Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 490 Passing By

"What letter?"

Zhang Xingyi was woken up and asked a little strangely.

Who will write to me at this time?

"It's the letter that Mr. Du sent his servants to catch up with."

The servant explained.

Zhang Xingyi became even more strange when he heard it. We just met each other. Is there anything Elder Du can't say in person?

"Bring it here and let me see."

It is said to be a letter, but it is actually a piece of paper, and it is the Nanxiang mulberry paper that has been in the limelight recently.

The words on it are a bit messy, and it seems that they should have been written in a hurry.

"Feng Langjun visited the peach forest the day before yesterday, and I had the honor to hear the new work of Junhou: Last year and today, in this door, the face of the peach blossoms complement each other. I don't know where the face is going, but the peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze."

"At that time, the princes and marquises also mourned for their feelings and sympathized with their words, but said that they did not want this article to be recited in the world. I deeply sighed. Seeing the lady of the Zhang family, I felt the same sorrow and sympathy for my words. I sighed. Sigh..."

"So I told you in private, with all my heart."

At the same time, Du Zhen, who was far behind, also said silently, Feng Langjun, I have kept my promise. At the beginning you only told me not to say it, but you didn't tell me not to write it out.

When I wrote it and was accidentally seen by others, this is not considered a breach of promise.

"The human face does not know where to go, the human face does not know where to go..."

Zhang Xingyi kept repeating this sentence, crying and laughing at the same time.

The tears started to fall again and couldn't stop.

But my heart was so happy that it was about to explode.

The haze that filled my heart seemed to be swept away, and I only felt warm and a little erratic, as if I was about to fly in the next moment.

I... Do I want to go back?

After Zhang Xingyi wiped away her tears, Xin'er flew back to Jincheng and began to think wildly.

She couldn't control her emotions, she opened the car curtain suddenly, and was about to shout, but the cold and wet air blowing on her face suddenly calmed her down a little.

Thinking of his teacher's rules, it is best for a woman to marry after the age of eighteen.

Recalling that he is about to marry Sister Guan...

Zhang Xingyi's joy was like cold water pouring on embers.

What if I go back?

I haven't seen his appearance of being sad and sympathetic about anything, so how can I know if it's true or not?

Even if it was true, then why did he marry Sister Guan?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xingyi suddenly gritted his teeth, go to hell!

"My lady, what are your orders?"

The servants outside saw the little lady lift the curtain of the car, her face turned sunny and cloudy, and she didn't say anything for a long time, so she asked carefully, interrupting Zhang Xingyi's thoughts.


Zhang Xingyi's complexion suddenly sank again, and she shouted coquettishly, "Why are you walking so slowly? With you like this, when will you get to Hanzhong? Hurry up!"

Putting down the curtain, Zhang Xingyi sat back in the car, and looked down at his chest again. His heart was full of tenderness and melancholy, and finally merged into a hateful thought: When I reach the age allowed by your teacher, see how I pack you up!

At that time, I will definitely let you come to my door to beg me in person!

While Zhang Xingyi fantasized about a certain ground turtle crawling at his feet, crying and begging himself to change his mind, he slashed down with his hands erected like knives, and said angrily, "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

It was as if he was chopping up a heartless man.

At this moment, the shaking car suddenly stopped again.

Zhang Xingyi was very annoyed, and suddenly opened the curtain of the car, shouting coquettishly, "What's the matter!"

"Go back to my lady, there are sergeants passing by ahead, we may have to wait."

The servants ran over to report.

"Why wait again?"

It was only so far away from Jincheng, and it kept bumping and bumping.

Zhang Xingyi couldn't help muttering again in her heart, "Could it be that God really doesn't want me to leave Jincheng? Otherwise, why does it keep telling me to stop?"

I was thinking, only to hear a voice shouting suddenly: "Hurry up!"

"If you don't hurry up, you won't be able to catch up with the time!"

She looked up, and she saw a group of sergeants rushing forward.

It's just that this team of sergeants seemed a little strange, all of them were panting and their feet were floating, but everyone was trying to walk forward.

If it weren't for them being able to maintain the most basic formation, and none of them showing a dejected expression, Zhang Xingyi almost thought that this was an army that had just been routed from the battlefield.

