little strangely.

"Just now in the peach forest, I heard Elder Du wanted to complete the poem, so I felt it for a while, and wanted to fulfill Elder Du's wish. So the poem I told you in the forest just now, You just talk to Elder Du and listen to it, don't talk to others."

When Feng Yong said this, he thought to himself, if a rumor of someone who didn't know where to go was spread at this juncture when he was preparing to marry Guan Ji, he was afraid that this good thing would change if it went wrong. into a funeral...

So I still have to tell Du Zhen not to spread the word.

Upon hearing this, Du Zhen looked at Feng Yong's face, and immediately understood, thinking he understood, "Understand, understand, this article was made by Feng Junhou for the wishes of adults, not for Zhang...uh, not for other things."

"Yes, yes, that's it."

Feng Yong nodded again and again.

Du Zhen sighed in his heart, thinking that this Feng Langjun looks young and proud, although he looks beautiful on the surface, he also has difficulties that others don't know about.

So he assured Feng Yong, "Your Majesty, please don't worry, this article, I only tell you to listen to adults, and I will never tell others to listen to."

Feng Yong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "That would be the best."

Anyway, this Du Zhen is also a man of aristocratic family, and a person who has become famous for a long time, and now he has a different identity. If you want to come to his guarantee, you should be trustworthy.

After making up this loophole, Feng Yong bid farewell to Du Zhen with peace of mind.

Returning to the mansion with the fortune-telling comment, first someone carefully copied a copy, sent it to Jiang Wan, and then went to the ancestral hall to burn it for his dead parents when he chose auspicious times.

"This comment is interesting."

Huang Yueying held the paper, saw the comments on it, smiled, and then looked at Guan Ji who was trying to learn how to make soup.

Guan Ji blushed, glanced at the paper in Huang Yueying's hand, and asked in a low voice, "Auntie, what did it say?"

"Of course it's a good omen."

Although she knew that Guan Ji wanted to know the content, she deliberately refused to say, pointing to the boiling soup and said, "Watch it carefully, don't burn it again."

When Guan Ji heard this, she immediately frowned, with a troubled expression on her face, "Why is making soup more difficult than practicing martial arts?"

"It's not difficult to study hard."

Huang Yueying nodded her head, and taught her a lesson, "It's fine if you don't know how to be a female celebrity. If you don't even know how to make this soup, I'll see how you can be a bride after a while?"


Guan Ji, who is unmatched in martial arts, put on a bitter face, picked up a spoon, and sprinkled a big handful of salt on it.

"Oh, you woman!" Huang Yueying patted her on the back of the head, "Isn't this salt free? You really don't know how expensive rice is if you are not in charge!"

"Ah Lang's family is rich, what are you afraid of? Besides, he has a cook at home, so he doesn't need me to cook."

Guan Ji said confidently.

In the past few years with Feng Yong, Guan Ji's knots have gradually faded away. Apart from pretending to be cold in front of others, she has shown her true nature more and more in front of her own people.

On the contrary, she looks a bit like the daughter of a prince in Jingzhou before.

Huang Yueying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "That's why you didn't study hard? Three days after becoming a bride, if you really want to make this kind of soup for your uncle, do you want to kill me?"

Speaking of this, Huang Yueying remembered that Feng Yong was the only one in Feng's residence, if she really wanted to marry, how could anyone control Guan Ji? Really very comfortable.

I also thought of Feng Yong's own cooking skills, even the imperial chefs in the Han Dynasty Palace couldn't compare, now who doesn't know that the food in Feng's residence is the best? So what Guan Ji said was correct, why would she need to go to the kitchen in person?

Remember that the largest wool workshop in Dahan was also set up by Feng Yong, and he has the best female workers in Dahan...

Thinking of this, Huang Yueying was filled with emotion, and poked Guan Ji's forehead with hatred, "Oh, it seems that you are really a blessed one. What a wonderful husband's family! You were a blessed one in the past."

Guan Ji raised her face proudly.

To say that this woman picked a husband and son-in-law, she was uneasy for the first half of her life, like looking at flowers in a fog, for fear of picking the wrong person.

But once you spot someone, you have to strike first.

Didn't he snatch this Ah Lang first in prison?

