Unlike Zhang Xingyi, who just felt that the soldiers in this group were a little strange, when Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, learned that the soldiers Feng Yong had transferred from Nanxiang had arrived in Jincheng, he stood up suddenly, with a startled expression on his face, and said in a low voice, " The Nanxiang soldiers are as elite as they are?!"

Counting the days, it took less than a month since Feng Mingwen obtained the transfer order from himself, and then passed it to Nanxiang, and then Nanxiang soldiers moved after hearing the order, and finally gathered outside Jincheng.

Calculated in this way, the time it takes for Nanxiang soldiers to march from Nanxiang to Jincheng will definitely not exceed twenty days, which is considered an extremely rare soldier.

But the crux of the problem is that Nanxiang is where refugees and barbarians gather. In just three years, how were they trained to be elite soldiers?

Zhuge Liang walked back and forth, quickly calculating in his mind: According to the data reported by Nanxiang a few days ago, there are now about 30,000 people, and this does not include those Hu Liao who have not registered.

Doesn't that mean that Nanxiang can at least train another 2,000 elite soldiers?

In Nanxiang County, what else is there that I don't know?

Zhuge Liang became more and more curious: If you have a chance, you must go and have a look!

He thought about it, and sent the news to Zhao Yun's residence.

After Zhao Yun received the news from Zhuge Liang, he was also taken aback. His first reaction was: "Erlang? Erlang! Where's Erlang?"

"What are you calling Erlang to do at this time?"

Zhao Mashi heard Zhao Yun's shout, came out from inside, and asked.

Zhao Yun couldn't answer this question well, so he just said vaguely, "It's nothing serious, I just want to ask him about something trivial."

"If you have something to do, think of Erlang, if you have nothing to do, let him go away!"

Mrs. Zhao Ma snorted, and said angrily, "Didn't you forget that Erlang stayed at Feng Langjun's house for eight or nine out of ten days? I don't know how long I haven't seen him."

Zhao Mashi mentioned this, and said with a sigh, "Poor Erlang, he can't even stay in his own home, and he doesn't know if he can eat well outside, or if he's used to living here..."

Zhao Yun got dizzy when he heard this, and he said "Tsk", "If he can't eat well in Fengzhuang, then there will be no place in the world where he can eat delicious food. Do you think he wants to stay at home? He can't wait to go outside No one cares about Sahuan!"

"You just can't see that Erlang is promising!"

Zhao Mashi immediately felt as if his hair was blown up, and said angrily, "What do you mean having fun outside and no one cares about it? Now who doesn't know that Erlang is promising? The concubine went to a party outside, and when Erlang was mentioned, who didn't praise him? I don't know how many What a face!"

"Also, hasn't Feng Langjun been helping to discipline you these past few years? You don't even know how to be an adult! I said you should thank him well..."

"I thank him?"

Zhao Yun yelled, "I am a dignified general of Zhendong..."

Then Zhao Mashi looked over with sharp eyes.

So Zhao Yun lowered his voice and sighed, "You said earlier that you were worried about his life outside, but now you say you want to thank that Feng Mingwen, you are right..."

"Erlang is only today because of Feng Langjun!" Zhao Mashi is not an unreasonable person, just listen to her explain to Zhao Yun, "How many years have you been with? Now he can lead the army and defend a place alone." , what will happen in the future, who dares to say for sure?"

"It's just that you, an adult, had a rift with Feng Langjun at the very beginning. If it really affects the friendship between Erlang and Feng Langjun, I'll see if I will spare you!"

"What quarrel can I have with Feng Mingwen?"

Zhao Yun was shocked, thinking who is slandering me?

"You still don't admit it! Erlang told me a long time ago that when you first met Feng Langjun, you beat him twice..."

Zhao Mashi reprimanded, "You are a dignified general of Zhendong, and you are still a person who has been named a marquis. Don't you dare to admit what you have done?"

The Mi family and the Liu family are both relatives of the emperor, offended Feng Langjun, and the eldest sons of the two families ran to Nanzhong to seek refuge.

Although Zhao Mashi said that he didn't believe that Feng Langjun would hold grudges for the past incident, but Erlang followed Feng Langjun after all.

So in Zhao Mashi's view, what his husband-in-law did was wrong.

"I can't wait to whip that Zhao Erlang twice!"

Zhao Yun was really angry, damn it, in order to please your elder brother, you dare to betray me? Wait, dare to go home and see if I don't beat you to death!

"you dare!"

Zhao Mashi immediately screamed, "How long has it been since Erlang returned to his house? Isn't it because you scared him! If you dare to hit him again, I will fight you!"

"Unreasonable! Simply unreasonable..."

Zhao Yun was so angry that he almost fainted, and said again and again.

That's why he didn't want Erlang to hang around at home, as long as there was something related to this kid, his little gentleman would become unreasonable.

With that said, Zhao Yun turned around and left.

"Where are you going?"

Zhao Mashi saw that Zhao Yun seemed to be really angry, so he yelled again.

"Go to Fengzhuang and see those boys."

Zhao Yun said without looking back.

This really shocked Zhao Mashi, she was just talking, but she never thought that her family Alang could really save this face.

