Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 488 Political Legacy

Seeing Feng Yong's hesitant expression, Qin Yuan showed embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "My lord said it himself. He said that he didn't have much time and he didn't want to drag others down. was sent back."

"And these," Qin Yuan pointed to the white banner, "it was also ordered by the adults, saying that we should build the mourning hall early, so as not to be late."

Hearing this, Feng Yong felt a little bit dumbfounded: This Qin Mi is quite open-minded.

Qin Yuan welcomed Feng Yong into the Qin residence, and he saw that a mourning hall had been built in the courtyard.

Crossing the front hall and entering Qin Mi's ward in the backyard, I saw that there were thick woolen cloths hanging all around, and there was a strong smell of herbs.

Although the candles were lit, the light was still a little dim.

There was a human-shaped bump on the sick bed in the room, presumably it was Qin Mi.

Qin Yuan lowered his voice and said, "My lord is seriously ill, and I can't see the wind. Please Feng Junhou take more responsibility."

Feng Yong nodded.

Qin Yuan walked to the sick bed and said in a low voice, "My lord, Feng Junhou is here."

"Oh, are you here? Help me up quickly."

Only a weak voice could be heard saying.

Feng Yong stepped forward and saluted Qin Mi who was in Qin Yuan's arms, "Your junior Feng Yong has met the elder."

At the same time, looking at Qin Mi, he saw that his complexion was sallow, although his spirit was a little sluggish, but he was still not exhausted, Feng Yong secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Qin Mi laughed silently, and said in a hoarse voice, "That old man Du Qiong, first he said that I wouldn't survive this year, but now he insists on bothering the prince to come here, it's really troublesome."

Feng Yong smiled slightly, and said, "Yongzheng is in the midst of great joy, and I just came here to celebrate Da Sinong. I can't say, after the celebration, Da Sinong's illness will be cured?"

Qin Mi laughed again, and even had the strength to raise her hand to point at Feng Yong, "It is often said that Feng Langjun can speak with a smooth tongue, today I really saw you."

Qin Yuan's face changed slightly after hearing this, and his hands trembled slightly.

Qin Mi rolled her eyelids, and looked at her son with dissatisfaction.

Feng Yong, on the other hand, didn't pay much attention to it. He scratched his head and said with a smile, "It's enough for Da Sinong to just say that I'm eloquent. Anyway, I can't get rid of this name now."

Qin Mi immediately grinned, almost out of breath.

"grown ups!"

Qin Yuan became anxious and shouted quickly.

"Go away! Incompetent guy."

Qin Mi cursed angrily.

Qin Yuan was middle-aged, and was scolded like this by his own adults in front of a young gentleman, his face was flushed and embarrassing.

Immediately, he took a pillow and carefully placed it behind Qin Mi, then came over and whispered to Feng Yong, "Your Excellency is weak, and sometimes your mind is a little confused..."

"Fuck your mother!" Qin Mi yelled again weakly.

"...Sometimes I say something wrong, please don't mind, Your Majesty!"

Qin Yuan finished speaking quickly, did not dare to wait for Qin Mi to curse again, and then ran out quickly.

Qin Mi sighed, looked at Feng Yong, and said, "The child in the family is not up to the mark, and the prince will laugh at him."

I can't answer this question.

That Young Master Qin, no matter how "baby" he is, he will soon be able to be a figure in Feng Yong's father's generation.

How could Feng Yong be able to laugh casually?

Feng Yongqian laughed, "Da Sinong..."

"Hey, what is Da Siong?"

Qin Mi waved her hand, "Looking at the whole big man, who has the right to say that he is the chief minister in front of Feng Langjun? It's not embarrassing enough. The old man just took advantage of his old age to steal this position."

"If it's really about ability, Feng Langjun is more qualified to take this position than this old man."

This... then I can't accept it!

"If Mr. Feng Lang doesn't dislike the old man's sick and disabled body, please sit next to him. If you are too far away, you won't be able to speak well."

Qin Mi didn't necessarily want Feng Yong to take up this topic, so he patted the edge of the couch and said again.

Feng Yong moved the chair to the front of the couch according to his words.

Qin Mi smiled in satisfaction and breathed a sigh of relief, and he continued, "Speaking of which, the old man and Feng Langjun have a relationship. When Zhang Huishu came to Shu from Eastern Wu, the old man had a good talk with him. After returning to Wu, I also exchanged letters with the old man."

"I heard that Feng Langjun and Zhang Huishu are friends in letters. So, there is no need for you and me to see each other too much."

Zhang Huishu is the same as Zhang Wen. In the second year of Jianxing, he was sent to Dahan as an envoy.