Seeing Guan Ji's appearance, Huang Yueying was amused again, "Before I married the prime minister, the closer the wedding day was, the more restless I felt, and my temper was easily irritable. How can I be like you? Wish I could get married sooner?"

The closer the marriage is, the happier Guan Ji is, it seems that she is really happy, which is different from other women.

"That's because my aunt didn't know what the prime minister was like?" Guan Ji said with a blushing face, "But my niece knows what A Lang is like."

"Yes, it seems that you made the best decision when you decided to go to Hanzhong." Huang Yueying touched Guan Ji's head and said with a little emotion, "Sanniang is finally getting married, and once married It is Madam Hou Fu."

Thinking about the hardships Guan Ji suffered in the past few years, now I feel that this happy event has not come easily.

While feeling emotional, Huang Yueying glanced at the boiling soup, and sighed again, "Forget it, let's come here first today, you go to rest first."

After speaking, he hurried away with the paper in his hand.

Guan Ji looked at Huang Yueying eagerly, and thought to herself what was written on it, her aunt hadn't told herself yet!

After thinking about it, my brother must also know, so I should go back to my house and have a look, right?

Naturally, Huang Yueying didn't know Guan Ji's careful thoughts, she hurried back to her study, found a scroll of calligraphy and painting from the pile of scrolls full of bamboo slips, put it on the table, and slowly opened it.

I saw a horse painted on it, and in front of the horse was a woman with half a black face, holding a bottle of water in her hand, with two drops of water dripping from it.

It was the painting that Huang Yueying drew when she met Feng Yongshi in the backyard three years ago.

The half-length beauty turned into an ugly half-black face, which was bestowed by Pai Feng Yong.

Huang Yueying's eyes fell on the horse, and she muttered to herself, "The heavenly horse descends to earth?"

Then there was a thoughtful look on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

I don't know how long it took before I heard someone knocking on the door, and the voice of the prime minister came in, "Xi Jun, are you inside?"

Huang Yueying was startled, and immediately recovered from her contemplation, opened the door, and asked, "Why is Ah Lang coming here when you have time?"

Zhuge Liang coughed, "It's a bit boring to deal with political affairs, so I walked around casually. I thought that Xijun was teaching about Guan Ji's bride, so I came over to have a look."

"Why are you bored, Aaron?"

Huang Yueying asked Zhuge Liang to come in and asked.

The painting on the table was placed in the most eye-catching position, and Zhuge Liang's eyes were attracted by it as soon as he came in.

After a while, he turned his head and looked at Huang Yueying.

The prime minister and his wife showed understanding expressions at the same time.

"It seems that Xijun really knows me."

Zhuge Liang stepped forward, touched the horse on the painting, and asked in a low voice, "Is this a coincidence, Mr. Xi?"

"Is there a difference?" Huang Yueying glanced at Zhuge Liang with some reproach, and said, "Didn't you always keep a respectful distance from such things?"

"Besides, you said it back then, even if it is true, it may be named Feng, but it may also be named Ma."

Zhuge Liang listened, with a wry smile on his face, and sighed, "Yes, it is precisely because of respect and distance that I feel a little troubled. I don't know whether to believe it or not."

"Also, even now, although the surname is more likely to be Feng, it is still possible that the surname is Ma. Ma Youchang, isn't that bad?"

"And Ma Youchangzhi is leading the army, but it's a pity that he hasn't had the opportunity to perform in these years. When the Northern Expedition comes, I want him to follow him to practice. If he really becomes a blockbuster, do you think the surname is Feng or Ma? clear?"

Huang Yueying tapped the two drops of water on it and asked, "So what?"

"Two waters are ice, which makes sense..."

Zhuge Liang said casually.

Huang Yueying was bitter, so she rolled up the scroll and said, "You are the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, I can't say no to you."

In fact, the reason why Huang Yueying was anxious to confirm the meaning of this painting was not because she was more optimistic about Feng Yong.

But as the prime minister's wife, she knows better than anyone else that the prime minister's exhaustion in the past three years has reached a shocking level.

So she urgently needs to find someone who can help the prime minister share the burden.

Otherwise, if he continues like this, his body will collapse sooner or later.