As soon as she thought of this, she felt a little regretful in her heart, did she treat A Lang too harshly?

So she stepped forward to hold Zhao Yun, and persuaded him, "On the day that Feng Langjun gets married, I will ask someone to send more congratulatory gifts, so you don't have to go in person, right? Your status is much higher than that of Feng Langjun. too much."

Zhao Yun was taken aback for a moment, and when he saw Zhao Mashi's expression, he immediately understood.

It seems that Xijun is still towards him.

I just heard General Zhao coaxing his own little gentleman to say, "Oh, I think what you just said is right. It's better to talk about this matter. Besides, don't look at how often I beat and scold Erlang on weekdays, but It's for his own good too."

After finishing speaking, he led people out of the mansion, leaving Mrs. Zhao Ma behind with an inexplicably moved face.

Fengzhuang outside Jincheng is now regarded as a holy place for the younger generation.

Because young leaders such as Feng Langjun, Zhao Langjun, Li Langjun, etc., haunt here on weekdays.

Today, Feng Zhuang ushered in a special person.

Zhao Yun, the general of Zhendong of the Han Dynasty, brought people to Zhuangzi in person.

"I have never met General Zhao."

After Feng Yong heard the report, he hurriedly led people out of the mansion.

"You Zhuangzi, you have changed a lot. It wasn't so lively a few years ago."

Zhao Yun looked around and said something.

Feng Zhuang has now built a row of sheds on the sun dam, which is used for the banquet on the wedding day.

It is rainy in spring in central Sichuan. If it rains on the day when the dragon looks up, the banquet will not be affected if it is placed in the shed.

There are also a lot of new houses built.

There are refurbished houses of farmers and newly built houses for Buqu.

More importantly, there are still many brothers from the Xinghan Society in Zhuangzi.

Zhao Yun only took a few glances and saw many familiar children and nephews in the crowd.

He was slightly taken aback in his heart: it seems that this kid has really become the leader of the younger generation.

"The country is prosperous and the people are safe, so the Zhuangzi in the countryside will naturally become more lively." Feng Yong said modestly, "The people live and work in peace and contentment in the past few years, all because of His Majesty's wise and diligent Prime Minister."

Zhao Yun has always put loyalty first when it comes to monarchs and ministers, and he doesn't talk about falsehoods.

Otherwise, after Liu Bei captured Yizhou, he would not have opposed the seizure of people's land and rewarded meritorious people, and he would not have spoken out when Liu Bei was furious and attacked Wu.

So when I heard Feng Yong's words now, I felt a little awkward.

The big man is now on the side of peace, tired like a dangerous egg, how can the country live in peace and contentment?

Zhao Yun let out a "tsk" and glanced at Feng Yong again, thinking that this clever name is really...

Sighing, he didn't want to talk to Feng Yong, and said directly, "Huang Chong has already led the soldiers from Nanxiang to Jincheng."

"What? Yizhi has returned?"

Feng Yong was surprised at first, then delighted, and finally said, "Why so slow? I was always worried that he would not be able to catch up with my wedding day..."

He spoke too quickly and had no time to stop, Feng Yong looked at Zhao Yun and smiled awkwardly.

Zhao Yun didn't notice Feng Yong's slip of the tongue, because he only noticed the previous paragraph.

Immediately raised eyebrows, "What did you just say? Slow? Do you know how many miles it is from Nanxiang Jincheng?"

"About a thousand miles."

Feng Yong replied casually.

"It's more than 1,200 miles!"

Seeing Feng Yong's appearance, Zhao Yun became angry for some reason, "Do you know how long it took Nanxiang's soldiers to arrive here?"

"Today is the fifteenth day, just at the time I set."

Feng Yong replied naturally.

How could I not know what I ordered?

"What? You decided?" Zhao Yun's eyelids twitched as soon as he heard it, and he lost his voice, "Traveling 1,200 miles in fifteen days, that is to say, you asked them to walk at least eighty miles a day."

"Yes! What's wrong?"

Feng Yong asked strangely.

The soldiers I brought out—well, although Huang Chong and others practiced them by themselves, the rules and drills were set by me, so let’s say I brought them.

The soldiers I bring out will naturally follow my rules.

"If you are so demanding on them, aren't you afraid that the soldiers will mutiny?"

Even Zhao Yun, who has been in the battlefield for a long time, is also frowning a little at this time, wondering if you are being stupid and bold, or are you hiding something?

"Is there a mutiny among the soldiers?"

Feng Yong's face finally turned serious this time, could it be that he really didn't think twice? Soldiers in this era are so weak?

Zhao Yun looked straight at Feng Yong, trying to see the joke on his face, and after a long time, he said slowly, "No."

"Hey! Old General Zhao, your words are very misleading."

Only then did Feng Yong heave a sigh of relief, thinking when did this old Zhao start panting?

"Dare to ask Old General Zhao, where are they now?"

"Of course it has been arranged according to the rules."

Zhao Yun nodded, "This time, I just want you to accompany me to see those soldiers."


Feng Yong nodded, but he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Zhao Yun is now the number one person in the army, except for Zhuge Lao Yao, no one else dares to say no to him, at least Feng Yong dare not.

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