Feng Yong just smiled when he heard the words, "The elder is self-effacing. Yong once heard that Zhang Huishu was a big man when he was an envoy, and people valued his talents. Only the elders argue with him and convince him. It is not true that he can increase my prestige as a big man It’s as simple as talking to each other.”

Feng Yong's flattery was obviously in the right place. Qin Mi said with a smile, "Zhang Huishu is indeed talented, but unfortunately he failed in Soochow. I remember that he admired you very much at that time. I don't know if there is still a letter recently. contacts?"

Feng Yong nodded and said, "There has always been. I heard that he was implicated and dismissed shortly after he returned to Wu. The life of the Zhang family in Wu County is a bit difficult."

"So before I went to Nanzhong Middle School last year, I asked someone to bring him a letter, which said how to make gray sugar from sugar cane. At that time, I offered to recycle the gray sugar, which can be regarded as finding a way for the Zhang family."

"What is gray sugar?"

Qin Mi showed curiosity.

"It's made from Jiaozhou sugar cane, and then boiled briefly to get gray sugar. Although gray sugar has a sweet taste, it has a lot of slag, and it tastes astringent and bitter."

"Since gray sugar is unpalatable, what do you use it for?"

Qin Mi was even more strange.

A mysterious smile appeared on Feng Yong's face, "Elder, don't forget, I'm still going to plant sugarcane in Nanzhong."

"I heard about this. It is said that you can make Tangyi from sugarcane."

Qin Mi nodded.

"That's right." Feng Yong patted his thigh, "Jiaozhou is originally a place where sugar cane is produced, but the transportation of sugar cane is inconvenient. If it is made into gray sugar and then shipped over, it will be much more convenient. Then I will find a way to turn gray sugar into sugar Yi, isn't that all right?"

To put it bluntly, it is the primary processing and further processing of agricultural products.

Just like the hometown in the previous life, the jasmine factory first collects jasmine from the farmer's uncle, conducts primary processing, and makes it into a primary product that is convenient for transportation, and then transports it to other places for refined processing into jasmine tea.

Instead of directly transporting fresh jasmine to the final processed product.

If it is really like that, not to mention how many jasmine flowers will be wasted, even if it reaches the ground, the jasmine flowers will probably lose their fragrance and be worthless.

Feng Yong is taking the same path now.

Although the Zhang family in Wu County was suppressed, but the family had a strong foundation and the relationship was even more complicated. In addition, Zhang Wen was deeply sympathized by Wu Guo because of his dismissal, so he got Feng Yong's method, and soon got married. Jiaozhou caught up with the relationship.

After the first batch of gray sugar is delivered to make white sugar or brown sugar, I will take a bite and pour a bite to kill those who dare to doubt whether sugarcane can be grown in Nanzhong.

Qin Mi's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she sat up tremblingly, and cried out, "If that's the case, wouldn't it be comparable to the benefits of salt and iron?!"

Although Qin Mi claimed to be stealing the position of Da Si Nong, that was just self-effacing.

He still has the qualities that Da Sinong should have.

Just hearing what Feng Yong said, he could immediately roughly estimate the huge profits involved.

Tangyi has been a rare item since ancient times. Except for the rich and powerful people who can eat it occasionally, some people have never tasted what kind of taste is as sweet as honey in their entire lives.

Whether or not it is worthwhile to plant sugar cane in Nanzhong, before seeing the real thing, no one except Feng Yong dared to say for sure.

Even the members of the Xinghan Association, the gardens opened in Nanzhong now are only planting Lu beans in the first year, one is to accumulate some fertility in the field first, and the other is to wait to see the final result of their own leaders. What kind of candy can you make.

Even if Huishou sugar production fails, it is not a loss to get the manor field in Nanzhong.

But now, when Qin Mi heard Feng Yong's words, she immediately reacted: no one is so stupid as to use real money to deceive people, right? Otherwise, it would cost a lot of money to collect gray sugar, at least, what is the plan?

But if you really want to make Tangyi, the money you earn will be several times more than what you invested in it!

But how can Feng Yong admit the great benefits of sugar making? So he quickly denied it, "No, no, Hu... well, just earn some pocket money..."

"Your Majesty is worthy of being a descendant of the mountain gate. Even if it is a small flower, there are so many."

Qin Mi's throat roared, and the more he talked, the more energetic he became, and he didn't look like he was going to die at all.

Why can't I understand what the old man said?

Feng Yong pretended to be dazed, and earnestly corrected Qin Mi's cognitive errors, "Da Si Nong, it's just pocket money, not much money."

"Okay, I'll take the odd flower." Qin Mi said dumbfoundedly, "That's why I said that Junhou is more suitable for this seat than me."

This old man, why is he always thinking about giving up his position?