But it is obvious that his husband-in-law believes in himself more now than in others.

That's why she was so upset.

Zhang Xingcai in the palace knew the result of Du Qiong's divination to Feng Yong one day later than the prime minister's mansion.

Compared with the painting in Huang Yueying's hand, which was repainted by herself, Zhang Xingcai's painting was painted by Li Yi himself.

When she spread out the painting, her face was full of regret, "It's a pity..."

Compared with the attitude of the great Han prime minister who refused to draw conclusions easily, Zhang Xingcai has almost confirmed that Feng Yong is the person in the painting.

That's why she felt that it was a pity that her younger sister did not marry Feng Yong.

She looked at Zhang Xingyi who was sitting upright in front of her, and asked unwillingly, "Si Niang, have you really decided?"

The childishness on Zhang Xingyi's face was gone, replaced by a slightly thinner face with a trace of sadness in the calmness.

Hearing my sister's question, Zhang Xingyi nodded and said softly, "It's decided. Although Nanxiang County is the food town of our Zhang family, except for the servants, no one in our family has been there, so, I decided to go there and have a look."

Speaking of Nanxiang, Zhang Xingcai remembered that before Feng Yong went to Hanzhong, he had suggested that his younger sister be engaged to him, and he felt even more regretful: If his mother hesitated back then, he could persuade her a few more words, and she would be happy again. Where did Guan Ji's beauty come from today?

"It's good to go outside to relax. You've grown up too, go out and have a look, and learn a lot, it's better than staying in Jincheng all the time."

So far, Zhang Xingcai can only say so.

In fact, she also knew that the younger sister's sudden proposal to leave Jincheng was actually because she wanted to avoid that guy's wedding date.

That kid actually made my little sister so sad, it's just too dastardly!

Zhang Xingcai became more and more annoyed: You don't like my little sister, why did you write such seductive sentences for her? If you don't want to marry, then don't mess with her, and if you do, then don't marry, you're just an asshole!

"My little sister also thinks the same way." Zhang Xingyi nodded and said, "Over there in Nanxiang, I heard that women can be the masters of the house, and some people say that it's a group of demons dancing wildly. All kinds of rumors are quite strange, so my little sister wants to go there to see Look, open your eyes."

"Okay, when are you leaving?"

"I'll be leaving in two days."

It didn't take long for Feng Yong to get married. It seems that the younger sister really wants to avoid this matter.

Although Zhang Xingcai guessed the little girl's psychology, she still asked in surprise, "So anxious?"

Then he asked tentatively, "Do you want to tell him?"

Zhang Xingyi tried his best to smile on his pale face, with determination in his eyes, and shook his head slightly, "He is preparing for a big wedding, what's the use of talking about it? Let's forget it."

Zhang Xingcai sighed, and said, "Forget it, the children of the Zhang family don't need to put on a show."

Feng Yong naturally didn't know that the queen who had always favored him had defined himself as an extremely jerk.

He got the auspicious omen from Du Qiong's divination, so he naturally wanted to do his best to do the things Du Qiong entrusted to him.

So now he is standing in front of Qin Mi's residence with Fan Ah.

Seeing that the white flag had already been hung at the gate of the Qin Mansion, he was taken aback immediately: "Am I late?!"

"But Feng Junhou face to face?"

There were already people waiting at the gate of the Qin Mansion. Seeing Feng Yong and his party, a middle-aged man walked down the steps, clasping his fists in greeting.

"I am, may I ask which one is your Excellency from Qin Da Si Nong's mansion?"

"Don't dare, it's Qin Yuan, and the Da Si Nong that Jun Hou said is Jia Yan."

"It turned out to be Young Master Qin."

Although the eldest son of Qin has reached middle age, as long as Qin Mi is alive, he can still be called the eldest son.

"Master Qin, this is..."

Feng Yong pointed to the white banner hanging on the gate of the mansion.

When Qin Yuan heard this, sadness appeared on his face, "Feng Junhou's big day is coming, and he shouldn't come here to get bad luck."

I rely on!

It seems that I am really one step late!

While regretting in his heart, Feng Yong frowned again when he heard Qin Yuan's words. Is this what a son should say?

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