It seems that the generals of this army are also extraordinary people who are able to drive them without complaint after being so tired.

Zhang Xingyi looked at the passing army with some curiosity, wondering who is leading the army?

"Today is the last day. Seeing that Jincheng is just ahead, don't lose your spirit! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The soldiers were so tired, they didn't expect that there were still people urging them.

Zhang Xingyi was a little worried, isn't he afraid that the soldiers will mutiny?

I only heard someone in the army cheering again, "Everyone came to Jincheng this time to follow Feng Junhou to Yuejun to quell the chaos and make military achievements! Don't lose face to our Nanxiang children!"

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

When the soldiers heard this, their spirits lifted, and they began to shout loudly.

No matter where these people used to be, but now their family members are all in Nanxiang, they are already considered Nanxiang people. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the children of Nanxiang.

In Nanxiang, if you want to get a household registration, you can live a good life.

Women go to workshops, men go to the army, and children go to schools.

This is common sense.

People like myself can be regarded as personal soldiers brought up by Feng Langjun himself.

Now that Feng Langjun has become a lord, and he has called people like himself to come here all the time, isn't he just treating people like himself as his confidantes?

Feng Langjun is a capable person. In just a few years, he has become a prince. If he follows the prince himself, he is lucky. If he can be favored and learn from old Lu, it will be beautiful!

Zhang Xingyi naturally didn't know what those soldiers were thinking, but when she saw the appearance of these soldiers, she knew that her worry was unnecessary, and she couldn't help but secretly marveled.

Then I suddenly remembered that someone had mentioned Feng Junhou just now? !

Her heart immediately moved.

Feng Yong was appointed as Marquis of Guannei at the same time, he was also appointed as the chief historian of Yuejun, and Zhang Xingyi naturally knew about these things when he was going to lead troops to quell the chaos in Yuejun.

At first, she just thought that this group of sergeants was a little strange, but now when she heard a certain key word, she subconsciously observed it.

Could it be that these soldiers were dispatched by Nanxiang?

That guy with no conscience planned to take these people to Yuejun to calm the chaos?

Zhang Xingyi couldn't help feeling a little worried again.

She was originally born in the general family, so when she pays attention, she can see more things than others.

However, although everyone in this group of sergeants was covered with mud all over their bodies, they looked a little bit embarrassed, but none of them showed any signs of depression, instead they looked proud.

During the period, there were corporal chiefs and other chiefs who were constantly encouraging and reaching out to help each other.

Some people even shouted incomprehensible slogans to each other:

"Is it bitter?"

"The old days are clearest!"

"Are you tired?"

"Do you deserve to eat steamed bun broth?"


Why do these soldiers look weirder the more they look?

It's so hard and tiring, but it looks like it's fun.

Thinking of that guy's strange appearance sometimes, Zhang Xingyi suddenly felt that these soldiers... seemed to fit his style!

It just always felt like something was wrong.

Huang Chong didn't care what others thought of his team, he kept urging the soldiers to move forward with some anxiety.

The team that was neat and tidy when they set off from Hanzhong had already become sparse after half a month's long journey.

Not only that, there were only about 600 people who could keep up in the end, which was really beyond his expectation.

When I was in Nanxiang, I walked sixty miles a day, and I still felt that I had enough energy.

Now that I personally lead the troops from Hanzhong to Jincheng, I feel that marching and fighting is not as simple as imagined.

In Nanxiang, he can just march and don't have to worry about the rest.

But now along the way, they have to worry about everything such as setting up camp, eating, morale, and the physical condition of soldiers.

The benefits of Nanxiang's generous support of soldiers were finally reflected at this time.

Even after traveling for eighty miles in a row, the soldiers were exhausted. Not only did no one complain, but everyone was struggling to move forward.

Even those who are lagging behind, take the initiative to wait in place to gather the team behind, waiting to return to the team, instead of fleeing quietly.

Huang Chong looked up and saw the tall city wall looming in the distance.

Jincheng is finally here.

At the same time, Zhang Xingyi finally looked away and ordered, "Let's go."

The two men and horses passed by like this.

Children's shoes, remember, in front of your current girlfriend, never mention anything about your ex, a lesson of blood and tears! I have been tossing and tossing for almost two hours, but I haven't typed out a single word... I have bruises and purple spots all over my body.

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