Feng Yong said hastily, "Don't be like this, Da Si Nong. You are just a late learner, and the elders are highly respected. It is just right for the elders to be the Da Si Nong."

Qin Mi was overjoyed, and patted the sick bed, "How can there be a Da Si Nong who is lying on the bed and can't manage?"

Then he sighed again, "This is nothing more than your Majesty's and the Prime Minister's meager efforts to comfort me in the past. What you say is highly respected is beyond the question, but if you really want to talk about it, the old man has done a lot of things over the years. A few old friends and disciples."

He looked at Feng Yong and pointed to the next door, "They are all waiting for the old man to swallow his last breath. I wonder if Feng Langjun is interested in meeting them?"

Feng Yong shivered, instinctively feeling that something was wrong.

This old Qin can be regarded as a well-known university student in Shu. Back then when the Zhuge old demon entertained Zhang Wen, everyone was there, but he was not there.

Zhuge Old Demon was not only not angry, but had to wait for him specially, one can imagine how big his cards are,

Coupled with the fact that he is now one of the nine ministers, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is one of the tops of the Yizhou sect.

There are more than a few old friends and disciples of this kind of person?

Now you say you want to introduce your old friends and students to yourself?

Remembering that Du Qiong is also a member of the Yizhou faction, just now Qin Mi mentioned again and again that he is more suitable for the position of the chief minister...

Wouldn't this have been settled a long time ago?

Is Lao Qin planning to hand over this huge political legacy to himself?

Feng Yong looked straight at Qin Mi, swallowed, feeling that he must have thought too much.

"Yong came here this time to treat Da Sinong's illness, not for anything else."

Feng Yongqiang calmed himself down, shook his head and said, "Sinong, let the medical workers come in to show you."

With a look of disappointment on Qin Mi's face, she shook her head and said, "I've been ill for so long, so I'm not in a hurry. Since you don't want to see them, I have no choice but to be a villain and ask you something for them."

"I don't know what Da Sinong wants to ask?"

"Is the copper mine in Judy County real?"

"Copper mines are naturally real."

Feng Yong could see that this time, he really was tricked by Du Qiong and Qin Mi.

Let me just say, how is it so easy to encounter such extremely rare comments from Najib?

Tigers guarding the mountain?

Still under heaven?

Du Qiong is using his reputation as bait.

It was obvious that Lao Qin's health was about to fail. As a man on the top of the mountain, he was already preparing to find a way out for the disciples and grandchildren of the Yizhou faction under him.

"Then it's true to prepare money and food to dig copper mines?"

The sickness on Qin Mi's face disappeared, and she stared at Feng Yong with piercing eyes.

"it is true."

"After digging it out, will it really give you interest?"


"you promise?"

"I can't make fun of my ranch and workshop in Hanzhong, can I?"

"Okay." Qin Mi smiled, her expression seemed to be relieved, "Then I can rest assured. Having said so much today, it is really exhausting."

Feng Yong understood, "Then Yong will ask the medical worker to come in and take a look?"

Qin Mi was noncommittal, "Feng Langjun is kind, I thank you in advance."

In Qin Mi's mind, how could Feng Langjun's medical staff be able to cure a disease that even the palace's attendants could not cure?

Fan A and Li Dangzhi's treatment of Zhang Xingcai and Huang Yueying is still kept secret because it concerns women's privacy.

So it's hard for Feng Yong to say anything.

He turned around and went out, bringing in Fan Ah who had been waiting for a long time.

"If Feng Langjun doesn't dislike those mediocre people next door, let's go and get to know them."

When Fan Ah felt his pulse, Qin Mi spoke again.

"Don't worry, Da Sinong let the medical workers see it first."

Feng Yong waved his hand.

Because it was Feng Yong who brought him to the door himself, and he heard that the old man in front of him was the Dasinong, Fan Ah mustered all his energy and used all his abilities to watch, smell, ask, cut, and toss for a long time before turning around. Turning around, he winked at Feng Yong.

Before Feng Yong could speak, Qin Mi asked, "How is it? This old man's disease, can you cure it?"

Fan A looked at Feng Yong.

"The old man has already set up a mourning hall outside, and he has long wanted to die, so you can just say it here."

Qin Mi urged.

"Medical Worker Fan, just tell the truth, it's okay, Da Sinong can take it easy."

For this kind of old man who already had the consciousness of death, Feng Yong didn't have a good solution, so he had to tell Fan Adao.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Fan Ah bowed and said, "Da Sinong's illness is already serious, if you want to eradicate it, I'm afraid it will be very difficult."

When Qin Mi heard the words, she smiled at Feng Yong, "How? The old man has already said, how can this disease be cured so easily?"

"Is there no way?"

Feng Yong asked.

Fan A shook his head.

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